TSYSGiftCard Component
Properties Methods Events Config Settings Errors
The TSYSGiftCard component is used to manipulate funds on Gift and Prepaid Cards using the Vital/TSYS payment system. This component supports card-present gift card transactions, and allows for simple, direct, secure communication to the Vital/TSYS TLS/SSL gateway through a standard Internet connection. This component can be integrated into web pages or stand- alone Point Of Sale applications. Because all TLS/SSL communications are handled inside the component, any application or web page can be deployed without the need for expensive dedicated TLS/SSL servers.
This component supports two different kinds of Stored Value cards. Gift Cards and Prepaid Cards. Gift Cards support only the Fifth/Third and Stored Value Systems (SVS) ReceivingInstitutions, and a merchant must have software (such as this component) to authorize gift card Purchase (redemption) transactions. On the other hand, Prepaid cards (once activated) authorize exactly like credit cards, and can be used at any store. Examples of gift and cards include a retailer's gift card, a prepaid telephone card, and a reloadable subway pass. Examples of prepaid cards would be the prepaid cards purchased at shopping malls, or sometimes given away as promotional gimmicks. Not included in either of these are government income-support cards, otherwise known as EBT cards or electronic food stamps. (Use the TSYSBenefit component for EBT cards).
The TSYSGiftCard component makes these transactions very easy by adding an additional layer of abstraction between the programmer and the protocol. There is no need to deal with raw sockets, TLS/SSL handshakes, or data packet formatting. The steps to setting up the component and authorizing a transaction are outlined below:
First, set the merchant properties with setup information acquired from your member bank or processor. For instance:
TSYSGiftCard1.MerchantBankId = "999995"
TSYSGiftCard1.MerchantNumber = "888000002447"
TSYSGiftCard1.MerchantName = "TEST_MERCHANT"
TSYSGiftCard1.MerchantTerminalNumber = "1515"
TSYSGiftCard1.MerchantStoreNumber = "5999"
TSYSGiftCard1.MerchantCategoryCode = "5999"
TSYSGiftCard1.MerchantCity = "Durham"
TSYSGiftCard1.MerchantState = "NC"
TSYSGiftCard1.MerchantZip = "27713"
TSYSGiftCard1.MerchantTimeZone = "705"
TSYSGiftCard1.MerchantABANumber = "123456789"
TSYSGiftCard1.MerchantSettlementAgent = "V123"
TSYSGiftCard1.AgentBankNumber = "000000"
TSYSGiftCard1.AgentChainNumber = "111111"
TSYSGiftCard1.IndustryType = itRetail
TSYSGiftCard1.ReceivingInstitution = riFifthThird
Next, set properties that contain details about the transaction. The TransactionNumber is a sequence number, and should be incremented for each transaction you send. TransactionAmount is the amount of sale, plus any CashBackAmount returned to the customer, formatted with an implicit decimal place (CashBackAmount is only applicable to the ttGiftCardPurchase TransactionType). The CardMagneticStripe data for Prepaid cards can be either track1 or track2, but Gift cards support only the dsTrack2 CardEntryDataSource. Both types support manual entry via the CardNumber, CardExpMonth, and CardExpYear properties.
In addition, you are also be required to set an EmployeeId and BatchNumber for Gift Card transactions. (These are ignored for Prepaid transactions). Even though Gift Card transactions are not submitted for settlement, the BatchNumber should reflect the batch sequence number of the current batch. The EmployeeId is a unique number used to identify the employee operating the terminal being used to issue gift cards. For example:
TSYSGiftCard1.TransactionNumber = 1
TSYSGiftCard1.BatchNumber = 123
TSYSGiftCard1.EmployeeId = "12345678"
TSYSGiftCard1.TransactionAmount = "1000"
TSYSGiftCard1.CashBackAmount = "300"
TSYSGiftCard1.CardTrack2Data = "9999999800002773=09121015432112345678"
The TSYSGiftCard component supports both Gift Card and Prepaid Cards, so you should make sure to choose the correct TransactionType for the type of card you are using. Then call the Authorize method to submit the transaction.
TSYSGiftCard1.TransactionType = ttGiftCardPurchase
When the component receives a response from the Vital/TSYS servers, the result of the authorization will be displayed in several Response properties. The ResponseCode indicates whether the transaction was approved, and the remaining properties provide additional information about the transaction.
Note that Gift Card and Prepaid Card transactions, with the exception of the ttPrepaidCardPurchase TransactionType are real-time transactions, and cannot be settled with the TSYSSettle component. ttPrepaidCardPurchase is identical to a credit card purchase made with the TSYSRetail component, so it must be settled with the TSYSSettle component. However, using this component to authorize Prepaid card transactions allows you to retrieve balance information and allow partial authorizations.
Property List
The following is the full list of the properties of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
AgentBankNumber | Identifies a specific agent entity of the member bank or processor. |
AgentChainNumber | Identifies a specific chain of an agent organization. |
BatchNumber | The batch number that this transaction will be included in. |
CardType | Type of credit card being used in this transaction. |
CardCVVData | Three digit security code on back of card (optional). |
CardCVVPresence | Indicates the presence of the card verification value. |
CardEntryDataSource | This property contains a 1-character code identifying the source of the customer data. |
CardExpMonth | Expiration month of the credit card specified in Number . |
CardExpYear | Expiration year of the credit card specified in Number . |
CardIsEncrypted | Determines whether data set to the Number or MagneticStripe properties is validated. |
CardMagneticStripe | Track data read off of the card's magnetic stripe. |
CardNumber | Customer's credit card number for the transaction. |
CashBackAmount | Amount returned to the customer in cash. |
CustomerAddress | The customer's billing address. |
CustomerZip | Customer's zip code (or postal code if outside of the USA). |
EmployeeId | Identification number of the Employee making this transaction. |
IndustryType | Code which indicates the industry the merchant is engaged in. |
MerchantBankId | The number which identifies the merchant's bank or processor. |
MerchantCategoryCode | Classifies a merchant by the type of store. |
MerchantCity | Merchant's City For Retail (Card Present) transactions, this property should contain the city in which the merchant is located. |
MerchantCountryCode | Identifies the country where the merchant is located. |
MerchantCurrencyCode | Identifies the type of currency used by the merchant. |
MerchantLanguage | Designates the language that response messages will be returned in. |
MerchantName | Name of the merchant. |
MerchantNumber | A unique number used to identify the merchant within the VisaNet system. |
MerchantPhone | Merchant's phone number. |
MerchantServicePhone | Merchant's customer service number. |
MerchantState | State or province that the merchant is located in. |
MerchantStoreNumber | Used to identify a specific merchant's store within the VisaNet system. |
MerchantStreetAddress | Merchant's street address. |
MerchantTerminalNumber | Used to identify a unique terminal within a merchant location. |
MerchantTimeZone | Specifies the GMT offset used to calculate the local time within the VisaNet system. |
MerchantZip | Zip code where the merchant that initiated this transaction is located. |
MerchantABANumber | Merchant's routing number. |
MerchantSettlementAgent | Merchant's settling agent. |
OriginalPurchaseDate | Date and time of original purchase, used for returns. |
PartialRedemption | Partial Redemption indicator. |
ReceivingInstitution | Indicates which gift card network to use. |
ResponseApprovalCode | Contains an authorization code when a transaction has been approved. |
ResponseAuthorizedAmount | Amount actually used from the card (used when supporting partial redemptions). |
ResponseAuthSource | Indicates the source of the authorization code stored in ApprovalCode . |
ResponseAVSResult | Contains the Address Verification System result code. |
ResponseBalance | Available balance remaining on card. |
ResponseCode | Indicates the status of the authorization request. |
ResponseCVVResult | Contains the returned CVV result code if it was requested. |
ResponseHostMessageId | Unique host message identifier (Reserved for future use). |
ResponseNetworkId | Identification code of the network on which the transaction was authorized. |
ResponseRetrievalNumber | This number is to be used to identify transactions and should be submitted when making adjustments, reversals or at settlement. |
ResponseReturnedACI | Returned Authorization Characteristics Indicator contains CPS qualification status. |
ResponseSettleDate | Date at which the Debit, EBT, or Gift Card transaction will settle. |
ResponseText | Text information that describes each response code. |
ResponseTrace | System Trace Audit Number returned for Debit transactions. |
ResponseTransactionDate | Local transaction date returned from the server in MMddyy format. |
ResponseTransactionId | Contains the Transaction Identifier or MasterCard Reference Number. |
ResponseTransactionNumber | Check this property against the original Transaction Number. |
ResponseTransactionTime | Local transaction time returned from the server in HHmmss format. |
ResponseValidationCode | This optional property contains information generated by the card issuer. |
SSLAcceptServerCertEncoded | This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). |
SSLCertEncoded | This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). |
SSLCertStore | This is the name of the certificate store for the client certificate. |
SSLCertStorePassword | If the type of certificate store requires a password, this property is used to specify the password needed to open the certificate store. |
SSLCertStoreType | This is the type of certificate store for this certificate. |
SSLCertSubject | This is the subject of the certificate used for client authentication. |
SSLProvider | This specifies the SSL/TLS implementation to use. |
SSLServerCertEncoded | This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). |
Timeout | A timeout for the component. |
TransactionAmount | Purchase amount to be authorized. |
TransactionNumber | Sequence number of this transaction. |
TransactionType | Specifies the type of Gift Card transaction to process. |
Method List
The following is the full list of the methods of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Authorize | Sends a Gift Card transaction. |
Config | Sets or retrieves a configuration setting. |
GetDetailAggregate | Returns an aggregate containing details of this transaction, which is then used for settlement. |
Interrupt | Interrupts the current action. |
Reset | Clears all properties to their default values. |
Event List
The following is the full list of the events fired by the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Connected | Fired immediately after a connection completes (or fails). |
DataPacketIn | Fired when receiving a data packet from the transaction server. |
DataPacketOut | Fired when sending a data packet to the transaction server. |
Disconnected | Fired when a connection is closed. |
Error | Information about errors during data delivery. |
SSLServerAuthentication | Fired after the server presents its certificate to the client. |
SSLStatus | Fired when secure connection progress messages are available. |
Config Settings
The following is a list of config settings for the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
ActivateTerminal | Authenticates a POS device with TSYS. |
AuthenticationCode | An alphanumeric code provided to the POS user for input when authenticating a POS device. |
AuthorizationIndicator | The type of authorization request. |
CardholderId | Specifies the method used to verify the identity of the cardholder. |
DeactivateTerminal | Deactivates a POS device with TSYS. |
GatewayID | A unique value to identify a Gateway or Aggregator. |
GenKey | A randomly generated string of alphanumeric characters identifying the terminal. |
Port | The port to which transactions are posted. |
POSDataCode | Specifies the condition of the POS device used at the time of the transaction. |
ResponseCardholderVerification | Verification results for cardholder identification data (extended AVS). |
ResponseStoreNumber | Check this field against the original Merchant StoreNumber. |
ResponseTerminalNumber | Check this field against the original Merchant TerminalNumber. |
Retry | Set this to retry a failed transaction. |
SendExtendedAVS | Specifies whether to send extended AVS data. |
Server | The server to which transactions are posted. |
TsysETB | The Encryption Transmission Block TSYS uses to decrypt encrypted data. |
BuildInfo | Information about the product's build. |
CodePage | The system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations. |
LicenseInfo | Information about the current license. |
MaskSensitive | Whether sensitive data is masked in log messages. |
UseInternalSecurityAPI | Whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation. |
AgentBankNumber Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Identifies a specific agent entity of the member bank or processor.
__property String AgentBankNumber = { read=FAgentBankNumber, write=FSetAgentBankNumber };
Default Value
This field contains a six digit number assigned by the merchant's bank or processor. This field is issued by the merchant's member bank or processor for purposes of identifying a specific agent entity of the member bank or processor.
Data Type
AgentChainNumber Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Identifies a specific chain of an agent organization.
__property String AgentChainNumber = { read=FAgentChainNumber, write=FSetAgentChainNumber };
Default Value
This field contains a six digit number assigned by the merchant's bank or processor. This field is issued by the merchant's member bank or processor for purpose of identifying a specific chain of an agent organization.
Data Type
BatchNumber Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
The batch number that this transaction will be included in.
__property int BatchNumber = { read=FBatchNumber, write=FSetBatchNumber };
Default Value
Unlike regular credit card transactions, Debit, EBT, and GiftCard transactions require that the Batch Number be sent in the authorization request. This number should be the same number you set to the TSYSSettle component's BatchNumber property. The range is from 1 to 999.
Note, this property is ignored for Prepaid Card transactions.
Data Type
CardType Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Type of credit card being used in this transaction.
__property TibcTSYSGiftCardCardTypes CardType = { read=FCardType, write=FSetCardType };
enum TibcTSYSGiftCardCardTypes { ctUnknown=0, ctVisa=1, ctMasterCard=2, ctAMEX=3, ctDiscover=4, ctDiners=5, ctJCB=6, ctVisaElectron=7, ctMaestro=8, ctLaser=10 };
Default Value
Type of credit card being used in this transaction. This property contains the customer's credit card type. This is automatically computed after the CardNumber is set, but it can also be changed manually. A list of valid card types is included below.
ctUnknown (0) | Invalid or unknown prefix, card type not known. |
ctVisa (1) | Visa or Delta Card. |
ctMasterCard (2) | MasterCard. |
ctAMEX (3) | American Express Card. |
ctDiscover (4) | Discover Card. |
ctDiners (5) | Diners Club or Carte Blanche Card. |
ctJCB (6) | JCB Card. |
ctVisaElectron (7) | Visa Electron Card (runs as a Visa for most gateways) |
ctMaestro (8) | Maestro Card |
ctLaser (10) | Laser Card (Ireland) |
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
CardCVVData Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Three digit security code on back of card (optional).
__property String CardCVVData = { read=FCardCVVData, write=FSetCardCVVData };
Default Value
Three digit security code on back of card (optional).
This alphanumeric property contains the three digit Visa "Card Verification Value" (CVV), MasterCard "Card Verification Code" (CVC), or four-digit American Express "Card Identification Number" (CID). This value appears as additional characters embossed on the card signature line following the credit card account number on the back of the credit card. This is an optional property which can be used to determine if the customer is actually in possession of the credit card.
Even if the CardCVVData is incorrect, the transaction may still be authorized. It is up to the merchant to examine the ResponseCVVResult property and decide whether to honor the transaction or not.
Note: When set to a non-empty value, CardCVVPresence will be automatically set to cvpProvided. If set to empty string (""), CardCVVPresence will be automatically set to cvpNotProvided.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
CardCVVPresence Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Indicates the presence of the card verification value.
__property TibcTSYSGiftCardCardCVVPresences CardCVVPresence = { read=FCardCVVPresence, write=FSetCardCVVPresence };
enum TibcTSYSGiftCardCardCVVPresences { cvpNotProvided=0, cvpProvided=1, cvpIllegible=2, cvpNotOnCard=3 };
Default Value
Indicates the presence of the card verification value.
This property is used to indicate the presence of CardCVVData.
The component will automatically set this value to cvpProvided when a CardCVVData value is specified. You can explicitly specify the CardCVVPresence indicator by setting this property.
Available values are:
- cvpNotProvided (0)
- cvpProvided (1)
- cvpIllegible (2)
- cvpNotOnCard (3)
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
CardEntryDataSource Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
This property contains a 1-character code identifying the source of the customer data.
__property TibcTSYSGiftCardCardEntryDataSources CardEntryDataSource = { read=FCardEntryDataSource, write=FSetCardEntryDataSource };
enum TibcTSYSGiftCardCardEntryDataSources { edsTrack1=0, edsTrack2=1, edsManualEntryTrack1Capable=2, edsManualEntryTrack2Capable=3, edsManualEntryNoCardReader=4, edsTrack1Contactless=5, edsTrack2Contactless=6, edsManualEntryContactlessCapable=7, edsIVR=8, edsKiosk=9 };
Default Value
This property contains a 1-character code identifying the source of the customer data. The table below shows all supported values for this property.
edsTrack1 (0) | Full Magnetic stripe read and transmit, Track 1. |
edsTrack2 (1) | Full magnetic stripe read and transmit, Track 2. |
edsManualEntryTrack1Capable (2) | Manually keyed, Track 1 capable. |
edsManualEntryTrack2Capable (3) | Manually keyed, Track 2 capable. |
edsManualEntryNoCardReader (4) | Manually keyed, terminal has no card reading capability (use this for e-commerce and MOTO transactions). |
edsTrack1Contactless (5) | Full magnetic stripe read (Track 1 only), Chip Card capable terminal (Visa, Mastercard, and JCB Transactions only). |
edsTrack2Contactless (6) | Full magnetic stripe read (Track 2 only), Chip Card capable terminal (Visa, Mastercard, and JCB Transactions only). |
edsManualEntryContactlessCapable (7) | Manually keyed, Chip Card read capable terminal (Visa, MasterCard, and JCB transactions only). |
edsIVR (8) | Interactive Voice Response processing. This is applicable to Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) transactions. (CardNumber, CardExpMonth, and CardExpYear are sent). |
edsKiosk (9) | Automated kiosk transaction. Track1 or Track2 data must be sent in CardMagneticStripe, the transaction cannot be manually entered. |
Below is a list of processors and their support EntryDataSource values:
FDMS - edsTrack1, edsTrack2, edsManualEntryTrack1Capable, edsManualEntryTrack2Capable, edsManualEntryNoCardReader, edsTrack1Contactless, edsTrack2Contactless, edsManualEntryContactlessCapable, edsIVR, edsKiosk
FDMSOmaha - All EntryDataSources applicable
FDMS Rapid Connect - All EntryDataSources applicable
Global - edsTrack1, edsTrack2, edsManualEntryTrack1Capable, edsManualEntryTrack2Capable, edsManualEntryNoCardReader, edsTrack1Contactless, edsTrack2Contactless, edsIVR, edsKiosk
PTech - edsTrack1, edsTrack2, edsManualEntryTrack1Capable, edsManualEntryTrack2Capable, edsManualEntryNoCardReader, edsTrack1Contactless, edsTrack2Contactless, edsManualEntryContactlessCapable
TSYS - edsTrack1, edsTrack2, edsManualEntryTrack1Capable, edsManualEntryTrack2Capable, edsManualEntryNoCardReader, edsTrack2Contactless, edsManualEntryContactlessCapable
TSYSHC - Values are based on Industry type.
TSYSHCBenefit | edsTrack2, edsManualEntryTrack1Capable, edsManualEntryTrack2Capable |
TSYSHCECommerce | edsManualEntryNoCardReader |
TSYSHCRetail | edsTrack1, edsTrack2, edsManualEntryTrack1Capable, edsManualEntryTrack2Capable, edsTrack1Contactless, edsTrack2Contactless, edsManualEntryContactlessCapable |
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
CardExpMonth Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Expiration month of the credit card specified in Number .
__property int CardExpMonth = { read=FCardExpMonth, write=FSetCardExpMonth };
Default Value
Expiration month of the credit card specified in CardNumber.
This property contains the expiration date of the customer's credit card, and must be in the range 1 - 12.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
CardExpYear Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Expiration year of the credit card specified in Number .
__property int CardExpYear = { read=FCardExpYear, write=FSetCardExpYear };
Default Value
Expiration year of the credit card specified in CardNumber.
This property contains the expiration date of the customer's credit card. This property must be in the range 0 - 99, or 2000 - 2099. Any date before the year 2000 or after 2099 cannot be specified.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
CardIsEncrypted Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Determines whether data set to the Number or MagneticStripe properties is validated.
__property bool CardIsEncrypted = { read=FCardIsEncrypted, write=FSetCardIsEncrypted };
Default Value
Determines whether data set to the CardNumber or CardMagneticStripe fields is validated.
By default, when the CardNumber or CardMagneticStripe fields are set, the value will be validated and normalized. For instance, "4444-33332222 1111" will be normalized as "4444333322221111" and CardMagneticStripe data will be parsed for the track specified by CardEntryDataSource. However, any other non-numerical data entered will cause an exception to be thrown. It may be useful in some gateways to send other data in the CardNumber or CardMagneticStripe fields, and this can be accomplished by setting IsEncrypted to true. However, please note that in doing so automatic calculation of the CardType may be affected, and the card number will not be verified.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
CardMagneticStripe Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Track data read off of the card's magnetic stripe.
__property String CardMagneticStripe = { read=FCardMagneticStripe, write=FSetCardMagneticStripe };
Default Value
Track data read off of the card's magnetic stripe.
If CardEntryDataSource is not one of the manually entered enumerations, then this property must be set with the track1 or track2 data from the magnetic stripe on the back of the customer's credit card. This includes everything after but not including the start sentinel (% or ;) and up to but not including the end sentinel (?) and LRC check character. You may only set this property with track 1 or track 2 data, and may not pass both. Use the CardEntryDataSource property to indicate which track you are sending.
The following example shows how to set the CardMagneticStripe and CardEntryDataSource properties if the data read off the card is "%B4788250000028291^TSYS^05121015432112345678?;4788250000028291=05121015432112345678?"
component.CardMagneticStripe = "B4788250000028291^TSYS^05121015432112345678"
component.CardEntryDataSource = edsTrack1
component.CardMagneticStripe = "4788250000028291=05121015432112345678"
component.CardEntryDataSource = edsTrack2
Industry regulations do not allow merchants or processors to store track data in any form of persistent storage. Failure to abide by this regulation can result in significant fines and other penalties.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
CardNumber Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Customer's credit card number for the transaction.
__property String CardNumber = { read=FCardNumber, write=FSetCardNumber };
Default Value
Customer's credit card number for the transaction.
If you're sending the transaction with CardMagneticStripe data, this property should be left empty.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
CashBackAmount Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Amount returned to the customer in cash.
__property String CashBackAmount = { read=FCashBackAmount, write=FSetCashBackAmount };
Default Value
This property may contain an optional cash back amount when authorizing a Debit Purchase transaction, EBT Cash Benefit Purchase, or a Gift Card Purchase transaction. The value of TransactionAmount must reflect the cost of the goods or service purchased plus this CashBackAmount.
Note: CashBackAmount must be empty for Restaurant IndustryType as this is not supported by TSYS.
Note: TSYS does not support transactions containing both CashBack and Gratuity/Tip amounts.
This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The allowable number of significant digits as well as the positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the designated CurrencyCode configuration setting. In the United States (default), the number of allowable significant digits is seven. Thus the maximum TransactionAmount is "9999999", yielding a US dollar amount of $99,999.99. This field may not contain a negative number.
Note: For EBT Withdrawal transactions, CashBackAmount must be empty. However, when creating detail records for the settlement of the transaction, the DebitCashBack in the detail record must match the TransactionAmount for the authorization.
Note, this property is only valid for the ttGiftCardPurchase TransactionType. Trying to send any other TransactionType with cash back will cause the component to fail with an error.
Data Type
CustomerAddress Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
The customer's billing address.
__property String CustomerAddress = { read=FCustomerAddress, write=FSetCustomerAddress };
Default Value
This field is used as part of the Address Verification Service (AVS) and contains the customer's street address as it appears on their monthly statement. Only the street number, street name, and apartment number are required in this field. City and state are not included, and the zip code is set in the CustomerZip property.
This property is an alphanumeric field. Due to concerns with International addresses and changing specifications, the component does not do any processing on the address. The address will be included in the authorization request exactly as you set it.
Per TSYS specs, the following rules apply:
- In the address, numbers are not spelled out. "First Street" becomes "1ST Street," "Second" becomes "2ND," and so on.
- There must be a (space) between two consecutive data elements that are only numeric.
Note the following examples:
- "1234 56th Street" is equivalent to: "1234 56Street"
- "1234 56th Street" is NOT equivalent to: "123456Street" //do not strip all spaces between two numbers
- "1391 ELM STREET" is equivalent to: "1391ELMSTREET"
- "P.O. BOX 24356" is equivalent to: "POBOX24356"
The length of this property is 19 characters, and any string longer than this raises an exception. If the customer's address is much greater than the length of this field, it is admissible to include only the street number in this field.
Data Type
CustomerZip Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Customer's zip code (or postal code if outside of the USA).
__property String CustomerZip = { read=FCustomerZip, write=FSetCustomerZip };
Default Value
This field is used as part of the Address Verification Service (AVS). If the customer resides within the United States, this field should contain the five or nine digit zip code as it appears on the customer's monthly statement. If the customer's billing address is outside of the United States, this field should contain the customer's postal code.
This field is an alphanumeric field with a maximum length of nine characters. Spaces and dashes are automatically stripped when the property is set.
Data Type
EmployeeId Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Identification number of the Employee making this transaction.
__property String EmployeeId = { read=FEmployeeId, write=FSetEmployeeId };
Default Value
This property identifies the operator initiating this transaction, and should be a unique value defined for each employee within the merchant. This field is only required if the merchant participates in a program where operator level reporting is performed.
Note, this property is ignored for Prepaid Card transactions.
Data Type
IndustryType Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Code which indicates the industry the merchant is engaged in.
__property TibcTSYSGiftCardIndustryTypes IndustryType = { read=FIndustryType, write=FSetIndustryType };
enum TibcTSYSGiftCardIndustryTypes { sitUnknown=0, sitRetail=1, sitRestaurant=2, sitGroceryStore=3, sitDirectMarketing=4, sitHotel=5, sitAutoRental=6, sitPassengerTransport=7 };
Default Value
This property is used to identify the industry type of the merchant submitting the authorization request. The following table lists the industry types supported by this component.
sitUnknown (0) | Unknown or unsure. |
sitRetail (1) | Retail store. |
sitRestaurant (2) | Food / Restaurant. |
sitGroceryStore (3) | Grocery store or supermarket. |
sitDirectMarketing (4) | eCommerce or Direct Marketing |
sitHotel (5) | Hotel / Lodging |
sitAutoRental (6) | Auto Rental |
sitPassengerTransport (7) | Passenger Transport |
Note: American Express cards are NOT currently supported in the sitAutoRental industry.
Note: itDirectMarketing, itHotel, and itAutoRental are NOT supported for this component All Debit, EBT, and Gift Card transactions must be face-to-face card present transactions.
Data Type
MerchantBankId Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
The number which identifies the merchant's bank or processor.
__property String MerchantBankId = { read=FMerchantBankId, write=FSetMerchantBankId };
Default Value
The number which identifies the merchant's bank or processor.
This property contains a six digit Visa assigned Bank Identification Number issued by the merchant's member bank or processor. The acquirer Bank Identification Number (BIN) identifies the member bank that signed the merchant using the Point of Sale application. This property may not remain zero-filled.
Note, the TSYS Server uses the Merchant's MerchantBankId and MerchantNumber to route the transaction to the proper back-end processor. If either number is incorrect (or if you're using test numbers and the test system is offline) the TSYS server will immediately disconnect, and will not supply an error message.
Data Type
MerchantCategoryCode Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Classifies a merchant by the type of store.
__property String MerchantCategoryCode = { read=FMerchantCategoryCode, write=FSetMerchantCategoryCode };
Default Value
Classifies a merchant by the type of store.
This four digit property contains a number assigned by the signing member or processor to identify a merchant industry classification. This value is similar to the Standard Industry Code (SIC).
Data Type
MerchantCity Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Merchant's City For Retail (Card Present) transactions, this property should contain the city in which the merchant is located.
__property String MerchantCity = { read=FMerchantCity, write=FSetMerchantCity };
Default Value
Merchant's City
For Retail (Card Present) transactions, this property should contain the city in which the merchant is located. This is an optional property. However if it is specified, the MerchantName and MerchantState must also be specified.
The first character of this property may not be a space and must contain the same data used in the batch settlement.
Note that this property is ignored for Direct Marketing and E-Commerce transactions. MerchantServicePhone is used for those industries instead of MerchantCity.
This property may contain alphanumeric characters, but not punctuation or control characters. The maximum length of this property is 13 characters.
Data Type
MerchantCountryCode Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Identifies the country where the merchant is located.
__property String MerchantCountryCode = { read=FMerchantCountryCode, write=FSetMerchantCountryCode };
Default Value
Identifies the country where the merchant is located.
This property contains a three digit number assigned by the signing member or processor to identify the merchant's location country. These codes are specified by ISO-3166-1. For the United States, use "840".
Data Type
MerchantCurrencyCode Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Identifies the type of currency used by the merchant.
__property String MerchantCurrencyCode = { read=FMerchantCurrencyCode, write=FSetMerchantCurrencyCode };
Default Value
Identifies the type of currency used by the merchant.
This property contains a three digit number assigned by the signing member or processor to identify the merchant's authorization currency. For US Dollars, use "840".
Data Type
MerchantLanguage Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Designates the language that response messages will be returned in.
__property String MerchantLanguage = { read=FMerchantLanguage, write=FSetMerchantLanguage };
Default Value
Designates the language that response messages will be returned in.
This property contains a two digit language indicator. This value designates the language to be used in formatting the authorization response text message. This property may be changed from transaction to transaction. The following table provides a summary of the languages currently supported.
Indicator | Language |
00 | English. |
01 | Spanish. |
02 | Portuguese. |
03 | Reserved for Irish. |
04 | Reserved for French. |
05 | Reserved for German. |
06 | Reserved for Italian. |
07 | Reserved for Dutch. |
Data Type
MerchantName Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Name of the merchant.
__property String MerchantName = { read=FMerchantName, write=FSetMerchantName };
Default Value
Name of the merchant.
This 25 character property contains the merchant name provided by the signing member or processor. The name provided must correspond to the name printed on the customer receipt. The first character of this property may not be a space. This property must contain the same value in both authorization and batch settlement.
This is an optional property. However if this property is specified, the MerchantState and MerchantCity (Retail) or MerchantState and MerchantServicePhone (E-Commerce) must also be specified.
This property may contain alphanumeric and punctuation characters. The maximum length of this property is 25 characters.
Data Type
MerchantNumber Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
A unique number used to identify the merchant within the VisaNet system.
__property String MerchantNumber = { read=FMerchantNumber, write=FSetMerchantNumber };
Default Value
A unique number used to identify the merchant within the VisaNet system.
This 12 digit property contains a unique number which is assigned by the signing merchant's bank or processor. This property is used to identify the merchant within the VisaNet system. This number will be right-justified and zero-filled.
Note, the TSYS Server uses the Merchant's MerchantBankId and MerchantNumber to route the transaction to the proper back-end processor. If either number is incorrect (or if you're using test numbers and the test system is offline) the TSYS server will immediately disconnect, and will not supply an error message.
Data Type
MerchantPhone Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Merchant's phone number.
__property String MerchantPhone = { read=FMerchantPhone, write=FSetMerchantPhone };
Default Value
Merchant's phone number.
This property contains the Merchant's business phone number. This can be the same as the customer service phone number.
Data Type
MerchantServicePhone Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Merchant's customer service number.
__property String MerchantServicePhone = { read=FMerchantServicePhone, write=FSetMerchantServicePhone };
Default Value
Merchant's customer service number.
This property contains a merchant telephone number that the cardholder may call for service. It should contain an 11-character phone number in XXX-XXXXXXX format. The initial "1" for long-distance or toll-free calls should be omitted. For instance, "800-1234567" is acceptable, while "1-800-1234567" is not. The fourth character position MUST contain a hyphen. Hyphens may not be used anywhere else.
This property is used for authorizations in the Hotel, Auto Rental, and Direct Marketing Industry Types, and in the settlement for all industry types.
Data Type
MerchantState Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
State or province that the merchant is located in.
__property String MerchantState = { read=FMerchantState, write=FSetMerchantState };
Default Value
State or province that the merchant is located in.
This two character property contains the merchant state or province provided by the signing member or processor. This property must contain the same data used in the batch settlement.
This is an optional property. However if it is specified the Merchant MerchantName and MerchantCity (Retail) or MerchantName and MerchantServicePhone (E-Commerce) must also be specified.
Data Type
MerchantStoreNumber Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Used to identify a specific merchant's store within the VisaNet system.
__property String MerchantStoreNumber = { read=FMerchantStoreNumber, write=FSetMerchantStoreNumber };
Default Value
Used to identify a specific merchant's store within the VisaNet system.
This four digit property contains a number assigned by the signing member, processor, or merchant to identify a specific merchant store within the VisaNet system. This property must be right-justified and zero-filled.
Data Type
MerchantStreetAddress Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Merchant's street address.
__property String MerchantStreetAddress = { read=FMerchantStreetAddress, write=FSetMerchantStreetAddress };
Default Value
Merchant's street address.
This 25 character property contains the Merchant's street address, which should include the street number, street name, and other identifiers of the precise location, such as a building or unit number.
Data Type
MerchantTerminalNumber Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Used to identify a unique terminal within a merchant location.
__property String MerchantTerminalNumber = { read=FMerchantTerminalNumber, write=FSetMerchantTerminalNumber };
Default Value
Used to identify a unique terminal within a merchant location.
This four digit property contains a number assigned by the signing member, processor, or merchant to identify a unique terminal within a merchant location. Because the terminal number submitted in the authorization request is echoed back to the terminal in the authorization response, this property may additionally be used in controller-based environments to assist in the matching and routing of authorization request and response messages at the point of concentration. This property must be right-justified and zero-filled.
Data Type
MerchantTimeZone Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Specifies the GMT offset used to calculate the local time within the VisaNet system.
__property String MerchantTimeZone = { read=FMerchantTimeZone, write=FSetMerchantTimeZone };
Default Value
Specifies the GMT offset used to calculate the local time within the VisaNet system.
This filed contains a three digit code used to calculate the local time within the VisaNet authorization system. The differential is calculated by the signing member or processor, providing the standard local time zone differential from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The first digit specifies the direction of the differential and offset increment as well as whether daylight savings is observed. The last two digits specify the magnitude of the differential. For example, North Carolina would be "705", California would be "708", and Arizona would be "107" (daylight savings not observed). The following table provides a brief summary of the Time Zone Differential Codes.
Byte #1:
Value | Meaning |
0 | Positive offset, in hours, ahead of GMT. |
1 | Negative offset, in hours, behind GMT. |
2 | Positive offset, in 15 minute increments, ahead of GMT. |
3 | Negative offset, in 15 minute increments, behind GMT. |
4 | Positive offset, in 15 minute increments, ahead of GMT, in cities participating in daylight savings. |
5 | Negative offset, in 15 minute increments, behind GMT, in cities participating in daylight savings. |
6 | Positive offset, in hours, ahead of GMT, in cities participating in daylight savings. |
7 | Negative offset, in hours, behind GMT, in cities participating in daylight savings. |
8-9 | RESERVED. |
If byte #1 designates an area with offset in hours, (0, 1, 6, 7) the value of these bytes should be between "00" and "12", inclusive. If byte #1 designates an area with offset in 15 minute increments, (2-5) the value of these bytes should be between "00" and "48", inclusive.
Data Type
MerchantZip Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Zip code where the merchant that initiated this transaction is located.
__property String MerchantZip = { read=FMerchantZip, write=FSetMerchantZip };
Default Value
Zip code where the merchant that initiated this transaction is located.
This property contains the nine character code used to further identify the merchant location. Within the United States, the five or nine digit zip code of the address of the store location is used. Outside of the United States, this property will be assigned by the signing member or processor.
This property is alphanumeric, with a maximum length of nine characters. Spaces and dashes are automatically stripped when the property is set.
Data Type
MerchantABANumber Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Merchant's routing number.
__property String MerchantABANumber = { read=FMerchantABANumber, write=FSetMerchantABANumber };
Default Value
This property identifies the merchant to a direct debit switch, and must be supplied for all debit request transactions. This number is provided by the signing member or processor, and should be exactly 9 digits in length.
Data Type
MerchantSettlementAgent Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Merchant's settling agent.
__property String MerchantSettlementAgent = { read=FMerchantSettlementAgent, write=FSetMerchantSettlementAgent };
Default Value
This property identifies the merchant settling agent, and must be supplied for all debit request transactions. This number is provided by the signing member or processor, and should be exactly 4 digits in length.
Data Type
OriginalPurchaseDate Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Date and time of original purchase, used for returns.
__property String OriginalPurchaseDate = { read=FOriginalPurchaseDate, write=FSetOriginalPurchaseDate };
Default Value
This property is only applicable for Debit Credit transactions and Gift Card Refund transactions. If supplied, this property must be 8 characters long and formatted as "MMDDhhmm" (month, day, hour, minute).
Note that this property is only valid for the ttGiftCardRefund TransactionType, and will be ignored for all other transactions.
Data Type
PartialRedemption Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Partial Redemption indicator.
__property bool PartialRedemption = { read=FPartialRedemption, write=FSetPartialRedemption };
Default Value
If the customer does not have enough on his stored value card to cover the complete cost of the purchase, the merchant may request that the host perform a partial redemption. The stored value card will be used to fund as much of the transaction as possible, and the remainder may be funded by some other form of payment. When PartialRedemption is set to True, the host will supply the actual amount authorized from the stored value card in the ResponseAuthorizedAmount property.
Note that the ResponseAuthorizedAmount will only contain a value if PartialRedemption is set to True, and will remain blank otherwise. If the Stored Value card has a zero balance before submitting this transaction, it will be declined regardless of the value of PartialRedemption.
Data Type
ReceivingInstitution Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Indicates which gift card network to use.
__property TibcTSYSGiftCardReceivingInstitutions ReceivingInstitution = { read=FReceivingInstitution, write=FSetReceivingInstitution };
enum TibcTSYSGiftCardReceivingInstitutions { riStoredValueSystems=0, riFifthThird=1 };
Default Value
This field contains a secondary network routing identifier, which indicates the gift card network to be used to process transactions. This is necessary because private issue gift card number ranges may conflict with ranges assigned to major credit card issuers. The supported receiving institutions include:
riStoredValueSystems (0) | Stored Value Systems Gift Card |
riFifthThird (1) | Fifth Third Gift Card |
Note, this property is ignored for Prepaid Card transactions.
Data Type
ResponseApprovalCode Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Contains an authorization code when a transaction has been approved.
__property String ResponseApprovalCode = { read=FResponseApprovalCode };
Default Value
Contains an authorization code when a transaction has been approved.
This six character property contains an authorization code when a transaction has been approved. If the ResponseCode returned indicates that the transaction has not been approved, then the contents of the property should be ignored. The ResponseApprovalCode must be stored and submitted in the settlement data capture record.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseAuthorizedAmount Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Amount actually used from the card (used when supporting partial redemptions).
__property String ResponseAuthorizedAmount = { read=FResponseAuthorizedAmount };
Default Value
Amount actually used from the card (used when supporting partial redemptions).
The ResponseAuthorizedAmount represents the actual approved transaction amount when a transaction request is received from a client using the PartialRedemption option. If PartialAuthorization is set to True, then ResponseAuthorizedAmount will be the amount of the TransactionAmount that was actually covered by the remaining balance on the card when the requested authorization amount exceeds the available card balance.
For example, a card may have an available balance of $7.50, but the cardholder does not know this. Rather than submit a Balance Inquiry transaction followed by a Purchase transaction, the merchant can use the PartialAuthorization option. If a purchase for $10.00 is attempted on the card with a $7.50 balance, the system will respond with an approval, and the ResponseAuthorizedAmount will represent the approved amount of $7.50.In this case, the ResponseCode will also be "00" (Approval). The merchant must tender the difference between the requested TransactionAmount and the ResponseAuthorizedAmount using another form of payment. If the transaction is fully covered by the balance remaining on the FSA card (ie, the current available balance is greater than the TransactionAmount) then this property will be "0" or "".
If the card has a zero balance before submitting this transaction, it will be declined regardless of the value of PartialAuthorization.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ResponseAuthSource Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Indicates the source of the authorization code stored in ApprovalCode .
__property String ResponseAuthSource = { read=FResponseAuthSource };
Default Value
Indicates the source of the authorization code stored in ResponseApprovalCode.
This property contains a one character code indicating the source of the ResponseApprovalCode. The received code must be stored and submitted in the batch settlement. Valid source codes are:
Code | Description |
6 | Off-line approval: POS device generated. |
7 | Acquirer approval. |
9 | Use for non-authorized transactions; such as credit card credits |
B | Response provided by Visa Transaction Advisor Service. |
E | Off-line approval: authorization code manually keyed. |
F | CAFIS-generated response: Post-Auth.* |
G | Issuer Approval: Post-Auth.* |
H | Exceeds acquirer settlement risk exposure cap. |
N | No authorization required: Below floor limit |
L | Late clearing - authorization previously obtained (clearing beyond 30 days) |
V | Authorization obtained via VisaNet (Issuer or STIP response) |
Space | Default value, if acquirer cannot define it (MC, D, AX) |
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseAVSResult Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Contains the Address Verification System result code.
__property String ResponseAVSResult = { read=FResponseAVSResult };
Default Value
Contains the Address Verification System result code.
This one character property contains the Address Verification System (AVS) result code. An AVS result code can provide additional information concerning the authentication of a particular transaction for which cardholder address verification was requested. An AVS result code of "0" will be returned in the response message when no address verification has been requested. The value returned should be stored and submitted as part of the batch settlement. Valid AVS codes are:
Code | Description |
0 | Approved/Declined - Address verification was not requested or it was requested but the transaction was declined (Visa, MC, Amex, Discover). |
A | Address Match - CustomerAddress matches, CustomerZip does not, or the request does not include the CustomerZip (Visa, Amex, Discover). |
I* | Ver Unavailable - Address information not verified (Discover). |
N | No match - Transaction contained postal/ZIP code only, or street address only, or postal code and street address. Also used when transaction requests AVS but sends no AVS data (Visa, MC, Amex, Discover). |
R | Retry - System unable to process (Visa, MC, Amex, Discover). |
S | Serv Unavailable - Service not supported (MC, Amex, Discover). |
U | Ver Unavailable - No data from Issuer/Authorization platform (Visa, MC, Amex, Discover). |
W | Zip Match - Nine character CustomerZip matches, CustomerAddress does not (MC, Discover). |
X | Exact Match - Nine character CustomerZip and CustomerAddress match (MC, Discover). |
Y | Exact Match - CustomerZip and CustomerAddress match (Visa, MC, Amex, Discover). |
Z | Zip Match - CustomerZip matches; CustomerAddress does not match or street address not included in the request (Visa, MC, Amex, Discover). |
1 | APPROVAL - Cardholder name and ZIP match (Amex only). |
2 | APPROVAL - Cardholder name, address, and ZIP match (Amex only). |
3 | APPROVAL - Cardholder name, address match (Amex only). |
4 | APPROVAL - Cardholder name matches (Amex only). |
5 | APPROVAL - Cardholder name incorrect, ZIP matches (Amex only). |
6 | APPROVAL - Cardholder name incorrect, address and ZIP match (Amex only). |
7 | APPROVAL - Cardholder name incorrect, address matches (Amex only). |
8 | NO MATCH - Cardholder name, address, and ZIP do not match (Amex only). |
*AVS Result Code for International addresses only
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseBalance Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Available balance remaining on card.
__property String ResponseBalance = { read=FResponseBalance };
Default Value
Available balance remaining on card.
This property contains the Available Balance remaining on the card following the transaction that was just authorized. It represents the balance on the card prior to the transaction, minus the TransactionAmount from this transaction. For example, if a card has a $20.00 balance prior to a $15.00 ttGiftCardPurchase authorization, then the ResponseBalance will reflect an available balance of "500" ($20.00 - $15.00 = $5.00).
Note that this balance will be returned for all TransactionTypes, not just Balance Inquiries.
This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The allowable number of significant digits as well as the positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the designated CurrencyCode configuration setting. In the United States (default), the number of allowable significant digits is seven. Thus the maximum TransactionAmount is "9999999", yielding a US dollar amount of $99,999.99. This field may not contain a negative number.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ResponseCode Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Indicates the status of the authorization request.
__property String ResponseCode = { read=FResponseCode };
Default Value
Indicates the status of the authorization request.
This property contains a two character response code indicating the status of the authorization request. The Point of Sale (POS) system must evaluate this response code and NOT the ResponseText to determine nature of a response message. A response code of "00" represents an approval. A response code of "85" represents a successful card verification (when the TransactionType set to dcCardAuthentication). A response code of "10" indicates that the transaction was partially approved for a lesser amount. In such cases, the partially authorized amount can be retrieved via ResponseAuthorizedAmount config. All other response codes represent non-approved requests. Do NOT interpret all non-approved response codes as "DECLINED".
A list of valid result ResponseCodes are listed in the table of contents.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseCVVResult Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Contains the returned CVV result code if it was requested.
__property String ResponseCVVResult = { read=FResponseCVVResult };
Default Value
Contains the returned CVV result code if it was requested.
If a CVV value was sent in the authorization request, then this one character property will contain the host returned Card Verification Value result code. Please note that a CVV Result code is never returned for an American Express transaction, even if the CVV data is included in the authorization. Instead, an AMEX transaction will be declined if the CVV value does not match, with an ResponseText indicating such. The following is a list of current result codes:
M | CVV2 match. |
N | CVV2 no match. |
P | Not processed. |
S | Merchant has indicated that CVV2 is not present on card. |
U | Issuer not certified and/or has not provided Visa encryption keys. |
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseHostMessageId Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Unique host message identifier (Reserved for future use).
__property String ResponseHostMessageId = { read=FResponseHostMessageId };
Default Value
Unique host message identifier (Reserved for future use).
This property will contain a unique host message identifier assigned by the authorizing system and returned in Debit, EBT, and Gift card response messages. This property is reserved for future use and will most likely contain spaces.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ResponseNetworkId Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Identification code of the network on which the transaction was authorized.
__property String ResponseNetworkId = { read=FResponseNetworkId };
Default Value
Identification code of the network on which the transaction was authorized.
This property indicates the network through which the transaction was authorized. If this property contains a "V" or a "5", this indicates the transaction was processed as a credit card purchase transaction even though it was originally submitted as a debit transaction. When these values ("V" or "5") are returned, the transaction must be settled as a credit card (non-debit) transaction.
The ResponseNetworkId must be printed on the customer's receipt.
The following values may be returned by the TSYS host:
1 | AFFN ATM |
5 | Visa Check Card II |
7 | ITS Shazam |
8 | Maestro |
! | ATH/Evertec |
A | Amex ATM |
B | Plus ATM |
C | CU24 |
D | Discover ATM |
E | Accel |
F | NYCE |
G | Interlink |
J | MasterCard ATM |
K | EBT |
L | Pulse |
M | STAR |
N | STAR |
O | Cirrus ATM |
Q | STAR W |
U | AFFN |
Y | NYCE |
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ResponseRetrievalNumber Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
This number is to be used to identify transactions and should be submitted when making adjustments, reversals or at settlement.
__property String ResponseRetrievalNumber = { read=FResponseRetrievalNumber };
Default Value
This number is to be used to identify transactions and should be submitted when making adjustments, reversals or at settlement.
This property contains a 12-character value reflecting the transaction Retrieval Reference Number returned by the authorizing system. The Point of Sale (POS) system should record the Retrieval Reference Number received in the original authorization response.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseReturnedACI Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Returned Authorization Characteristics Indicator contains CPS qualification status.
__property String ResponseReturnedACI = { read=FResponseReturnedACI };
Default Value
Returned Authorization Characteristics Indicator contains CPS qualification status.
This one character property contains the returned Authorization Characteristics Indicator (ACI). This value provides information concerning the transaction's CPS qualification status. It is not recommended that the Point of Sale (POS) system attempt to interpret the meaning of this value. Instead, the POS system should extract whatever value is returned in this property and submit it in the batch settlement. The POS system should not interpret any relationship between this property and the presence of data in either the ResponseTransactionId or ResponseValidationCode properties.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseSettleDate Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Date at which the Debit, EBT, or Gift Card transaction will settle.
__property String ResponseSettleDate = { read=FResponseSettleDate };
Default Value
Date at which the Debit, EBT, or Gift Card transaction will settle.
This property contains a four-character transaction settlement date as returned by the TSYS Acquiring Solutions authorization system. This date is in "MMDD" format, and indicates the date at which this transaction will settle. This date does not have to match the date you actually submit this transaction in a batch settlement.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ResponseText Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Text information that describes each response code.
__property String ResponseText = { read=FResponseText };
Default Value
Text information that describes each response code.
This property contains a 16-character response or display text message. This message is used by the terminal to display the authorization result. The display text must not be used to determine the nature of a response message. VisaNet will translate the response according to the merchant's selected language.
The English-language response text messages are listed in the table of contents.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseTrace Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
System Trace Audit Number returned for Debit transactions.
__property String ResponseTrace = { read=FResponseTrace };
Default Value
System Trace Audit Number returned for Debit transactions.
This property contains a unique host message identifier assigned by the authorizing system, and is returned in Debit, EBT, and Gift Card response messages.
This property is read-only.
Data Type
ResponseTransactionDate Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Local transaction date returned from the server in MMddyy format.
__property String ResponseTransactionDate = { read=FResponseTransactionDate };
Default Value
Local transaction date returned from the server in MMddyy format.
This six digit property contains a local transaction date calculated by the authorization center using the time zone differential specified by the Merchant's Time Zone;. This property should be recorded and submitted in the Batch Settlement.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseTransactionId Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Contains the Transaction Identifier or MasterCard Reference Number.
__property String ResponseTransactionId = { read=FResponseTransactionId };
Default Value
Contains the Transaction Identifier or MasterCard Reference Number.
This 15-character property can contain a Transaction Identifier (Visa, American Express or Discover) or Reference Number (MasterCard). The Point of Sale (POS) device should not attempt to interpret the meaning of any data appearing in this property. Data returned in this property (if any) should be recorded and submitted in the Batch Settlement.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseTransactionNumber Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Check this property against the original Transaction Number.
__property String ResponseTransactionNumber = { read=FResponseTransactionNumber };
Default Value
Check this property against the original Transaction Number.
This property should be compared to the TransactionNumber in order to match a response with a given authorization request when in Interleaved mode (Timeout = 0). If running in non-interleaved (synchronous) mode, this property should always be identical to TransactionNumber. If it is not, the transaction must not be settled in the Batch Settlement.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseTransactionTime Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Local transaction time returned from the server in HHmmss format.
__property String ResponseTransactionTime = { read=FResponseTransactionTime };
Default Value
Local transaction time returned from the server in HHmmss format.
This six digit property contains the Local Transaction Time returned by the authorizing system. This property should be recorded and submitted in the Batch Settlement.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
ResponseValidationCode Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
This optional property contains information generated by the card issuer.
__property String ResponseValidationCode = { read=FResponseValidationCode };
Default Value
This optional property contains information generated by the card issuer.
This optional four character property contains specific information generated by the card issuer. The Point of Sale (POS) device should not attempt to interpret the meaning of any data appearing in this property. Data returned in this property should be recorded and submitted as part of a Batch Settlement.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
SSLAcceptServerCertEncoded Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded).
__property String SSLAcceptServerCertEncoded = { read=FSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded, write=FSetSSLAcceptServerCertEncoded }; __property DynamicArray<Byte> SSLAcceptServerCertEncodedB = { read=FSSLAcceptServerCertEncodedB, write=FSetSSLAcceptServerCertEncodedB };
Default Value
This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). This property is used to assign a specific certificate. The SSLAcceptServerCertStore and SSLAcceptServerCertSubject properties also may be used to specify a certificate.
When SSLAcceptServerCertEncoded is set, a search is initiated in the current SSLAcceptServerCertStore for the private key of the certificate. If the key is found, SSLAcceptServerCertSubject is updated to reflect the full subject of the selected certificate; otherwise, SSLAcceptServerCertSubject is set to an empty string.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
SSLCertEncoded Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded).
__property String SSLCertEncoded = { read=FSSLCertEncoded, write=FSetSSLCertEncoded }; __property DynamicArray<Byte> SSLCertEncodedB = { read=FSSLCertEncodedB, write=FSetSSLCertEncodedB };
Default Value
This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). This property is used to assign a specific certificate. The SSLCertStore and SSLCertSubject properties also may be used to specify a certificate.
When SSLCertEncoded is set, a search is initiated in the current SSLCertStore for the private key of the certificate. If the key is found, SSLCertSubject is updated to reflect the full subject of the selected certificate; otherwise, SSLCertSubject is set to an empty string.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
SSLCertStore Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
This is the name of the certificate store for the client certificate.
__property String SSLCertStore = { read=FSSLCertStore, write=FSetSSLCertStore }; __property DynamicArray<Byte> SSLCertStoreB = { read=FSSLCertStoreB, write=FSetSSLCertStoreB };
Default Value
This is the name of the certificate store for the client certificate.
The SSLCertStoreType property denotes the type of the certificate store specified by SSLCertStore. If the store is password protected, specify the password in SSLCertStorePassword.
SSLCertStore is used in conjunction with the SSLCertSubject property to specify client certificates. If SSLCertStore has a value, and SSLCertSubject or SSLCertEncoded is set, a search for a certificate is initiated. Please see the SSLCertSubject property for details.
Designations of certificate stores are platform dependent.
The following designations are the most common User and Machine certificate stores in Windows:
MY | A certificate store holding personal certificates with their associated private keys. |
CA | Certifying authority certificates. |
ROOT | Root certificates. |
When the certificate store type is PFXFile, this property must be set to the name of the file. When the type is PFXBlob, the property must be set to the binary contents of a PFX file (i.e., PKCS#12 certificate store).
Data Type
Byte Array
SSLCertStorePassword Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
If the type of certificate store requires a password, this property is used to specify the password needed to open the certificate store.
__property String SSLCertStorePassword = { read=FSSLCertStorePassword, write=FSetSSLCertStorePassword };
Default Value
If the type of certificate store requires a password, this property is used to specify the password needed to open the certificate store.
Data Type
SSLCertStoreType Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
This is the type of certificate store for this certificate.
__property TibcTSYSGiftCardSSLCertStoreTypes SSLCertStoreType = { read=FSSLCertStoreType, write=FSetSSLCertStoreType };
enum TibcTSYSGiftCardSSLCertStoreTypes { cstUser=0, cstMachine=1, cstPFXFile=2, cstPFXBlob=3, cstJKSFile=4, cstJKSBlob=5, cstPEMKeyFile=6, cstPEMKeyBlob=7, cstPublicKeyFile=8, cstPublicKeyBlob=9, cstSSHPublicKeyBlob=10, cstP7BFile=11, cstP7BBlob=12, cstSSHPublicKeyFile=13, cstPPKFile=14, cstPPKBlob=15, cstXMLFile=16, cstXMLBlob=17, cstJWKFile=18, cstJWKBlob=19, cstSecurityKey=20, cstBCFKSFile=21, cstBCFKSBlob=22, cstPKCS11=23, cstAuto=99 };
Default Value
This is the type of certificate store for this certificate.
The component supports both public and private keys in a variety of formats. When the cstAuto value is used, the component will automatically determine the type. This property can take one of the following values:
0 (cstUser - default) | For Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a certificate store owned by the current user.
Note: This store type is not available in Java. |
1 (cstMachine) | For Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a machine store.
Note: This store type is not available in Java. |
2 (cstPFXFile) | The certificate store is the name of a PFX (PKCS#12) file containing certificates. |
3 (cstPFXBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) representing a certificate store in PFX (PKCS#12) format. |
4 (cstJKSFile) | The certificate store is the name of a Java Key Store (JKS) file containing certificates.
Note: This store type is only available in Java. |
5 (cstJKSBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) representing a certificate store in Java Key Store (JKS) format.
Note: this store type is only available in Java. |
6 (cstPEMKeyFile) | The certificate store is the name of a PEM-encoded file that contains a private key and an optional certificate. |
7 (cstPEMKeyBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) that contains a private key and an optional certificate. |
8 (cstPublicKeyFile) | The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate. |
9 (cstPublicKeyBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate. |
10 (cstSSHPublicKeyBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) that contains an SSH-style public key. |
11 (cstP7BFile) | The certificate store is the name of a PKCS#7 file containing certificates. |
12 (cstP7BBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary) representing a certificate store in PKCS#7 format. |
13 (cstSSHPublicKeyFile) | The certificate store is the name of a file that contains an SSH-style public key. |
14 (cstPPKFile) | The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PPK (PuTTY Private Key). |
15 (cstPPKBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary) that contains a PPK (PuTTY Private Key). |
16 (cstXMLFile) | The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a certificate in XML format. |
17 (cstXMLBlob) | The certificate store is a string that contains a certificate in XML format. |
18 (cstJWKFile) | The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a JWK (JSON Web Key). |
19 (cstJWKBlob) | The certificate store is a string that contains a JWK (JSON Web Key). |
21 (cstBCFKSFile) | The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a BCFKS (Bouncy Castle FIPS Key Store).
Note: This store type is only available in Java and .NET. |
22 (cstBCFKSBlob) | The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) representing a certificate store in BCFKS (Bouncy Castle FIPS Key Store) format.
Note: This store type is only available in Java and .NET. |
23 (cstPKCS11) | The certificate is present on a physical security key accessible via a PKCS#11 interface.
To use a security key, the necessary data must first be collected using the CertMgr component. The ListStoreCertificates method may be called after setting CertStoreType to cstPKCS11, CertStorePassword to the PIN, and CertStore to the full path of the PKCS#11 DLL. The certificate information returned in the CertList event's CertEncoded parameter may be saved for later use. When using a certificate, pass the previously saved security key information as the SSLCertStore and set SSLCertStorePassword to the PIN. Code Example. SSH Authentication with Security Key:
99 (cstAuto) | The store type is automatically detected from the input data. This setting may be used with both public and private keys and can detect any of the supported formats automatically. |
Data Type
SSLCertSubject Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
This is the subject of the certificate used for client authentication.
__property String SSLCertSubject = { read=FSSLCertSubject, write=FSetSSLCertSubject };
Default Value
This is the subject of the certificate used for client authentication.
This property must be set after all other certificate properties are set. When this property is set, a search is performed in the current certificate store to locate a certificate with a matching subject.
If a matching certificate is found, the property is set to the full subject of the matching certificate.
If an exact match is not found, the store is searched for subjects containing the value of the property.
If a match is still not found, the property is set to an empty string, and no certificate is selected.
The special value "*" picks a random certificate in the certificate store.
The certificate subject is a comma-separated list of distinguished name fields and values. For instance, "CN=www.server.com, OU=test, C=US, E=support@nsoftware.com". Common fields and their meanings are as follows:
Field | Meaning |
CN | Common Name. This is commonly a hostname like www.server.com. |
O | Organization |
OU | Organizational Unit |
L | Locality |
S | State |
C | Country |
E | Email Address |
If a field value contains a comma, it must be quoted.
Data Type
SSLProvider Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
This specifies the SSL/TLS implementation to use.
__property TibcTSYSGiftCardSSLProviders SSLProvider = { read=FSSLProvider, write=FSetSSLProvider };
enum TibcTSYSGiftCardSSLProviders { sslpAutomatic=0, sslpPlatform=1, sslpInternal=2 };
Default Value
This property specifies the SSL/TLS implementation to use. In most cases the default value of 0 (Automatic) is recommended and should not be changed. When set to 0 (Automatic) the component will select whether to use the platform implementation or the internal implementation depending on the operating system as well as the TLS version being used.
Possible values are:
0 (sslpAutomatic - default) | Automatically selects the appropriate implementation. |
1 (sslpPlatform) | Uses the platform/system implementation. |
2 (sslpInternal) | Uses the internal implementation. |
In most cases using the default value (Automatic) is recommended. The component will select a provider depending on the current platform.
When Automatic is selected the platform implementation is used by default. When TLS 1.3 is enabled via SSLEnabledProtocols the internal implementation is used.
Data Type
SSLServerCertEncoded Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded).
__property String SSLServerCertEncoded = { read=FSSLServerCertEncoded }; __property DynamicArray<Byte> SSLServerCertEncodedB = { read=FSSLServerCertEncodedB };
Default Value
This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). This property is used to assign a specific certificate. The SSLServerCertStore and SSLServerCertSubject properties also may be used to specify a certificate.
When SSLServerCertEncoded is set, a search is initiated in the current SSLServerCertStore for the private key of the certificate. If the key is found, SSLServerCertSubject is updated to reflect the full subject of the selected certificate; otherwise, SSLServerCertSubject is set to an empty string.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Byte Array
Timeout Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
A timeout for the component.
__property int Timeout = { read=FTimeout, write=FSetTimeout };
Default Value
If Timeout is set to a positive value, and an operation cannot be completed immediately, the component will retry the operation for a maximum of Timeout seconds.
The default value for Timeout is 30 (seconds).
Data Type
TransactionAmount Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Purchase amount to be authorized.
__property String TransactionAmount = { read=FTransactionAmount, write=FSetTransactionAmount };
Default Value
This field contains the transaction amount to be authorized.
This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The allowable number of significant digits as well as the positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the designated CurrencyCode configuration setting. In the United States (default), the number of allowable significant digits is seven. Thus the maximum TransactionAmount is "9999999", yielding a US dollar amount of $99,999.99. This field may not contain a negative number.
Data Type
TransactionNumber Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Sequence number of this transaction.
__property int TransactionNumber = { read=FTransactionNumber, write=FSetTransactionNumber };
Default Value
This field contains a terminal-generated transaction sequence number to be submitted in all authorization request messages. This number is echoed back to the terminal in the ResponseTransactionNumber for the purpose of assisting in the matching of authorization request and response messages. This value must be in the range 0001 to 9999 and should be incremented on each authorization request message. This number should automatically increment from 9999 to 1. 0 is an invalid transaction number.
Data Type
TransactionType Property (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Specifies the type of Gift Card transaction to process.
__property TibcTSYSGiftCardTransactionTypes TransactionType = { read=FTransactionType, write=FSetTransactionType };
enum TibcTSYSGiftCardTransactionTypes { ttGiftCardPurchase=15, ttGiftCardRefund=16, ttGiftCardAddValue=17, ttGiftCardDecreaseValue=18, ttGiftCardCloseCard=19, ttGiftCardBalanceInquiry=20, ttPrepaidCardActivation=21, ttPrepaidCardLoad=22, ttPrepaidCardPurchase=23, ttPrepaidCardBalanceInquiry=24 };
Default Value
This property indicates the type of Gift Card transaction to send. The following table explains the transaction types in detail:
ttGiftCardPurchase (15) | This transaction redeems funds on the cards towards the purchase of goods or services. |
ttGiftCardRefund (16) | This transaction refunds a previous ttGiftCardPurchase transaction. |
ttGiftCardAddValue (17) | This transaction adds funds to the gift card. |
ttGiftCardDecreaseValue (18) | This transaction removes funds from the gift card (do not use this for purchases. Use ttGiftCardPurchase instead). |
ttGiftCardCloseCard (19) | This transaction closes a gift card and removes it from circulation. Any remaining balance on the card will be returned in the ResponseAuthorizedAmount property. |
ttGiftCardBalanceInquiry (20) | This transaction retrieves the current available balance for the gift card. The balance is returned in the ResponseBalance property. |
ttPrepaidCardActivation (21) | This transaction activates a card and loads it with funds. The TransactionAmount must match the value indicated on the face of the card. |
ttPrepaidCardLoad (22) | This transaction loads a prepaid card with funds. Total funds on the card (current balance of the card plus the TransactionAmount) cannot exceed the value printed on the face of the card. |
ttPrepaidCardPurchase (23) | This transaction is identical to a regular credit card authorization. |
ttPrepaidCardBalanceInquiry (24) | This transaction retrieves the current available balance for the prepaid card. The balance is returned in the ResponseBalance property. |
Data Type
Authorize Method (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Sends a Gift Card transaction.
void __fastcall Authorize();
This method sends a Gift Card authorization request to the Vital/TSYS host. The type of transaction sent is based upon the value of the TransactionType property. If the request was successful, the ResponseCode property will contain "00".
Note that only ttPrepaidCardPurchase transactions are settled with the TSYSSettle component. All other transactions (including ttGiftCardPurchase) take place in real time. Instead of using this component to authorize Prepaid Card purchases, you may opt to use the TSYSRetail component instead. However, this component allows you to support PartialRedemption, and will also return the prepaid card's available balance in the ResponseBalance property.
Config Method (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.
String __fastcall Config(String ConfigurationString);
Config is a generic method available in every component. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the component.
These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the component, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.
To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).
To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.
GetDetailAggregate Method (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Returns an aggregate containing details of this transaction, which is then used for settlement.
String __fastcall GetDetailAggregate();
This method returns an aggregate containing all of the required data to send a transaction to settlement. This aggregate must be passed to the TSYSSettle component's DetailAggregate array property in order to settle the transaction. If you wish to view or change any part of the aggregate (such as adding a gratuity or additional info for an Installment payment), you may use the TSYSDetailRecord component to do so.
Note: This method may only be called after a successful authorization. If the authorization was not successful the method raises an exception.
An example of how this method is used is shown below:
TSYSSettle.DetailRecordCount = 1
TSYSSettle.DetailAggregate[0] = TSYSRetail.GetDetailAggregate()
Note that ttPrepaidCardPurchase transactions are identical to regular credit card authorizations, and thus must be settled like credit card transactions. Attempting to call this method for any other TransactionType will cause the component to fail with an error.
Interrupt Method (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Interrupts the current action.
void __fastcall Interrupt();
This method interrupts any processing that the component is currently executing.
Reset Method (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Clears all properties to their default values.
void __fastcall Reset();
This method clears all properties to their default values.
Connected Event (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Fired immediately after a connection completes (or fails).
typedef struct { int StatusCode; String Description; } TibcTSYSGiftCardConnectedEventParams; typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TibcTSYSGiftCardConnectedEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TibcTSYSGiftCardConnectedEventParams *e); __property TibcTSYSGiftCardConnectedEvent OnConnected = { read=FOnConnected, write=FOnConnected };
If the connection is made normally, StatusCode is 0, and Description is "OK".
If the connection fails, StatusCode has the error code returned by the TCP/IP stack. Description contains a description of this code. The value of StatusCode is equal to the value of the error.
Please refer to the Error Codes section for more information.
DataPacketIn Event (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Fired when receiving a data packet from the transaction server.
typedef struct { String DataPacket; DynamicArray<Byte> DataPacketB; } TibcTSYSGiftCardDataPacketInEventParams; typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TibcTSYSGiftCardDataPacketInEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TibcTSYSGiftCardDataPacketInEventParams *e); __property TibcTSYSGiftCardDataPacketInEvent OnDataPacketIn = { read=FOnDataPacketIn, write=FOnDataPacketIn };
This event fires when a packet is received. The entire data packet (including all framing and error detection characters) is contained in the parameter "DataPacket". This parameter may be inspected for advanced troubleshooting, or to extract additional response properties beyond the scope of this component.
DataPacketOut Event (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Fired when sending a data packet to the transaction server.
typedef struct { String DataPacket; DynamicArray<Byte> DataPacketB; } TibcTSYSGiftCardDataPacketOutEventParams; typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TibcTSYSGiftCardDataPacketOutEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TibcTSYSGiftCardDataPacketOutEventParams *e); __property TibcTSYSGiftCardDataPacketOutEvent OnDataPacketOut = { read=FOnDataPacketOut, write=FOnDataPacketOut };
This event fires right before each data packet is sent. The entire data packet (including all framing and error detection characters) is contained in the parameter "DataPacket". This parameter may be inspected for advanced troubleshooting, or may be modified to support additional features beyond the scope of this component.
Disconnected Event (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Fired when a connection is closed.
typedef struct { int StatusCode; String Description; } TibcTSYSGiftCardDisconnectedEventParams; typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TibcTSYSGiftCardDisconnectedEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TibcTSYSGiftCardDisconnectedEventParams *e); __property TibcTSYSGiftCardDisconnectedEvent OnDisconnected = { read=FOnDisconnected, write=FOnDisconnected };
If the connection is broken normally, StatusCode is 0, and Description is "OK".
If the connection is broken for any other reason, StatusCode has the error code returned by Winsock. Description contains a description of this code. The value of StatusCode is equal to the value of the Winsock error.
Please refer to the Error Codes section for more information.
Error Event (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Information about errors during data delivery.
typedef struct { int ErrorCode; String Description; } TibcTSYSGiftCardErrorEventParams; typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TibcTSYSGiftCardErrorEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TibcTSYSGiftCardErrorEventParams *e); __property TibcTSYSGiftCardErrorEvent OnError = { read=FOnError, write=FOnError };
The Error event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during message processing.
ErrorCode contains an error code and Description contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the Error Codes section.
SSLServerAuthentication Event (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Fired after the server presents its certificate to the client.
typedef struct { String CertEncoded; DynamicArray<Byte> CertEncodedB; String CertSubject; String CertIssuer; String Status; bool Accept; } TibcTSYSGiftCardSSLServerAuthenticationEventParams; typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TibcTSYSGiftCardSSLServerAuthenticationEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TibcTSYSGiftCardSSLServerAuthenticationEventParams *e); __property TibcTSYSGiftCardSSLServerAuthenticationEvent OnSSLServerAuthentication = { read=FOnSSLServerAuthentication, write=FOnSSLServerAuthentication };
During this event, the client can decide whether or not to continue with the connection process. The Accept parameter is a recommendation on whether to continue or close the connection. This is just a suggestion: application software must use its own logic to determine whether or not to continue.
When Accept is False, Status shows why the verification failed (otherwise, Status contains the string OK). If it is decided to continue, you can override and accept the certificate by setting the Accept parameter to True.
SSLStatus Event (TSYSGiftCard Component)
Fired when secure connection progress messages are available.
typedef struct { String Message; } TibcTSYSGiftCardSSLStatusEventParams; typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TibcTSYSGiftCardSSLStatusEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TibcTSYSGiftCardSSLStatusEventParams *e); __property TibcTSYSGiftCardSSLStatusEvent OnSSLStatus = { read=FOnSSLStatus, write=FOnSSLStatus };
The event is fired for informational and logging purposes only. This event tracks the progress of the connection.
Config Settings (TSYSGiftCard Component)
The component accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the component, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.TSYSGiftCard Config Settings
Valid values are:
Code | Description |
P | Pre Authorization |
F | Final Authorization |
U | Undefined Authorization |
Code Example:
CardInputCap (Terminal card data input capability)
0 (default) | Unspecified, data not available |
1 | Manual; no terminal; Voice auth/ARU |
2 | Magnetic stripe reader capability |
3 | Bar code/ Payment code |
4 | Optical character reader (OCR) capability, [MC, AX] |
5 | Integrated circuit card (ICC) capability and magnetic stripe reader |
6 | Key entry only capability; Mastercard recurring and installment transactions |
A | PAN auto-entry via contactless magnetic stripe |
B | Magnetic stripe reader and key entry capability |
C | Magnetic stripe reader, ICC, and key entry capability |
D | Magnetic stripe reader and ICC capability |
E | ICC entry capability |
H | ICC Reader and Contactless Capability; Magnetic stripe & manual entry implied |
M | PAN auto-entry via contactless chip |
V | Other capability, [MC] |
X | Reserved for private use |
CardholderAuthCap (Terminal cardholder authentication capability)
0 | No electronic authentication capability |
1 | PIN entry capability |
2 | Electronic signature analysis capability |
3 | mPOS software-based PIN entry capability |
5 | Electronic authentication capability is inoperative |
6 | Other |
9 (default) | Unspecified, data not available |
CardCaptureCap (Terminal card-capture capability)
0 | No capture capability |
1 | Card capture capability |
9 (default) | Unspecified, data not available |
TerminalOpEnv (Terminal operating environment)
0 | No terminal used; Voice auth/ARU; Mastercard recurring/installment transactions |
1 | On card acceptor premises; attended terminal |
2 | On card acceptor premises; unattended terminal |
3 | Off card acceptor premises; attended |
4 | Off card acceptor premises; unattended |
5 | On cardholder premises; unattended |
6 | Off cardholder premises; unattended |
9 (default) | Unspecified, data not available |
M | Off card acceptor premises; merchant mobile POS environment, including mPOS |
P | On card acceptor premises; merchant mobile POS environment, including mPOS |
Q | Off card acceptor premises; cardholder mobile environment, including home PC, mobile phone, PDA |
R | On card acceptor premises; cardholder mobile environment, including home PC, mobile phone, PDA |
S | Electronic delivery of product, [AX] |
T | Physical delivery of product, [AX] |
CardholderPresent (Cardholder present data)
0 | Cardholder present |
1 | Cardholder not present; unspecified reason |
2 | Cardholder not present; mail transaction |
3 | Cardholder not present; phone transaction |
4 | Cardholder not present; standing (recurring) transaction |
5 | Cardholder not present; electronic commerce |
8 | Cardholder not present; recurrent billing such as a loan or installment payment |
R | Recurring purchase transaction (original transaction was token-based with valid cryptogram) |
T | PayButton (Discover only) |
CardPresent (Card present data)
0 | Card not present |
1 | Card present |
W | Transponder, [AX] |
X | Contactless Chip Transactions, including AMEX Expresspay |
Z | Digital Wallet [AX] |
CardInputMode (Card data input mode)
0 (default) | Unspecified, data not available |
1 | Manual input; no terminal; Voice auth/ARU |
2 | Magnetic stripe reader input |
3 | Bar code/Payment code |
6 | Key entered input |
7 | Payment Credential stored on file. NOTE: This value is required for all Mastercard recurring transactions. |
A | PAN auto-entry via contactless magnetic stripe |
B | Magnetic stripe reader input; track data captured and passed unaltered |
C | Online Chip |
F | Offline Chip |
M | PAN auto-entry via contactless Chip Card (EMV Mode) |
N | Track data read and sent unaltered, chip capable terminal, chip data could not be read |
P | Empty candidate list fallback |
R | PAN Entry via electronic commerce, including remote chip |
S | Electronic commerce, no security, channel encrypted, or SET without cardholder certificate |
V | Manually entered with keyed CID, [AX, JCB Canada] |
W | Swiped transaction with keyed CID, [AX, JCB Canada] |
X | Reserved for private use |
Y | Reserved for private use |
Z | Contactless Interface Change Identifies when a Chip Card Transaction with a dualinterface card switches from a contactless to a contact chip card transaction [Discover] |
NOTE: AMEX defines ApplePay with value C - Online Chip
CardholderAuthMethod (Cardholder authentication method)
0 | Not authenticated |
1 | PIN |
2 | Electronic signature analysis |
5 | Manual signature verification |
6 | Other manual verification (such as a driver's license number) |
9 (default) | Unspecified, data not available |
S | Other systematic verification |
T | Electronic ticket environment, [AX] |
CardholderAuthEntity (Cardholder authentication entity)
0 | Not authenticated |
1 | ICC - Offline PIN |
2 | Card acceptance device (CAD) |
3 | Authorizing agent - Online PIN |
4 | Merchant/card acceptor - signature |
5 | Other |
9 (default) | Unspecified, data not available |
CardOutputCap (Card data output capability)
0 (default) | Unspecified, data not available |
1 | None |
2 | Magnetic stripe write |
3 | ICC |
S | Other |
TerminalOutputCap (Terminal data output capability)
0 (default) | Unspecified, data not available |
1 | None |
2 | Printing capability only |
3 | Display capability only |
4 | Printing and display capability |
PINCaptureCap (PIN capture capability)
0 | No PIN capture capability |
1 (default) | Unspecified, data not available |
2 | Reserved |
3 | Reserved |
4 | PIN capture capability four characters maximum |
5 | PIN capture capability five characters maximum |
6 | PIN capture capability six characters maximum |
7 | PIN capture capability seven characters maximum |
8 | PIN capture capability eight characters maximum |
9 | PIN capture capability nine characters maximum |
A | PIN capture capability 10 characters maximum |
B | PIN capture capability 11 characters maximum |
C | PIN capture capability 12 characters maximum |
Note: Setting this configuration setting in TSYSDetailRecord component will not update the POSDataCode tag in the detail aggregate of the original transaction.
Byte Number | Description |
Byte 1 | Billing ZIP Code |
Byte 2 | Billing Street Match Code |
Byte 3 | Billing Name Match Code |
Byte 4 | Telephone Number Match Code |
Byte 5 | E-mail Address Match Code |
The possible values for each byte are:
Value | Description |
Y | Data Matches |
U | Data Unchecked |
N | No Match |
S | Service not allowed |
R | Retry |
' ' (Space) | Data not sent |
For Discover transactions, byte 3 will be populated with the following values:
Value | Description |
B | No response due to blank input |
K | Unknown |
P | Not processed |
M | First Name and Last Name match |
F | First Name Matches, Last Name does not match |
L | First Name does not match, Last Name matches |
N | Nothing matches |
W | No data from Issuer/Authorization system |
U | Retry, system unable to process |
Base Config Settings
The following is a list of valid code page identifiers:
Identifier | Name |
037 | IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada |
437 | OEM - United States |
500 | IBM EBCDIC - International |
708 | Arabic - ASMO 708 |
709 | Arabic - ASMO 449+, BCON V4 |
710 | Arabic - Transparent Arabic |
720 | Arabic - Transparent ASMO |
737 | OEM - Greek (formerly 437G) |
775 | OEM - Baltic |
850 | OEM - Multilingual Latin I |
852 | OEM - Latin II |
855 | OEM - Cyrillic (primarily Russian) |
857 | OEM - Turkish |
858 | OEM - Multilingual Latin I + Euro symbol |
860 | OEM - Portuguese |
861 | OEM - Icelandic |
862 | OEM - Hebrew |
863 | OEM - Canadian-French |
864 | OEM - Arabic |
865 | OEM - Nordic |
866 | OEM - Russian |
869 | OEM - Modern Greek |
870 | IBM EBCDIC - Multilingual/ROECE (Latin-2) |
874 | ANSI/OEM - Thai (same as 28605, ISO 8859-15) |
875 | IBM EBCDIC - Modern Greek |
932 | ANSI/OEM - Japanese, Shift-JIS |
936 | ANSI/OEM - Simplified Chinese (PRC, Singapore) |
949 | ANSI/OEM - Korean (Unified Hangul Code) |
950 | ANSI/OEM - Traditional Chinese (Taiwan; Hong Kong SAR, PRC) |
1026 | IBM EBCDIC - Turkish (Latin-5) |
1047 | IBM EBCDIC - Latin 1/Open System |
1140 | IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada (037 + Euro symbol) |
1141 | IBM EBCDIC - Germany (20273 + Euro symbol) |
1142 | IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway (20277 + Euro symbol) |
1143 | IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden (20278 + Euro symbol) |
1144 | IBM EBCDIC - Italy (20280 + Euro symbol) |
1145 | IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain (20284 + Euro symbol) |
1146 | IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom (20285 + Euro symbol) |
1147 | IBM EBCDIC - France (20297 + Euro symbol) |
1148 | IBM EBCDIC - International (500 + Euro symbol) |
1149 | IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic (20871 + Euro symbol) |
1200 | Unicode UCS-2 Little-Endian (BMP of ISO 10646) |
1201 | Unicode UCS-2 Big-Endian |
1250 | ANSI - Central European |
1251 | ANSI - Cyrillic |
1252 | ANSI - Latin I |
1253 | ANSI - Greek |
1254 | ANSI - Turkish |
1255 | ANSI - Hebrew |
1256 | ANSI - Arabic |
1257 | ANSI - Baltic |
1258 | ANSI/OEM - Vietnamese |
1361 | Korean (Johab) |
10000 | MAC - Roman |
10001 | MAC - Japanese |
10002 | MAC - Traditional Chinese (Big5) |
10003 | MAC - Korean |
10004 | MAC - Arabic |
10005 | MAC - Hebrew |
10006 | MAC - Greek I |
10007 | MAC - Cyrillic |
10008 | MAC - Simplified Chinese (GB 2312) |
10010 | MAC - Romania |
10017 | MAC - Ukraine |
10021 | MAC - Thai |
10029 | MAC - Latin II |
10079 | MAC - Icelandic |
10081 | MAC - Turkish |
10082 | MAC - Croatia |
12000 | Unicode UCS-4 Little-Endian |
12001 | Unicode UCS-4 Big-Endian |
20000 | CNS - Taiwan |
20001 | TCA - Taiwan |
20002 | Eten - Taiwan |
20003 | IBM5550 - Taiwan |
20004 | TeleText - Taiwan |
20005 | Wang - Taiwan |
20105 | IA5 IRV International Alphabet No. 5 (7-bit) |
20106 | IA5 German (7-bit) |
20107 | IA5 Swedish (7-bit) |
20108 | IA5 Norwegian (7-bit) |
20127 | US-ASCII (7-bit) |
20261 | T.61 |
20269 | ISO 6937 Non-Spacing Accent |
20273 | IBM EBCDIC - Germany |
20277 | IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway |
20278 | IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden |
20280 | IBM EBCDIC - Italy |
20284 | IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain |
20285 | IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom |
20290 | IBM EBCDIC - Japanese Katakana Extended |
20297 | IBM EBCDIC - France |
20420 | IBM EBCDIC - Arabic |
20423 | IBM EBCDIC - Greek |
20424 | IBM EBCDIC - Hebrew |
20833 | IBM EBCDIC - Korean Extended |
20838 | IBM EBCDIC - Thai |
20866 | Russian - KOI8-R |
20871 | IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic |
20880 | IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Russian) |
20905 | IBM EBCDIC - Turkish |
20924 | IBM EBCDIC - Latin-1/Open System (1047 + Euro symbol) |
20932 | JIS X 0208-1990 & 0121-1990 |
20936 | Simplified Chinese (GB2312) |
21025 | IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Serbian, Bulgarian) |
21027 | Extended Alpha Lowercase |
21866 | Ukrainian (KOI8-U) |
28591 | ISO 8859-1 Latin I |
28592 | ISO 8859-2 Central Europe |
28593 | ISO 8859-3 Latin 3 |
28594 | ISO 8859-4 Baltic |
28595 | ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic |
28596 | ISO 8859-6 Arabic |
28597 | ISO 8859-7 Greek |
28598 | ISO 8859-8 Hebrew |
28599 | ISO 8859-9 Latin 5 |
28605 | ISO 8859-15 Latin 9 |
29001 | Europa 3 |
38598 | ISO 8859-8 Hebrew |
50220 | ISO 2022 Japanese with no halfwidth Katakana |
50221 | ISO 2022 Japanese with halfwidth Katakana |
50222 | ISO 2022 Japanese JIS X 0201-1989 |
50225 | ISO 2022 Korean |
50227 | ISO 2022 Simplified Chinese |
50229 | ISO 2022 Traditional Chinese |
50930 | Japanese (Katakana) Extended |
50931 | US/Canada and Japanese |
50933 | Korean Extended and Korean |
50935 | Simplified Chinese Extended and Simplified Chinese |
50936 | Simplified Chinese |
50937 | US/Canada and Traditional Chinese |
50939 | Japanese (Latin) Extended and Japanese |
51932 | EUC - Japanese |
51936 | EUC - Simplified Chinese |
51949 | EUC - Korean |
51950 | EUC - Traditional Chinese |
52936 | HZ-GB2312 Simplified Chinese |
54936 | Windows XP: GB18030 Simplified Chinese (4 Byte) |
57002 | ISCII Devanagari |
57003 | ISCII Bengali |
57004 | ISCII Tamil |
57005 | ISCII Telugu |
57006 | ISCII Assamese |
57007 | ISCII Oriya |
57008 | ISCII Kannada |
57009 | ISCII Malayalam |
57010 | ISCII Gujarati |
57011 | ISCII Punjabi |
65000 | Unicode UTF-7 |
65001 | Unicode UTF-8 |
Identifier | Name |
1 | ASCII |
3 | JapaneseEUC |
4 | UTF8 |
5 | ISOLatin1 |
6 | Symbol |
7 | NonLossyASCII |
8 | ShiftJIS |
9 | ISOLatin2 |
10 | Unicode |
11 | WindowsCP1251 |
12 | WindowsCP1252 |
13 | WindowsCP1253 |
14 | WindowsCP1254 |
15 | WindowsCP1250 |
21 | ISO2022JP |
30 | MacOSRoman |
10 | UTF16String |
0x90000100 | UTF16BigEndian |
0x94000100 | UTF16LittleEndian |
0x8c000100 | UTF32String |
0x98000100 | UTF32BigEndian |
0x9c000100 | UTF32LittleEndian |
65536 | Proprietary |
- Product: The product the license is for.
- Product Key: The key the license was generated from.
- License Source: Where the license was found (e.g., RuntimeLicense, License File).
- License Type: The type of license installed (e.g., Royalty Free, Single Server).
- Last Valid Build: The last valid build number for which the license will work.
This setting only works on these components: AS3Receiver, AS3Sender, Atom, Client(3DS), FTP, FTPServer, IMAP, OFTPClient, SSHClient, SCP, Server(3DS), Sexec, SFTP, SFTPServer, SSHServer, TCPClient, TCPServer.
Setting this configuration setting to true tells the component to use the internal implementation instead of using the system security libraries.
This setting is set to false by default on all platforms.
Trappable Errors (TSYSGiftCard Component)
TSYSGiftCard Errors
501 Data field invalid length. | |
502 Data field invalid format. | |
503 Data field out of range. | |
504 Luhn digit check failed. | |
505 Card date invalid. | |
506 Card expired. | |
507 Card type unknown. | |
509 No gateway specified. | |
511 Invalid data entered. | |
512 Truncated response. | |
513 Invalid response. | |
517 Response length mismatch. | |
518 LRC check failed. | |
519 Corrupt response. | |
520 Response packet empty. | |
521 Response truncated. | |
522 Host disconnected. | |
523 No response from host. | |
524 Server error response. | |
526 Invalid timeout value. | |
527 Vital/TSYS returned an error response. | |
535 Signature verification failed. | |
544 Error building packet. | |
593 Missing or erroneous property value. Cannot send transaction. | |
594 Response received before transmission completed. | |
595 Prematurely disconnected (check MerchantNumber and MerchantBankId). | |
596 Pending responses max number exceeded (Interleaved). | |
597 Pending response timeout (Interleaved). |
The component may also return one of the following error codes, which are inherited from other components.
TCPClient Errors
100 You cannot change the RemotePort at this time. A connection is in progress. | |
101 You cannot change the RemoteHost (Server) at this time. A connection is in progress. | |
102 The RemoteHost address is invalid ( | |
104 Already connected. If you want to reconnect, close the current connection first. | |
106 You cannot change the LocalPort at this time. A connection is in progress. | |
107 You cannot change the LocalHost at this time. A connection is in progress. | |
112 You cannot change MaxLineLength at this time. A connection is in progress. | |
116 RemotePort cannot be zero. Please specify a valid service port number. | |
117 You cannot change the UseConnection option while the component is active. | |
135 Operation would block. | |
201 Timeout. | |
211 Action impossible in control's present state. | |
212 Action impossible while not connected. | |
213 Action impossible while listening. | |
301 Timeout. | |
302 Could not open file. | |
434 Unable to convert string to selected CodePage. | |
1105 Already connecting. If you want to reconnect, close the current connection first. | |
1117 You need to connect first. | |
1119 You cannot change the LocalHost at this time. A connection is in progress. | |
1120 Connection dropped by remote host. |
SSL Errors
270 Cannot load specified security library. | |
271 Cannot open certificate store. | |
272 Cannot find specified certificate. | |
273 Cannot acquire security credentials. | |
274 Cannot find certificate chain. | |
275 Cannot verify certificate chain. | |
276 Error during handshake. | |
280 Error verifying certificate. | |
281 Could not find client certificate. | |
282 Could not find server certificate. | |
283 Error encrypting data. | |
284 Error decrypting data. |
TCP/IP Errors
10004 [10004] Interrupted system call. | |
10009 [10009] Bad file number. | |
10013 [10013] Access denied. | |
10014 [10014] Bad address. | |
10022 [10022] Invalid argument. | |
10024 [10024] Too many open files. | |
10035 [10035] Operation would block. | |
10036 [10036] Operation now in progress. | |
10037 [10037] Operation already in progress. | |
10038 [10038] Socket operation on non-socket. | |
10039 [10039] Destination address required. | |
10040 [10040] Message too long. | |
10041 [10041] Protocol wrong type for socket. | |
10042 [10042] Bad protocol option. | |
10043 [10043] Protocol not supported. | |
10044 [10044] Socket type not supported. | |
10045 [10045] Operation not supported on socket. | |
10046 [10046] Protocol family not supported. | |
10047 [10047] Address family not supported by protocol family. | |
10048 [10048] Address already in use. | |
10049 [10049] Can't assign requested address. | |
10050 [10050] Network is down. | |
10051 [10051] Network is unreachable. | |
10052 [10052] Net dropped connection or reset. | |
10053 [10053] Software caused connection abort. | |
10054 [10054] Connection reset by peer. | |
10055 [10055] No buffer space available. | |
10056 [10056] Socket is already connected. | |
10057 [10057] Socket is not connected. | |
10058 [10058] Can't send after socket shutdown. | |
10059 [10059] Too many references, can't splice. | |
10060 [10060] Connection timed out. | |
10061 [10061] Connection refused. | |
10062 [10062] Too many levels of symbolic links. | |
10063 [10063] File name too long. | |
10064 [10064] Host is down. | |
10065 [10065] No route to host. | |
10066 [10066] Directory not empty | |
10067 [10067] Too many processes. | |
10068 [10068] Too many users. | |
10069 [10069] Disc Quota Exceeded. | |
10070 [10070] Stale NFS file handle. | |
10071 [10071] Too many levels of remote in path. | |
10091 [10091] Network subsystem is unavailable. | |
10092 [10092] WINSOCK DLL Version out of range. | |
10093 [10093] Winsock not loaded yet. | |
11001 [11001] Host not found. | |
11002 [11002] Non-authoritative 'Host not found' (try again or check DNS setup). | |
11003 [11003] Non-recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP. | |
11004 [11004] Valid name, no data record (check DNS setup). |