FDMSRcDetailRecord Class
Properties Methods Events Config Settings Errors
The FDMSRcDetailRecord class is a tool used to create off-line Refund or Force/VoiceApproved transactions to be settled by the FDMSRcSettle class. The FDMSRcDetailRecord class may also be used to modify the XML aggregates returned by the FDMSRcRetail or FDMSRcECommerce class's GetDetailAggregate method.
Creating off-line transactions means that there is no authorization of funds using the FDMSRcECommerce, or FDMSRcRetail classs. Instead, you must manually add these transactions to the settlement batch. The FDMSRcDetailRecord class can be used to create these transactions, which can then be added to the FDMSRcSettle class's DetailRecord array property.
To create an off-line Refund, first set the TransactionType to fttRefundCredit, and then set the IndustryType and CardEntryDataSource based on whether you have a card reader, and how your customer is authenticated. The following example shows how this should be set for MOTO:
FDMSRcDetailRecord.TransactionType = fttRefundCredit
FDMSRcDetailRecord.IndustryType = fitRcMOTO
FDMSRcDetailRecord.CardEntryDataSource = edsManualEntryNoCardReader
Next, set the CardNumber, CardExpMonth, CardExpYear, TotalAuthorizedAmount, and SettlementAmount. Note that since this is an off-line transaction, the TotalAuthorizedAmount MUST be zero.
FDMSRcDetailRecord.CardNumber = "371030089111114"
FDMSRcDetailRecord.CardExpMonth = 12
FDMSRcDetailRecord.CardExpYear = 2025
FDMSRcDetailRecord.TotalAuthorizedAmount = "0"
FDMSRcDetailRecord.SettlementAmount = "5000" ' $50.00
Finally, set the FDMSRcSettle class's DetailRecord array property with the value returned by the GetDetailAggregate method. You've just added a Refund to the settlement.
FDMSRcSettle.DetailRecords.Add(New FDMSRcRecordType(FDMSRcDetailRecord.GetDetailAggregate()))
Forced/VoiceApproved transactions are similar to refunds, with the exception that a Forced transaction requires a Voice Authorization code obtained from your acquiring bank's call center. Generally, the purchase of large high-dollar items (cars, appliances, etc) will require the merchant to call and receive a voice authorization. Once this code is received, it should be set to the ApprovalCode property. The following example shows a Force/VoiceApproved transaction in a Retail environment.
FDMSRcDetailRecord.TransactionType = fttVoiceApproved
FDMSRcDetailRecord.IndustryType = fitRcRetail
FDMSRcDetailRecord.CardEntryDataSource = edsTrack1
FDMSRcDetailRecord.CardNumber = "4444333322221111"
FDMSRcDetailRecord.CardExpMonth = 12
FDMSRcDetailRecord.CardExpYear = 2025
FDMSRcDetailRecord.TotalAuthorizedAmount = "0"
FDMSRcDetailRecord.SettlementAmount = "500000" '$5000.00
FDMSRcDetailRecord.ApprovalCode = "123456"
FDMSRcSettle.DetailRecords.Add(New FDMSRcRecordType(FDMSRcDetailRecord.GetDetailAggregate()))
In addition to creating off-line Refund and Force transactions, the FDMSRcDetailRecord class can be used to adjust the Detail Records returned from the FDMSRcECommerce and FDMSRcRetail classs. For instance, one reason to modify these detail records is to add Installment payment info (fitRcDirectMarketing or fitRcMOTO IndustryType) to the detail record.
To settle an Installment transaction, you must use the FDMSRcDetailrecord class to add the number of this installment and the total count of all installments to be made. For instance, if the purchase was for "Three easy payments of $19.95", and this is the first payment, then the installment number will be 1, and the installment count 3. An example is included below:
FDMSRcECommerce.Config("BillPaymentType=3") // 3=Installment
FDMSRcECommerce.TransactionAmount = "1995"
FDMSRcDetailRecord.InstallmentCount = 3
FDMSRcDetailRecord.InstallmentNumber = 1
FDMSRcSettle.DetailRecords.Add(new FDMSRcRecordType(FDMSRcDetailRecord.GetDetailAggregate()))
Property List
The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
ApprovalCode | Approval code of the Voice/Force transaction to be sent for settlement. |
ArrivalDate | The arrival date of the guest. |
CardEntryDataSource | This property identifies the source of the customer data. |
CardExpMonth | Expiration month of the credit card specified in CardNumber . |
CardExpYear | Expiration year of the credit card specified in CardNumber . |
CardholderName | The name of the Cardholder. |
CardNumber | Customer's credit card number from the original authorization request. |
CashBack | Amount of cash that was returned to the customer. |
DepartureDate | The departure date of the guest. |
Duration | Length of hotel stay in days. |
ECI | Identifies the security level of the ECommerce transaction. |
ExtraCharges | List of extra charges for hotel transactions. |
FolioNumber | The Folio or Room Agreement number assigned by the hotel. |
HotelNoShow | Indicates whether the guest did not show. |
IndustryType | The merchant's industry type. |
InstallmentCount | Total number of installments (installment transactions only). |
InstallmentNumber | Current installment number (installment transactions only). |
Level2 | Specifies Level 2 (purchasing card information). |
LodgingChargeType | Type of charge made at a hotel. |
LodgingPhoneNumber | Phone number of the property the customer stayed at. |
LodgingReferenceNumber | A reference number assigned by the hotel/lodging establishment. |
MerchantServicePhone | The merchant's phone number, used to assist cardholders. |
MerchantURL | The URL of the site performing the ECommerce transaction. |
OrderNumber | A merchant assigned order number to uniquely reference the transaction. |
ProgramIndicator | Indicates the reason for the charge in a hotel transaction. |
ReferenceNumber | A value assigned by the merchant to uniquely reference a transaction and any subsequent related transactions. |
RoomNumber | The Room Number assigned by the hotel. |
RoomRate | The daily room rate in a hotel transaction. |
RoomTax | The daily room tax amount. |
SettlementAmount | The amount that the customer will be charged. |
STAN | The merchant assigned System Trace Audit Number(STAN). |
TotalAuthorizedAmount | Sum total of all the original authorization and all subsequent incremental authorizations. |
TransactionType | Indicates transaction type for this detail record. |
Method List
The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Config | Sets or retrieves a configuration setting. |
GetDetailAggregate | Returns a detail aggregate containing details of this transaction, which is used for Capture or Reverse transactions or settlement when using Terminal Capture mode. |
ParseAggregate | Parses the aggregate returned from another class's GetDetailAggregate method. |
Reset | Clears all properties to their default values. |
Event List
The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Error | Fired when information is available about errors during data delivery. |
Config Settings
The following is a list of config settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
ACI | Authorization Characteristics Indicator. |
CardInputMode | The method used to input the card details. |
CurrencyCode | Currency Code for this transaction. |
LocalTransactionDate | The local date of the transaction. |
MOTOIndicator | Indicates whether the transaction is Mail Order or Telephone Order. |
POSConditionCode | The POS condition code. |
TerminalCardCapability | The terminal's card capture capability. |
TerminalCategoryCode | The Terminal Category Code. |
TerminalEntryCapability | The terminal's entry mode capability. |
TerminalLocationIndicator | The terminal's location. |
TerminalPinCapability | The terminal's PIN capability. |
UTCTransactionDate | The UTC date of the transaction. |
BuildInfo | Information about the product's build. |
GUIAvailable | Whether or not a message loop is available for processing events. |
LicenseInfo | Information about the current license. |
MaskSensitiveData | Whether sensitive data is masked in log messages. |
UseDaemonThreads | Whether threads created by the class are daemon threads. |
UseInternalSecurityAPI | Whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation. |
ApprovalCode Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Approval code of the Voice/Force transaction to be sent for settlement.
public String getApprovalCode(); public void setApprovalCode(String approvalCode);
Default Value
This property should be set with the approval code the merchant gets over the phone for a Voice/Force transaction.
ArrivalDate Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
The arrival date of the guest.
public String getArrivalDate(); public void setArrivalDate(String arrivalDate);
Default Value
Date the guest checked in, or the expected arrival date when authorizing a reservation. The date specified should be in the format "MMDDYY".
Note: The Arrival Date must be a date that precedes the Departure Date.
CardEntryDataSource Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
This property identifies the source of the customer data.
public int getCardEntryDataSource(); public void setCardEntryDataSource(int cardEntryDataSource); Enumerated values: public final static int edsTrack1 = 0; public final static int edsTrack2 = 1; public final static int edsManualEntryTrack1Capable = 2; public final static int edsManualEntryTrack2Capable = 3; public final static int edsManualEntryNoCardReader = 4; public final static int edsTrack1Contactless = 5; public final static int edsTrack2Contactless = 6; public final static int edsManualEntryContactlessCapable = 7; public final static int edsIVR = 8; public final static int edsKiosk = 9;
Default Value
Allowable values include: This property contains a 1-character code identifying the source of the customer data.
edsTrack1 (0) | Full Magnetic stripe read and transmit, Track 1. |
edsTrack2 (1) | Full magnetic stripe read and transmit, Track 2. |
edsManualEntryTrack1Capable (2) | Manually keyed, Track 1 capable. |
edsManualEntryTrack2Capable (3) | Manually keyed, Track 2 capable. |
edsManualEntryNoCardReader (4) | Manually keyed, terminal has no card reading capability (use this for e-commerce and MOTO transactions). |
edsTrack1Contactless (5) | Full magnetic stripe read (Track 1 only), Chip Card capable terminal (Visa, Mastercard, and JCB Transactions only). |
edsTrack2Contactless (6) | Full magnetic stripe read (Track 2 only), Chip Card capable terminal (Visa, Mastercard, and JCB Transactions only). |
edsManualEntryContactlessCapable (7) | Manually keyed, Chip Card read capable terminal (Visa, MasterCard, and JCB transactions only). |
CardExpMonth Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Expiration month of the credit card specified in CardNumber .
public int getCardExpMonth(); public void setCardExpMonth(int cardExpMonth);
Default Value
This field contains the expiration date of the customer's credit card. This property must be in the range 1 - 12.
CardExpYear Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Expiration year of the credit card specified in CardNumber .
public int getCardExpYear(); public void setCardExpYear(int cardExpYear);
Default Value
This field contains the expiration date of the customer's credit card. This property must be in the range 0 - 99, or 2000 - 2099. Any date before the year 2000 cannot be specified.
CardholderName Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
The name of the Cardholder.
public String getCardholderName(); public void setCardholderName(String cardholderName);
Default Value
This property is used to specify the name of the cardholder.
CardNumber Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Customer's credit card number from the original authorization request.
public String getCardNumber(); public void setCardNumber(String cardNumber);
Default Value
This field contains the customer's credit card number used in the original authorization request. This alphanumeric field can be a maximum of 22 characters long, excluding whitespace and dashes which are stripped out when the property is set.
CashBack Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Amount of cash that was returned to the customer.
public String getCashBack(); public void setCashBack(String cashBack);
Default Value
This field should reflect the cash back amount from the original debit or EBT card sale. The value sent in the settlement MUST be identical to the amount approved in the sale.
DepartureDate Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
The departure date of the guest.
public String getDepartureDate(); public void setDepartureDate(String departureDate);
Default Value
Date the guest checked out, or the expected departure date when authorizing a reservation. The date specified should be in the format "MMDDYY".
Note: The Departure Date must be a date that is after the Arrival Date.
Duration Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Length of hotel stay in days.
public int getDuration(); public void setDuration(int duration);
Default Value
The number of days the guest stayed in the hotel, or the expected duration of stay when authorizing a reservation. This field must be between 1 and 99 days.
ECI Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Identifies the security level of the ECommerce transaction.
public String getECI(); public void setECI(String ECI);
Default Value
This setting specifies the security level of the ECommerce transaction. In most cases this does not need to be changed. A common reason for modifying this value is when supplying 3-D secure values. Possible values are:
01 | Merchant is 3-D Secure capable and the cardholder information is fully authenticated. |
02 | Merchant is 3-D Secure capable but the cardholder was not authenticated. Use this value when authentication was attempted but the issuer is not participating in 3-D Secure, the cardholder is not participating in 3-D Secure, or the authentication server was not available. |
03 | 3-D Secure was not attempted. |
ExtraCharges Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
List of extra charges for hotel transactions.
public String getExtraCharges(); public void setExtraCharges(String extraCharges);
Default Value
This property contains a six-character numeric value used to identify any additional ancillary charges that are booked to the cardholder's card after the transaction was completed. The merchant may enter one or more codes on each transaction being settled. If extra charges are being submitted, this field must contain value(s) as defined below.
Value | Hotel Definition |
0 | None. |
2 | Restaurant. |
3 | Gift Shop. |
4 | Mini Bar. |
5 | Telephone. |
6 | Other. |
7 | Laundry. |
For example, to indicate charges in both the gift shop and mini bar, ExtraCharges should equal "34".
This field is only applicable to Visa card transactions when IndustryType is Hotel and will not be sent for any other industry types.
FolioNumber Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
The Folio or Room Agreement number assigned by the hotel.
public String getFolioNumber(); public void setFolioNumber(String folioNumber);
Default Value
This is a 12 alphanumeric code assigned by the hotel during the transaction.
HotelNoShow Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Indicates whether the guest did not show.
public boolean isHotelNoShow(); public void setHotelNoShow(boolean hotelNoShow);
Default Value
This property can be set to 'True' to indicate that the guest did not show.
IndustryType Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
The merchant's industry type.
public int getIndustryType(); public void setIndustryType(int industryType); Enumerated values: public final static int fitRcUnknown = 0; public final static int fitRcRetail = 1; public final static int fitRcRestaurant = 2; public final static int fitRcGroceryStore = 3; public final static int fitRcDirectMarketing = 4; public final static int fitRcHotel = 5; public final static int fitRcMOTO = 6;
Default Value
The merchant's industry type. Possible values are:
fitRcUnknown (0) | Unknown or unsure. |
fitRcRetail (1) | Retail store. |
fitRcRestaurant (2) | Food / Restaurant. |
fitRcGroceryStore (3) | Grocery store or supermarket. |
fitRcDirectMarketing (4) | eCommerce or Direct Marketing |
fitRcHotel (5) | Hotel / Lodging. |
fitRcMOTO (6) | Mail Order / Telephone Order |
InstallmentCount Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Total number of installments (installment transactions only).
public int getInstallmentCount(); public void setInstallmentCount(int installmentCount);
Default Value
This property is used when charging installment payments. The InstallmentCount indicates the total number of installments to be charged to the customer, and the InstallmentNumber indicates the current installment which is being charged. Installment payments can only be made for card-not-present transactions initiated by the FDMSRcEcommerce class.
To settle an Installment transaction, you must use the FDMSRcDetailrecord class to add the number of this installment and the total count of all installments to be made. For instance, if the purchase was for "Three easy payments of $19.95", and this is the first payment, then the installment number will be 1, and the installment count 3. An example is included below:
FDMSRcECommerce.Config("BillPaymentType=3") // 3=Installment
FDMSRcECommerce.TransactionAmount = "1995"
FDMSRcDetailRecord.InstallmentCount = 3
FDMSRcDetailRecord.InstallmentNumber = 1
FDMSRcSettle.DetailRecords.Add(new FDMSRcRecordType(FDMSRcDetailRecord.GetDetailAggregate()))
InstallmentNumber Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Current installment number (installment transactions only).
public int getInstallmentNumber(); public void setInstallmentNumber(int installmentNumber);
Default Value
This property is used when charging installment payments. The InstallmentCount indicates the total number of installments to be charged to the customer, and the InstallmentNumber indicates the current installment which is being charged. Installment payments can only be made for card-not-present transactions initiated by the FDMSRcEcommerce class.
To settle an Installment transaction, you must use the FDMSRcDetailrecord class to add the number of this installment and the total count of all installments to be made. For instance, if the purchase was for "Three easy payments of $19.95", and this is the first payment, then the installment number will be 1, and the installment count 3. An example is included below:
FDMSRcECommerce.Config("BillPaymentType=3") // 3=Installment
FDMSRcECommerce.TransactionAmount = "1995"
FDMSRcDetailRecord.InstallmentCount = 3
FDMSRcDetailRecord.InstallmentNumber = 1
FDMSRcSettle.DetailRecords.Add(new FDMSRcRecordType(FDMSRcDetailRecord.GetDetailAggregate()))
Level2 Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Specifies Level 2 (purchasing card information).
public FDMSRcLevel2 getLevel2(); public void setLevel2(FDMSRcLevel2 level2);
This property specifies Level 2 (purchasing card information).
The values required for Level 2 transaction depend on the card type. The following tables indicate which properties are valid for what card type:
American Express
- CustomerReferenceNumber (required if TaxAmount specified)
- DestinationPostalCode (required)
- DiscountAmount (required if discount applied)
- DutyAmount (required if duty amount applied)
- FreightAmount (required if freight amount applied)
- ProductDescription (required)
- PurchaseIdentifier (required)
- MerchantTaxId
- ShipFromPostalCode
- TaxAmount
- TaxIndicator
- CustomerReferenceNumber (required if TaxAmount specified)
- DiscountAmount (required if discount applied)
- DutyAmount (required if duty amount applied)
- FreightAmount (required if freight amount applied)
- PurchaseIdentifier (required)
- TaxAmount (required if TaxIndicator indicates tax is applied)
- TaxIndicator (required)
- DestinationPostalCode
- ShipFromPostalCode
- MerchantTaxId
- CustomerReferenceNumber (required if TaxAmount specified)
- DiscountAmount (required if discount applied)
- DutyAmount (required if duty amount applied)
- FreightAmount (required if freight amount applied)
- MerchantTaxId (required)
- PurchaseIdentifier (required)
- TaxAmount (required if TaxIndicator indicates tax is applied)
- TaxIndicator (required)
- DestinationPostalCode
- ShipFromPostalCode
LodgingChargeType Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Type of charge made at a hotel.
public int getLodgingChargeType(); public void setLodgingChargeType(int lodgingChargeType); Enumerated values: public final static int lctLodging = 0; public final static int lctRestaurant = 1; public final static int lctGiftShop = 2;
Default Value
This property contains an indicator used to identify a hotel charge type. It must contain one of the values defined below:
- lctLodging (0)
- lctRestaurant (1)
- lctGiftShop (2)
Note, this property is only applicable when using the Hotel IndustryType.
LodgingPhoneNumber Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Phone number of the property the customer stayed at.
public String getLodgingPhoneNumber(); public void setLodgingPhoneNumber(String lodgingPhoneNumber);
Default Value
This 10 character field contains the customer service phone number without dashes or spaces. The initial "1" for long-distance or toll-free calls should be omitted. For instance, "8001234567" is acceptable, while "18001234567" or "1-800-123-4567" is not.
Note, this property is only applicable when using the Hotel IndustryType.
LodgingReferenceNumber Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
A reference number assigned by the hotel/lodging establishment.
public String getLodgingReferenceNumber(); public void setLodgingReferenceNumber(String lodgingReferenceNumber);
Default Value
This is a 9 character identifier assigned by the hotel/lodging for the transaction.
MerchantServicePhone Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
The merchant's phone number, used to assist cardholders.
public String getMerchantServicePhone(); public void setMerchantServicePhone(String merchantServicePhone);
Default Value
This property specifies a 10 digit phone number which cardholders can call for assistance.
This value is required for fitRcMOTO transactions. It is recommended but not required for fitRcDirectMarketing and fitRcHotel transactions.
MerchantURL Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
The URL of the site performing the ECommerce transaction.
public String getMerchantURL(); public void setMerchantURL(String merchantURL);
Default Value
This property specifies the URL of the merchant's site.
For Visa and Discover transactions this value is limited to 13 characters. For all other card types this value is limited to 32 characters.
This is only applicable when the IndustryType is set to fitRcDirectMarketing or fitRcHotel.
OrderNumber Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
A merchant assigned order number to uniquely reference the transaction.
public String getOrderNumber(); public void setOrderNumber(String orderNumber);
Default Value
This property holds a merchant assigned order number that uniquely identifies the transaction. This must hold a numeric value up to 8 digits in length. This value cannot be all zeros.
This value is required for ECommerce and MOTO transactions. This value is optional for Retail transactions.
ProgramIndicator Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Indicates the reason for the charge in a hotel transaction.
public int getProgramIndicator(); public void setProgramIndicator(int programIndicator);
Default Value
This is used to specify the program indicator for a hotel/lodging transaction. This property is not applicable for Mastercards.
Valid Values:
Value | Description |
1 (Default) | Normal Charge (Visa, Amex) |
2 | Assured Reservation No Show (Visa, Amex, Discover) |
3 | Card Deposit (Visa, Amex) |
4 | Delayed Charge (Visa, Amex, Discover) |
5 | Express Service (Visa, Amex) |
6 | Assured Reservation (Visa, Amex) |
ReferenceNumber Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
A value assigned by the merchant to uniquely reference a transaction and any subsequent related transactions.
public String getReferenceNumber(); public void setReferenceNumber(String referenceNumber);
Default Value
This value is a merchant assigned 10 bytes value. The value must be unique within a day for a given merchant id and terminal id. The Reference Number entered in the DetailRecord should be the same as the Reference Number submitted in the original transaction.
RoomNumber Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
The Room Number assigned by the hotel.
public String getRoomNumber(); public void setRoomNumber(String roomNumber);
Default Value
This is a 6 character room number code assigned by the hotel during the transaction.
RoomRate Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
The daily room rate in a hotel transaction.
public String getRoomRate(); public void setRoomRate(String roomRate);
Default Value
This property contains the daily rate for one room at the lodging property.
RoomTax Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
The daily room tax amount.
public String getRoomTax(); public void setRoomTax(String roomTax);
Default Value
This property contains the daily Room Tax for lodging.
SettlementAmount Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
The amount that the customer will be charged.
public String getSettlementAmount(); public void setSettlementAmount(String settlementAmount);
Default Value
This field contains the final settlement amount of the transaction. In most cases, this is the TransactionAmount from the original authorization request. However, you may settle a lesser amount (ie: Partial shipment or backordered stock).
This field must always be greater than zero.
This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The allowable number of significant digits as well as the positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the designated CurrencyCode configuration setting. In the United States (default), the number of allowable significant digits is seven. Thus the maximum TransactionAmount is "9999999", yielding a US dollar amount of $99,999.99. This field may not contain a negative number.
STAN Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
The merchant assigned System Trace Audit Number(STAN).
public String getSTAN(); public void setSTAN(String STAN);
Default Value
This property represents a six digit number assigned by the merchant to uniquely reference the transaction. This number must be unique within a day per Merchant ID and Terminal ID.
Valid values are from 000001 to 999999 inclusive.
TotalAuthorizedAmount Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Sum total of all the original authorization and all subsequent incremental authorizations.
public String getTotalAuthorizedAmount(); public void setTotalAuthorizedAmount(String totalAuthorizedAmount);
Default Value
When supporting incremental authorizations, you must manually keep track of the sum of all authorizations made for a single transaction (all based on the same transaction id). This total must be added to the TotalAuthorizedAmount property of the detail record associated with the first authorization. Only one detail record should be submitted no matter how many incremental authorizations are attached to the transaction.
TransactionType Property (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Indicates transaction type for this detail record.
public int getTransactionType(); public void setTransactionType(int transactionType); Enumerated values: public final static int fttNotSet = 0; public final static int fttAuthorization = 1; public final static int fttAuthorizationWithCashback = 2; public final static int fttVoiceApproved = 3; public final static int fttEBTCashAuthorizationWithoutCashback = 4; public final static int fttRefundCredit = 5; public final static int fttEBTCashAuthorizationWithCashback = 6; public final static int fttEBTCashAuthorizationCashbackOnly = 7; public final static int fttEBTSNAPAuthorization = 8; public final static int fttEBTSNAPVoucherClear = 9; public final static int fttNoShowCredit = 10; public final static int fttNoShowDebit = 11; public final static int fttMOTOAuthorization = 12; public final static int fttRefundDebit = 13; public final static int fttRefundEBTSNAP = 14;
Default Value
This property indicates the type of transaction that is being settled. The following table explains the Transaction Types in detail:
fttAuthorization (1) | The transaction to be settled was a normal authorization and passed into the FDMSRcDetailRecord class via the ParseAggregate method. |
fttAuthorizationWithCashback (2) | The transaction to be settled was a normal authorization with cashback and passed into the FDMSRcDetailRecord class via the ParseAggregate method. |
fttVoiceApproved (3) | This transaction type is used to force a settlement without a previous authorization. This is generally used when an authorization response indicates that the merchant should call the cardholder's bank to verify the funds transfer. The merchant will then be given an authorization code over the phone, with which to settle the transaction. |
fttEBTCashAuthorizationWithoutCashback (4) | Settles a normal EBTCash Authorization without CashBack made using the FDMSRcBenefit class. |
fttRefundCredit (5) | This transaction type is used to credit money back to a cardholder's account. An (offline) credit is not based on a previous transaction, and you may credit any card for any amount without restriction. Simply set the CardNumber to the customer's card number, and then the AuthorizedAmount to "0" and the SettlementAmount to the amount you wish to refund. No track data or AVS data is sent in an offline credit transaction. |
fttEBTCashAuthorizationWithCashback (6) | Settles a normal EBTCash Authorization with CashBack made using the FDMSRcBenefit class. |
fttEBTCashAuthorizationCashbackOnly (7) | TODO |
fttEBTSNAPAuthorization (8) | TODO |
fttEBTSNAPVoucherClear (9) | TODO |
fttNoShowCredit (10) | Settles a normal (Credit) Authorization for HotelNoShow made using the FDMSRcRetail class. |
fttNoShowDebit (11) | TODO |
fttMOTOAuthorization (12) | Settles a normal (MOTO) Authorization transaction made using the FDMSRcECommerce class. |
fttRefundDebit (13) | Settles an on-line Debit Credit transaction made using the FDMSRcDebit class. |
fttRefundEBTSNAP (14) | Settles an on-line EBT Credit transaction made using the FDMSRcBenefit class. |
Config Method (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.
public String config(String configurationString);
Config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.
These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.
To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).
To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.
GetDetailAggregate Method (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Returns a detail aggregate containing details of this transaction, which is used for Capture or Reverse transactions or settlement when using Terminal Capture mode.
public String getDetailAggregate();
This method will return a detail aggregate representing the transaction. After calling AuthOnly or Sale call this method to obtain a detail aggregate. The aggregate will be required when calling Capture or Reverse.
When using Terminal Capture Settlement Mode this aggregate must be passed to the FDMSRcSettle class's DetailAggregate array property in order to settle the transaction. If you wish to view or change any part of the aggregate (such as adding a gratuity or additional info for an Installment payment), you may use the FDMSRcDetailrecord class to do so.
Note: This method may only be called after a successful authorization. If the authorization was not successful the method throws an exception.
To set the aggregate before calling Capture Reverse or SendSettlement call SetDetailAggregate. Save this aggregate in a secure location.
ParseAggregate Method (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Parses the aggregate returned from another class's GetDetailAggregate method.
public void parseAggregate(String aggregate);
This method takes the XML aggregate returned from the FDMSRcRetail or FDMSRcECommerce class, parses it, and then fills all the properties of the FDMSRcDetailrecord class. While normally you can pass the results of the GetDetailAggregate method call directly to the FDMSRcSettle class, sometimes it is necessary to adjust the contents of the XML aggregate first.
Reset Method (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Clears all properties to their default values.
public void reset();
This method clears all properties to their default values.
Error Event (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
Fired when information is available about errors during data delivery.
public class DefaultFDMSRcDetailRecordEventListener implements FDMSRcDetailRecordEventListener { ... public void error(FDMSRcDetailRecordErrorEvent e) {} ... } public class FDMSRcDetailRecordErrorEvent { public int errorCode; public String description; }
The Error event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during message processing. Normally the class throws an exception.
The ErrorCode parameter contains an error code, and the Description parameter contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the Error Codes section.
FDMSRcLevel2 Type
Specifies Level 2 (purchasing card) information.
This type specifies Level 2 (purchasing card) information.
- CustomerReferenceNumber
- DestinationCountryCode
- DestinationPostalCode
- DiscountAmount
- DutyAmount
- FreightAmount
- MerchantTaxId
- ProductDescription
- PurchaseIdentifier
- ShipFromPostalCode
- TaxAmount
- TaxIndicator
Default Value: ""
The reference number or order number to be reported as part of the Purchase Card data.
If TaxAmount is specified this field is required.
The value may be up to 17 characters in length.
Default Value: ""
This field represents the country code of the location the items in this purchase are being delivered to.
This value is the ISO 3166 three digit numeric identifier.
Default Value: ""
This field contains the postal or zip code of the location the item(s) in this purchase are being delivered to.
This field is required for American Express purchase card transactions. This is the same as the ShipFromPostalCode when the customer takes possession of the items at the merchant location.
The value may be up to 9 characters.
Default Value: ""
This field contains the discount amount for the purchase.
This field is required for Visa, MasterCard, and American Express purchase card transactions when a discount has been applied.
This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the CurrencyCode. The default currency code is for the United States.
The maximum number of digits allowed is 12 regardless of the position of the implied decimal point. This field may not contain a negative number.
Default Value: ""
This field contains the duty amount for this purchase.
This field is required for Visa, MasterCard, and American Express purchase card transactions when a duty amount has been applied.
This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the CurrencyCode. The default currency code is for the United States.
The maximum number of digits allowed is 12 regardless of the position of the implied decimal point. This field may not contain a negative number.
Default Value: ""
This field contains the amount for freight included in this purchase.
This field is required for Visa, MasterCard, and American Express purchase card transactions when a freight amount has been applied.
This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the CurrencyCode. The default currency code is for the United States.
The maximum number of digits allowed is 12 regardless of the position of the implied decimal point. This field may not contain a negative number.
Default Value: ""
This field should contain the Tax Id collected by the merchant for this transaction.
This field is required for MasterCard purchase card transactions.
The value may be up to 15 characters in length.
Default Value: ""
This field should contain a description of an item purchased with this card.
This field is required for American Express purchase card transactions and not applicable to other card types.
The value may be up to 40 characters in length.
Default Value: ""
This field represents the data used by the merchant or customer to identify the purchase. This can be a SKU, code, or reference number.
This field is required for Visa, MasterCard, and American Express purchase card transactions.
The value may be up to 25 characters in length.
Default Value: ""
The postal or zip code the item(s) in this purchase are to be shipped from.
The value may be up to 9 characters.
Default Value: ""
This field contains the portion of the transaction amount that represents the tax.
This field is required when TaxIndicator is set to 2 (tiProvided).
For Visa this is the amount of state or provincial tax included in the TransactionAmount. The tax amount must be within 0.1 % and 22% of the pre-tax transaction amount.
For MasterCard the total amount of sales tax on the total purchase must be between 0.1% and 30 % of the total pre-tax transaction amount; zeros indicate that the card acceptor is capable of transmitting the tax amount and the tax amount is zero.
This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the CurrencyCode. The default currency code is for the United States.
The maximum number of digits allowed is 12 regardless of the position of the implied decimal point. This field may not contain a negative number.
Default Value: 0
This field indicates the taxable status of the transaction. Possible values are:
0 (tiUnSet - default) | UnSet - no value is sent in the request |
1 (tiNotProvided) | No tax information provided |
2 (tiProvided) | Tax amount is provided |
3 (tiExempt) | Purchase item is tax exempt or non-taxable |
public FDMSRcLevel2();
Config Settings (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.FDMSRcDetailRecord Config Settings
Value | Visa | Mastercard | Discover | |
P | X | X | Preferred Rate/Customer Status (Lodging or Auto Rental) | |
I | X | X | X | Incremental Authorization |
Y (Default) | X | Transaction requests participation | ||
R | X | Card-not-present, AVS not required (permitted for certain MCCs only) |
00 | Unspecified |
01 | Manual (Key entered) |
03 | Barcode |
04 | OCR (Optical Character Reader) |
05 | Integrated Circuit Read (CVV data Reliable) |
07 | Contactless Integrated Circuit Read (Reliable) |
10 | Credential on File |
79 | EMV fallback to manual entry |
80 | EMV fallback to Magnetic Stripe entry |
82 | Contactless Mobile Commerce |
90 | Magnetic Stripe - Track Read |
91 | Contactless Magnetic Stripe Read |
95 | Integrated Circuit Read (CVV data unreliable) |
1 | Mail Order |
2 | Telephone Order |
00 | Cardholder Present, Card Present |
01 | Cardholder Present, Unspecified |
02 | Cardholder Present, Unattended Device |
03 | Cardholder Present, Suspect Fraud |
04 | Cardholder Not Present - Recurring |
05 | Cardholder Present, Card Not Present |
06 | Cardholder Present, Identity Verified |
08 | Cardholder Not Present, Mail Order/Telephone Order |
59 | Cardholder Not Present, Ecommerce |
71 | Cardholder Present, Magnetic Stripe Could Not Be Read |
0 | Terminal has no capture capability or no terminal used |
1 | Terminal has card capture capability |
Note: If set to 0 track data must not be specified.
00 | Unspecified |
01 | Electronic Payment Terminal (POS) |
05 | Automated Fuel Dispensing Machine (AFD) |
06 | Unattended Customer Terminal |
07 | Ecommerce Customer present |
08 | Mobile Terminal (Transponder for example: a wireless terminal) |
09 | Mobile POS (mPOS for example: a cellphone or tablet device on a cellular network) |
12 | Electronic Cash Register |
13 | Interactive Voice Response (IVR) |
17 | Ticket Machine |
18 | Call Center Operator |
00 | Unspecified |
01 | Terminal not used |
02 | Magnetic stripe only |
03 | Magnetic stripe and key entry |
04 | Magnetic stripe, key entry, and chip |
05 | Bar code |
06 | Proximity terminal - contactless chip / RFID |
07 | OCR |
08 | Chip only |
09 | Chip and magnetic stripe |
10 | Manual entry only |
11 | Proximity terminal - contactless magnetic stripe |
12 | Hybrid - Magnetic stripe, Integrated Circuit Card Reader, and contactless capabilities |
13 | Terminal does not read card data |
Note: A value of 04, 06, 08, 09, or 12 cannot be specified unless the client is certified and the device is enabled for EMV.
0 | On Premises; Used in a Card Present environment |
1 | Off Premises; Used in a Card not Present environment |
Note: For MOTO and eCommerce transactions the value is set to 1 by default.
0 | Unspecified |
1 | PIN entry capability |
2 | No PIN entry capability |
3 | PIN Pad Inoperative |
4 | PIN verified by terminal device |
Base Config Settings
In some non-GUI applications, an invalid message loop may be discovered that will result in errant behavior. In these cases, setting GUIAvailable to false will ensure that the class does not attempt to process external events.
- Product: The product the license is for.
- Product Key: The key the license was generated from.
- License Source: Where the license was found (e.g., RuntimeLicense, License File).
- License Type: The type of license installed (e.g., Royalty Free, Single Server).
- Last Valid Build: The last valid build number for which the license will work.
This setting only works on these classes: AS3Receiver, AS3Sender, Atom, Client(3DS), FTP, FTPServer, IMAP, OFTPClient, SSHClient, SCP, Server(3DS), Sexec, SFTP, SFTPServer, SSHServer, TCPClient, TCPServer.
Setting this configuration setting to true tells the class to use the internal implementation instead of using the system security libraries.
This setting is set to false by default on all platforms.
Trappable Errors (FDMSRcDetailRecord Class)
FDMSRcDetailRecord Errors
501 | Data field invalid length. |
502 | Data field invalid format. |
503 | Data field out of range. |
592 | Invalid or unparseable aggregate. |
593 | Verification of post data failed: Invalid mix of properties for the current method call. |
605 | Invalid CardType. |