
Welcome to 4D Payments SDK, the ultimate suite of components for integrating direct Internet payment processing into applications. The 4D Payments SDK combines the 4D Payments Integrators for FDMS, TSYS, Paymentech, and Global Payments into one comprehensive package for direct payment processing.

Included Classes

CardValidator The CardValidator class is used to verify that a given credit card number is formatted properly, and could be a valid card number. Validating a card before actually submitting a transaction for authorization can reduce the fees that may be associated with invalid or declined transactions.
CertMgr The CertMgr class is used to create, read, and manage certificates.
EMVKeyMgr The EMVKeyMgr class simplifies the process of downloading EMV public keys for FDMS Rapid Connect and Paymentech.
FDMSBenefit The FDMSBenefit class is used to authorize Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) transactions with the FDMS system on the North platform. An EBT transaction is similar to a Debit transaction, using a PIN and KSN, but is used for Food Stamp or Cash Benefit programs. This class allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the First Data platform through a standard Internet connection.
FDMSDebit The FDMSDebit class is an advanced tool used to authorize debit cards in a Retail environment, where the customer is purchasing products or services in person. This class makes authorizing debit card transactions with a customer PIN very easy.
FDMSDetailRecord The FDMSDetailRecord class is a tool used to create off-line Credit or Force transactions to be settled by the FDMSSETTLE class. The FDMSDetailRecord class may also be used to modify the XML aggregates returned by the FDMSRETAIL or FDMSECOMMERCE class's GetDetailAggregate method.
FDMSECommerce The FDMSECommerce class is an advanced tool used to authorize credit cards in both Mail Order (Direct Marketing) and eCommerce environments, where the customer is ordering products or services via the telephone or Internet. This class makes authorizing these types of transactions very easy.
FDMSGiftCard The FDMSGiftCard class is used to manipulate funds on Stored Value (Gift) Cards with the FDMS Closed Loop Gift Card System. This class supports both card-present and card-not-present gift card transactions, and allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Datawire gateway to FDMS through a standard Internet connection. This class can be integrated into web pages or stand- alone Point Of Sale applications. Because all TLS/SSL communications are handled inside the class, any application or web page can be deployed without the need for expensive dedicated TLS/SSL servers.
FDMSHealthCare The FDMSHealthCare class is an advanced tool used to authorize FSA cards for healthcare transactions in either a retail or e-commerce/moto environment. This class makes authorizing these types of transactions very easy. Supported Industry Types include retail stores, direct marketing (e-commerce and mail order/phone order) and grocery or food stores.
FDMSHotel The FDMSHotel class is an advanced tool used to authorize credit cards in a retail environment, where the customer is purchasing products or services in person. This class makes authorizing these types of transactions very easy.
FDMSLevel2 The FDMSLevel2 class is a tool used to create Level2 Corporate Purchasing Card addendum aggregates, which can then be passed to the FDMSSETTLE class and settled.
FDMSLevel3 The FDMSLevel3 class is a tool used to create Level 3 Corporate Purchasing Card addendum aggregates, which can then be passed to the FDMSSETTLE class and settled.
FDMSOmahaBatchMgr The FDMSOmahaBatchMgr class is used to close batches and also handles the sending of all offline transactions to the FDMS Host.
FDMSOmahaDetailRecord The FDMSOmahaDetailRecord class is a tool used to create off-line transactions (Captures, Refunds, Revisions, and Voids) to be settled by the FDMSOmahaBatchMgr class.
FDMSOmahaECommerce The FDMSOmahaECommerce class is used to perform Credit card transactions in both Mail Order (Direct Marketing) and eCommerce environments, where the customer is ordering products or services via the telephone or Internet.
FDMSOmahaRestaurant The FDMSOmahaRestaurant class is used to perform Credit, Debit, or EBT card transactions in a Restaurant environment, where the customer is purchasing products or services in a restaurant.
FDMSOmahaRetail The FDMSOmahaRetail class is used to perform Credit, Debit, or EBT card transactions in a Retail environment, where the customer is purchasing products or services in person.
FDMSRcBenefit The FDMSRcBenefit class is used to authorize Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) transactions. An EBT transaction is similar to a Debit transaction, using a PIN and KSN, but is used for Food Stamp, Cash Benefit or eWIC programs. This class makes authorizing these types of transactions very easy. Supported Industry Types include retail stores and grocery or food stores.
FDMSRcDebit The FDMSRcDebit class is an advanced tool used to authorize debit cards in a Retail environment, where the customer is purchasing products or services in person. This class makes authorizing debit card transactions with a customer PIN very easy.
FDMSRcDetailRecord The FDMSRcDetailRecord class is a tool used to create off-line Refund or Force/VoiceApproved transactions to be settled by the FDMSRcSettle class. The FDMSRcDetailRecord class may also be used to modify the XML aggregates returned by the FDMSRcRetail or FDMSRcECommerce class's GetDetailAggregate method.
FDMSRcECommerce The FDMSRcECommerce class is an advanced tool used to authorize credit cards in both Mail Order (Direct Marketing) and eCommerce environments, where the customer is ordering products or services via the telephone or Internet. This class makes authorizing these types of transactions very easy.
FDMSRcHealthCare The FDMSRcHealthCare class is an advanced tool used to authorize FSA/HSA cards for healthcare transactions in either a retail or e-commerce/moto environment. This class makes authorizing these types of transactions very easy. Supported Industry Types include retail stores, direct marketing (e-commerce and mail order/phone order) and grocery or food stores.
FDMSRcRetail The FDMSRcRetail class is an advanced tool used to authorize credit cards in a Retail environment, where the customer is purchasing products or services in person. This class makes authorizing these types of transactions very easy. Supported Industry Types include retail stores and restaurants.
FDMSRcSettle The FDMSRcSettle class is used to do a Batch Settlement on all transactions that were successfully authorized with the FDMSRcECommerce or FDMSRcRetail classes.
FDMSRegister The FDMSRegister class is a tool used to Register and Activate a merchant account with the Datawire VXN. This allows you to send transactions through the Datawire system to the First Data Merchant Services (FDMS) processor. This class is also used to find the appropriate URLs to which authorizations and settlements will be posted.
FDMSRetail The FDMSRetail class is an advanced tool used to authorize credit cards in a Retail environment, where the customer is purchasing products or services in person. This class makes authorizing these types of transactions very easy. Supported Industry Types include retail stores, restaurants, and grocery or food stores.
FDMSReversal The FDMSREVERSAL class is used to reverse a transaction that was previously authorized using the FDMSRETAIL , FDMSECOMMERCE , or FDMSHEALTHCARE class. This immediately releases the funds in the cardholder's open-to-buy that were blocked by the original authorization.
FDMSSettle The FDMSSettle class is used to do a Batch Settlement on all transactions that were successfully authorized with the FDMSECOMMERCE or FDMSRETAIL classes. This class may also send Level 2 and Level 3 Corporate Purchasing Card data for better interchange rates.
GlobalBatchMgr The GlobalBatchMgr class is used to manage your Global Transport account. It can be used to check the connection to the Server , verify your merchant setup, retrieve a summary of transactions in the current batch, and capture (settle) the current batch.
GlobalBenefit The GlobalBenefit class is used to authorize Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) transactions with the Global Payments system, using the Global Transport Direct API. This class is supported in the Retail and Restaurant environments, and allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Global Transport gateway through a standard Internet connection. An EBT transaction is similar to a Debit transaction, using a PIN and Key Sequence Number (KSN), but is used for Food Stamp or Cash Benefit programs.
GlobalCardValidator The GlobalCardValidator class is used to verify with Global Payments that a given card number is formatted properly, and could be a valid card number. Validating a card before actually submitting a transaction for authorization can reduce the fees that may be associated with invalid or declined transactions.
GlobalCharge The GlobalCharge class is used to authorize credit card transactions with the Global Payments system, using the Global Transport Direct API. This class supports Direct Marketing, e-Commerce, Retail, and Restaurant environments, and allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Global Transport TLS/SSL gateway through a standard Internet connection. This class can be integrated into web pages or stand-alone Point Of Sale applications. Because all TLS/SSL communications are handled inside the class, any application or web page can be deployed without the need for expensive dedicated TLS/SSL servers.
GlobalDebit The GlobalDebit class is used to authorize debit card transactions with the Global Payments system, using the Global Transport Direct API. This class is supported in the Retail and Restaurant environments, and allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Global Transport gateway through a standard Internet connection. This class can be integrated into Point Of Sale applications. Because all TLS/SSL communications are handled inside the class, any application can be deployed without the need for expensive dedicated TLS/SSL servers.
GlobalTransactionSearch The GlobalTransactionSearch class is used to search for transactions made using the Global Transport Direct API. It can search for transactions in the open batch or in any previously closed batch.
PTechBenefit The PTechBenefit class is used to authorize Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) transactions with the Paymentech NetConnect system on the Tampa platform. An EBT transaction is similar to a Debit transaction, using a PIN and Trace number, but is used for Food Stamp or Cash Benefit programs. This class allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Paymentech TLS/SSL gateway through a standard Internet connection.
PTechCanadianDebit The PTechCanadianDebit class is used to authorize face-to-face Interac (Canadian) debit card transactions with the Paymentech NetConnect system on the Tampa platform. This class allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Paymentech TLS/SSL gateway through a standard Internet connection. This class can be integrated into web pages or stand-alone Point Of Sale applications. Because all TLS/SSL communications are handled inside the class, any application or web page can be deployed without the need for expensive dedicated TLS/SSL servers.
PTechCharge The PTechCharge class is used to authorize credit card transactions with the Paymentech NetConnect system on the Tampa platform. This class supports Direct Marketing, e-Commerce, and Retail environments, and allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Paymentech TLS/SSL gateway through a standard Internet connection. This class can be integrated into web pages or stand-alone Point Of Sale applications. Because all TLS/SSL communications are handled inside the class, any application or web page can be deployed without the need for expensive dedicated TLS/SSL servers.
PTechDebit The PTECHDEBIT class is used to complete debit card transactions with the Paymentech NetConnect system on the Tampa platform. This class supports only Retail, Restaurant, and Hotel environments, and allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Paymentech TLS/SSL gateway through a standard Internet connection. This class can be integrated into Point Of Sale applications. Because all TLS/SSL communications are handled inside the class, any application can be deployed without the need for expensive dedicated TLS/SSL servers.
PTechDetailRecord The PTechDetailRecord class is a tool used to create off-line Credit or Force transactions to be settled by the PTECHMANUALSETTLE class. The PTDetailRecord class may also be used to modify the XML aggregates returned by the PTECHCHARGE class's GetDetailAggregate method.
PTechECommerce The PTECHECOMMERCE class is an advanced tool used to authorize credit card transactions in both Direct Marketing and E-Commerce environments with the Paymentech NetConnect system on the Tampa platform. It allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Paymentech TLS/SSL gateway through a standard Internet connection. This class can be integrated into web pages or stand-alone Point Of Sale applications. Because all TLS/SSL communications are handled inside the class, any application or web page can be deployed without the need for expensive dedicated TLS/SSL servers.
PTechGiftCard The PTechGiftCard class is used to manipulate funds on Stored Value (Gift) Cards with the Paymentech NetConnect system on the Tampa platform. This class supports card-present gift card transactions, and allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Paymentech TLS/SSL gateway through a standard Internet connection. This class can be integrated into web pages or stand- alone Point Of Sale applications. Because all TLS/SSL communications are handled inside the class, any application or web page can be deployed without the need for expensive dedicated TLS/SSL servers.
PTechHealthCare The PTECHHEALTHCARE class is designed to be a simple interface for those wishing to add Healthcare Auto- Substantiation (IIAS) support without redesigning their entire payment system. This class can be used for the Retail, Direct Marketing, and E-Commerce IndustryType s. It allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Paymentech NetConnect (Tampa platform) TLS/SSL gateway through a standard Internet connection. This class can be integrated into web pages or stand-alone Point Of Sale applications. Because all TLS/SSL communications are handled inside the class, any application or web page can be deployed without the need for expensive dedicated TLS/SSL servers.
PTechHostSettle The PTechHostSettle class is used to manually settle an open Batch with the Paymentech NetConnect system on the Tampa platform. This class supports Direct Marketing, e-Commerce, and Retail environments, and allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Paymentech TLS/SSL gateway through a standard Internet connection. This class can be integrated into web pages or stand-alone Point Of Sale applications. Because all TLS/SSL communications are handled inside the class, any application or web page can be deployed without the need for expensive dedicated TLS/SSL servers.
PTechHotel The PTECHHOTEL class is used to authorize credit card transactions for the Hotel IndustryType with the Paymentech NetConnect system on the Tampa platform. This class creates a simple interface for processing transactions in the Hotel environment. It allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Paymentech TLS/SSL gateway through a standard Internet connection. This class can be integrated into web pages or stand-alone Point Of Sale applications. Because all TLS/SSL communications are handled inside the class, any application or web page can be deployed without the need for expensive dedicated TLS/SSL servers.
PTechManualSettle The PTechManualSettle class is used to do a Batch Settlement on all transactions that were successfully authorized with the PTECHCHARGE class in Terminal Capture mode.
PTechRetail The PTECHRETAIL class is used to authorize face-to-face credit card transactions with the Paymentech NetConnect system on the Tampa platform. This class creates a simple interface for processing transactions in the Retail and Restaurant environments. It allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Paymentech TLS/SSL gateway through a standard Internet connection. This class can be integrated into web pages or stand-alone Point Of Sale applications. Because all TLS/SSL communications are handled inside the class, any application or web page can be deployed without the need for expensive dedicated TLS/SSL servers.
PTechReversal The PTECHREVERSAL class is used to reverse a transaction that was previously authorized with the Paymentech NetConnect system on the Tampa platform. This immediately releases the funds in the cardholder's open-to-buy that were blocked by the original authorization.
TSYSBenefit The TSYSBenefit class is an advanced tool used to authorize Electronic Benefits (EBT) cards in a Retail environment, where the customer is purchasing products or services in person. This class makes authorizing EBT Food Stamp and Cash Benefit transactions (with a customer PIN) very easy. Supported Industry Types include retail stores, restaurants, and grocery stores.
TSYSDebit The TSYSDebit class is an advanced tool used to authorize debit cards in a Retail environment, where the customer is purchasing products or services in person. This class makes authorizing debit card transactions with a customer PIN very easy. Supported Industry Types include retail stores, restaurants, and grocery stores.
TSYSDetailRecord The TSYSDetailRecord class is a tool used to create off-line Credit or Force transactions to be settled by the TSYSSETTLE class. The TSYSDetailRecord class may also be used to modify the XML aggregates returned by the TSYSRETAIL or TSYSECOMMERCE class's GetDetailAggregate method.
TSYSECommerce The TSYSECommerce class is an advanced tool used to authorize credit cards in both Mail Order (Direct Marketing) and eCommerce environments, where the customer is ordering products or services via the telephone or Internet. This class makes authorizing these types of transactions very easy.
TSYSGiftCard The TSYSGiftCard class is used to manipulate funds on Gift and Prepaid Cards using the Vital/TSYS payment system. This class supports card-present gift card transactions, and allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Vital/TSYS TLS/SSL gateway through a standard Internet connection. This class can be integrated into web pages or stand- alone Point Of Sale applications. Because all TLS/SSL communications are handled inside the class, any application or web page can be deployed without the need for expensive dedicated TLS/SSL servers.
TSYSHCAdjustment The TSYSHCAdjustment class is used to adjust a previously authorized transaction. This class makes adjusting transactions very easy.
TSYSHCBatchMgr The TSYSHCBatchMgr class is used to manually close batches as well as retrieve details and summaries about batches. This class makes closing batches very easy.
TSYSHCBenefit The TSYSHCBenefit class is used to authorize Electronic Benefits (EBT) cards in a Retail environment, where the customer is purchasing products or services in person. This class makes authorizing EBT Food Stamp and Cash Benefit transactions (with a customer PIN) very easy.
TSYSHCDebit The TSYSHCDebit class is used to authorize debit cards in a Retail environment, where the customer is purchasing products or services in person. This class makes authorizing debit card transactions with a customer PIN very easy.
TSYSHCECommerce The TSYSHCECommerce class is used to authorize credit cards in both Mail Order (Direct Marketing) and eCommerce environments, where the customer is ordering products or services via the telephone or Internet. This class makes authorizing these types of transactions very easy.
TSYSHCLevel3 The TSYSHCLevel3 class is used to add Level 3 data to a previously authorized transaction. This class makes adding Level 3 data very easy.
TSYSHCRetail The TSYSHCRetail class is used to authorize credit cards in a Retail environment, where the customer is purchasing products or services in person. This class makes authorizing these types of transactions very easy.
TSYSHCReversal The TSYSHCReversal class is used to reverse a previously authorized transaction. This class makes reversing transactions very easy.
TSYSHCTerminalMgr The TSYSHCTerminalMgr class is used to authenticate and deactivate POS devices on the TSYS Host Capture System. This class makes authenticating and deactivating POS devices very easy.
TSYSHCTransactionDetails The TSYSHCTransactionDetails class is used to retrieve details about authorized transactions. This class makes retrieving transaction details very easy.
TSYSHealthCare The TSYSHEALTHCARE class is designed to be a simple interface for those wishing to add Healthcare Auto- Substantiation (IIAS) support without redesigning their entire payment system. This class is used to authorize FSA cards in a Retail environment, where the customer is purchasing products or services in person. Both full and partial authorizations are supported.
TSYSLevel2 The TSYSLevel2 class is a tool used to create Level2 Corporate Purchasing Card addendum aggregates, which can then be passed to the TSYSSETTLE class and settled.
TSYSLevel3 The TSYSLevel3 class is a tool used to create Level3 Corporate Purchasing Card addendum aggregates, which can then be passed to the TSYSSETTLE class and settled.
TSYSRetail The TSYSRetail class is an advanced tool used to authorize credit cards in a Retail environment, where the customer is purchasing products or services in person. This class makes authorizing these types of transactions very easy. Supported Industry Types include retail stores, restaurants, grocery or food stores, Hotels, Auto Rental businesses and Passenger Transport.
TSYSReversal The TSYSReversal class is used to reverse transactions that were previously authorized using the TSYSRETAIL , TSYSECOMMERCE , or TSYSHEALTHCARE classes.
TSYSSettle The TSYSSettle class is used to do a Batch Settlement on all transactions that were successfully authorized with the TSYSECOMMERCE or TSYSRETAIL classes. This class may also send Level II and Level III Corporate Purchasing Card data for better interchange rates.
TSYSTerminalMgr The TSYSTerminalMgr class is used to authenticate and deactivate POS devices on the TSYS Terminal Capture platform.

Additional Information

You will always find the latest information about 4D Payments SDK at our web site: We offer free, fully-functional 30-day trials for all of our products, and our technical support staff are happy to answer any questions you may have during your evaluation.

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