FDMSDetailRecord Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Config Settings   Errors  

The FDMSDetailRecord class is a tool used to create off-line Credit or Force transactions to be settled by the FDMSSETTLE class. The FDMSDetailRecord class may also be used to modify the XML aggregates returned by the FDMSRETAIL or FDMSECOMMERCE class's GetDetailAggregate method.




Credit and Force transactions are off-line transactions. This means that there is no authorization of funds using the FDMSECommerce, FDMSRetail classs. Instead, you must manually add these transactions to the settlement batch. The FDMSDetailRecord class can be used to create these transactions, which can then be added to the FDMSSettle class's DetailRecord array property.

To create a Credit, first set the TransactionType to fttCredit, and then set the IndustryType. CardEntryDataSource, and DirectMarketingType based on whether you have a card reader, and how your customer is authenticated. The following example shows how this should be set for Direct Marketing:

FDMSDetailRecord.TransactionType = fttCredit FDMSDetailRecord.IndustryType = fitDirectMarketing FDMSDetailRecord.CardEntryDataSource = edsManualEntryNoCardReader FDMSDetailRecord.DirectMarketingType = dmECommerce

Next, set the CardNumber, CardExpMonth, CardExpYear, SettlementAmount, and the current TransactionDate and TransactionTime. Since this example is a Direct Marketing transaction, we're also adding the PurchaseIdentifier. Note that since this is an off-line transaction, the AuthorizedAmount MUST be either zero or empty string.

FDMSDetailRecord.CardNumber = "4444333322221111" FDMSDetailRecord.CardExpMonth = 3 FDMSDetailRecord.CardExpYear = 2019 FDMSDetailRecord.AuthorizedAmount = "0" FDMSDetailRecord.SettlementAmount = "5000" '$50.00 FDMSDetailRecord.TransTime = "123456" ' Current time (12:34:56) FDMSDetailRecord.TransDate = "040506" ' Current date (MMDDYY) FDMSDetailRecord.PurchaseIdentifier = "123456"

Finally, set the FDMSSettle class's DetailRecord array property with the value returned by the GetDetailAggregate method. You've just added a Credit to the settlement.

FDMSSettle.DetailRecordCount = 1 FDMSSettle.DetailRecordAggregate(0) = FDMSDetailRecord.GetDetailAggregate()

Forced transactions are similar to credits, with the exception that a Forced transaction requires a Voice Authorization code obtained from your acquiring bank's call center. Generally, the purchase of large high-dollar items (cars, appliances, etc) will require the merchant to call and receive a voice authorization. Once this code is received, it should be set to the ResponseApprovalCode property. The following example shows a Force transaction in a Retail environment.

FDMSDetailRecord.TransactionType = fttForce FDMSDetailRecord.IndustryType = fitRetail FDMSDetailRecord.CardEntryDataSource = edsTrack1 FDMSDetailRecord.CardNumber = "4444333322221111" FDMSDetailRecord.CardExpMonth = 3 FDMSDetailRecord.CardExpYear = 2019 FDMSDetailRecord.AuthorizedAmount = "0" FDMSDetailRecord.SettlementAmount = "500000" '$5000.00 FDMSDetailRecord.TransTime = "123456" ' Current time (12:34:56) FDMSDetailRecord.TransDate = "040506" ' Current date (MMDDYY) FDMSDetailRecord.ResponseApprovalCode = "123456" FDMSSettle.DetailRecordCount = 1 FDMSSettle.DetailRecord(0) = FDMSDetailRecord.GetDetailAggregate()

In addition to creating Credit and Force transactions, the FDMSDetailRecord class can be used to adjust the Detail Records returned from the FDMSECommerce and FDMSRetail classs. The most common reasons to modify these detail records are to add a Gratuity (tip) to a charge (fitResturant IndustryType), or to add a PurchaseIdentifier or Installment payment info (fitDirectMarketing IndustryType) to the detail record.

For example, to add a gratuity to a charge:

FDMSDetailRecord.ParseAggregate(FDMSRetail.GetDetailAggregate()) FDMSDetailRecord.Gratuity = "500" FDMSDetailRecord.TransactionAmount = FDMSDetailRecord.TransactionAmount + FDMSDetailRecord.Gratuity FDMSSettle.DetailAggregate(0) = FDMSDetailRecord.GetDetailAggregate()

To settle a transaction authorized with the dmtInstallment TransactionType, you must use the FDMSDetailRecord class to add the number of this installment and the total count of all installments to be made. For instance, if the purchase was for "Three easy payments of $19.95", and this is the first payment, then the installment number will be 1, and the installment count 3. An example is included below:

FDMSECommerce.TransactionType = dmtInstallment FDMSECommerce.TransactionAmount = "1995" FDMSECommerce.Authorize() FDMSDetailRecord.ParseAggregate FDMSECommerce.GetDetailAggregate() FDMSDetailRecord.InstallmentCount = 3 FDMSDetailRecord.InstallmentNumber = 1 FDMSSettle.DetailRecordAggregate(5) = FDMSDetailRecord.GetDetailAggregate()

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AuthorizedAmountOriginal amount authorized before any reversals.
CardEntryDataSourceThis property identifies the source of the customer data.
CardExpMonthExpiration month of the credit card specified in CardNumber .
CardExpYearExpiration year of the credit card specified in CardNumber .
CardLevelResultsCard Level result code returned only for Visa transactions.
CardNumberCustomer's credit card number from the original authorization request.
CashBackAmount of cash that was returned to the customer.
DebitReceiptMerchant-generated number that identifies the debit or EBT transaction.
DirectMarketingTypeSpecifies the type of transaction to process.
ECIElectronic Commerce Indicator from the original authorization request.
GratuityGratuity amount for settling restaurant industry transactions.
IndustryTypeCode which indicates the industry the merchant is engaged in.
InstallmentCountTotal number of installments (installment transactions only).
InstallmentNumberCurrent installment number (installment transactions only).
PurchaseIdentifierOptional purchase order number assigned by the merchant.
ResponseApprovalCodeResponse Approval Code from the original authorization response.
ResponseAVSResultAddress Verification Code from the original authorization response.
ResponseReturnedACIAuthorization Characteristics Indicator from the original authorization response.
ServerIdSpecifies the employee that served the customer. Used for restaurants only.
SettlementAmountThe amount that the customer will be charged.
TicketNumberTicket (receipt) number for this transaction.
TransactionDateLocal Transaction Date (in MMDDYY format) from the original authorization response.
TransactionIdTransaction Identifier from the original authorization response.
TransactionTimeLocal transaction time from the original authorization response.
TransactionTypeIndicates transaction type for this detail record.
ValidationCodeValidation Code from the original authorization response.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ConfigSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
GetDetailAggregateReturns an aggregate containing details of this transaction, which is then used for settlement.
ParseAggregateParses the aggregate returned from another class's GetDetailAggregate method.
ResetClears all properties to their default values.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ErrorFired when information is available about errors during data delivery.

Config Settings

The following is a list of config settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

CurrencyCodeCurrency Code for this transaction.
DCCConversionRateThe DCC Conversion rate.
DCCIndicatorStatus of the Dynamic Currency Conversion.
DCCTimeZoneThe time zone of the merchant where the DCC transaction is taking place.
DCCUSAmountThe US Dollar Amount for a DCC transaction.
MSDIMarket Specific Data Indicator.
BuildInfoInformation about the product's build.
CodePageThe system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations.
LicenseInfoInformation about the current license.
MaskSensitiveDataWhether sensitive data is masked in log messages.
ProcessIdleEventsWhether the class uses its internal event loop to process events when the main thread is idle.
SelectWaitMillisThe length of time in milliseconds the class will wait when DoEvents is called if there are no events to process.
UseInternalSecurityAPIWhether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

AuthorizedAmount Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Original amount authorized before any reversals.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetAuthorizedAmount();
int SetAuthorizedAmount(const char* lpszAuthorizedAmount); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetAuthorizedAmount();
INT SetAuthorizedAmount(LPCWSTR lpszAuthorizedAmount);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getauthorizedamount(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setauthorizedamount(void* lpObj, const char* lpszAuthorizedAmount);
QString GetAuthorizedAmount();
int SetAuthorizedAmount(QString qsAuthorizedAmount);

Default Value



This field contains the transaction amount from the original authorization request message. If any additional authorizations have been made, or the SettlementAmount is different than the originally authorized amount (due to items out of stock or adding a Gratuity) this property should still reflect the original unchanged amount from the initial authorization request.

Data Type


CardEntryDataSource Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

This property identifies the source of the customer data.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetCardEntryDataSource();
int SetCardEntryDataSource(int iCardEntryDataSource); Unicode (Windows) INT GetCardEntryDataSource();
INT SetCardEntryDataSource(INT iCardEntryDataSource);

Possible Values

int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getcardentrydatasource(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setcardentrydatasource(void* lpObj, int iCardEntryDataSource);
int GetCardEntryDataSource();
int SetCardEntryDataSource(int iCardEntryDataSource);

Default Value



Allowable values include: This property contains a 1-character code identifying the source of the customer data.

edsTrack1 (0) Full Magnetic stripe read and transmit, Track 1.
edsTrack2 (1) Full magnetic stripe read and transmit, Track 2.
edsManualEntryTrack1Capable (2) Manually keyed, Track 1 capable.
edsManualEntryTrack2Capable (3)Manually keyed, Track 2 capable.
edsManualEntryNoCardReader (4)Manually keyed, terminal has no card reading capability (use this for e-commerce and MOTO transactions).
edsTrack1Contactless (5)Full magnetic stripe read (Track 1 only), Chip Card capable terminal (Visa, Mastercard, and JCB Transactions only).
edsTrack2Contactless (6)Full magnetic stripe read (Track 2 only), Chip Card capable terminal (Visa, Mastercard, and JCB Transactions only).
edsManualEntryContactlessCapable (7)Manually keyed, Chip Card read capable terminal (Visa, MasterCard, and JCB transactions only).

Data Type


CardExpMonth Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Expiration month of the credit card specified in CardNumber .


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetCardExpMonth();
int SetCardExpMonth(int iCardExpMonth); Unicode (Windows) INT GetCardExpMonth();
INT SetCardExpMonth(INT iCardExpMonth);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getcardexpmonth(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setcardexpmonth(void* lpObj, int iCardExpMonth);
int GetCardExpMonth();
int SetCardExpMonth(int iCardExpMonth);

Default Value



This field contains the expiration date of the customer's credit card. This property must be in the range 1 - 12.

Data Type


CardExpYear Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Expiration year of the credit card specified in CardNumber .


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetCardExpYear();
int SetCardExpYear(int iCardExpYear); Unicode (Windows) INT GetCardExpYear();
INT SetCardExpYear(INT iCardExpYear);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getcardexpyear(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setcardexpyear(void* lpObj, int iCardExpYear);
int GetCardExpYear();
int SetCardExpYear(int iCardExpYear);

Default Value



This field contains the expiration date of the customer's credit card. This property must be in the range 0 - 99, or 2000 - 2099. Any date before the year 2000 cannot be specified.

Data Type


CardLevelResults Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Card Level result code returned only for Visa transactions.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetCardLevelResults();
int SetCardLevelResults(const char* lpszCardLevelResults); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetCardLevelResults();
INT SetCardLevelResults(LPCWSTR lpszCardLevelResults);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getcardlevelresults(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setcardlevelresults(void* lpObj, const char* lpszCardLevelResults);
QString GetCardLevelResults();
int SetCardLevelResults(QString qsCardLevelResults);

Default Value



This field contains a two-character code created by Visa during the authorization process. If the transaction being settled was authorized online, this field must contain the value returned in the authorization response. If the transaction is a credit or was otherwise processed offline, this field should be defaulted to "" (empty string) or two spaces.

Data Type


CardNumber Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Customer's credit card number from the original authorization request.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetCardNumber();
int SetCardNumber(const char* lpszCardNumber); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetCardNumber();
INT SetCardNumber(LPCWSTR lpszCardNumber);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getcardnumber(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setcardnumber(void* lpObj, const char* lpszCardNumber);
QString GetCardNumber();
int SetCardNumber(QString qsCardNumber);

Default Value



This field contains the customer's credit card number used in the original authorization request. This alphanumeric field can be a maximum of 22 characters long, excluding whitespace and dashes which are stripped out when the property is set.

Data Type


CashBack Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Amount of cash that was returned to the customer.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetCashBack();
int SetCashBack(const char* lpszCashBack); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetCashBack();
INT SetCashBack(LPCWSTR lpszCashBack);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getcashback(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setcashback(void* lpObj, const char* lpszCashBack);
QString GetCashBack();
int SetCashBack(QString qsCashBack);

Default Value



This field should reflect the cash back amount from the original debit or EBT card sale. The value sent in the settlement MUST be identical to the amount approved in the sale.

Data Type


DebitReceipt Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Merchant-generated number that identifies the debit or EBT transaction.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetDebitReceipt();
int SetDebitReceipt(const char* lpszDebitReceipt); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetDebitReceipt();
INT SetDebitReceipt(LPCWSTR lpszDebitReceipt);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getdebitreceipt(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setdebitreceipt(void* lpObj, const char* lpszDebitReceipt);
QString GetDebitReceipt();
int SetDebitReceipt(QString qsDebitReceipt);

Default Value



A merchant must generate a ReceiptNumber for debit and EBT transactions made with the FDMSDebit and FDMSBenefit classs. This receipt number must be passed to the settlement unmodified in this DebitReceipt property.

Data Type


DirectMarketingType Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Specifies the type of transaction to process.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetDirectMarketingType();
int SetDirectMarketingType(int iDirectMarketingType); Unicode (Windows) INT GetDirectMarketingType();
INT SetDirectMarketingType(INT iDirectMarketingType);

Possible Values

int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getdirectmarketingtype(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setdirectmarketingtype(void* lpObj, int iDirectMarketingType);
int GetDirectMarketingType();
int SetDirectMarketingType(int iDirectMarketingType);

Default Value



The following types of transactions are supported by this class:

dmECommerce (0)This is an E-Commerce transaction, and consists of goods or services sold online over the Internet.
dmMOTO (1)This is a Mail Order or Telephone Order transaction, and consists of goods sold through the mail or over the phone.
dmRecurring (2)This is a recurring payment, such as a magazine subscription or health club membership.
dmInstallment (3)This is an installment payment. For example, "Three easy payments of $19.95".

The value of this property will be ignored when the IndustryType is anything other than fitDirectMarketing.

Data Type


ECI Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Electronic Commerce Indicator from the original authorization request.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetECI();
int SetECI(const char* lpszECI); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetECI();
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_geteci(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_seteci(void* lpObj, const char* lpszECI);
QString GetECI();
int SetECI(QString qsECI);

Default Value



This field should be identical to the ECI property from the original authorization request. This property is used only for eCommerce and Direct Marketing (card not present) transactions, and is ignored for all Card Present (Retail) transactions.

Data Type


Gratuity Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Gratuity amount for settling restaurant industry transactions.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetGratuity();
int SetGratuity(const char* lpszGratuity); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetGratuity();
INT SetGratuity(LPCWSTR lpszGratuity);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getgratuity(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setgratuity(void* lpObj, const char* lpszGratuity);
QString GetGratuity();
int SetGratuity(QString qsGratuity);

Default Value



This 5 character numeric field contains the gratuity (tip) amount of the transaction being settled. This amount is only sent when the CFDMSSettle class's IndustryType is set to "Restaurant".

Data Type


IndustryType Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Code which indicates the industry the merchant is engaged in.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetIndustryType();
int SetIndustryType(int iIndustryType); Unicode (Windows) INT GetIndustryType();
INT SetIndustryType(INT iIndustryType);

Possible Values

int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getindustrytype(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setindustrytype(void* lpObj, int iIndustryType);
int GetIndustryType();
int SetIndustryType(int iIndustryType);

Default Value



This property is used to identify the industry type of the merchant submitting the authorization request. The following table lists the industry types supported by this class.

fitUnknown (0)Unknown or unsure.
fitRetail (1)Retail store.
fitRestaurant (2)Food / Restaurant.
fitGroceryStore (3)Grocery store or supermarket.
fitDirectMarketing (4)eCommerce or Direct Marketing
fitHotel (5)Hotel / Lodging.

Data Type


InstallmentCount Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Total number of installments (installment transactions only).


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetInstallmentCount();
int SetInstallmentCount(int iInstallmentCount); Unicode (Windows) INT GetInstallmentCount();
INT SetInstallmentCount(INT iInstallmentCount);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getinstallmentcount(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setinstallmentcount(void* lpObj, int iInstallmentCount);
int GetInstallmentCount();
int SetInstallmentCount(int iInstallmentCount);

Default Value



This property is used when charging installment payments. The InstallmentCount indicates the total number of installments to be charged to the customer, and the InstallmentNumber indicates the current installment which is being charged. Installment payments can only be made for card-not-present transactions initiated by the FDMSECommerce class.

To settle a transaction authorized with the dmtInstallment TransactionType, you must use the FDMSDetailRecord class to add the number of this installment and the total count of all installments to be made. For instance, if the purchase was for "Three easy payments of $19.95", and this is the first payment, then the installment number will be 1, and the installment count 3. An example is included below:

FDMSECommerce.TransactionType = dmtInstallment FDMSECommerce.TransactionAmount = "1995" FDMSECommerce.Authorize() FDMSDetailRecord.ParseAggregate FDMSECommerce.GetDetailAggregate() FDMSDetailRecord.InstallmentCount = 3 FDMSDetailRecord.InstallmentNumber = 1 FDMSSettle.DetailRecordAggregate(5) = FDMSDetailRecord.GetDetailAggregate()

Data Type


InstallmentNumber Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Current installment number (installment transactions only).


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetInstallmentNumber();
int SetInstallmentNumber(int iInstallmentNumber); Unicode (Windows) INT GetInstallmentNumber();
INT SetInstallmentNumber(INT iInstallmentNumber);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getinstallmentnumber(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setinstallmentnumber(void* lpObj, int iInstallmentNumber);
int GetInstallmentNumber();
int SetInstallmentNumber(int iInstallmentNumber);

Default Value



This property is used when charging installment payments. The InstallmentCount indicates the total number of installments to be charged to the customer, and the InstallmentNumber indicates the current installment which is being charged. Installment payments can only be made for card-not-present transactions initiated by the FDMSECommerce class.

To settle a transaction authorized with the dmtInstallment TransactionType, you must use the FDMSDetailRecord class to add the number of this installment and the total count of all installments to be made. For instance, if the purchase was for "Three easy payments of $19.95", and this is the first payment, then the installment number will be 1, and the installment count 3. An example is included below:

FDMSECommerce.TransactionType = dmtInstallment FDMSECommerce.TransactionAmount = "1995" FDMSECommerce.Authorize() FDMSDetailRecord.ParseAggregate FDMSECommerce.GetDetailAggregate() FDMSDetailRecord.InstallmentCount = 3 FDMSDetailRecord.InstallmentNumber = 1 FDMSSettle.DetailRecordAggregate(5) = FDMSDetailRecord.GetDetailAggregate()

Data Type


PurchaseIdentifier Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Optional purchase order number assigned by the merchant.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetPurchaseIdentifier();
int SetPurchaseIdentifier(const char* lpszPurchaseIdentifier); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetPurchaseIdentifier();
INT SetPurchaseIdentifier(LPCWSTR lpszPurchaseIdentifier);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getpurchaseidentifier(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setpurchaseidentifier(void* lpObj, const char* lpszPurchaseIdentifier);
QString GetPurchaseIdentifier();
int SetPurchaseIdentifier(QString qsPurchaseIdentifier);

Default Value



In this field the merchant may assign an optional Purchase Identifier. This field must contain digits, and has a maximum length of 25 characters. For American Express transactions, only use the first 9 spaces.

Data Type


ResponseApprovalCode Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Response Approval Code from the original authorization response.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetResponseApprovalCode();
int SetResponseApprovalCode(const char* lpszResponseApprovalCode); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetResponseApprovalCode();
INT SetResponseApprovalCode(LPCWSTR lpszResponseApprovalCode);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getresponseapprovalcode(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setresponseapprovalcode(void* lpObj, const char* lpszResponseApprovalCode);
QString GetResponseApprovalCode();
int SetResponseApprovalCode(QString qsResponseApprovalCode);

Default Value



This field contains the authorization code obtained from the original authorization response. If the transaction is a credit or other non-approved transaction type, this property must be empty.

Data Type


ResponseAVSResult Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Address Verification Code from the original authorization response.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetResponseAVSResult();
int SetResponseAVSResult(const char* lpszResponseAVSResult); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetResponseAVSResult();
INT SetResponseAVSResult(LPCWSTR lpszResponseAVSResult);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getresponseavsresult(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setresponseavsresult(void* lpObj, const char* lpszResponseAVSResult);
QString GetResponseAVSResult();
int SetResponseAVSResult(QString qsResponseAVSResult);

Default Value



This field contains a one character Address Verification (result) Code. This field contains the value returned in the original authorization response message. If the transaction is a credit or was otherwise processed off-line, this field should be defaulted to "0".

Data Type


ResponseReturnedACI Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Authorization Characteristics Indicator from the original authorization response.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetResponseReturnedACI();
int SetResponseReturnedACI(const char* lpszResponseReturnedACI); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetResponseReturnedACI();
INT SetResponseReturnedACI(LPCWSTR lpszResponseReturnedACI);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getresponsereturnedaci(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setresponsereturnedaci(void* lpObj, const char* lpszResponseReturnedACI);
QString GetResponseReturnedACI();
int SetResponseReturnedACI(QString qsResponseReturnedACI);

Default Value



This field contains a one character returned Authorization Characteristics Indicator. This indicator provides information on conditions or characteristics of the authorization code. If the transaction being settled was authorized on-line, this field must contain the value returned in that authorization response. If the transaction is a credit or was otherwise processed off-line, this field should be defaulted to SPACE.

Data Type


ServerId Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Specifies the employee that served the customer. Used for restaurants only.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetServerId();
int SetServerId(const char* lpszServerId); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetServerId();
INT SetServerId(LPCWSTR lpszServerId);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getserverid(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setserverid(void* lpObj, const char* lpszServerId);
QString GetServerId();
int SetServerId(QString qsServerId);

Default Value



This field pertains to restaurant transactions, and should be set with a merchant-assigned server Id code. This code identifies the employee which served the customer at the restaurant. This field is required for restaurant transactions, and is ignored for all other industry types. The maximum length for this field is 3.

Data Type


SettlementAmount Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

The amount that the customer will be charged.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetSettlementAmount();
int SetSettlementAmount(const char* lpszSettlementAmount); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetSettlementAmount();
INT SetSettlementAmount(LPCWSTR lpszSettlementAmount);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getsettlementamount(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setsettlementamount(void* lpObj, const char* lpszSettlementAmount);
QString GetSettlementAmount();
int SetSettlementAmount(QString qsSettlementAmount);

Default Value



This field contains the final settlement amount of the transaction. In most cases, this is the TransactionAmount from the original authorization request. However, you may settle a lesser amount (ie: Partial shipment or backordered stock). If using the Restaurant IndustryType, you may also increase the SettlementAmount by adding any Gratuity (if present).

This field must always be greater than zero.

This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The allowable number of significant digits as well as the positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the designated CurrencyCode configuration setting. In the United States (default), the number of allowable significant digits is seven. Thus the maximum TransactionAmount is "9999999", yielding a US dollar amount of $99,999.99. This field may not contain a negative number.

Data Type


TicketNumber Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Ticket (receipt) number for this transaction.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetTicketNumber();
int SetTicketNumber(const char* lpszTicketNumber); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetTicketNumber();
INT SetTicketNumber(LPCWSTR lpszTicketNumber);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getticketnumber(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setticketnumber(void* lpObj, const char* lpszTicketNumber);
QString GetTicketNumber();
int SetTicketNumber(QString qsTicketNumber);

Default Value



This property contains the Ticket number or Receipt of Charge (ROC) for this transaction. This may be optionally sent for any IndustryType, but it is required for Restaurant transactions that include a Gratuity.

The maximum length of this property is 10 digits.

For example, to add a gratuity to a charge:

FDMSDetailRecord.ParseAggregate(FDMSRetail.GetDetailAggregate()) FDMSDetailRecord.Gratuity = "500" FDMSDetailRecord.TransactionAmount = FDMSDetailRecord.TransactionAmount + FDMSDetailRecord.Gratuity FDMSSettle.DetailAggregate(0) = FDMSDetailRecord.GetDetailAggregate()

Data Type


TransactionDate Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Local Transaction Date (in MMDDYY format) from the original authorization response.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetTransactionDate();
int SetTransactionDate(const char* lpszTransactionDate); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetTransactionDate();
INT SetTransactionDate(LPCWSTR lpszTransactionDate);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_gettransactiondate(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_settransactiondate(void* lpObj, const char* lpszTransactionDate);
QString GetTransactionDate();
int SetTransactionDate(QString qsTransactionDate);

Default Value



This six digit field contains a local transaction date associated with the transaction being settled. If the transaction was authorized on-line, this field must contain the value returned in the original authorization response message. If the transaction was processed off-line, this field must contain a Point of Sale (POS) device generated date. This field must appear in MMDDYY format.

Data Type


TransactionId Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Transaction Identifier from the original authorization response.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetTransactionId();
int SetTransactionId(const char* lpszTransactionId); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetTransactionId();
INT SetTransactionId(LPCWSTR lpszTransactionId);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_gettransactionid(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_settransactionid(void* lpObj, const char* lpszTransactionId);
QString GetTransactionId();
int SetTransactionId(QString qsTransactionId);

Default Value



This 15-character field contains a Transaction Identifier associated with the transaction being settled. If the transaction was authorized on-line, this field must contain the value (if returned) from the original authorization response message. If a value was not returned in the authorization response or the transaction was processed off-line, this field must be defaulted to zeros.

Data Type


TransactionTime Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Local transaction time from the original authorization response.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetTransactionTime();
int SetTransactionTime(const char* lpszTransactionTime); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetTransactionTime();
INT SetTransactionTime(LPCWSTR lpszTransactionTime);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_gettransactiontime(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_settransactiontime(void* lpObj, const char* lpszTransactionTime);
QString GetTransactionTime();
int SetTransactionTime(QString qsTransactionTime);

Default Value



This six digit field contains a local transaction time associated with the transaction being settled. If the transaction was authorized on-line, this field must contain the value generated by the FDMSECommerce or FDMSRetail class at the time of the sale. If the transaction was processed off-line, this field must contain a Point of Sale (POS) device generated time. This field must appear in HHMMSS format.

NOTE: This property is only applicable when settling a debit or EBT transaction, or a credit card transaction that includes Level 2 data, and may be ignored if such data is not being sent.

Data Type


TransactionType Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Indicates transaction type for this detail record.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetTransactionType();
int SetTransactionType(int iTransactionType); Unicode (Windows) INT GetTransactionType();
INT SetTransactionType(INT iTransactionType);

Possible Values

int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_gettransactiontype(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_settransactiontype(void* lpObj, int iTransactionType);
int GetTransactionType();
int SetTransactionType(int iTransactionType);

Default Value



This property indicates the type of transaction that is being settled. The following table explains the Transaction Types in detail:

fttSale (0)The transaction to be settled was a normal authorization and passed into the FDMSDetailRecord class via the ParseAggregate method.
fttForce (1)This transaction was not authorized using either the FDMSECommerce or FDMSRetail classs. Instead it is created manually with the FDMSDetailRecord's properties. In order to successfully settle a Forced transaction, you must obtain an authorization code from a call center, and place it in the ResponseApprovalCode property.
fttVoid (2)When you wish to void a transaction that has been previously authorized, pass the details of the original transaction to the ParseAggregate method, and then change this TransactionType property to fttVoid.
fttCredit (3)This transaction type is used to credit money back to a cardholder's account. An (offline) credit is not based on a previous transaction, and you may credit any card for any amount without restriction. Simply set the CardNumber to the customer's card number, and then the AuthorizedAmount to "0" and the SettlementAmount to the amount you wish to refund. No track data or AVS data is sent in an offline credit transaction.
fttVoidCredit (4)This transaction voids a previous credit.
fttDebitSale (5)Settles an on-line Debit Sale transaction made using the FDMSDebit class. This transaction must not be edited before being settled. (It cannot be voided off-line)
fttDebitRefund (6)Settles an on-line Debit Credit transaction made using the FDMSDebit class.
fttFoodStampSale (8)Settles an on-line Food Stamp Sale or Voucher Clear made using the FDMSBenefit class.
fttFoodStampRefund (9)Settles an on-line Food Stamp Credit or Voucher Clear made using the FDMSBenefit class.
fttCashBenefitSale (10)Settles an on-line Cash Benefit sale made using the FDMSBenefit class.
fttCashBenefitWithdrawal (11)Settles an on-line Cash Withdrawl (Cash Only) transaction made using the FDMSBenefit class.

Note: The fttSale and fttVoid TransactionTypes require a previous authorization to work on. fttForce and fttCredit, however, are offline transactions. This means there is no original authorization to work from. The transaction is created solely with this class's properties and is settled without ever having been authorized. Just fill out the properties and sent the FDMSSettle class's DetailAggregate array property with the results from the FDMSDetailRecord's GetDetailAggregate method. The remaining debit, food stamp, and cash benefit transactions may not be edited, voided, or otherwise modified before settlement. The detail aggregates should be set directly to the FDMSSettle class's DetailAggregate array property, and should never be manipulated with the FDMSDetailRecord class.

Data Type


ValidationCode Property (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Validation Code from the original authorization response.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetValidationCode();
int SetValidationCode(const char* lpszValidationCode); Unicode (Windows) LPWSTR GetValidationCode();
INT SetValidationCode(LPCWSTR lpszValidationCode);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getvalidationcode(void* lpObj);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_setvalidationcode(void* lpObj, const char* lpszValidationCode);
QString GetValidationCode();
int SetValidationCode(QString qsValidationCode);

Default Value



This field contains a four character Transaction Identifier associated with the transaction being settled. If the transaction was authorized on-line, this field must contain the value (if returned) from the original authorization response message. If a value was not returned in the authorization response or the transaction was processed off-line, this field must be empty.

Data Type


Config Method (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* Config(const char* lpszConfigurationString);

Unicode (Windows)
LPWSTR Config(LPCWSTR lpszConfigurationString);
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_config(void* lpObj, const char* lpszConfigurationString);
QString Config(const QString& qsConfigurationString);


Config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.

These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).

To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a String value; after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.

GetDetailAggregate Method (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Returns an aggregate containing details of this transaction, which is then used for settlement.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
char* GetDetailAggregate();

Unicode (Windows)
LPWSTR GetDetailAggregate();
char* dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_getdetailaggregate(void* lpObj);
QString GetDetailAggregate();


This method returns an aggregate containing all of the required data to send a transaction to settlement. This aggregate must be passed to the FDMSSettle class's DetailAggregate array property in order to settle the transaction. If you wish to view or change any part of the aggregate (such as adding a gratuity or additional info for an Installment payment), you may use the FDMSDetailRecord class to do so.

Note: This method may only be called after a successful authorization. If the authorization was not successful (and the CaptureFlag is false) the method fails with an error.

An example of how this method is used is shown below:

FDMSRetail.AuthorizeTrack1() If (FDMSRetail.ResponseCaptureFlag = True) Then FDMSSettle.DetailRecordCount = FDMSSettle.DetailRecordCount + 1 FDMSSettle.DetailRecordsAggregate[FDMSSettle.DetailRecordCount - 1] = FDMSRetail.GetDetailAggregate() End If

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a String value; after it returns, call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain its result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.

ParseAggregate Method (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Parses the aggregate returned from another class's GetDetailAggregate method.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int ParseAggregate(const char* lpszAggregate);

Unicode (Windows)
INT ParseAggregate(LPCWSTR lpszAggregate);
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_parseaggregate(void* lpObj, const char* lpszAggregate);
int ParseAggregate(const QString& qsAggregate);


This method takes the XML aggregate returned from the FDMSRetail or FDMSECommerce class, parses it, and then fills all the properties of the FDMSDetailRecord class. While normally you can pass the results of the GetDetailAggregate method call directly to the FDMSSettle class, sometimes it is necessary to adjust the contents of the XML aggregate first.

For example, to add a gratuity to a charge:

FDMSDetailRecord.ParseAggregate(FDMSRetail.GetDetailAggregate()) FDMSDetailRecord.Gratuity = "500" FDMSDetailRecord.TransactionAmount = FDMSDetailRecord.TransactionAmount + FDMSDetailRecord.Gratuity FDMSSettle.DetailAggregate(0) = FDMSDetailRecord.GetDetailAggregate()

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)

Reset Method (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Clears all properties to their default values.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int Reset();

Unicode (Windows)
INT Reset();
int dpaymentssdk_fdmsdetailrecord_reset(void* lpObj);
int Reset();


This method clears all properties to their default values.

Error Handling (C++)

This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)

Error Event (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Fired when information is available about errors during data delivery.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
virtual int FireError(FDMSDetailRecordErrorEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
int ErrorCode;
const char *Description; int reserved; } FDMSDetailRecordErrorEventParams;
Unicode (Windows) virtual INT FireError(FDMSDetailRecordErrorEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
INT ErrorCode;
LPCWSTR Description; INT reserved; } FDMSDetailRecordErrorEventParams;

virtual INT DPAYMENTSSDK_CALL FireError(INT &iErrorCode, LPSTR &lpszDescription);
class FDMSDetailRecordErrorEventParams {
  int ErrorCode();

  const QString &Description();

  int EventRetVal();
  void SetEventRetVal(int iRetVal);
// To handle, connect one or more slots to this signal. void Error(FDMSDetailRecordErrorEventParams *e);
// Or, subclass FDMSDetailRecord and override this emitter function. virtual int FireError(FDMSDetailRecordErrorEventParams *e) {...}


The Error event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during message processing. Normally the class fails with an error.

The ErrorCode parameter contains an error code, and the Description parameter contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the Error Codes section.

Config Settings (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

FDMSDetailRecord Config Settings

CurrencyCode:   Currency Code for this transaction.

This field contains a three digit number assigned by the signing member or processor to identify the merchant's authorization currency. For US Dollars, use "840".

DCCConversionRate:   The DCC Conversion rate.

The conversion rate used to convert the TransactionAmount into the Dynamic Currency Conversion amount. The conversion rate must be the most current rate available from FEXCO. These rates are not obtained by the component and must be retrieved using some other method. Note: Four decimal positions implied.

DCCIndicator:   Status of the Dynamic Currency Conversion.

The available values are:

Value Description
"" [Empty String] (default) Not a DCC transaction
1 Converted
2 Not convertible
3 Convertible but declined by the cardholder
4 Reserved for future use
DCCTimeZone:   The time zone of the merchant where the DCC transaction is taking place.

Valid values range from '-12' to '+12", deviation in hours from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), based on merchant time zone. If the merchant were located in GMT, the value would be '+00' or '-00'.

DCCUSAmount:   The US Dollar Amount for a DCC transaction.

This config will contain the US Dollar Amount for a DCC transaction. When performing a DCC transaction, TransactionAmount will contain the converted amount and should equal the US Dollar Amount multiplied by the DCCConversionRate.

MSDI:   Market Specific Data Indicator.

The Market Specific Data Indicator (MSDI) will be "M" for Medical/Healthcare Auto-substantiation transactions, and " " (space) for all other transactions. The MSDI value is automatically passed from the FDMSRetail and FDMSECommerce classs to the FDMSSettle or FDMSDetailRecord classs via the GetDetailAggregate methods. This config is exposed to allow the user manual control over the contents of the MSDI.

Base Config Settings

BuildInfo:   Information about the product's build.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the product's build.

CodePage:   The system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations.

The default code page is Unicode UTF-8 (65001).

The following is a list of valid code page identifiers:

037IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada
437OEM - United States
500IBM EBCDIC - International
708Arabic - ASMO 708
709Arabic - ASMO 449+, BCON V4
710Arabic - Transparent Arabic
720Arabic - Transparent ASMO
737OEM - Greek (formerly 437G)
775OEM - Baltic
850OEM - Multilingual Latin I
852OEM - Latin II
855OEM - Cyrillic (primarily Russian)
857OEM - Turkish
858OEM - Multilingual Latin I + Euro symbol
860OEM - Portuguese
861OEM - Icelandic
862OEM - Hebrew
863OEM - Canadian-French
864OEM - Arabic
865OEM - Nordic
866OEM - Russian
869OEM - Modern Greek
870IBM EBCDIC - Multilingual/ROECE (Latin-2)
874ANSI/OEM - Thai (same as 28605, ISO 8859-15)
875IBM EBCDIC - Modern Greek
932ANSI/OEM - Japanese, Shift-JIS
936ANSI/OEM - Simplified Chinese (PRC, Singapore)
949ANSI/OEM - Korean (Unified Hangul Code)
950ANSI/OEM - Traditional Chinese (Taiwan; Hong Kong SAR, PRC)
1026IBM EBCDIC - Turkish (Latin-5)
1047IBM EBCDIC - Latin 1/Open System
1140IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada (037 + Euro symbol)
1141IBM EBCDIC - Germany (20273 + Euro symbol)
1142IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway (20277 + Euro symbol)
1143IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden (20278 + Euro symbol)
1144IBM EBCDIC - Italy (20280 + Euro symbol)
1145IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain (20284 + Euro symbol)
1146IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom (20285 + Euro symbol)
1147IBM EBCDIC - France (20297 + Euro symbol)
1148IBM EBCDIC - International (500 + Euro symbol)
1149IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic (20871 + Euro symbol)
1200Unicode UCS-2 Little-Endian (BMP of ISO 10646)
1201Unicode UCS-2 Big-Endian
1250ANSI - Central European
1251ANSI - Cyrillic
1252ANSI - Latin I
1253ANSI - Greek
1254ANSI - Turkish
1255ANSI - Hebrew
1256ANSI - Arabic
1257ANSI - Baltic
1258ANSI/OEM - Vietnamese
1361Korean (Johab)
10000MAC - Roman
10001MAC - Japanese
10002MAC - Traditional Chinese (Big5)
10003MAC - Korean
10004MAC - Arabic
10005MAC - Hebrew
10006MAC - Greek I
10007MAC - Cyrillic
10008MAC - Simplified Chinese (GB 2312)
10010MAC - Romania
10017MAC - Ukraine
10021MAC - Thai
10029MAC - Latin II
10079MAC - Icelandic
10081MAC - Turkish
10082MAC - Croatia
12000Unicode UCS-4 Little-Endian
12001Unicode UCS-4 Big-Endian
20000CNS - Taiwan
20001TCA - Taiwan
20002Eten - Taiwan
20003IBM5550 - Taiwan
20004TeleText - Taiwan
20005Wang - Taiwan
20105IA5 IRV International Alphabet No. 5 (7-bit)
20106IA5 German (7-bit)
20107IA5 Swedish (7-bit)
20108IA5 Norwegian (7-bit)
20127US-ASCII (7-bit)
20269ISO 6937 Non-Spacing Accent
20273IBM EBCDIC - Germany
20277IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway
20278IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden
20280IBM EBCDIC - Italy
20284IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain
20285IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom
20290IBM EBCDIC - Japanese Katakana Extended
20297IBM EBCDIC - France
20420IBM EBCDIC - Arabic
20423IBM EBCDIC - Greek
20424IBM EBCDIC - Hebrew
20833IBM EBCDIC - Korean Extended
20838IBM EBCDIC - Thai
20866Russian - KOI8-R
20871IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic
20880IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Russian)
20905IBM EBCDIC - Turkish
20924IBM EBCDIC - Latin-1/Open System (1047 + Euro symbol)
20932JIS X 0208-1990 & 0121-1990
20936Simplified Chinese (GB2312)
21025IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Serbian, Bulgarian)
21027Extended Alpha Lowercase
21866Ukrainian (KOI8-U)
28591ISO 8859-1 Latin I
28592ISO 8859-2 Central Europe
28593ISO 8859-3 Latin 3
28594ISO 8859-4 Baltic
28595ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic
28596ISO 8859-6 Arabic
28597ISO 8859-7 Greek
28598ISO 8859-8 Hebrew
28599ISO 8859-9 Latin 5
28605ISO 8859-15 Latin 9
29001Europa 3
38598ISO 8859-8 Hebrew
50220ISO 2022 Japanese with no halfwidth Katakana
50221ISO 2022 Japanese with halfwidth Katakana
50222ISO 2022 Japanese JIS X 0201-1989
50225ISO 2022 Korean
50227ISO 2022 Simplified Chinese
50229ISO 2022 Traditional Chinese
50930Japanese (Katakana) Extended
50931US/Canada and Japanese
50933Korean Extended and Korean
50935Simplified Chinese Extended and Simplified Chinese
50936Simplified Chinese
50937US/Canada and Traditional Chinese
50939Japanese (Latin) Extended and Japanese
51932EUC - Japanese
51936EUC - Simplified Chinese
51949EUC - Korean
51950EUC - Traditional Chinese
52936HZ-GB2312 Simplified Chinese
54936Windows XP: GB18030 Simplified Chinese (4 Byte)
57002ISCII Devanagari
57003ISCII Bengali
57004ISCII Tamil
57005ISCII Telugu
57006ISCII Assamese
57007ISCII Oriya
57008ISCII Kannada
57009ISCII Malayalam
57010ISCII Gujarati
57011ISCII Punjabi
65000Unicode UTF-7
65001Unicode UTF-8
The following is a list of valid code page identifiers for Mac OS only:

LicenseInfo:   Information about the current license.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the license this instance of a class is using. It will return the following information:

  • Product: The product the license is for.
  • Product Key: The key the license was generated from.
  • License Source: Where the license was found (e.g., RuntimeLicense, License File).
  • License Type: The type of license installed (e.g., Royalty Free, Single Server).
  • Last Valid Build: The last valid build number for which the license will work.
MaskSensitiveData:   Whether sensitive data is masked in log messages.

In certain circumstances it may be beneficial to mask sensitive data, like passwords, in log messages. Set this to true to mask sensitive data. The default is true.

This setting only works on these classes: AS3Receiver, AS3Sender, Atom, Client(3DS), FTP, FTPServer, IMAP, OFTPClient, SSHClient, SCP, Server(3DS), Sexec, SFTP, SFTPServer, SSHServer, TCPClient, TCPServer.

ProcessIdleEvents:   Whether the class uses its internal event loop to process events when the main thread is idle.

If set to False, the class will not fire internal idle events. Set this to False to use the class in a background thread on Mac OS. By default, this setting is True.

SelectWaitMillis:   The length of time in milliseconds the class will wait when DoEvents is called if there are no events to process.

If there are no events to process when DoEvents is called, the class will wait for the amount of time specified here before returning. The default value is 20.

UseInternalSecurityAPI:   Whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

When set to false, the class will use the system security libraries by default to perform cryptographic functions where applicable.

Setting this configuration setting to true tells the class to use the internal implementation instead of using the system security libraries.

On Windows, this setting is set to false by default. On Linux/macOS, this setting is set to true by default.

To use the system security libraries for Linux, OpenSSL support must be enabled. For more information on how to enable OpenSSL, please refer to the OpenSSL Notes section.

Trappable Errors (FDMSDetailRecord Class)

Error Handling (C++)

Call the GetLastErrorCode() method to obtain the last called method's result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. Known error codes are listed below. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message.

FDMSDetailRecord Errors

501   Data field invalid length.
502   Data field invalid format.
503   Data field out of range.
592   Invalid or unparseable aggregate.
605   Invalid CardType.