UPSShipIntl Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Config Settings   Errors  

Allows you to generate a UPS shipping label for any of UPS international services complete with addresses and barcode, cancel shipments.


class dshippingsdk.UPSShipIntl


Generating a shipping label can be done by calling the get_shipment_labels method. You will have to specify the package information, UPS service to be used for shipping this package, origin and destination information, and any special services you want to associate the shipment (such as Saturday Pickup, Saturday Delivery), and any other specific information on international shipments (such as Commercial Invoice, international forms required by Customs, etc.). It also supports many valued added services for shipments, including collect on delivery (COD), declared value, delivery confirmation, and automatic notification of delivery status.

This class also allows you to delete packages included in the daily shipping log that have not already been tendered to UPS. This can be done by calling cancel_shipment or cancel_package, where the MasterTrackingNumber parameter identifies the shipment.

To use this class, you must have a UPS ups_account_number. You should also have already obtained a "Client ID" and "Client Secret" uniquely assigned to your account by UPS after registration for UPS OnLine Tools.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

account_address1Street name.
account_address2A specific detail on the address (such as building, suite, apartment, floor number etc.
account_cityName of city, town, etc.
account_country_codeCountry code.
account_stateState or province code.
account_zip_codePostal code.
account_companyIdentifies the contact person's company name.
account_emailIdentifies the contact person's email address.
account_faxRecipient's fax number.
account_first_nameSender's first name.
account_last_namePerson's last name.
account_middle_initialMiddle initial.
account_phoneIdentifies the contact person's phone number.
cod_reportImage of a COD Turn In Page.
cod_report_fileFilename and location to save the CODReport to.
cod_total_amountThe total amount to be collected on shipment level.
cod_typeThe code that indicates the type of funds that will be used for the COD payment.
commercial_invoice_commentsCommercial Invoice comments to be uploaded to customs.
commercial_invoice_dateDate when the Invoice is created.
commercial_invoice_freight_chargeCost to transport the shipment.
commercial_invoice_insuranceThe amount the shipper or receiver pays to cover the cost of replacing the shipment if it is lost or damaged.
commercial_invoice_numberCustomer's assigned invoice number.
commercial_invoice_purposeReason to export the current international shipment Required for dutiable international express or ground shipment.
commercial_invoice_termsIndicates the rights to the seller from the buyer.
commodity_countThe number of records in the Commodity arrays.
commodity_descriptionComplete and accurate description of this commodity line item.
commodity_export_typeIndicates the export type.
commodity_harmonized_codeUnique code representing this commodity line item (for imports only).
commodity_manufacturerCountry code where the contents of this commodity line were produced, manufactured or grown in their final form.
commodity_number_of_piecesThe total number of packages, cartons, or containers for the commodity line item.
commodity_quantityNumber of units contained in this commodity line item measured in units specified by the QuantityUnit .
commodity_quantity_unitUnit of measure used to express the Quantity of this commodity line item.
commodity_schedule_b_codeA unique 10-digit commodity classification code for the item being exported.
commodity_unit_priceValue of each QuantityUnit in Quantity of this commodity line item.
commodity_valueThe value of an individual item being shipped.
commodity_weightThe shipping weight of this commodity line item, including containers, for each commodity with a separate Harmonized Tariff Code.
duties_payor_account_numberThe account number of the party responsible for payment (shipping charges, or duties and taxes).
duties_payor_country_codeThe country code for the payor of the shipment, or duties and taxes.
duties_payor_typeMethod of payment for shipment, or duties and taxes.
duties_payor_zip_codePayor's postal code (if applicable).
firewall_auto_detectThis property tells the class whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available.
firewall_typeThis property determines the type of firewall to connect through.
firewall_hostThis property contains the name or IP address of firewall (optional).
firewall_passwordThis property contains a password if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall.
firewall_portThis property contains the transmission control protocol (TCP) port for the firewall Host .
firewall_userThis property contains a user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall.
form_typesContains the collection of types for international forms that can associate an international shipment.
international_formsImage of the international forms.
international_forms_fileFilename and location to save the InternationalForms to.
label_image_typeType of image or printer commands the shipping label is to be formatted in.
master_tracking_numberTracking number assigned to the whole MPS shipment.
nafta_blanket_periodContains specific details on NAFTA CO (when this form is requested).
nafta_preference_criteriaPreference Criteria for NAFTA Certificate of Origin documents.
nafta_producer_infoProducer information for NAFTA Certificate of Origin documents.
notify_countThe number of records in the Notify arrays.
notify_aggregateThis can be used to set the entire aggregate xml for the recipient to be notified.
notify_emailEmail address of the recipient to be notified.
notify_messageUser defined text that will be included in the email to be sent to Email .
notify_flagsIdentifies the type of notification requested.
package_countThe number of records in the Package arrays.
package_base_chargeActual Base Charge applicable to this package.
package_cod_amountThe COD monetary value for the package.
package_cod_typeThe code that indicates the type of funds that will be used for the COD payment for this package.
package_descriptionFor FedEx, this is the description that appears in the email to identify this package.
package_heightThe height of the package to be shipped.
package_idAn 8-digit Unique Parcel Identification Number.
package_insured_valueAmount of insurance requested for this package.
package_lengthThe length of the package to be shipped.
package_typeThe packaging type of the package being rated and/or shipped.
package_referenceIndicates the package reference type and value, that associates this package (assigned by the customer).
package_return_receiptImage of the receipt for a return shipment.
package_return_receipt_fileFilename and location to save the ReturnReceipt of this package to.
package_shipping_labelImage of the shipping label for this package returned by the Server upon a successful ship response.
package_shipping_label_fileFilename and location to save the ShippingLabel of this package to.
package_signature_typeSpecifies one of the Delivery Signature Options requested for this package.
package_special_servicesContains the collection of special services offered on the package level.
package_total_surchargesTotal Actual Surcharges applicable to this package.
package_tracking_numberTracking number assigned to this package.
package_weightWeight of this package.
package_widthThe width of the package to be shipped.
payor_account_numberThe account number of the party responsible for payment (shipping charges, or duties and taxes).
payor_country_codeThe country code for the payor of the shipment, or duties and taxes.
payor_typeMethod of payment for shipment, or duties and taxes.
payor_zip_codePayor's postal code (if applicable).
pickup_earliest_timeThe earliest time a shipment is ready to be picked up.
pickup_latest_timeThe latest time a shipment can be picked up.
proxy_auth_schemeThis property is used to tell the class which type of authorization to perform when connecting to the proxy.
proxy_auto_detectThis property tells the class whether or not to automatically detect and use proxy system settings, if available.
proxy_passwordThis property contains a password if authentication is to be used for the proxy.
proxy_portThis property contains the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port for the proxy Server (default 80).
proxy_serverIf a proxy Server is given, then the HTTP request is sent to the proxy instead of the server otherwise specified.
proxy_sslThis property determines when to use a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for the connection to the proxy.
proxy_userThis property contains a username if authentication is to be used for the proxy.
recipient_address1Street name.
recipient_address2A specific detail on the address (such as building, suite, apartment, floor number etc.
recipient_address_flagsVarious flags that denote information about the address.
recipient_cityName of city, town, etc.
recipient_country_codeCountry code.
recipient_stateState or province code.
recipient_zip_codePostal code.
recipient_companyIdentifies the contact person's company name.
recipient_emailIdentifies the contact person's email address.
recipient_faxRecipient's fax number.
recipient_first_nameSender's first name.
recipient_last_namePerson's last name.
recipient_middle_initialMiddle initial.
recipient_phoneIdentifies the contact person's phone number.
sedeccn_numberExport Control Classification Number.
sed_entry_numberThe Import Entry Number when the export transaction is used as proof of export for import transactions (examples: In Bond, Temporary Import Bond or Drawbacks).
sed_exception_codeLicense exception code.
sed_filed_by_upsIndicates whether or not UPS will file SED on shipper's behalf.
sed_in_bond_codeIndicates whether the shipment is being transported under bond.
sed_license_dateLicense date.
sed_license_numberThe license number that authorizes ship product.
sed_point_of_originIndicates the state or zone number from where the exports are leaving.
sed_shipper_tax_idShipper's Tax Identification Number.
sed_transport_typeIndicates the type of transport by which the goods are exported.
sender_address1Street name.
sender_address2A specific detail on the address (such as building, suite, apartment, floor number etc.
sender_cityName of city, town, etc.
sender_country_codeCountry code.
sender_stateState or province code.
sender_zip_codePostal code.
sender_companyIdentifies the contact person's company name.
sender_emailIdentifies the contact person's email address.
sender_faxRecipient's fax number.
sender_first_nameSender's first name.
sender_last_namePerson's last name.
sender_middle_initialMiddle initial.
sender_phoneIdentifies the contact person's phone number.
service_typeIdentifies the UPS service type (applicable to international shipments) to use in a ship request.
ship_dateThe date the user requests UPS to pickup the package from the origin.
shipment_descriptionA textual description of goods for the whole shipment.
shipment_referenceCustomer-defined number (that may or may not be unique) used to identify the whole shipment.
shipment_special_servicesContains the collection of special services offered by UPS on shipment level.
shipment_void_statusStatus description of shipment void request.
sold_to_address1Street name.
sold_to_address2A specific detail on the address (such as building, suite, apartment, floor number etc.
sold_to_cityName of city, town, etc.
sold_to_country_codeCountry code.
sold_to_stateState or province code.
sold_to_zip_codePostal code.
sold_to_companyIdentifies the contact person's company name.
sold_to_emailIdentifies the contact person's email address.
sold_to_faxRecipient's fax number.
sold_to_first_nameSender's first name.
sold_to_last_namePerson's last name.
sold_to_middle_initialMiddle initial.
sold_to_phoneIdentifies the contact person's phone number.
ssl_accept_server_cert_encodedThis is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded).
ssl_cert_encodedThis is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded).
ssl_cert_storeThis is the name of the certificate store for the client certificate.
ssl_cert_store_passwordIf the type of certificate store requires a password, this property is used to specify the password needed to open the certificate store.
ssl_cert_store_typeThis is the type of certificate store for this certificate.
ssl_cert_subjectThis is the subject of the certificate used for client authentication.
ssl_providerThis specifies the SSL/TLS implementation to use.
ssl_server_cert_encodedThis is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded).
timeoutA timeout for the class.
total_base_chargeThe total base charge applied to the whole shipment (specific to the AccountNumber ).
total_customs_valueTotal customs value for the shipment.
total_net_chargeThe total net charge (transportation charge + options charges) applied to the whole shipment (specific to the AccountNumber ).
total_surchargesThe total surcharges (on all options) applied to the whole shipment (specific to the AccountNumber ).
ups_account_numberThe shipper's UPS account number.
ups_authorization_tokenAuthorization Token used to authenticate the request.
ups_serverURL for the UPS server where the requests are sent.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

cancel_packageCancels a single package by deleting it from the shipping log.
cancel_pickupCancel a pickup.
cancel_shipmentCancels an entire multi-package (MPS) shipment by deleting it from the shipping log.
configSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
get_shipment_labelsGenerates a shipping label.
resetResets the internal state of the class and all properties to their default values.
schedule_pickupSchedules a pickup.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

on_errorInformation about errors during data delivery.
on_notificationNotification returned by the server upon successful request (if applicable).
on_ssl_server_authenticationFired after the server presents its certificate to the client.
on_ssl_statusFired when secure connection progress messages are available.

Config Settings

The following is a list of config settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AccountAddress3Contains line three details for the Account Address.
AccountTaxIdThe Tax ID Number for the account holder.
AccountTotalNetChargeNet sum of negotiated rates applied to the whole shipment (if applicable).
AdditionalDocumentIndicatorIndicates that additional documents will be supplied.
AlternateDeliveryAddressAlternate Delivery Address is used for Hold for Pickup or Delivery at UPS Access Points.
BarCodeReferenceDetermines whether the reference number's value will be bar coded on the shipping label.
CertifyDirectoryThe name of the directory where the files needed for Label Certification are written.
CIPONumberPurchase Order Number for Commercial Invoice.
CN22CountryOfOriginCountry of origin from where the CN22 contents originated.
CN22FoldHereTextWill replace default 'Fold Here' text displayed on the label.
CN22OtherDescriptionDescription of the type if CN22Type is 'OTHER'.
CN22QuantityTotal number of items associated with this content.
CN22TariffNumberThe tariff number associated with the CN22 contents.
CN22TypeThe type of CN22 form to be used.
CurrencyCodeThe currency code associated with the monetary values present in the request.
CustomerTransactionIdCustomer transaction id / customer context information.
DeclarationStatementThe declarations statement to be sent to the customs office.
DocumentsWhether an international shipment contains documents of no commercial value.
EEIFilingOptionJSONThe JSON for EEIFilingOption.
ElectronicReturnLabelIndicates that you are arranging for UPS to email a return label to your customer.
EPRAReleaseCodePackage Release code that allows the consignee or claimant to pick-up a package at a UPS Access Point.
ExportDateThe date the goods will be exiting the country.
ExportingCarrierThe name of the carrier that is exporting the shipment.
FRSCommodityCountNumber of commodities in the shipment.
FRSCommodityFreightClass[i]The freight class of the commodity at the index.
FRSCommodityFreightNMFC[i]The National Motor Freight Classification numbers for the commodity at the index.
FRSCommodityFreightNMFCSub[i]The sub-code of National Motor Freight Classification numbers for the commodity at the index.
FRSPaymentAccountNumberThe UPS account number for the payor.
FRSPaymentCountryCodeThe country code of the payor for the Ground Freight Pricing shipment.
FRSPaymentDescriptionDescription for the Ground Freight Pricing payment type.
FRSPaymentPostalCodeThe postal code of the payor for the Ground Freight Pricing shipment.
FRSPaymentTypeMethod of payment for the shipment.
HazMatAdditionalDescription[i]Additional remarks or special provision information.
HazMataDRItemNumber[i]The type of regulated goods for an ADR package where ADR is for Europe to Europe ground movement.
HazMataDRPackingGroupLetter[i]Required if the field applies to the material by regulation. Must be shown in Roman Numerals.
HazMatAllPackedInOneIndicator[i]Presence/Absence Indicator.
HazMatChemicalRecordIdentifier[i]Identifies the Chemcial Record.
HazMatClassDivisionNumber[i]This is the hazard class associated to the specified commodity.
HazMatCommodityRegulatedLevelCode[i]Indicates the type of commodity.
HazMatEmergencyContact[i]The emergency information, contact name and/or contract number.
HazMatEmergencyPhone[i]24 Hour Emergency Phone Number of the shipper.
HazMatHazardLabelRequired[i]Defines the type of label that is required on the package for the commodity.
HazMatIDNumber[i]This is the ID number (UN/NA/ID) for the specified commodity.
HazMatOverPackedIndicator[i]Presence/Absence Indicator.
HazMatPackageIdentifier[i]Identifies the package containing Dangerous Goods.
HazMatPackagingGroupType[i]This is the packing group category associated to the specified commodity.
HazMatPackagingInstructionCode[i]The packing instructions related to the chemical record.
HazMatPackagingType[i]The type of package used to contain the regulated good.
HazMatPackagingTypeQuantity[i]The number of pieces of the specific commodity.
HazMatProperShippingName[i]The Proper Shipping Name assigned by ADR, CFR or IATA.
HazMatReferenceNumber[i]Optional reference number. Will be displayed only on label.
HazMatRegulationSet[i]The Regulatory set associated with every regulated shipment.
HazMatSubRiskClass[i]Secondary hazardous characteristics of a package.
HazMatTechnicalName[i]The technical name (when required) for the specified commodity.
HazMatTransportationMode[i]Declares that a package was prepared according to ground, passenger aircraft, or cargo aircraft only.
HazMatTransportCategory[i]Transport Category.
HighValueReportHigh Value Report (if applicable).
HighValueReportFileNameName of High Value Report (if applicable).
ImportControlCodeCode for type of ImportControl label.
ImportControlDescriptionDescription for ImportControl.
IncludeNegotiatedRatesWhether to include the NegotiatedRatesIndicator in the request.
InvoiceDiscountThe discount to be subtracted from the total value on the invoice.
IrregularIndicatorThe mail classification defined by UPS.
ItemizedChargesCode[i]The Accesorial/Surcharge code of the itemized charge.
ItemizedChargesCountThe count of itemized charges.
ItemizedChargesCurrencyCode[i]The currency used for the charge.
ItemizedChargesMonetaryValue[i]The amount being charged.
ItemizedChargesSubType[i]The subtype of the itemized charge.
LabelSizeThe size of the label.
MachineableDetermines whether the package is machineable or not.
MasterCartonIdMaster Carton ID.
MasterCartonIndicatorDetermines whether to include the MasterCartonIndicator in the request.
MICostCenterCustomer assigned identifier for report and billing summarization displays to the right of the Cost Center title.
MILabelCN22Determines whether the MILabelCN22Indicator is included in the request.
MIPackageIDCustomer assigned unique piece identifier that returns visibility events.
NAFTAExcludeFromForm[i]Excludes the commodity from NAFTA form (corresponding to the commodity at index i).
NotificationDialectUsed to specify the dialect for Alternate Delivery Location notifications and UAP Shipper notifications.
NotificationLanguageUsed to specify the language for Alternate Delivery Location notifications and UAP Shipper notifications.
OtherChargesThe amount of all additional charges.
OtherChargesDescriptionThe reason for the other charges.
OverridePaperlessIndicatorIndicates that a copy of the invoice and NAFTA Certificate of Origin should be provided.
OverwriteDetermines whether label files will be overwritten.
PackageDeclaredValueType[i]The type of declared value (corresponding to the package at index i).
PackageShippingLabelFileHTML[i]Name of the file where the HTML image of the shipping label (corresponding to the package at index i) is saved to disk.
PackageShippingLabelHTML[i]HTML version of the shipping label (corresponding to the package at index i).
PickupEarliestTimeThe earliest time a shipment is ready to be picked up.
PickupFloorNumberThe floor number of the pickup location.
PickupLatestTimeThe latest time a shipment can be picked up.
PickupRoomNumberThe room number of the pickup location.
RawRequestContains the complete request sent to the Server.
RawResponseContains the complete response returned by the Server.
RecipientAddress3Contains line three details for the Recipient Address.
RecipientTaxIdThe Tax ID Number for the recipient.
RequestDeliveryConfirmationWhether or not to request delivery confirmation for the package/shipment.
RequestOptionDefines if the address should be validated or not.
ReturnFreightPricesWhen true, UPS will use applicable freight pricing for shipments.
ReturnPrintAndMailIndicates that you are arranging for UPS to print and mail a return label to your customer.
ReturnServiceFirstAttemptIndicates that you are arranging for UPS to make one attempt to pick up the package to be returned.
ReturnServiceThirdAttemptIndicates that you are arranging for UPS to make three attempts to pick up the package to be returned.
SendDutiesPayorIndicates whether to send the duties payor information or not.
SenderAddress3Contains line three details for the Sender Address.
SenderTaxIdThe Tax ID Number for the sender.
ShipmentAcceptRequestContains the Shipment Accept Request sent to UPS.
ShipmentAcceptResponseContains the Shipment Accept Response returned by UPS.
ShipmentConfirmRequestContains the Shipment Confirm Request sent to UPS.
ShipmentConfirmResponseContains the Shipment Confirm Response returned by UPS.
ShipmentDescriptionA textual description of goods for the whole shipment when shipping to Puerto Rico or Canada using Mail Innovations domestic shipments.
ShipmentIndicationTypeWhether shipment is Hold For Pickup or Delivery at UPS Access Points.
ShipmentSignatureTypeShipment signature type at the shipment level.
ShippingLabelHTMLDirectoryThe name of the directory where the shipping label files are written.
SoldToTaxIdThe Tax ID Number for the person or business the product was sold to.
SplitDutyVATIndicatorIndicates that whether or not the duties and taxes are split.
SubVersionUPS SubVersion.
TaxInformationIndicatorControls whether to send a TaxInformationIndicator.
TESTMODEThis configuration setting will allow you to run test transactions.
TotalCustomsValueInvoice Line Total Monetary Value when shipping to Puerto Rico or Canada using Mail Innovations domestic shipments.
USPSEndorsementThe USPS endorsement type for Mail Innovations and SurePost shipments.
USPSPICNumber[i]USPS Tracking Number (corresponding to the package at index i).
VersionUPS API Version.
WarningWarning message returned by the server.
WeightUnitWeight unit.
AcceptEncodingUsed to tell the server which types of content encodings the client supports.
AllowHTTPCompressionThis property enables HTTP compression for receiving data.
AllowHTTPFallbackWhether HTTP/2 connections are permitted to fallback to HTTP/1.1.
AppendWhether to append data to LocalFile.
AuthorizationThe Authorization string to be sent to the server.
BytesTransferredContains the number of bytes transferred in the response data.
ChunkSizeSpecifies the chunk size in bytes when using chunked encoding.
CompressHTTPRequestSet to true to compress the body of a PUT or POST request.
EncodeURLIf set to True the URL will be encoded by the class.
FollowRedirectsDetermines what happens when the server issues a redirect.
GetOn302RedirectIf set to True the class will perform a GET on the new location.
HTTP2HeadersWithoutIndexingHTTP2 headers that should not update the dynamic header table with incremental indexing.
HTTPVersionThe version of HTTP used by the class.
IfModifiedSinceA date determining the maximum age of the desired document.
KeepAliveDetermines whether the HTTP connection is closed after completion of the request.
KerberosSPNThe Service Principal Name for the Kerberos Domain Controller.
LogLevelThe level of detail that is logged.
MaxRedirectAttemptsLimits the number of redirects that are followed in a request.
NegotiatedHTTPVersionThe negotiated HTTP version.
OtherHeadersOther headers as determined by the user (optional).
ProxyAuthorizationThe authorization string to be sent to the proxy server.
ProxyAuthSchemeThe authorization scheme to be used for the proxy.
ProxyPasswordA password if authentication is to be used for the proxy.
ProxyPortPort for the proxy server (default 80).
ProxyServerName or IP address of a proxy server (optional).
ProxyUserA user name if authentication is to be used for the proxy.
SentHeadersThe full set of headers as sent by the client.
StatusCodeThe status code of the last response from the server.
StatusLineThe first line of the last response from the server.
TransferredDataThe contents of the last response from the server.
TransferredDataLimitThe maximum number of incoming bytes to be stored by the class.
TransferredHeadersThe full set of headers as received from the server.
TransferredRequestThe full request as sent by the client.
UseChunkedEncodingEnables or Disables HTTP chunked encoding for transfers.
UseIDNsWhether to encode hostnames to internationalized domain names.
UsePlatformHTTPClientWhether or not to use the platform HTTP client.
UseProxyAutoConfigURLWhether to use a Proxy auto-config file when attempting a connection.
UserAgentInformation about the user agent (browser).
ConnectionTimeoutSets a separate timeout value for establishing a connection.
FirewallAutoDetectTells the class whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available.
FirewallHostName or IP address of firewall (optional).
FirewallPasswordPassword to be used if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall.
FirewallPortThe TCP port for the FirewallHost;.
FirewallTypeDetermines the type of firewall to connect through.
FirewallUserA user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall.
KeepAliveIntervalThe retry interval, in milliseconds, to be used when a TCP keep-alive packet is sent and no response is received.
KeepAliveTimeThe inactivity time in milliseconds before a TCP keep-alive packet is sent.
LingerWhen set to True, connections are terminated gracefully.
LingerTimeTime in seconds to have the connection linger.
LocalHostThe name of the local host through which connections are initiated or accepted.
LocalPortThe port in the local host where the class binds.
MaxLineLengthThe maximum amount of data to accumulate when no EOL is found.
MaxTransferRateThe transfer rate limit in bytes per second.
ProxyExceptionsListA semicolon separated list of hosts and IPs to bypass when using a proxy.
TCPKeepAliveDetermines whether or not the keep alive socket option is enabled.
TcpNoDelayWhether or not to delay when sending packets.
UseIPv6Whether to use IPv6.
LogSSLPacketsControls whether SSL packets are logged when using the internal security API.
OpenSSLCADirThe path to a directory containing CA certificates.
OpenSSLCAFileName of the file containing the list of CA's trusted by your application.
OpenSSLCipherListA string that controls the ciphers to be used by SSL.
OpenSSLPrngSeedDataThe data to seed the pseudo random number generator (PRNG).
ReuseSSLSessionDetermines if the SSL session is reused.
SSLCACertFilePathsThe paths to CA certificate files on Unix/Linux.
SSLCACertsA newline separated list of CA certificate to use during SSL client authentication.
SSLCheckCRLWhether to check the Certificate Revocation List for the server certificate.
SSLCheckOCSPWhether to use OCSP to check the status of the server certificate.
SSLCipherStrengthThe minimum cipher strength used for bulk encryption.
SSLEnabledCipherSuitesThe cipher suite to be used in an SSL negotiation.
SSLEnabledProtocolsUsed to enable/disable the supported security protocols.
SSLEnableRenegotiationWhether the renegotiation_info SSL extension is supported.
SSLIncludeCertChainWhether the entire certificate chain is included in the SSLServerAuthentication event.
SSLKeyLogFileThe location of a file where per-session secrets are written for debugging purposes.
SSLNegotiatedCipherReturns the negotiated cipher suite.
SSLNegotiatedCipherStrengthReturns the negotiated cipher suite strength.
SSLNegotiatedCipherSuiteReturns the negotiated cipher suite.
SSLNegotiatedKeyExchangeReturns the negotiated key exchange algorithm.
SSLNegotiatedKeyExchangeStrengthReturns the negotiated key exchange algorithm strength.
SSLNegotiatedVersionReturns the negotiated protocol version.
SSLSecurityFlagsFlags that control certificate verification.
SSLServerCACertsA newline separated list of CA certificate to use during SSL server certificate validation.
TLS12SignatureAlgorithmsDefines the allowed TLS 1.2 signature algorithms when SSLProvider is set to Internal.
TLS12SupportedGroupsThe supported groups for ECC.
TLS13KeyShareGroupsThe groups for which to pregenerate key shares.
TLS13SignatureAlgorithmsThe allowed certificate signature algorithms.
TLS13SupportedGroupsThe supported groups for (EC)DHE key exchange.
AbsoluteTimeoutDetermines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts.
FirewallDataUsed to send extra data to the firewall.
InBufferSizeThe size in bytes of the incoming queue of the socket.
OutBufferSizeThe size in bytes of the outgoing queue of the socket.
BuildInfoInformation about the product's build.
CodePageThe system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations.
LicenseInfoInformation about the current license.
MaskSensitiveWhether sensitive data is masked in log messages.
ProcessIdleEventsWhether the class uses its internal event loop to process events when the main thread is idle.
SelectWaitMillisThe length of time in milliseconds the class will wait when DoEvents is called if there are no events to process.
UseInternalSecurityAPIWhether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

account_address1 Property

Street name.


def get_account_address1() -> str: ...
def set_account_address1(value: str) -> None: ...

account_address1 = property(get_account_address1, set_account_address1)

Default Value



Street name. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient. In all other requests, it is required for a valid physical address. For UPS account_address1 should not exceed 35 characters.

account_address2 Property

A specific detail on the address (such as building, suite, apartment, floor number etc.


def get_account_address2() -> str: ...
def set_account_address2(value: str) -> None: ...

account_address2 = property(get_account_address2, set_account_address2)

Default Value



A specific detail on the address (such as building, suite, apartment, floor number etc.). This is optional. For UPS account_address2 should not exceed 35 characters.

account_city Property

Name of city, town, etc.


def get_account_city() -> str: ...
def set_account_city(value: str) -> None: ...

account_city = property(get_account_city, set_account_city)

Default Value



Name of city, town, etc. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient.

account_country_code Property

Country code.


def get_account_country_code() -> str: ...
def set_account_country_code(value: str) -> None: ...

account_country_code = property(get_account_country_code, set_account_country_code)

Default Value



Country code. This identifies a country. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient. Maximum length: 2.

Here is a list of country names and their codes. Code is the value that has to be provided in all requests sent where country code is to be entered. Note that with USPS you can also specify the full country name here.

Country NameCountry Code
Afghanistan AF
Albania AL
American Samoa AS
Andorra AD
Angola AO
Anguilla AI
Antigua AG*
Argentina AR
Armenia AM
Aruba AW
Australia AU
Austria AT
Azerbaijan AZ
Bahamas BS
Bahrain BH
Bangladesh BD
Barbados BB
Barbuda AG*
Belarus BY
Belgium BE
Belize BZ
Benin BJ
Bermuda BM
Bhutan BT
Bolivia BO
Bonaire AN**
Bosnia-Herzegovina BA
Botswana BW
Brazil BR
British Virgin IslandsVG*
Brunei BN
Bulgaria BG
Burkina Faso BF
Burundi BI
Cambodia KH
Cameroon CM
Canada CA
Canary Islands ES**
Cape Verde CV
Cayman Islands KY**
Chad TD
Channel Islands GB**
Chile CL
China CN
Colombia CO
Congo CG
Congo Dem. Rep. Of CD
Cook Islands CK
Costa Rica CR
Croatia HR
Curacao AN**
Cyprus CY
Czech Republic CZ
Denmark DK
Djibouti DJ
Dominica DM
Dominican Republic DO
East Timor TL
Ecuador EC
Egypt EG
El Salvador SV
England GB**
Equatorial Guinea GQ
Eritrea ER
Estonia EE
Ethiopia ET
Faeroe Islands FO*
Fiji FJ
Finland FI
France FR
French Guiana GF
French Polynesia PF**
Gabon GA
Gambia GM
Georgia GE
Germany DE
Ghana GH
Gibraltar GI
Grand Cayman KY**
Great Britain GB**
Great Thatch Island VG*
Great Tobago IslandsVG*
Greece GR
Greenland GL
Grenada GD
Guadeloupe GP**
Guam GU
Guatemala GT
Guinea GN
Guyana GY
Haiti HT
Holland NL**
Honduras HN
Hong Kong HK
Hungary HU
Iceland IS
India IN
Indonesia ID
Iraq IQ
Ireland IE
Israel IL
Italy IT**
Ivory Coast CI
Jamaica JM
Japan JP
Jordan JO
Jost Van Dyke IslandsVG*
Kazakhstan KZ
Kenya KE
Kuwait KW
Kyrgyzstan KG
Laos LA
Latvia LV
Lebanon LB
Lesotho LS
Liberia LR
Liechtenstein LI
Lithuania LT
Luxembourg LU
Macau MO
Macedonia MK
Madagascar MG
Malawi MW
Malaysia MY
Maldives MV
Mali ML
Malta MT
Marshall Islands MH
Martinique MQ
Mauritania MR
Mauritius MU
Mexico MX
Micronesia FM
Moldova MD
Monaco MC
Mongolia MN
Montserrat MS
Morocco MA
Mozambique MZ
Namibia NA
Nepal NP
Netherlands NL**
Netherlands AntillesAN**
New Caledonia NC
New Zealand NZ
Nicaragua NI
Niger NE
Nigeria NG
Norman Island VG*
Northern Ireland GB**
Northern Mariana IslandsMP**
Norway NO
Oman OM
Pakistan PK
Palau PW
Palestine PS*
Panama PA
Papua New Guinea PG
Paraguay PY
Peru PE
Philippines PH
Poland PL
Portugal PT
Puerto Rico PR
Qatar QA
Reunion RE
Romania RO
Rota MP**
Russia RU
Rwanda RW
Saba AN**
Saipan MP**
Samoa WS
San Marino IT**
Saudi Arabia SA
Scotland GB**
Senegal SN
Serbia & Montenegro CS
Seychelles SC
Singapore SG
Slovak Republic SK
Slovenia SI
South Africa ZA
South Korea KR
Spain ES**
Sri Lanka LK
St. Barthelemy GP**
St. Christopher KN**
St. Croix Island VI**
St. Eustatius AN**
St. John VI**
St. Kitts and Nevis KN**
St. Lucia LC
St. Maarten AN**
St. Thomas VI**
St. Vincent VC**
Suriname SR
Swaziland SZ
Sweden SE
Switzerland CH
Tahiti PF**
Taiwan TW
Tanzania TZ
Thailand TH
Tinian MP**
Togo TG
Tonga TO
Tortola Island VG*
Trinidad & Tobago TT
Tunisia TN
Turkey TR
Turkmenistan TM
Turks & Caicos IslandsTC
U.S. Virgin Islands VI**
Uganda UG
Ukraine UA
Union Island VC**
United Arab EmiratesAE
United Kingdom GB**
United States US
Uruguay UY
Uzbekistan UZ
Vanuatu VU
Vatican City IT**
Venezuela VE
Vietnam VN
Wales GB**
Wallis & Futuna IslandsWF
Yemen YE
Zambia ZM
Zimbabwe ZW

* Not supported by USPS

** Has multiple values, the values used for USPS are below

Country Name Country Code
Cayman Islands KY
French Polynesia PF
Guadeloupe GP
Italy IT
Netherlands NL
Netherlands Antilles AN
Northern Mariana Islands MP
Spain ES
St. Kitts and Nevis KN
St. Vincent VC
United Kingdom GB
U.S. Virgin Islands VI

account_state Property

State or province code.


def get_account_state() -> str: ...
def set_account_state(value: str) -> None: ...

account_state = property(get_account_state, set_account_state)

Default Value



State or province code. This is the identifying abbreviation for US state, Canada province, etc. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient (where applicable). Format and presence of this field will vary, depending on country.

account_zip_code Property

Postal code.


def get_account_zip_code() -> str: ...
def set_account_zip_code(value: str) -> None: ...

account_zip_code = property(get_account_zip_code, set_account_zip_code)

Default Value



Postal code. This is identification of a region (usually small) for mail/package delivery. Format and presence of this field will vary, depending on country.

In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient. In all other requests, this element is required if both account_city and account_state are not present.

Valid characters: A-Z; 0-9; a-z. Maximum length: 16.

account_company Property

Identifies the contact person's company name.


def get_account_company() -> str: ...
def set_account_company(value: str) -> None: ...

account_company = property(get_account_company, set_account_company)

Default Value



Identifies the contact person's company name. In a ship request, either account_first_name and account_last_name or account_company are required to be provided.

account_email Property

Identifies the contact person's email address.


def get_account_email() -> str: ...
def set_account_email(value: str) -> None: ...

account_email = property(get_account_email, set_account_email)

Default Value



Identifies the contact person's email address. Maximum length: 120.

account_fax Property

Recipient's fax number.


def get_account_fax() -> str: ...
def set_account_fax(value: str) -> None: ...

account_fax = property(get_account_fax, set_account_fax)

Default Value



Recipient's fax number. The value of this property is optional. No format checking is done on international fax numbers.

account_first_name Property

Sender's first name.


def get_account_first_name() -> str: ...
def set_account_first_name(value: str) -> None: ...

account_first_name = property(get_account_first_name, set_account_first_name)

Default Value



Sender's first name. The value of this property is required. Values for either account_first_name and account_last_name or account_company must be sent.

account_last_name Property

Person's last name.


def get_account_last_name() -> str: ...
def set_account_last_name(value: str) -> None: ...

account_last_name = property(get_account_last_name, set_account_last_name)

Default Value



Person's last name. The value of this property is required. Values for either account_first_name and account_last_name or account_company must be sent. Maximum length: 45 characters for both names or company name.

account_middle_initial Property

Middle initial.


def get_account_middle_initial() -> str: ...
def set_account_middle_initial(value: str) -> None: ...

account_middle_initial = property(get_account_middle_initial, set_account_middle_initial)

Default Value



Middle initial. The value of this property is optional.

account_phone Property

Identifies the contact person's phone number.


def get_account_phone() -> str: ...
def set_account_phone(value: str) -> None: ...

account_phone = property(get_account_phone, set_account_phone)

Default Value



Identifies the contact person's phone number. In a ship request, this is required to be provided. Maximum length: 15.

cod_report Property

Image of a COD Turn In Page.


def get_cod_report() -> bytes: ...

cod_report = property(get_cod_report, None)

Default Value



This applies only to shipments within the European Union (EU) countries. It is the decoded binary image file of the COD report, stored in memory upon successful ship response. The report is generated in HTML format and it will automatically be saved to disk in the file designated by cod_report_file (if this is set to a valid path and filename).

This property is read-only.

cod_report_file Property

Filename and location to save the CODReport to.


def get_cod_report_file() -> str: ...
def set_cod_report_file(value: str) -> None: ...

cod_report_file = property(get_cod_report_file, set_cod_report_file)

Default Value



This applies only to shipments within the European Union (EU) countries. When applicable and the cod_report_file is set to a valid path and filename, the contents of the cod_report are written to disk upon successful response.

This has to have .html extension.

cod_total_amount Property

The total amount to be collected on shipment level.


def get_cod_total_amount() -> str: ...
def set_cod_total_amount(value: str) -> None: ...

cod_total_amount = property(get_cod_total_amount, set_cod_total_amount)

Default Value



This indicates customer's input COD amount (prior to any accumulations: total collection amount minus transportation charges).

For MPS COD shipments (when packages is greater than 1), the COD amount must be included on each package that uses COD service by setting the package_cod_amount.

Format: Two explicit decimals (e.g.5.00).

cod_type Property

The code that indicates the type of funds that will be used for the COD payment.


def get_cod_type() -> int: ...
def set_cod_type(value: int) -> None: ...

cod_type = property(get_cod_type, set_cod_type)

Default Value



This property identifies the type of funds UPS should collect upon shipment delivery. It is required to be provided in the request only if COD is requested (i.e., cod_total_amount is set to a value other than "0.00").

Valid values are:

Value Meaning
codtsCash (0) Only cash is allowed as form of payment.
codtsCheck (1) Personal check, cashier's check or money order - no cash allowed.

Note: COD special service is not valid for return service movements.

commercial_invoice_comments Property

Commercial Invoice comments to be uploaded to customs.


def get_commercial_invoice_comments() -> str: ...
def set_commercial_invoice_comments(value: str) -> None: ...

commercial_invoice_comments = property(get_commercial_invoice_comments, set_commercial_invoice_comments)

Default Value



Commercial Invoice comments to be uploaded to customs. This can be any extra information about the current shipment and is optional.

commercial_invoice_date Property

Date when the Invoice is created.


def get_commercial_invoice_date() -> str: ...
def set_commercial_invoice_date(value: str) -> None: ...

commercial_invoice_date = property(get_commercial_invoice_date, set_commercial_invoice_date)

Default Value



Date when the Invoice is created. This is optional for Partial Invoice, but required for Invoice form for forward shipments. For shipment with return service, the user input will be ignored, and the field will be blank on the invoice.

If not set, it will default to the ship date. Format is YYYYMMDD.

NOTE: This field is only valid for UPS.

commercial_invoice_freight_charge Property

Cost to transport the shipment.


def get_commercial_invoice_freight_charge() -> str: ...
def set_commercial_invoice_freight_charge(value: str) -> None: ...

commercial_invoice_freight_charge = property(get_commercial_invoice_freight_charge, set_commercial_invoice_freight_charge)

Default Value



Cost to transport the shipment. This is required if commercial_invoice_terms is set to Cfr, Cpt, Cif, or Cip. This charge will be added to the total customs value amount.

Format: Two explicit decimal positions.

commercial_invoice_insurance Property

The amount the shipper or receiver pays to cover the cost of replacing the shipment if it is lost or damaged.


def get_commercial_invoice_insurance() -> str: ...
def set_commercial_invoice_insurance(value: str) -> None: ...

commercial_invoice_insurance = property(get_commercial_invoice_insurance, set_commercial_invoice_insurance)

Default Value



The amount the shipper or receiver pays to cover the cost of replacing the shipment if it is lost or damaged. This is required if commercial_invoice_terms is set to Cif or Cip.. This charge will be added to the total customs value amount.

Format: Two explicit decimal positions.

commercial_invoice_number Property

Customer's assigned invoice number.


def get_commercial_invoice_number() -> str: ...
def set_commercial_invoice_number(value: str) -> None: ...

commercial_invoice_number = property(get_commercial_invoice_number, set_commercial_invoice_number)

Default Value



Customer's assigned invoice number. This is optional. If included in the request, this element prints on the shipping label and commercial invoice.

commercial_invoice_purpose Property

Reason to export the current international shipment Required for dutiable international express or ground shipment.


def get_commercial_invoice_purpose() -> int: ...
def set_commercial_invoice_purpose(value: int) -> None: ...

commercial_invoice_purpose = property(get_commercial_invoice_purpose, set_commercial_invoice_purpose)

Default Value



Reason to export the current international shipment

Required for dutiable international express or ground shipment. This is not applicable to an international PIB (document) or a non-document which does not require a commercial invoice express shipment.

Valid values are:

Value FedEx UPS
cipSold (0) X X
cipGift (1) X X
cipNotSold (2) X
cipPersonalEffects (3) X
cipReturn (4) X
cipRepair (5) X
cipRepairAndReturn (6) X
cipSample (7) X X
cipInterCompanyData (8) X

commercial_invoice_terms Property

Indicates the rights to the seller from the buyer.


def get_commercial_invoice_terms() -> int: ...
def set_commercial_invoice_terms(value: int) -> None: ...

commercial_invoice_terms = property(get_commercial_invoice_terms, set_commercial_invoice_terms)

Default Value



Indicates the rights to the seller from the buyer.

Required for dutiable international express or ground shipment. This is not applicable to an international PIB (document) or a non-document which does not require a commercial invoice express shipment.

Valid values are:

Value Meaning FedEx UPS
citFca (0) Free Carrier X X
citFob (1) Free On Board/Free Carrier X X
citFas (2) Free Alongside Ship X
citCfr (3) Cost and Freight X X
citCif (4) Cost, Insurance and Freight X X
citCip (5) Carriage and Insurance Paid X X
citCpt (6) Carriage Paid To X X
citDaf (7) Delivered at Frontier X
citDdp (8) Delivery Duty Paid X X
citDdu (9) Delivery Duty Unpaid X X
citDeq (10) Delivered Ex Quay X
citDes (11) Delivered Ex Ship X
citExw (12) Ex Works X X

commodity_count Property

The number of records in the Commodity arrays.


def get_commodity_count() -> int: ...
def set_commodity_count(value: int) -> None: ...

commodity_count = property(get_commodity_count, set_commodity_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at commodity_count - 1.

commodity_description Property

Complete and accurate description of this commodity line item.


def get_commodity_description(commodity_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_commodity_description(commodity_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



Complete and accurate description of this commodity line item.

It is applicable to all international forms. Optional for Partial Invoice and required for the rest of form types.

Specific description of the type of equipment and its intended use is required. Clearance delays may result if the contents are not completely and accurately described. Vague description will not be accepted by Customs. Only a portion of this field will print on the label.

For FedEx, if the shipment contains documents only (i.e., Documents is set to True), then the commodity_description has to be set to an approved value. The following table lists document descriptions approved by U.S. Customs.

Correspondence/No Commercial Value Leases
Accounting Documents Legal Documents
Analysis Reports Letters and Cards
Applications (Completed) Letter of Credit Packets
Bank Statements Loan Documents
Bid Quotations Marriage Certificates
Birth Certificates Medical Records
Bills of Sale Office Records
Bonds Operating Agreements
Business Correspondence Patent Applications
Checks (Completed) Permits
Claim Files Photocopies
Closing Statements Proposals
Conference Reports Prospectuses
Contracts Purchase Orders
Cost Estimates Quotations
Court Transcripts Reservation Confirmation
Credit Applications Resumes
Data Sheets Sales Agreements
Deeds Sales Reports
Employment Papers Shipping Documents
Escrow Instructions Statements/Reports
Export Papers Statistical Data
Financial Statements Stock Information
Immigration Papers Tax Papers
Income Statements Trade Confirmation
Insurance Documents Transcripts
Interoffice Memos Warranty Deeds
Inventory Reports
Invoices (Completed)

The commodity_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the commodity_count property.

commodity_export_type Property

Indicates the export type.


def get_commodity_export_type(commodity_idx: int) -> int: ...
def set_commodity_export_type(commodity_idx: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Indicates the export type. Applicable and required for SED only.

Valid values are:

Value Meaning
etDomestic (0) Exports that have been produced, manufactured, or grown in the United States or Puerto Rico. This includes imported merchandise which has been enhanced in value or changed from the form in which imported by further manufacture or processing in the United States or Puerto Rico.
etForeign (1) Merchandise that has entered the United States and is being exported again in the same condition as when imported.
etForeignMilitary (2)Exported merchandise that is sold under the foreign military sales program.

NOTE: This field is only applicable to UPS shipments.

The commodity_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the commodity_count property.

commodity_harmonized_code Property

Unique code representing this commodity line item (for imports only).


def get_commodity_harmonized_code(commodity_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_commodity_harmonized_code(commodity_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



Unique code representing this commodity line item (for imports only).

The World Trade Organization has classified all commodities with a number. This number is called a Harmonized Schedule code and ranges from six to 12 digits depending on the country. However, the first six digits of this number are more or less uniform throughout the world. Customs uses the HS number to determine the import duties, taxes and import license requirements for goods entering a country. This number is required for filling in the Customs documentation.

It is applicable to Invoice, Partial Invoice and NAFTA CO. Required for NAFTA CO and optional for Partial Invoice. For NAFTA CO: For each good described in commodity_description, identify the Harmonized Schedule (HS) tariff classification using the one of the country into whose territory the good is imported. This number must appear on import documentation that accompanies a shipment.

If the shipment contains non-documents item(s) (i.e., the Documents is set to False), the commodity_harmonized_code is required for each commodity line item for shipments to EU countries.

At least one occurrence is required for U.S. Export shipments if the total_customs_value is greater than 2,500 USD or if a valid U.S. Export license is required.

The commodity_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the commodity_count property.

commodity_manufacturer Property

Country code where the contents of this commodity line were produced, manufactured or grown in their final form.


def get_commodity_manufacturer(commodity_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_commodity_manufacturer(commodity_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



Country code where the contents of this commodity line were produced, manufactured or grown in their final form. In international shipment requests, the commodity_manufacturer is required to be entered.

In FedEx, when the shipment contains documents only (i.e., Documents is set to True), this represent the country where the documents were compiled and/or produced in their final form. In this case, only the commodity_manufacturer and commodity_description are required to be provided in the request. If the commodity_manufacturer is not provided, it defaults to US.

When the shipment contains non-documents items (i.e., Documents is set to False and the shipment is considered dutiable), at least one occurrence of a commodity item is required to be entered. The commodity_manufacturer has to be provided for each commodity item included in that international shipment.

In UPS, this applies to Invoice, Partial Invoice, CO and NAFTA CO. It is required for Invoice and CO forms, and optional for Partial Invoice.

In USPS, the value of this property is optional, and is only used by commercial shippers. If postage_provider is set to ppEndicia or ppStamps, then the format must be 2 charachters long (for example: US for United States, CA for Canada etc.).

Here is a list of country names and their codes where UPS services are available. Code is the value that has to be provided in all requests sent to UPS where country code is to be entered. This is also echoed in server reply.

Along with country names and their codes, we have also listed here the currency code used in that country, the maximum weight applicable to that country, whether address validation is supported and if postal code is required.

Country Name Country Code Currency CodeMax WeightAddress Validation SupportedPostal Code Req.Euro Country
Albania AL ALL 70 KGS No No No
Algeria DZ DZD 70 KGS No No No
Andorra AD PTS 70 KGS No No No
Angola AO AOK 70 KGS No No No
Anguilla AI XCD 150 LBS No No No
Antigua & Barbuda AG XCD 150 LBS No No No
Argentina AR ARP 70 KGS Yes Yes No
Armenia AM USD 70 KGS No Yes No
Aruba AW AWG 150 LBS No No No
Australia AU AUD 70 KGS Yes Yes No
Austria (EU Member) AT EUR 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Azerbaijan AZ RUR 70 KGS No Yes No
Bahamas BS BSD 150 LBS No No No
Bahrain BH BHD 70 KGS No No No
Bangladesh BD BDT 70 KGS No Yes No
Barbados BB BBD 150 LBS No No No
Belarus BY RUR 70 KGS No Yes No
Belgium (EU Member) BE EUR 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Belize BZ BZD 150 LBS No No No
Benin BJ XOF 70 KGS No No No
Bermuda BM BMD 150 LBS No No No
Bolivia BO BOP 70 KGS No No No
Bosnia-Herzegovina BA BAD 70 KGS No Yes No
Botswana BW BWP 70 KGS No No No
Brazil BR BRC 70 KGS Yes Yes No
British Virgin IslandsVG USD 150 LBS No No No
Brunei BN BND 70 KGS No No No
Bulgaria BG BGL 70 KGS No Yes No
Burkina Faso BF XOF 70 KGS No No No
Burundi BI BIF 70 KGS No No No
Cambodia KH USD 70 KGS No No No
Cameroon CM XAF 70 KGS No No No
Canada CA CAD 150 LBS Yes Yes No
Cape Verde CV USD 70 KGS No No No
Cayman Islands KY KYD 150 LBS No No No
Central African Rep CF XAF 70 KGS No No No
Chad TD XAF 70 KGS No No No
Channel Islands CD GBP 70 KGS No Yes No
Chile CL CLP 70 KGS Yes No No
China CN CNY 70 KGS Yes Yes No
Colombia CO COP 70 KGS Yes No No
Congo CG XAF 70 KGS No No No
Cook Islands CK NZD 70 KGS No No No
Costa Rica CR CRC 70 KGS No No No
Croatia HR YUD 70 KGS No Yes No
Cyprus CY CYP 70 KGS No No No
Czech Republic CZ CZK 70 KGS No Yes No
Dem Rep of Congo (Zaire)ZR ZRZ 70 KGS No No No
Denmark (EU Member) DK DKK 70 KGS Yes Yes Yes
Djibouti DJ DJF 70 KGS No No No
Dominica DM XCD 150 LBS No No No
Dominican Republic DO DOP 150 LBS No No No
Ecuador EC ECS 70 KGS No No No
Egypt EG EGP 70 KGS No No No
El Salvador SV SVC 70 KGS No No No
Equatorial Guinea GQ XAF 70 KGS No No No
Eritrea ER DKK 70 KGS No No No
Estonia EE EEK 70 KGS No Yes No
Ethiopia ET ETB 70 KGS No No No
Faeroe Islands FO DKK 70 KGS No Yes No
Fiji FJ FJD 70 KGS No No No
Finland (EU Member) FI EUR 70 KGS No Yes Yes
France (EU Member) FR EUR 70 KGS Yes Yes Yes
French Guiana GF FRF 70 KGS No No No
French Polynesia PF XPF 70 KGS No No No
Gabon GA XAF 70 KGS No No No
Gambia GM GMD 70 KGS No No No
Georgia GE RUR 70 KGS No Yes No
Germany (EU Member) DE EUR 70 KGS Yes Yes Yes
Ghana GH GHC 70 KGS No No No
Gibraltar GI GIP 70 KGS No No No
Greece (EU Member) GR EUR 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Greenland GL DKK 70 KGS No Yes No
Grenada GD XCD 150 LBS No No No
Guadeloupe GP FRF 150 LBS No No No
Guam GU USD 150 LBS No No No
Guatemala GT GTO 70 KGS No No No
Guinea GN GNS 70 KGS No No No
Guinea-Bissau GW GWP 70 KGS No No No
Guyana GY GYD 70 KGS No No No
Haiti HT HTG 150 LBS No No No
Honduras HN HNL 70 KGS No No No
Hong Kong HK HKD 70 KGS No No No
Hungary HU HUF 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Iceland IS ISK 70 KGS No Yes Yes
India IN INR 70 KGS Yes Yes No
Indonesia ID IDR 70 KGS No Yes No
Iran IR IRR 70 KGS No No No
Iraq IQ IQD 70 KGS No No No
Ireland (EU Member) IE EUR 70 KGS Yes No Yes
Israel IL ILS 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Italy (EU Member) IT EUR 70 KGS Yes Yes Yes
Ivory Coast CI XOF 70 KGS No No No
Jamaica JM KMD 70 KGS No No No
Japan JP JPY 70 KGS Yes Yes No
Jordan JO JOD 70 KGS No No No
Kazakhstan KZ RUR 70 KGS No Yes No
Kenya KE KES 70 KGS No No No
Kiribati KI AUD 70 KGS No No No
Kuwait KW KWD 70 KGS No No No
Kyrgyzstan KG RUR 70 KGS No Yes No
Laos LA USD 70 KGS No No No
Latvia LV RUR 70 KGS No Yes No
Lebanon LB LBP 70 KGS No No No
Lesotho LS ZAR 70 KGS No No No
Liberia LR LRD 70 KGS No No No
Libya LY LYD 70 KGS No No No
Liechtenstein LI CHF 70 KGS No Yes No
Lithuania LT LTL 70 KGS No Yes No
Luxembourg LU LUF 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Macau MO MOP 70 KGS No No No
Macedonia (FYROM) MK USD 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Madagascar MG MGF 70 KGS No No No
Malawi MW MWK 70 KGS No No No
Malaysia MY MYR 70 KGS Yes Yes No
Maldives MV MVR 70 KGS No No No
Mali ML MLF 70 KGS No No No
Malta MT MTP 70 KGS No No No
Marshall Islands MH USD 70 KGS No Yes No
Martinique MQ FRF 150 LBS No Yes No
Mauritania MR MRO 70 KGS No No No
Mauritius MU MUR 70 KGS No No No
Mexico MX MXP 70 KGS Yes Yes No
Micronesia FM USD 70 KGS No Yes No
Moldova MD EUR 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Monaco (EU Member) MC EUR 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Mongolia MN USD 70 KGS No Yes No
Montserrat MS XCD 150 LBS No No No
Morocco MA MAD 70 KGS No No No
Mozambique MZ MZM 70 KGS No No No
Myanmar MM USD 70 KGS No No No
N. Mariana Islands MP USD 150 LBS No No No
Namibia NA ZAR 70 KGS No No No
Nepal NP NPR 70 KGS No Yes No
Netherlands (EU Member) NL EUR 70 KGS Yes Yes Yes
Netherlands Antilles AN ANG 150 LBS No No No
New Caledonia NC XPF 70 KGS No No No
New Zealand NZ NZD 70 KGS Yes Yes No
Nicaragua NI NIC 70 KGS No No No
Niger NE XOF 70 KGS No No No
Nigeria NG NGN 70 KGS No No No
Norfolk Island NF AUD 70 KGS No No No
Norway NO NOK 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Oman OM OMR 70 KGS No No No
Pakistan PK PKR 70 KGS No Yes No
Palau PW USD 70 KGS No Yes No
Panama PA PAB 70 KGS No No No
Papua New Guinea PG PGK 70 KGS No No No
Paraguay PY PYG 70 KGS No No No
Peru PE PES 70 KGS Yes No No
Philippines PH PHP 70 KGS Yes Yes No
Poland PL PLZ 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Portugal(EU Member) PT EUR 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Puerto Rico PR USD 150 LBS Yes Yes No
Qatar QA QAR 70 KGS No No No
Reunion Is. RE FRF 70 KGS No Yes No
Romania RO ROL 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Russia RU RUR 70 KGS No Yes No
Rwanda RW RWF 70 KGS No No No
Samoa (Amer.) AS USD 70 KGS No No No
Samoa (Western) WS NZD 70 KGS No No No
San Marino IT ITL 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Saudi Arabia SA SAR 70 KGS No Yes No
Senegal SN XOF 70 KGS No No No
Serbia & Montenegro CS YUD 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Seychelles SC SCR 70 KGS No No No
Sierra Leone SL SLL 70 KGS No No No
Singapore SG SGD 70 KGS Yes Yes No
Slovak Republic SK SKK 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Slovenia SI SIT 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Solomon Islands SB SBD 70 KGS No No No
South Africa ZA GBP 70 KGS Yes Yes No
South Korea KR KRW 70 KGS No Yes No
Spain (EU Member) ES EUR 70 KGS Yes Yes Yes
Sri Lanka LK LKR 70 KGS No Yes No
St. Christopher KN XCD 150 LBS No No No
St. Lucia LC XCD 150 LBS No No No
St. Vincent/GrenadinesVC XCD 150 LBS No No No
Sudan SD SDP 70 KGS No No No
Suriname SR SRG 70 KGS No No No
Swaziland SZ SZL 70 KGS No No No
Sweden (EU Member) SE SEK 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Switzerland CH CHF 70 KGS Yes Yes Yes
Syria SY SYP 70 KGS No No No
Taiwan TW NTD 70 KGS No Yes No
Tajikistan TJ RUR 70 KGS No Yes No
Tanzania TZ TZS 70 KGS No No No
Thailand TH THB 70 KGS No Yes No
Togo TG XOF 70 KGS No No No
Tonga TO TOP 70 KGS No No No
Trinidad & Tobago TT TTD 150 LBS No No No
Tunisia TN TND 70 KGS No No No
Turkey TR TRL 70 KGS No Yes Yes
Turkmenistan TM RUR 70 KGS No Yes No
Turks & Caicos IslandsTC USD 150 LBS No No No
Tuvalu TV AUD 70 KGS No No No
Uganda UG UGS 70 KGS No No No
Ukraine UA UAK 70 KGS No Yes No
United Arab Emirates AE AED 70 KGS No No No
United Kingdom(EU Member)GBGBP 70 KGS Yes Yes Yes
United States US USD 150 LBS Yes Yes No
Uruguay UY UYP 70 KGS No Yes No
US Virgin Islands VI USD 150 LBS No Yes No
Uzbekistan UZ RUR 70 KGS No Yes No
Vanuatu VU VUV 70 KGS No No No
Venezuela VE VEB 70 KGS Yes No No
Vietnam VN USD 70 KGS No Yes No
Wake Island WK USD 70 KGS No No No
Wallis & Futuna Isle WF XPF 70 KGS No No No
Yemen YE YER 70 KGS No No No
Zambia ZM ZMK 70 KGS No No No
Zimbabwe ZW ZWD 70 KGS No No No

The commodity_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the commodity_count property.

commodity_number_of_pieces Property

The total number of packages, cartons, or containers for the commodity line item.


def get_commodity_number_of_pieces(commodity_idx: int) -> int: ...
def set_commodity_number_of_pieces(commodity_idx: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



The total number of packages, cartons, or containers for the commodity line item.

In UPS, it is required and applicable to CO only.

In FedEx, if the Documents is set to False in ship request, the commodity_number_of_pieces is required to be entered for each commodity item included in an international shipment. At least one occurrence is required for international dutiable (non-documents) shipments.

This property is not applicable to USPS.

The commodity_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the commodity_count property.

commodity_quantity Property

Number of units contained in this commodity line item measured in units specified by the QuantityUnit .


def get_commodity_quantity(commodity_idx: int) -> int: ...
def set_commodity_quantity(commodity_idx: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Number of units contained in this commodity line item measured in units specified by the commodity_quantity_unit. This is used in conjunction with the commodity_quantity_unit and commodity_unit_price.

For FedEx, if the Documents is set to False in ship request, the commodity_quantity is required to be entered for each commodity item included in an international shipment. At least one occurrence is required for international dutiable (non-documents) shipments.

For UPS, these are all required for Invoice form type and optional for Partial Invoice (not applicable to other international form types).

The commodity_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the commodity_count property.

commodity_quantity_unit Property

Unit of measure used to express the Quantity of this commodity line item.


def get_commodity_quantity_unit(commodity_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_commodity_quantity_unit(commodity_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



Unit of measure used to express the commodity_quantity of this commodity line item.

For FedEx, if the shipment contains non-documents item(s) (i.e., the Documents is set to False), the commodity_quantity_unit is required to be entered for each commodity line item included in shipment. At least one commodity occurrence is required for international dutiable (non-documents) shipments.

Here is a list of possible values for FedEx:

Value Description
AR Carat
CG Centigram
CM Centimeters
CM3 Cubic Centimeters
CFT Cubic Feet
M3 Cubic Meters
DOZ Dozen
DPR Dozen Pair
EA Each
GAL Gallon
G Grams
GR Gross
KGM Kilogram
KG Kilograms
LFT Linear Foot
LNM Linear Meters
LYD Linear Yard
L Liter
LTR Liters
M Meters
MG Milligram
ML Milliliter
NO Number
OZ Ounces
PR Pair
PRS Pairs
PCS Pieces
LB Pound
CM2 Square centimeters
SFT Square feet
SQI Square inches
M2 Square meters
SYD Square yards
YD Yard

For UPS, this is required and applicable only to Invoice and Partial Invoice forms.

Here is a list of possible values for commodity_quantity_unit:

Value Description
BA Barrel
BE Bundle
BG Bag
BH Bunch
BT Bolt
BU Butt
CI Canister
CM Centimeter
CON Container
CR Crate
CS Case
CT Carton
CY Cylinder
DOZ Dozen
EA Each
EN Envelope
FT Feet
KG Kilogram
KGS Kilograms
LB Pound
LBS Pounds
L Liter
M Meter
NMB Number
PA Packet
PAL Pallet
PC Piece
PCS Pieces
PF Proof Liters
PKG Package
PR Pair
PRS Pairs
RL Roll
SME Square Meters
SYD Square Yards
TU Tube
YD Yard
OTH Other

This is not available for USPS.

The commodity_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the commodity_count property.

commodity_schedule_b_code Property

A unique 10-digit commodity classification code for the item being exported.


def get_commodity_schedule_b_code(commodity_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_commodity_schedule_b_code(commodity_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



A unique 10-digit commodity classification code for the item being exported.

Before you can export a product from the United States, you must first determine its correct 10-digit Schedule B Classification Code. These codes are valid for only U.S. exports and are maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau. This is required to be provided in an international ship request only if SED is requested (i.e., one of the form_types is set to ftSED).

This property is only applicable to UPS shipments.

Current format: 10 digits.

The commodity_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the commodity_count property.

commodity_unit_price Property

Value of each QuantityUnit in Quantity of this commodity line item.


def get_commodity_unit_price(commodity_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_commodity_unit_price(commodity_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



Value of each commodity_quantity_unit in commodity_quantity of this commodity line item. This is used in conjunction with the commodity_quantity_unit and commodity_quantity. This indicates the monetary amount used to specify the worth or price of the commodity and it should be greater than zero.

For FedEx, when the shipment contains non-documents item(s) (i.e., the Documents is set to False), the commodity_unit_price is required to be entered for each commodity line item included in shipment. At least one commodity occurrence is required for international dutiable (non-documents) shipments.

For UPS, it is required and applicable to Invoice and Partial Invoice forms only.

For USPS, use the commodity_value property instead.

Format: Limit to 6 digits after the decimal (e.g. 900.000000).

The commodity_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the commodity_count property.

commodity_value Property

The value of an individual item being shipped.


def get_commodity_value(commodity_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_commodity_value(commodity_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



The value of an individual item being shipped. This should be provided for each item contained in the package being shipped. This property provides the value of the set of items. If the item is 2 boxes of 50 pens and the value of each box is $10.00, "20.00" (2 boxes x $10.00) should be entered. If the value of each pen is .25, then "25.00" (100 pens x .25) should be entered.

This property is only applicable to USPS and UPS freight.

Note: For USPS, the maximum value for this property is "99999.99".

Note: For UPS freight, the maximum value for this property is "99999999999999.99".

The commodity_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the commodity_count property.

commodity_weight Property

The shipping weight of this commodity line item, including containers, for each commodity with a separate Harmonized Tariff Code.


def get_commodity_weight(commodity_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_commodity_weight(commodity_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



The shipping weight of this commodity line item, including containers, for each commodity with a separate Harmonized Tariff Code. This weight does not include carrier equipment.

For FedEx, if the shipment contains non-documents item(s) (i.e., the Documents is set to False), the commodity_weight is required to be entered for each commodity line item included in shipment. At least one commodity occurrence is required for international dutiable (non-documents) shipments.

For UPS, this is required and applicable to CO and SED forms only .

When using USPS and postage_provider is set to ppNone, the format of this property must be "XX lbs YY oz", where XX is the number of pounds and YY is the number of ounces.

However, in USPS, if postage_provider is set to ppEndicia, then the format must be one explicit decimal position in ounces (i.e. N.N formatting).

The commodity_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the commodity_count property.

duties_payor_account_number Property

The account number of the party responsible for payment (shipping charges, or duties and taxes).


def get_duties_payor_account_number() -> str: ...
def set_duties_payor_account_number(value: str) -> None: ...

duties_payor_account_number = property(get_duties_payor_account_number, set_duties_payor_account_number)

Default Value



The account number of the party responsible for payment (shipping charges, or duties and taxes).

This is required to be provided in the ship request, only if duties_payor_payor_type is set to 'RECIPIENT' or 'THIRDPARTY'. Otherwise, it defaults to duties_payor_account_number.

duties_payor_country_code Property

The country code for the payor of the shipment, or duties and taxes.


def get_duties_payor_country_code() -> str: ...
def set_duties_payor_country_code(value: str) -> None: ...

duties_payor_country_code = property(get_duties_payor_country_code, set_duties_payor_country_code)

Default Value



The country code for the payor of the shipment, or duties and taxes.

When shipping via FedEx Express, the duties_payor_country_code is required to be provided in the ship request only if duties_payor_payor_type is set to 'RECIPIENT' or 'THIRDPARTY'. For FedEx Ground shipments, the duties_payor_country_code is required only if duties_payor_payor_type is set to 'THIRDPARTY'.

For UPS, this should be the same as it was entered in the UPS system when this account was set up. In domestic shipments, it will always default to US.

duties_payor_type Property

Method of payment for shipment, or duties and taxes.


def get_duties_payor_type() -> int: ...
def set_duties_payor_type(value: int) -> None: ...

duties_payor_type = property(get_duties_payor_type, set_duties_payor_type)

Default Value



Method of payment for shipment, or duties and taxes. This is required to be provided in a ship request. Valid payment types are:

ptSender (0)
ptRecipient (1)
ptThirdParty (2)
ptCollect (3)
ptConsignee (4)

The COLLECT payment type is only supported in FedEx Ground services. The CONSIGNEE type is only supported in UPS service.

For FedEx, when this property is set to a value other than 0 (ptSender), the duties_payor_account_number and duties_payor_country_code are required to be provided in the request as well. Otherwise, those will default to fed_ex_account_number and sender_country_code.

For UPS, when set to ptSender, the duties_payor_account_number is automatically set to ups_account_number. When ptRecipient is specified, duties_payor_account_number and duties_payor_zip_code are required to be provided in the request. For return international shipments, this option is invalid for transportation charges. And, when ptThirdParty has been specified, the duties_payor_account_number, duties_payor_zip_code and duties_payor_country_code are required to be provided in the request. When ptConsignee is specified, it indicates that UPS Consignee Billing option is selected, no other fields need to be set. ptConsignee only applies to US/PR and PR/US shipment origins and destination.

duties_payor_zip_code Property

Payor's postal code (if applicable).


def get_duties_payor_zip_code() -> str: ...
def set_duties_payor_zip_code(value: str) -> None: ...

duties_payor_zip_code = property(get_duties_payor_zip_code, set_duties_payor_zip_code)

Default Value



Payor's postal code (if applicable).

This is only applicable to UPS and is the corresponding postal code of the UPS duties_payor_account_number's pickup address. This should be the same as it was entered in the UPS system when this account was set up.

It can be provided in a ship request only if the duties_payor_payor_type is set to 1 (RECIPIENT) or 2 (THIRDPARTY).

Maximum length: 10.

firewall_auto_detect Property

This property tells the class whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available.


def get_firewall_auto_detect() -> bool: ...
def set_firewall_auto_detect(value: bool) -> None: ...

firewall_auto_detect = property(get_firewall_auto_detect, set_firewall_auto_detect)

Default Value



This property tells the class whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available.

firewall_type Property

This property determines the type of firewall to connect through.


def get_firewall_type() -> int: ...
def set_firewall_type(value: int) -> None: ...

firewall_type = property(get_firewall_type, set_firewall_type)

Default Value



This property determines the type of firewall to connect through. The applicable values are as follows:

fwNone (0)No firewall (default setting).
fwTunnel (1)Connect through a tunneling proxy. firewall_port is set to 80.
fwSOCKS4 (2)Connect through a SOCKS4 Proxy. firewall_port is set to 1080.
fwSOCKS5 (3)Connect through a SOCKS5 Proxy. firewall_port is set to 1080.
fwSOCKS4A (10)Connect through a SOCKS4A Proxy. firewall_port is set to 1080.

firewall_host Property

This property contains the name or IP address of firewall (optional).


def get_firewall_host() -> str: ...
def set_firewall_host(value: str) -> None: ...

firewall_host = property(get_firewall_host, set_firewall_host)

Default Value



This property contains the name or IP address of firewall (optional). If a firewall_host is given, the requested connections will be authenticated through the specified firewall when connecting.

If this property is set to a Domain Name, a DNS request is initiated. Upon successful termination of the request, this property is set to the corresponding address. If the search is not successful, the class fails with an error.

firewall_password Property

This property contains a password if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall.


def get_firewall_password() -> str: ...
def set_firewall_password(value: str) -> None: ...

firewall_password = property(get_firewall_password, set_firewall_password)

Default Value



This property contains a password if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall. If firewall_host is specified, the firewall_user and firewall_password properties are used to connect and authenticate to the given firewall. If the authentication fails, the class fails with an error.

firewall_port Property

This property contains the transmission control protocol (TCP) port for the firewall Host .


def get_firewall_port() -> int: ...
def set_firewall_port(value: int) -> None: ...

firewall_port = property(get_firewall_port, set_firewall_port)

Default Value



This property contains the transmission control protocol (TCP) port for the firewall firewall_host. See the description of the firewall_host property for details.

Note: This property is set automatically when firewall_type is set to a valid value. See the description of the firewall_type property for details.

firewall_user Property

This property contains a user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall.


def get_firewall_user() -> str: ...
def set_firewall_user(value: str) -> None: ...

firewall_user = property(get_firewall_user, set_firewall_user)

Default Value



This property contains a user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall. If the firewall_host is specified, this property and firewall_password properties are used to connect and authenticate to the given firewall. If the authentication fails, the class fails with an error.

form_types Property

Contains the collection of types for international forms that can associate an international shipment.


def get_form_types() -> int: ...
def set_form_types(value: int) -> None: ...

form_types = property(get_form_types, set_form_types)

Default Value



The form_types property is optional. Up to 6 international forms (such as Invoice, Shipper's Export Declaration, Certificate of Origin, NAFTA Certificate of Origin, etc.) can be requested within a ship request. To request any of the forms offered by UPS, you must set the form_types to a set of flags as listed below (specified in hexadecimal notation). They can be or-ed together to include multiple conditions:

0x00000001 Invoice
0x00000002 Shipper's Export Declaration
0x00000004 Certificate of Origin
0x00000008 NAFTA Certificate of Origin
0x00000010 CN22
0x00000020 EEI
0x00000040 Partial Invoice

For instance, to request both a Commercial Invoice and a CN22 you could set the property like below:

upsshipintl1.FormTypes = 0x00000011

Note: Invoice and Partial Invoice are mutually exclusive.

international_forms Property

Image of the international forms.


def get_international_forms() -> bytes: ...

international_forms = property(get_international_forms, None)

Default Value



This is the decoded binary image file of the international forms accompanying the shipment already requested via the form_types property (such as Invoice, SED, Certificate of Origin, etc.), stored in memory upon successful international ship response. If the international_forms_file is set to a valid path and filename, the international forms are also saved to disk in PDF format.

This property is read-only.

international_forms_file Property

Filename and location to save the InternationalForms to.


def get_international_forms_file() -> str: ...
def set_international_forms_file(value: str) -> None: ...

international_forms_file = property(get_international_forms_file, set_international_forms_file)

Default Value



When the international_forms_file is set to a valid path and filename, the contents of the international_forms are written to disk upon successful response.

The international_forms_file has to have .pdf extension.

label_image_type Property

Type of image or printer commands the shipping label is to be formatted in.


def get_label_image_type() -> int: ...
def set_label_image_type(value: int) -> None: ...

label_image_type = property(get_label_image_type, set_label_image_type)

Default Value



This element defines the print method code that the labels are to be generated to. It is applicable and required to be provided in a ship request for forward shipments or return shipments. The value selection depends on the printer type used to print the shipping label.

Valid image types and their meanings with the corresponding usage are listed below:

Value Usage
uitGIF (0) To be used for image formats.
uitEPL (1) To be used with EPL2 formatted labels.
uitSPL (2) To be used with SPL formatted labels.
uitZPL (3) To be used with ZPL formatted labels.
uitStar (4) To be used with STAR printer formatted labels. Not a valid image type when using Mail Innovations.

There are two types of shipping labels supported: plain paper (when printing to an HP compatible laser or inkjet type printer only. In this case, the only possible value for the label_image_type is 0 (uitGIF)), and thermal (when printing to thermal printers only. In this case, possible values for the label_image_type are 1, 2, 3, and 4).

While the content of each of these labels is the same, their usages are different. Each provides a bar-coded image for the purpose of scanning the package during handling. The uses of each label depend on the type of working environment to be used.

master_tracking_number Property

Tracking number assigned to the whole MPS shipment.


def get_master_tracking_number() -> str: ...

master_tracking_number = property(get_master_tracking_number, None)

Default Value



This is applicable to MPS shipment requests only and identifies the whole shipment. In a MPS ship request, this property is returned in the server reply when the get_shipment_labels method is called.

This value is used as parameter when a cancel shipment request is sent (i.e., when the cancel_shipment method is called). It can also be used when tracking a MPS.

This property is read-only.

nafta_blanket_period Property

Contains specific details on NAFTA CO (when this form is requested).


def get_nafta_blanket_period() -> str: ...
def set_nafta_blanket_period(value: str) -> None: ...

nafta_blanket_period = property(get_nafta_blanket_period, set_nafta_blanket_period)

Default Value



This is applicable only to international shipments that contain non-documents. It is required to be provided in the request only if NAFTA CO international form is requested (i.e., one of the form_types is set to NAFTA).

This contains the begin date and the end date of the blanket period. The begin date is the date upon which the Certificate becomes applicable to the good covered by the blanket Certificate (it may be prior to the date of signing this Certificate). The end date is the date upon which the blanket period expires.

This is applicable and required to be provided in the request only if the NAFTA Certificate covers multiple shipments of identical goods as described in the shipment_description that are imported into a NAFTA country for a specified period of up to one year (the blanket period). The importation of a good for which preferential treatment is claimed based on this certificate must occur between beginning and ending dates.


nafta_preference_criteria Property

Preference Criteria for NAFTA Certificate of Origin documents.


def get_nafta_preference_criteria() -> str: ...
def set_nafta_preference_criteria(value: str) -> None: ...

nafta_preference_criteria = property(get_nafta_preference_criteria, set_nafta_preference_criteria)

Default Value



This property is required when the form_types property includes the NAFTA flag. Valid values and their descriptions are listed from the UPS documentation:

"A"The good is "wholly obtained or produced entirely" in the territory of one or more of the NAFTA countries as referenced in Article 415. Note: The purchase of a good in the territory does not necessarily render it "wholly obtained or produced." If the good is an agricultural good, see also criterion F and Annex 703.2. (Reference: Article 401(a) and 415)
"B"The good is produced entirely in the territory of one or more of the NAFTA countries and satisfies the specific rule of origin, set out in Annex 401, that applies to its tariff classification. The rule may include a tariff classification change, regional value-content requirement, or a combination there-of. The good must also satisfy all other applicable requirements of Chapter Four. If the good is an agricultural good, see also criterion F and Annex 703.2. (Reference: Article 401(b))
"C"The good is produced entirely in the territory of one or more of the NAFTA countries exclusively from originating materials. Under this criterion, one or more of the materials may not fall within the definition of "wholly produced or obtained," as set out in Article 415. All materials used in the production of the good must qualify as "originating" by meeting the rules of Article 401(a) through (d). If the good is an agricultural good, see also criterion F and Annex 703.2. Reference: Article 401(c).
"D"Goods are produced in the territory of one or more of the NAFTA countries but do not meet the applicable rule of origin, set out in Annex 401, because certain non-originating materials do not undergo the required change in tariff classification. The goods do nonetheless meet the regional value-content requirement specified in Article 401 (d). This criterion is limited to the following two circumstances: (1) The good was imported into the territory of a NAFTA country in an unassembled or disassembled form but was classified as an assembled good, pursuant to H.S. General Rule of Interpretation 2(a). or (2). The good incorporated one or more non-originating materials, provided for as parts under the H.S., which could not undergo a change in tariff classification because the heading provided for both the good and its parts and was not further subdivided into subheadings, or the subheading provided for both the good and its parts and was not further subdivided. Note: This criterion does not apply to Chapters 61 through 63 of the H.S. (Reference: Article 401(d))
"E"Certain automatic data processing goods and their parts, specified in Annex 308.1, that do not originate in the territory are considered originating upon importation into the territory of a NAFTA country from the territory of another NAFTA country when the most-favored-nation tariff rate of the good conforms to the rate established in Annex 308.1 and is common to all NAFTA countries. (Reference: Annex 308.1)
"F"The good is an originating agricultural good under preference criterion A, B, or C above and is not subject to a quantitative restriction in the importing NAFTA country because it is a "qualifying good" as defined in Annex 703.2, Section A or B (please specify). A good listed in Appendix 703.2B.7 is also exempt from quantitative restrictions and is eligible for NAFTA preferential tariff treatment if it meets the definition of "qualifying good" in Section A of Annex 703.2.

nafta_producer_info Property

Producer information for NAFTA Certificate of Origin documents.


def get_nafta_producer_info() -> int: ...
def set_nafta_producer_info(value: int) -> None: ...

nafta_producer_info = property(get_nafta_producer_info, set_nafta_producer_info)

Default Value



This property is required when the form_types property includes the NAFTA flag.

From UPS documentation, specify: piYes - If shipper is the producer of the good. If not, state No depending on whether this certificate was based upon: piNo1 - Knowledge of whether the good qualifies as an originating good. piNo2 - Reliance on the producer's written representation (other than a Certificate of Origin) that the good qualifies as an originating good. piNo3 - A completed and signed Certificate for the good voluntarily provided to the exporter by the producer.

notify_count Property

The number of records in the Notify arrays.


def get_notify_count() -> int: ...
def set_notify_count(value: int) -> None: ...

notify_count = property(get_notify_count, set_notify_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at notify_count - 1.

notify_aggregate Property

This can be used to set the entire aggregate xml for the recipient to be notified.


def get_notify_aggregate(notify_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_notify_aggregate(notify_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



This can be used to set the entire aggregate xml for the recipient to be notified. This is only valid for ship requests only when the EmailNotification=0x00000004 is present in the shipment_special_services.


For FedEx, this aggregate should contain descriptive data required for FedEx to provide e-mail notification to the customer regarding the shipment.

The format of this aggregate should be as follows: <EMailNotificationDetail> <PersonalMessage>personal_message</PersonalMessage> <Recipients> (this aggregate can be entered up to six times) <EMailNotificationRecipientType>recipient_type</EMailNotificationRecipientType> <EMailAddress>recipient_email</EMailAddress> <NotifyOnShipment>true_or_false</NotifyOnShipment> <NotifyOnException>true_or_false</NotifyOnException> <NotifyOnDelivery>true_or_false</NotifyOnDelivery> <Format>format_type</Format> <Localization> <LanguageCode>language_code</LanguageCode> </Localization> </Recipients> </EMailNotificationDetail>

In this aggregate, you can specify:

  • a message text to be sent in the email notification (via the PersonalMessage element). This is optional.
  • the type of the recipient: SHIPPER, RECIPIENT, BROKER, OTHER (via the EMailNotificationRecipientType element). This is optional.
  • the recipient's email address (via the EMailAddress element). This is required.
  • whether the recipient is to be notified on shipment, exception or delivery (via the NotifyOnShipment, NotifyOnException, NotifyOnDelivery elements). These are required.
  • the format of the message: HTML, TEXT, WIRELESS (via the Format element). This is required.
  • the language code you want the message to be sent to (via the LanguageCode element). This is optional. If not present, it will default to English (EN).
The specified shipment notification can be sent up to six (6) email addresses to receive (i.e., the Recipients field can have up to 6 recipient emails).

This setting is optional. If notify_aggregate is not set it will be automatically created by the class.


For UPS, the following JSON format is valid: { "NotificationCode": "6", "EMail": { "EMailAddress": [ "recipient1_email", (up to five recipient emails) "recipient2_email" ], "UndeliverableEMailAddress": "undeliverable_email", "FromEMailAddress": "sender_email", "FromName": "sender_name", "Memo": "message" } }

In this aggregate, you can specify:

  • a notification code which describes the notification requested: "6" (Ship Notification), "7" (Exception Notification), "8" (Delivery Notification), or "2" (Return Notification). This is required.
  • the recipient's email address (via the EMailAddress element). This is required.
  • the undeliverable email address if to specify where an undeliverable email should be sent. This is optional.
  • the email address for the reply-to address. The From field of the email will contain This should be specified by the FromEMailAddress element.
  • an optional from name.
  • a message text to be sent in the email notification (via the Memo element). This is optional.

Note that this property does not apply for USPS and CanadaPost.

The notify_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the notify_count property.

notify_email Property

Email address of the recipient to be notified.


def get_notify_email(notify_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_notify_email(notify_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



Email address of the recipient to be notified. This is required to be provided for each recipient.

The notify_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the notify_count property.

notify_message Property

User defined text that will be included in the email to be sent to Email .


def get_notify_message(notify_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_notify_message(notify_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



User defined text that will be included in the email to be sent to notify_email. This is optional.

For FedEx, when multiple recipients exist, the message for the first recipient is the only message that will be included in the request. FedEx only allows one message for all of the recipients of the notification email.

This property is not used by USPS or Canada Post.

The notify_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the notify_count property.

notify_flags Property

Identifies the type of notification requested.


def get_notify_flags(notify_idx: int) -> int: ...
def set_notify_flags(notify_idx: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Identifies the type of notification requested. Valid values are:

Value Meaning
0x00000001 (On Shipment) An email notification is requested to be sent to the notify_email when the package is shipped.
0x00000002 (On Exception) An email notification should be sent to the notify_email when an exception occurs during package movement from origin to destination.
0x00000004 (On Delivery) An email notification is requested to be sent to the notify_email when the package is delivered.
0x00000008 (On Tender) An email notification is requested to be sent to the notify_email when the package is tendered.
0x00000010 (On Return) An email notification is requested to be sent to the notify_email when the package is returned.
0x00000020 (HTML) The email should be sent in HTML format.
0x00000040 (Text) The email should be sent in Text format.
0x00000080 (Wireless) The email should be sent in Wireless format.
0x00000200 (In Transit) An email notification is requested to be sent to the notify_email when the package is in transit.
0x00000400 (ADL) Alternate Delivery Location
0x00000800 (UAP) UAP Shipper.
0x00001000 (On Estimated Delivery) An email notification is requested to be sent to notify_email when the package was estimated to be delivered.

For FedEx notifications, the following flags apply:

  • On Shipment
  • On Exception
  • On Delivery
  • On Tender
  • On Estimated Delivery
  • HTML
  • Text
To use Estimated Delivery with FedEx, the APIVersion configuration setting must be set to 19 or higher.

For UPS notifications, the following flags apply:

  • On Shipment
  • On Exception
  • On Delivery
  • On Return
  • In Transit
  • ADL
  • UAP

For CanadaPost notifications, only the On Shipment, On Exception, and On Delivery apply.

This field is not used by USPS.

The notify_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the notify_count property.

package_count Property

The number of records in the Package arrays.


def get_package_count() -> int: ...
def set_package_count(value: int) -> None: ...

package_count = property(get_package_count, set_package_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at package_count - 1.

package_base_charge Property

Actual Base Charge applicable to this package.


def get_package_base_charge(package_idx: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Actual Base Charge applicable to this package.

For FedEx, this is normally specific to the payor_account_number. It is used in the FedExShip and FedExShipIntl only. When this is used, please note that for MPS the FedEx server provides the rating information in two different ways for domestic and international shipments.

In MPS domestic shipments, the rating information is available on the package level. In this case, the properties that store the rating information: package_base_charge, package_net_charge, package_total_surcharges, and package_total_discount, indicate the rate for that particular package.

While in MPS international shipments, the rating information is available on shipment level only and it is returned in the last package response. That being said, please note that: for all packages with index=0 to PackageCount - 2, the properties that store the rating information will be set to 'N/A', and in the last package (at index=PackageCount - 1, these properties will contain the rate for the whole shipment.

For UPS, this is the "transportation charge - fuel surcharge" applicable to this package. Upon a successful response, this is returned in the server reply for each package included in the shipment if SubVersion is 1701 or greater.

This is not applicable to USPS.

For Canada Post, upon a successful response, this is returned in the server reply for the package requested.

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

This property is read-only.

package_cod_amount Property

The COD monetary value for the package.


def get_package_cod_amount(package_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_package_cod_amount(package_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



The COD monetary value for the package.

For FedEx, this is applicable and required for Ground shipments only. If the shipment is using COD special service (i.e., the shipment_special_services is set to the corresponding value of COD), then the COD amount should be specified on package level for all packages that are going to use COD. If this is set, then the package will be considered as using the COD service.

Since Ground packages do not travel together and may be delivered at different times, you should add the value for the individual packages to be collected. On MPS Ground shipments, a COD return label will be generated for each package that uses COD service (stored in package_cod_label).

On COD Express shipments, the COD amount should be specified on shipment level and the CODTotalAmount is required instead.

For UPS, if the package_cod_amount is set to a value other than "0.00", it indicates that COD special service is requested for that package. The collection type should be specified in the request via the package_cod_type. COD special service is not valid for return service movements. Package level COD is available for shipment from US/PR to US/PR, CA to CA, and CA to US. COD service for shipment from CA to US is not allowed for package_type Letter/Envelope. COD special service is available for shipper's with pickup_type 'Daily Pickup' or 'Drop Shipping'. Delivery Confirmation (represented by package_signature_type) and COD cannot coexist on a single package.

This property is not applicable to USPS packages.

Format: Two explicit decimal positions (e.g. 100.00).

This is not applicable for Canada Post.

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

package_cod_type Property

The code that indicates the type of funds that will be used for the COD payment for this package.


def get_package_cod_type(package_idx: int) -> int: ...
def set_package_cod_type(package_idx: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



The code that indicates the type of funds that will be used for the COD payment for this package.

This property is only applicable to FedEx and UPS and identifies the type of funds that should be collected upon package delivery. It is required to be provided in the request only if COD is requested for this package (i.e., package_cod_amount is set to a value other than "0.00").

Valid values are:

Value Description
codtpAny (0) Company check, personal check, cashier's check or money order - UPS no cash allowed. Not applicable for Canada Post
codtpCash (1) Cash - FedEx only, only valid for Ground shipments
codtpGuaranteedFunds (2) Cashier's check or money order
codtpCompanyCheck (3) Company check - FedEx and Canada Post only
codtpPersonalCheck (4) Personal check - FedEx and Canada Post only

Note: COD special service is not valid for return service movements.

Also note that only codtpAny (0) and codtGuaranteedFunds (2) are valid for UPS. For CanadaPost codtpAny is not valid and any type of check is accepted.

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

package_description Property

For FedEx, this is the description that appears in the email to identify this package.


def get_package_description(package_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_package_description(package_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



For FedEx, this is the description that appears in the email to identify this package. This is optional.

For UPS, this is applicable and required for shipments with return service only.

This does not apply for USPS and Canada Post.

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

package_height Property

The height of the package to be shipped.


def get_package_height(package_idx: int) -> int: ...
def set_package_height(package_idx: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



The height of the package to be shipped.

For FedEx, the package_height is optional, but recommended, if "Your Packaging" is used as package_packaging_type. This is required if package_length and package_width are provided in the request. It is also required if a FedEx Express heavyweight service is selected for the shipment.

For UPS, this is the width of the package used to determine dimensional weight and therefore is recommended for all shipments.

It is required for GB to GB, and Poland to Poland shipments, and for 'Pallete' packaging type. For UPS packaging types: the length, width and height are defaulted.

Length + 2*(Width+Height) must be less than or equal to 130 IN or 330 CM. When package_width is provided in the request, then all other dimensions (package_length and package_height) are to be set as well.

For USPS, this only applies to get_rates and is only required if the package is irregular and the package_packaging_type property is set to ptNonRectangular. (In this case package_width and package_height must still be set). For parcels, package_length is the measurement of the longest dimension and package_width and package_height make up the other two dimensions. package_girth is the measurement around the thickest part of the package, perpendicular to the length.

Except for Parcel Post, no mailpiece may measure more than 108 inches in length and girth combined. Parcel Post pieces measuring over 108 inches, but not more than 130 inches in combined length and girth are mailable at the applicable oversized rate.

Note that the package_length, package_width, and package_height are required for Priority Mail packages when the package_size is set to psLarge.

Note also that this applies to Endicia shipping label requests.

For Canada Post, this field should be set to the Shortest dimension (3.1 digits e.g. 999.9 pattern).

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

package_id Property

An 8-digit Unique Parcel Identification Number.


def get_package_id(package_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_package_id(package_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



An 8-digit Unique Parcel Identification Number.

Unique number used to identify the package. This property is optional, and only applies to USPS return labels.

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

package_insured_value Property

Amount of insurance requested for this package.


def get_package_insured_value(package_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_package_insured_value(package_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



Amount of insurance requested for this package. The value has 2 explicit decimal position and has a maximum of 11 characters including the decimal.

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

package_length Property

The length of the package to be shipped.


def get_package_length(package_idx: int) -> int: ...
def set_package_length(package_idx: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



The length of the package to be shipped.

For FedEx, the package_length is optional, but recommended, if "Your Packaging" is used as package_packaging_type. This is required if package_width and package_height are provided in the request. It is also required if a FedEx Express heavyweight service is selected for the shipment.

For UPS, this is the width of the package used to determine dimensional weight and therefore is recommended for all shipments. Length must be the longest dimension of the container.

It is required for GB to GB, and Poland to Poland shipments, and for 'Pallete' packaging type. For UPS packaging types: the length, width and height are defaulted.

Length + 2*(Width+Height) must be less than or equal to 130 IN or 330 CM. When package_width is provided in the request, then all other dimensions (package_length and package_height) are to be set as well.

Valid values are 0 to 108 IN and 0 to 270 CM.

For USPS, this is only required if the package is irregular and the package_packaging_type property is set to ptNonRectangular. (In this case package_width and package_height must still be set).

Note: For parcels, the package_length is the measurement of the longest dimension and package_width and package_height make up the other two dimensions. package_girth is the measurement around the thickest part of the package, perpendicular to the length.

Except for Parcel Post, no mailpiece may measure more than 108 inches in length and girth combined. Parcel Post pieces measuring over 108 inches, but not more than 130 inches in combined length and girth are mailable at the applicable oversized rate.

Note that the package_length, package_width, and package_height are required for Priority Mail packages when the package_size is set to psLarge.

Note also that this applies to Endicia shipping label requests.

For Canada Post, this field should be set to the longest dimension (3.1 digits e.g. 999.9 pattern).

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

package_type Property

The packaging type of the package being rated and/or shipped.


def get_package_type(package_idx: int) -> int: ...
def set_package_type(package_idx: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



The packaging type of the package being rated and/or shipped.

Possible values are:

Value FedEx UPS USPS USPS (Endicia) USPS ( Canada Post
ptNone (0) X X X
ptPostcards (1) X X X
ptLetter (2) X X X X
ptLargeEnvelope (3) X X X
ptFlatRateEnvelope (4) X X X
ptFlatRateLegalEnvelope (5) X X X
ptFlatRatePaddedEnvelope (6) X X X
ptFlatRateGiftCardEnvelope (7) X X
ptFlatRateWindowEnvelope (8) X X
ptFlatRateCardboardEnvelope (9) X
ptSmallFlatRateEnvelope (10) X X
ptPak (11) X X
ptBox (12) X X
pt10kgBox (13) X X
pt25kgBox (14) X X
ptSmallExpressBox (15) X
ptMediumExpressBox (16) X
ptLargeExpressBox (17) X
ptFlatRateBox (18) X X
ptSmallFlatRateBox (19) X X X
ptMediumFlatRateBox (20) X X X
ptLargeFlatRateBox (21) X X X
ptDVDFlatRateBox (22) X
ptLargeVideoFlatRateBox (23) X
ptRegionalRateBoxA (24) X X X
ptRegionalRateBoxB (25) X X X
ptRectangular (26) X
ptNonRectangular (27) X
ptTube (28) X X X
ptMatterForTheBlind (29) X
ptPallet (30) X
ptYourPackaging (31) X X X X X X
ptDocument (32) X
ptFlats (33) X
ptParcels (34) X
ptBPM (35) X
ptFirstClass (36) X
ptPriority (37) X
ptMachinables (38) X
ptIrregulars (39) X
ptParcelPost (40) X
ptBPMParcel (41) X
ptMediaMail (42) X
ptBPMFlat (43) X
ptStandardFlat (44) X
ptRegionalRateBoxC (45) X X X
ptThickEnvelope (46) X X X
ptSmallBox (47) X
ptMediumBox (48) X
ptLargeBox (49) X
ptExtraLargeBox (50) X
ptPackageService (51) X
ptCubicParcels (52) X
ptCubicSoftPack (53) X

If this is set to a value that is not applicable to a certain provider, it will automatically be set to ptNone (0).

For FedEx, this is required in a ship request when either the get_package_label or get_shipment_labels method is called. FedEx only supports one packaging type for the whole shipment, so only the package_packaging_type for the first package is used in label requests.

If the package_packaging_type is set to 31 (Your Packaging), then the dimensions of the package should be provided in the request by setting the following: package_length, package_width, and package_height.

If the service_type is set to any of the FedEx Ground services (Ground or Ground Home Delivery), then the package_packaging_type will be automatically set to 31 (Your Packaging).

Please note that the types pt10kgBox (13) and pt25kgBox (14) are only meant for international shipments and domestic shipments outside of the United States.

For UPS, please note that when selecting package_packaging_type make sure this is valid for all the following: sender_country_code, recipient_country_code, service_type, and all special services requested at both shipment and package level.

Also the following restrictions apply when using UPS Mail Innovations:

service_type package_packaging_type package_weight
stFirstClass (35) ptFirstClass (36) 1 to 13 OZS
stPriorityMail (36) ptPriority (37) 1 to 70 LBS
stExpeditedMailInnovations (37) ptMachinables (38) 6 to <16 OZS
stExpeditedMailInnovations (37) ptIrregulars (39) 1 to <16 OZS
stExpeditedMailInnovations (37) ptParcelPost (40) 1 to 70 LBS
stExpeditedMailInnovations (37) ptBPMParcel (41) 1 to 15 LBS
stExpeditedMailInnovations (37) ptMediaMail (42) 1 to 70 LBS
stExpeditedMailInnovations (37) ptBPMFlat (43) 1 to 15 LBS
stExpeditedMailInnovations (37) ptStandardFlat (44) 1 to <16 OZS
stPriorityMailInnovations (38) ptFlats (33) 1 to 70 LBS
stPriorityMailInnovations (38) ptParcels (34) 1 to 70 LBS
stPriorityMailInnovations (38) ptBPM (35) 1 to 70 LBS
stEconomyMailInnovations (39) ptFlats (33) 1 to 70 LBS
stEconomyMailInnovations (39) ptParcels (34) 1 to 70 LBS
stEconomyMailInnovations (39) ptBPM (35) 1 to 70 LBS

For USPS, this is used for getting rates and Endicia labels. For international shipments, the only valid values are: ptRectangular and ptNonRectangular.

For Canada Post, ptLetter (2) is only applicable if theContractId is set.

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

package_reference Property

Indicates the package reference type and value, that associates this package (assigned by the customer).


def get_package_reference(package_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_package_reference(package_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



Indicates the package reference type and value, that associates this package (assigned by the customer).

For FedEx, this is optional to be provided in a ship request. You can enter up to 3 customer references by providing: the type(s) and value(s) in the request.

Valid values for types are:

Type valueMeaning
CR Customer Reference - this gets printed on shipping label and invoice.
BL Bill Of Lading - this gets printed on shipping label, Ground shipping reports, and in the Customer Reference element on the invoice.
IN Invoice Number - this gets printed on shipping label and invoice.
PO Purchase Order Number - this gets printed on shipping label and invoice.
DN Department Number - this gets printed on shipping label and invoice.
SI Shipment Integrity - this gets printed on invoice only.
SN Store Number - this gets printed on shipping label and invoice.
IR Intracountry Reglatory Reference
EPC Electronic Product Code
RMA RMA Number

The type and value pair(s) should be entered as a string in this format: type1:value1; type2:value2; type3:value3;. For example, if the user wants to assign 3 references to this package, the package_reference should be set to: CN:123456; IN:123; SN:12;.

Reference information may also be used to track packages by reference.

For UPS, this is also optional to be provided in a ship request and valid if the origin/destination pair is US/US or PR/PR.

You can enter up to two customer references on package level by providing: the type(s) and value(s) in the request.

Valid values for types are:

Code Reference Number Type
AJ Accounts Receivable Customer Account
AT Appropriation Number
BM Bill of Lading Number
9V Collect on Delivery (COD) Number
ON Dealer Order Number
DP Department Number
3Q Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Product Code
IK Invoice Number
MK Manifest Key Number
MJ Model Number
PM Part Number
PC Production Code
PO Purchase Order Number
RQ Purchase Request Number
RZ Return Authorization Number
SA Salesperson Number
SE Serial Number
ST Store Number
TN Transaction Reference Number
EI Employer ID Number
TJ Federal Taxpayer ID No.
SY Social Security Number

The type and value pair(s) should be entered as a string in this format: 'type1:value1; type2:value2'. For example, if the user wants to assign 2 references to this package, the package_reference should be set to: 'AJ:123456; TN:123'.

You can also chose to bar code the first reference number's value on the shipping label by setting the BarCodeReference to True.

Reference information may also be used to track packages by reference.

For USPS, this is only used by Endicia labels, and is used as a reference value for logs.

This is used in Canada Post to provide user-defined values, such as an internal "orderID".

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

package_return_receipt Property

Image of the receipt for a return shipment.


def get_package_return_receipt(package_idx: int) -> bytes: ...

Default Value



Image of the receipt for a return shipment.

This is only valid for UPS, and is the decoded binary image file of the receipt, stored in memory upon successful ship response. The receipt is generated in HTML format, and if the package_return_receipt_file is set to a valid path and filename (with .html extension), the receipt is also saved to disk.

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

This property is read-only.

package_return_receipt_file Property

Filename and location to save the ReturnReceipt of this package to.


def get_package_return_receipt_file(package_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_package_return_receipt_file(package_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



Filename and location to save the package_return_receipt of this package to. This is applicable only if using UPS.

When the package_return_receipt_file is set to a valid path and filename, the contents of the package_return_receipt are written to disk upon successful response (if a return shipment).

The package_return_receipt_file has to have .html extension.

Note: When using UPS, the HTML file references a 'page 2', this is the HTML page containing the return label. You can print this page by using the ShippingLabelHTMLDirectory and PackageShippingLabelFileHTML[i]; configuration settings.

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

package_shipping_label Property

Image of the shipping label for this package returned by the Server upon a successful ship response.


def get_package_shipping_label(package_idx: int) -> bytes: ...

Default Value



Image of the shipping label for this package returned by the server upon a successful ship response.

This is the decoded binary image file of the shipping label, stored in memory upon successful ship response. The kind of label data returned depends on the label formatting specified in your ship request via label_image_type. If you requested a GIF label, the data returned will be a GIF file. If you requested a thermal label, it will be a thermal label image. If the package_shipping_label_file is set to a valid path and filename, the label is also saved to disk in a label_image_type format.

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

This property is read-only.

package_shipping_label_file Property

Filename and location to save the ShippingLabel of this package to.


def get_package_shipping_label_file(package_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_package_shipping_label_file(package_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



Filename and location to save the package_shipping_label of this package to. When the package_shipping_label_file is set to a valid path and filename, the contents of the package_shipping_label are written to disk upon successful response.

This filename should have the same extension defined by label_image_type (for example, if label_image_type is set to GIF, then package_shipping_label_file has to have .gif extension).

If the filename exists, you can choose to overwrite it or not by setting the Overwrite config setting (which defaults to True).

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

package_signature_type Property

Specifies one of the Delivery Signature Options requested for this package.


def get_package_signature_type(package_idx: int) -> int: ...
def set_package_signature_type(package_idx: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Specifies one of the Delivery Signature Options requested for this package. Possible values are:

stServiceDefault (0) The default value for the requested service.
stAdult (1) Available for both residential and nonresidential deliveries.
stDirect (2) Available for both residential and nonresidential deliveries.
stIndirect (3) Available for residential deliveries only.
stNoSignatureRequired (4)Not available for Ground services.
stUSPSDeliveryConfirmation (5)Available for UPS Mail Innovations only.
stAdult19 (6)Available for Canada Post only.

For FedEx Express shipments, the NoSignatureRequired option will not be allowed when the following special services are requested: Alcohol, Hold At Location or Dangerous Goods.

For residential FedEx Ground International shipments from Canada to the U.S., two valid signature options are allowed: NoSignatureRequired and Direct.

The impact of signature options fees may vary depending on your agreement with FedEx. Following are the definitions for FedEx:

  • Service Default: In this case, the appropriate signature option will be selected for your shipping service. For example, if the package contains Dangerous Goods, the Direct signature option is chosen for you. The actual signature option applied to this package could be different than the signature option requested if a conflict occurred with other service features in the package. In this case, the value set in the request will be ignored.
  • Indirect Signature Required: Indicates that an indirect signature is required upon delivery. This is allowed to residential addresses only. In this case, FedEx obtains a signature in one of three ways: from any person at the delivery address, from a neighbor, building manager, or other person at a neighboring address. The recipient can sign a FedEx door tag authorizing release of the package without anyone present. This might affect the shipping rates and/or service availability.
  • Direct Signature Required: Indicates that a direct signature is required upon delivery. In this case, FedEx obtains a signature from any person at the delivery address. If no one is at the address, FedEx will reattempt delivery; Direct Signature Required overrides any recipient release that may be on file for deliveries to nonresidential addresses. This option is not available for Hold at FedEx Location shipments. This might affect the shipping rates and/or service availability.
  • Adult Signature Required: Indicates that the adult signature is required upon delivery. In this case, FedEx obtains a signature from any person at least 21 years old (government-issued photo identification required) at the delivery address. If no one is at the address, FedEx will reattempt delivery. Adult Signature Required overrides any recipient release that may be on file for deliveries to nonresidential addresses. This might affect the shipping rates and/or service availability.

Note: In the server reply, this option may differ from that requested value due to other characteristics of the shipment.

For UPS, when delivery confirmation is requested for a package, the package_signature_type should be set to a value other than 0 (stServiceDefault). The availability of this special service depends on the service_type. The type stIndirect is not valid for UPS packages.

Also, when using UPS Mail Innovations, delivery confirmation can be requested by setting this to stUSPSDeliveryConfirmation.

Delivery Confirmation and COD cannot coexist on a single package. Also, Delivery Confirmation option cannot be combined with the Return Services option.

For USPS, if this is not set to stServiceDefault or stNoSignatureRequired, the Signature Confirmation service will be used. Also, for Express label shipments, set this to stNoSignatureRequired to waive the signature requirements.

This does not apply for Canada Post.

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

package_special_services Property

Contains the collection of special services offered on the package level.


def get_package_special_services(package_idx: int) -> int: ...
def set_package_special_services(package_idx: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Contains the collection of special services offered on the package level. Valid values are:

Value Meaning FedEx FedEx FreightUPS
0x00000001 Appointment Delivery X
0x00000002 Dangerous Goods X X X
0x00000004 Dry Ice X
0x00000008 Priority Alert X
0x00000010 Non Standard Container X X
0x00000020 COD X X
0x00000040 Additional Handling X
0x00000080 Signature Option X
0x00000100 Alcohol X

For FedEx, to request any of the special services offered for a particular package in a ship request, you must set the package_special_services of that package to a set of valid flags.

The meaning and limitations for each special service option are listed below for FedEx:

  • Appointment Delivery: Indicates that the appointment delivery special service is requested for this package. This might affect the shipping rates and/or service availability.
  • Dangerous Goods: Indicates that this package contains dangerous goods. When the package_special_services contains this flag, then the package_dangerous_goods_accessible is required to be provided in the request as well. For FedEx Express services, these types of shipments are referred to as dangerous goods shipments. For FedEx Ground services, these types of shipments are referred to as hazardous materials (Hazmat) shipments. Hazmat shipments must be single package. FedEx Ground provides reliable delivery of hazardous materials in all U.S. states except Alaska and Hawaii. If you have not shipped hazardous materials with FedEx Ground before, contact your FedEx account executive first. FedEx needs to confirm that you have met government training requirements and can generate the documentation your shipments need. Additional information regarding hazardous materials shipping is provided at us/services/options under the Hazardous Materials link. The Shipper's Hazardous Materials Certification report (OP-950), prints after a successful Ground close request. Please note that Hazmat shipments must be single package. If you create a multiple package (MPS) hazmat shipment, only one commodity prints on the OP-950. FedEx assesses a surcharge on each package containing dangerous goods/Hazmat materials. This might affect service availability as well.
  • Dry Ice: Indicates that this package contains dry ice. FedEx assesses a surcharge on each package containing dry ice. This might affect service availability as well.
  • Priority Alert: Indicates whether the priority alert special service is requested for this package. This is applicable to domestic shipments only. A per package surcharge is associated with Priority Alert. This is applicable for FedEx First Overnight and FedEx Priority Overnight. It can be associated with: Saturday Delivery, Hold Saturday, Hold at Location, Dangerous Goods, Dry Ice or Signature Service Option. Please note that Priority Alert requires a service contract. If you are interested in signing up for Priority Alert, contact your FedEx account executive.
  • Non Standard Container: Indicates whether this package type is a non standard container. This might affect the shipping rates and/or service availability.
  • COD: Indicates that this is a COD package. This service will affect shipping rates and service availability. This is applicable for domestic FedEx Express and Ground services, except FedEx Home Delivery premium. When shipping COD via FedEx Ground, the package_cod_amount and package_cod_type must also be provided in the request.

For UPS, to request any of the special services offered for a particular package in a rate or ship request, you must set the package_special_services of that package to a set of valid flags.

The meaning and limitations for each special service option are listed below:

  • Additional Handling: Indicates that additional handling special service is requested for this package. This might affect the shipping rates and/or service availability.
  • Non Standard Container: Indicates whether this package type is to be considered a large package (a non standard container). Dimensions must be 130 to 165 inches: Length + (2 x Width) + (2 x Height). This might affect the shipping rates and/or service availability.

Some other special services on package level, such as COD, Delivery Confirmation, Insured Value, are already implemented respectively through the package_cod_amount and package_cod_type, package_signature_type, and package_insured_value.

This property is not applicable to USPS or Canada Post.

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

package_total_surcharges Property

Total Actual Surcharges applicable to this package.


def get_package_total_surcharges(package_idx: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Total Actual Surcharges applicable to this package.

For FedEx, this is normally specific to the payor_account_number. It is used in the FedExShip and FedExShipIntl classs only.

Please note that for MPS, the FedEx server provides the rating information in two different ways for domestic and international shipments.

In MPS domestic shipments, the rating information is available on package level. In this case, the properties that store the rating information: package_base_charge, package_net_charge, package_total_surcharges, and package_total_discount, indicate the rate for that particular package.

While in MPS international shipments, the rating information is available on shipment level only and it is returned in the last package response. That being said, please note that: for all packages with index=0 to PackageCount - 2, the properties that store the rating information will be set to 'N/A', and in last package (at index=PackageCount - 1, these properties will contain the rate for the whole shipment.

For UPS, upon a successful response, this is returned in the server reply for each package included in the shipment.

This does not apply to USPS packages.

For Canada Post, upon a successful response, this is returned in the server reply for the package requested.

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

This property is read-only.

package_tracking_number Property

Tracking number assigned to this package.


def get_package_tracking_number(package_idx: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Tracking number assigned to this package. Upon successful request, this is returned in the server reply for each package included in the shipment.

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

This property is read-only.

package_weight Property

Weight of this package.


def get_package_weight(package_idx: int) -> str: ...
def set_package_weight(package_idx: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



Weight of this package.

For FedEx, this is required to be provided in the request. It requires one explicit decimal position in pounds or kilograms, depending on the value of the WeightUnit config, (i.e. N.N formatting).

For UPS, this is required to be provided in the request for each package contained in the shipment if package_packaging_type is set to a value other than 0 (UPS Letter). For Ground shipments, if the actual weight is less than 150 pounds, then the billable weight is 150 pounds. Air and 3 Day Select shipments will not be subject to a minimum billable weight. Format: it requires one explicit decimal position in pounds or kilograms, depending on the value of the WeightUnit config, (i.e. N.N formatting).

Note that if the service_type stUPSSurePostLessThan1LB or stUPSFirstClassMail is used, or the service_type stUPSExpeditedMailInovations is used with the package_packaging_type ptMachineables, ptIrregulars, or ptStandardFlat then the weight must be specified in ounces. The WeightUnit config will be set automatically to "OZS" if not set.

For USPS, this must be the weight in pounds and ounces of the package. Package weight cannot exceed 70 pounds. (First-Class Mail cannot exceed 13 ounces. Bound Printed Matter cannot exceed 15 pounds). On international shipments, weight limits vary by country.

The format must be in "N lbs N oz", or as an integer showing the number of ounces. For example, a package with weight 6 lbs, 8 oz can be specified as "6 lbs 8 oz" or as "104".

However, in USPS, if postage_provider is set to ppEndicia, then the format must be one explicit decimal position in ounces (i.e. N.N formatting).

For Canada Post, the weight of the parcel should be specified in kilograms (e.g. 99.999).

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

package_width Property

The width of the package to be shipped.


def get_package_width(package_idx: int) -> int: ...
def set_package_width(package_idx: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



The width of the package to be shipped.

For FedEx, the package_width is optional, but recommended, if "Your Packaging" is used as package_packaging_type. This is required if package_length and package_height are provided in the request. It is also required if a FedEx Express heavyweight service is selected for the shipment.

For UPS, this is the width of the package used to determine dimensional weight and therefore is recommended for all shipments.

It is required for GB to GB, and Poland to Poland shipments, and for 'Pallete' packaging type. For UPS packaging types: the length, width and height are defaulted.

Length + 2*(Width+Height) must be less than or equal to 130 IN or 330 CM. When package_width is provided in the request, then all other dimensions (package_length and package_height) are to be set as well.

For USPS, this is only required if the package is irregular and the package_packaging_type property is set to ptNonRectangular. (In this case package_width and package_height must still be set).

Note: For parcels, package_length is the measurement of the longest dimension and package_width and package_height make up the other two dimensions. package_girth is the measurement around the thickest part of the package, perpendicular to the length.

Except for Parcel Post, no mailpiece may measure more than 108 inches in length and girth combined. Parcel Post pieces measuring over 108 inches, but not more than 130 inches in combined length and girth are mailable at the applicable oversized rate.

Note that the package_length, package_width, and package_height are required for Priority Mail packages when the package_size is set to psLarge.

Note also that this applies to Endicia shipping label requests.

For Canada Post, this field should be set to the second longest dimension (3.1 digits e.g. 999.9 pattern).

The package_idx parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the package_count property.

payor_account_number Property

The account number of the party responsible for payment (shipping charges, or duties and taxes).


def get_payor_account_number() -> str: ...
def set_payor_account_number(value: str) -> None: ...

payor_account_number = property(get_payor_account_number, set_payor_account_number)

Default Value



The account number of the party responsible for payment (shipping charges, or duties and taxes).

This is required to be provided in the ship request, only if payor_type is set to 'RECIPIENT' or 'THIRDPARTY'. Otherwise, it defaults to payor_account_number.

payor_country_code Property

The country code for the payor of the shipment, or duties and taxes.


def get_payor_country_code() -> str: ...
def set_payor_country_code(value: str) -> None: ...

payor_country_code = property(get_payor_country_code, set_payor_country_code)

Default Value



The country code for the payor of the shipment, or duties and taxes.

When shipping via FedEx Express, the payor_country_code is required to be provided in the ship request only if payor_type is set to 'RECIPIENT' or 'THIRDPARTY'. For FedEx Ground shipments, the payor_country_code is required only if payor_type is set to 'THIRDPARTY'.

For UPS, this should be the same as it was entered in the UPS system when this account was set up. In domestic shipments, it will always default to US.

payor_type Property

Method of payment for shipment, or duties and taxes.


def get_payor_type() -> int: ...
def set_payor_type(value: int) -> None: ...

payor_type = property(get_payor_type, set_payor_type)

Default Value



Method of payment for shipment, or duties and taxes. This is required to be provided in a ship request. Valid payment types are:

ptSender (0)
ptRecipient (1)
ptThirdParty (2)
ptCollect (3)
ptConsignee (4)

The COLLECT payment type is only supported in FedEx Ground services. The CONSIGNEE type is only supported in UPS service.

For FedEx, when this property is set to a value other than 0 (ptSender), the payor_account_number and payor_country_code are required to be provided in the request as well. Otherwise, those will default to fed_ex_account_number and sender_country_code.

For UPS, when set to ptSender, the payor_account_number is automatically set to ups_account_number. When ptRecipient is specified, payor_account_number and payor_zip_code are required to be provided in the request. For return international shipments, this option is invalid for transportation charges. And, when ptThirdParty has been specified, the payor_account_number, payor_zip_code and payor_country_code are required to be provided in the request. When ptConsignee is specified, it indicates that UPS Consignee Billing option is selected, no other fields need to be set. ptConsignee only applies to US/PR and PR/US shipment origins and destination.

payor_zip_code Property

Payor's postal code (if applicable).


def get_payor_zip_code() -> str: ...
def set_payor_zip_code(value: str) -> None: ...

payor_zip_code = property(get_payor_zip_code, set_payor_zip_code)

Default Value



Payor's postal code (if applicable).

This is only applicable to UPS and is the corresponding postal code of the UPS payor_account_number's pickup address. This should be the same as it was entered in the UPS system when this account was set up.

It can be provided in a ship request only if the payor_type is set to 1 (RECIPIENT) or 2 (THIRDPARTY).

Maximum length: 10.

pickup_earliest_time Property

The earliest time a shipment is ready to be picked up.


def get_pickup_earliest_time() -> str: ...
def set_pickup_earliest_time(value: str) -> None: ...

pickup_earliest_time = property(get_pickup_earliest_time, set_pickup_earliest_time)

Default Value



This is required when calling schedule_pickup. This contains the earliest time UPS can come to pickup the package.

This should be entered in this format: HHmm.

pickup_latest_time Property

The latest time a shipment can be picked up.


def get_pickup_latest_time() -> str: ...
def set_pickup_latest_time(value: str) -> None: ...

pickup_latest_time = property(get_pickup_latest_time, set_pickup_latest_time)

Default Value



This is required when calling schedule_pickup. This contains the latest time UPS can come to pickup the package.

This should be entered in this format: HHmm.

proxy_auth_scheme Property

This property is used to tell the class which type of authorization to perform when connecting to the proxy.


def get_proxy_auth_scheme() -> int: ...
def set_proxy_auth_scheme(value: int) -> None: ...

proxy_auth_scheme = property(get_proxy_auth_scheme, set_proxy_auth_scheme)

Default Value



This property is used to tell the class which type of authorization to perform when connecting to the proxy. This is used only when the proxy_user and proxy_password properties are set.

proxy_auth_scheme should be set to authNone (3) when no authentication is expected.

By default, proxy_auth_scheme is authBasic (0), and if the proxy_user and proxy_password properties are set, the component will attempt basic authentication.

If proxy_auth_scheme is set to authDigest (1), digest authentication will be attempted instead.

If proxy_auth_scheme is set to authProprietary (2), then the authorization token will not be generated by the class. Look at the configuration file for the class being used to find more information about manually setting this token.

If proxy_auth_scheme is set to authNtlm (4), NTLM authentication will be used.

For security reasons, setting this property will clear the values of proxy_user and proxy_password.

proxy_auto_detect Property

This property tells the class whether or not to automatically detect and use proxy system settings, if available.


def get_proxy_auto_detect() -> bool: ...
def set_proxy_auto_detect(value: bool) -> None: ...

proxy_auto_detect = property(get_proxy_auto_detect, set_proxy_auto_detect)

Default Value



This property tells the class whether or not to automatically detect and use proxy system settings, if available. The default value is False.

proxy_password Property

This property contains a password if authentication is to be used for the proxy.


def get_proxy_password() -> str: ...
def set_proxy_password(value: str) -> None: ...

proxy_password = property(get_proxy_password, set_proxy_password)

Default Value



This property contains a password if authentication is to be used for the proxy.

If proxy_auth_scheme is set to Basic Authentication, the proxy_user and proxy_password are Base64 encoded and the proxy authentication token will be generated in the form Basic [encoded-user-password].

If proxy_auth_scheme is set to Digest Authentication, the proxy_user and proxy_password properties are used to respond to the Digest Authentication challenge from the server.

If proxy_auth_scheme is set to NTLM Authentication, the proxy_user and proxy_password properties are used to authenticate through NTLM negotiation.

proxy_port Property

This property contains the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port for the proxy Server (default 80).


def get_proxy_port() -> int: ...
def set_proxy_port(value: int) -> None: ...

proxy_port = property(get_proxy_port, set_proxy_port)

Default Value



This property contains the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port for the proxy proxy_server (default 80). See the description of the proxy_server property for details.

proxy_server Property

If a proxy Server is given, then the HTTP request is sent to the proxy instead of the server otherwise specified.


def get_proxy_server() -> str: ...
def set_proxy_server(value: str) -> None: ...

proxy_server = property(get_proxy_server, set_proxy_server)

Default Value



If a proxy proxy_server is given, then the HTTP request is sent to the proxy instead of the server otherwise specified.

If the proxy_server property is set to a domain name, a DNS request is initiated. Upon successful termination of the request, the proxy_server property is set to the corresponding address. If the search is not successful, an error is returned.

proxy_ssl Property

This property determines when to use a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for the connection to the proxy.


def get_proxy_ssl() -> int: ...
def set_proxy_ssl(value: int) -> None: ...

proxy_ssl = property(get_proxy_ssl, set_proxy_ssl)

Default Value



This property determines when to use a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for the connection to the proxy. The applicable values are as follows:

psAutomatic (0)Default setting. If the url is an https URL, the class will use the psTunnel option. If the url is an http URL, the class will use the psNever option.
psAlways (1)The connection is always SSL enabled.
psNever (2)The connection is not SSL enabled.
psTunnel (3)The connection is made through a tunneling (HTTP) proxy.

proxy_user Property

This property contains a username if authentication is to be used for the proxy.


def get_proxy_user() -> str: ...
def set_proxy_user(value: str) -> None: ...

proxy_user = property(get_proxy_user, set_proxy_user)

Default Value



This property contains a username if authentication is to be used for the proxy.

If proxy_auth_scheme is set to Basic Authentication, the proxy_user and proxy_password properties are Base64 encoded and the proxy authentication token will be generated in the form Basic [encoded-user-password].

If proxy_auth_scheme is set to Digest Authentication, the proxy_user and proxy_password properties are used to respond to the Digest Authentication challenge from the server.

If proxy_auth_scheme is set to NTLM Authentication, the proxy_user and proxy_password properties are used to authenticate through NTLM negotiation.

recipient_address1 Property

Street name.


def get_recipient_address1() -> str: ...
def set_recipient_address1(value: str) -> None: ...

recipient_address1 = property(get_recipient_address1, set_recipient_address1)

Default Value



Street name. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient. In all other requests, it is required for a valid physical address. For UPS recipient_address1 should not exceed 35 characters.

recipient_address2 Property

A specific detail on the address (such as building, suite, apartment, floor number etc.


def get_recipient_address2() -> str: ...
def set_recipient_address2(value: str) -> None: ...

recipient_address2 = property(get_recipient_address2, set_recipient_address2)

Default Value



A specific detail on the address (such as building, suite, apartment, floor number etc.). This is optional. For UPS recipient_address2 should not exceed 35 characters.

recipient_address_flags Property

Various flags that denote information about the address.


def get_recipient_address_flags() -> int: ...
def set_recipient_address_flags(value: int) -> None: ...

recipient_address_flags = property(get_recipient_address_flags, set_recipient_address_flags)

Default Value



Various flags that denote information about the address.

0x00000001 POBox - Set this flag when using a P.O. Box for the address. This flag is only used by USPSShip and USPSShipIntl addresses.
0x00000002 Residential - Whether or not the address is a residential address. This flag is only relevant for UPS and FedEx, and if this flag is not set, the address is assumed to be commercial.

recipient_city Property

Name of city, town, etc.


def get_recipient_city() -> str: ...
def set_recipient_city(value: str) -> None: ...

recipient_city = property(get_recipient_city, set_recipient_city)

Default Value



Name of city, town, etc. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient.

recipient_country_code Property

Country code.


def get_recipient_country_code() -> str: ...
def set_recipient_country_code(value: str) -> None: ...

recipient_country_code = property(get_recipient_country_code, set_recipient_country_code)

Default Value



Country code. This identifies a country. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient. Maximum length: 2.

Here is a list of country names and their codes. Code is the value that has to be provided in all requests sent where country code is to be entered. Note that with USPS you can also specify the full country name here.

Country NameCountry Code
Afghanistan AF
Albania AL
American Samoa AS
Andorra AD
Angola AO
Anguilla AI
Antigua AG*
Argentina AR
Armenia AM
Aruba AW
Australia AU
Austria AT
Azerbaijan AZ
Bahamas BS
Bahrain BH
Bangladesh BD
Barbados BB
Barbuda AG*
Belarus BY
Belgium BE
Belize BZ
Benin BJ
Bermuda BM
Bhutan BT
Bolivia BO
Bonaire AN**
Bosnia-Herzegovina BA
Botswana BW
Brazil BR
British Virgin IslandsVG*
Brunei BN
Bulgaria BG
Burkina Faso BF
Burundi BI
Cambodia KH
Cameroon CM
Canada CA
Canary Islands ES**
Cape Verde CV
Cayman Islands KY**
Chad TD
Channel Islands GB**
Chile CL
China CN
Colombia CO
Congo CG
Congo Dem. Rep. Of CD
Cook Islands CK
Costa Rica CR
Croatia HR
Curacao AN**
Cyprus CY
Czech Republic CZ
Denmark DK
Djibouti DJ
Dominica DM
Dominican Republic DO
East Timor TL
Ecuador EC
Egypt EG
El Salvador SV
England GB**
Equatorial Guinea GQ
Eritrea ER
Estonia EE
Ethiopia ET
Faeroe Islands FO*
Fiji FJ
Finland FI
France FR
French Guiana GF
French Polynesia PF**
Gabon GA
Gambia GM
Georgia GE
Germany DE
Ghana GH
Gibraltar GI
Grand Cayman KY**
Great Britain GB**
Great Thatch Island VG*
Great Tobago IslandsVG*
Greece GR
Greenland GL
Grenada GD
Guadeloupe GP**
Guam GU
Guatemala GT
Guinea GN
Guyana GY
Haiti HT
Holland NL**
Honduras HN
Hong Kong HK
Hungary HU
Iceland IS
India IN
Indonesia ID
Iraq IQ
Ireland IE
Israel IL
Italy IT**
Ivory Coast CI
Jamaica JM
Japan JP
Jordan JO
Jost Van Dyke IslandsVG*
Kazakhstan KZ
Kenya KE
Kuwait KW
Kyrgyzstan KG
Laos LA
Latvia LV
Lebanon LB
Lesotho LS
Liberia LR
Liechtenstein LI
Lithuania LT
Luxembourg LU
Macau MO
Macedonia MK
Madagascar MG
Malawi MW
Malaysia MY
Maldives MV
Mali ML
Malta MT
Marshall Islands MH
Martinique MQ
Mauritania MR
Mauritius MU
Mexico MX
Micronesia FM
Moldova MD
Monaco MC
Mongolia MN
Montserrat MS
Morocco MA
Mozambique MZ
Namibia NA
Nepal NP
Netherlands NL**
Netherlands AntillesAN**
New Caledonia NC
New Zealand NZ
Nicaragua NI
Niger NE
Nigeria NG
Norman Island VG*
Northern Ireland GB**
Northern Mariana IslandsMP**
Norway NO
Oman OM
Pakistan PK
Palau PW
Palestine PS*
Panama PA
Papua New Guinea PG
Paraguay PY
Peru PE
Philippines PH
Poland PL
Portugal PT
Puerto Rico PR
Qatar QA
Reunion RE
Romania RO
Rota MP**
Russia RU
Rwanda RW
Saba AN**
Saipan MP**
Samoa WS
San Marino IT**
Saudi Arabia SA
Scotland GB**
Senegal SN
Serbia & Montenegro CS
Seychelles SC
Singapore SG
Slovak Republic SK
Slovenia SI
South Africa ZA
South Korea KR
Spain ES**
Sri Lanka LK
St. Barthelemy GP**
St. Christopher KN**
St. Croix Island VI**
St. Eustatius AN**
St. John VI**
St. Kitts and Nevis KN**
St. Lucia LC
St. Maarten AN**
St. Thomas VI**
St. Vincent VC**
Suriname SR
Swaziland SZ
Sweden SE
Switzerland CH
Tahiti PF**
Taiwan TW
Tanzania TZ
Thailand TH
Tinian MP**
Togo TG
Tonga TO
Tortola Island VG*
Trinidad & Tobago TT
Tunisia TN
Turkey TR
Turkmenistan TM
Turks & Caicos IslandsTC
U.S. Virgin Islands VI**
Uganda UG
Ukraine UA
Union Island VC**
United Arab EmiratesAE
United Kingdom GB**
United States US
Uruguay UY
Uzbekistan UZ
Vanuatu VU
Vatican City IT**
Venezuela VE
Vietnam VN
Wales GB**
Wallis & Futuna IslandsWF
Yemen YE
Zambia ZM
Zimbabwe ZW

* Not supported by USPS

** Has multiple values, the values used for USPS are below

Country Name Country Code
Cayman Islands KY
French Polynesia PF
Guadeloupe GP
Italy IT
Netherlands NL
Netherlands Antilles AN
Northern Mariana Islands MP
Spain ES
St. Kitts and Nevis KN
St. Vincent VC
United Kingdom GB
U.S. Virgin Islands VI

recipient_state Property

State or province code.


def get_recipient_state() -> str: ...
def set_recipient_state(value: str) -> None: ...

recipient_state = property(get_recipient_state, set_recipient_state)

Default Value



State or province code. This is the identifying abbreviation for US state, Canada province, etc. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient (where applicable). Format and presence of this field will vary, depending on country.

recipient_zip_code Property

Postal code.


def get_recipient_zip_code() -> str: ...
def set_recipient_zip_code(value: str) -> None: ...

recipient_zip_code = property(get_recipient_zip_code, set_recipient_zip_code)

Default Value



Postal code. This is identification of a region (usually small) for mail/package delivery. Format and presence of this field will vary, depending on country.

In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient. In all other requests, this element is required if both recipient_city and recipient_state are not present.

Valid characters: A-Z; 0-9; a-z. Maximum length: 16.

recipient_company Property

Identifies the contact person's company name.


def get_recipient_company() -> str: ...
def set_recipient_company(value: str) -> None: ...

recipient_company = property(get_recipient_company, set_recipient_company)

Default Value



Identifies the contact person's company name. In a ship request, either recipient_first_name and recipient_last_name or recipient_company are required to be provided.

recipient_email Property

Identifies the contact person's email address.


def get_recipient_email() -> str: ...
def set_recipient_email(value: str) -> None: ...

recipient_email = property(get_recipient_email, set_recipient_email)

Default Value



Identifies the contact person's email address. Maximum length: 120.

recipient_fax Property

Recipient's fax number.


def get_recipient_fax() -> str: ...
def set_recipient_fax(value: str) -> None: ...

recipient_fax = property(get_recipient_fax, set_recipient_fax)

Default Value



Recipient's fax number. The value of this property is optional. No format checking is done on international fax numbers.

recipient_first_name Property

Sender's first name.


def get_recipient_first_name() -> str: ...
def set_recipient_first_name(value: str) -> None: ...

recipient_first_name = property(get_recipient_first_name, set_recipient_first_name)

Default Value



Sender's first name. The value of this property is required. Values for either recipient_first_name and recipient_last_name or recipient_company must be sent.

recipient_last_name Property

Person's last name.


def get_recipient_last_name() -> str: ...
def set_recipient_last_name(value: str) -> None: ...

recipient_last_name = property(get_recipient_last_name, set_recipient_last_name)

Default Value



Person's last name. The value of this property is required. Values for either recipient_first_name and recipient_last_name or recipient_company must be sent. Maximum length: 45 characters for both names or company name.

recipient_middle_initial Property

Middle initial.


def get_recipient_middle_initial() -> str: ...
def set_recipient_middle_initial(value: str) -> None: ...

recipient_middle_initial = property(get_recipient_middle_initial, set_recipient_middle_initial)

Default Value



Middle initial. The value of this property is optional.

recipient_phone Property

Identifies the contact person's phone number.


def get_recipient_phone() -> str: ...
def set_recipient_phone(value: str) -> None: ...

recipient_phone = property(get_recipient_phone, set_recipient_phone)

Default Value



Identifies the contact person's phone number. In a ship request, this is required to be provided. Maximum length: 15.

sedeccn_number Property

Export Control Classification Number.


def get_sedeccn_number() -> str: ...
def set_sedeccn_number(value: str) -> None: ...

sedeccn_number = property(get_sedeccn_number, set_sedeccn_number)

Default Value



Export Control Classification Number. This number identifies categories, product groups, strategic level of control, and country groups. Some products have an ECCN number.

This is required for SED forms only when the sed_exception_code is set to one of the following values: CIV, CTP, ENC, KMI, LVS.

Required length: 8 characters.

sed_entry_number Property

The Import Entry Number when the export transaction is used as proof of export for import transactions (examples: In Bond, Temporary Import Bond or Drawbacks).


def get_sed_entry_number() -> str: ...
def set_sed_entry_number(value: str) -> None: ...

sed_entry_number = property(get_sed_entry_number, set_sed_entry_number)

Default Value



The Import Entry Number when the export transaction is used as proof of export for import transactions (examples: In Bond, Temporary Import Bond or Drawbacks).

This is required for SED forms only if the sed_in_bond_code is set to a value other than 0 (ibcNotInBond).

Maximum length: 25.

sed_exception_code Property

License exception code.


def get_sed_exception_code() -> int: ...
def set_sed_exception_code(value: int) -> None: ...

sed_exception_code = property(get_sed_exception_code, set_sed_exception_code)

Default Value



License exception code.

If this is set to 0 (ecUnspecified), then the sed_license_number and the sed_license_date are required to be provided in the request. sed_license_number and sed_exception_code are mutually exclusive.

Valid values are:

Value Meaning
ecUnspecified (0) No license exception code is specified; the sed_license_number and the sed_license_date are required to be provided;
ecNLR (1) No license required;
ecAGR (2) Agricultural commodities;
ecAPR (3) Items for export or re-export not controlled for nuclear nonproliferation, missile technology or crime control;
ecAVS (4) U.S. aircraft or foreign sojourn into foreign country;
ecBAG (5) Crew members baggage;
ecCIV (6) National security items for civil end users;
ecCTP (7) Computer and parts;
ecENC (8) Encrypted software;
ecGBS (9) Controlled for national security reasons;
ecGFT (10) Gift shipments;
ecGOV (11) Government shipments;
ecKMI (12) Encrypted software and hardware;
ecLVS (13) Value of shipments limited;
ecRPL (14) Replacement parts;
ecTMP (15) Temporary exports;
ecTSPA (16) Software or technology outside scope of export regulations;
ecTSR (17) Technology and software;
ecTSU (18) Technology and software updates

sed_filed_by_ups Property

Indicates whether or not UPS will file SED on shipper's behalf.


def get_sed_filed_by_ups() -> bool: ...
def set_sed_filed_by_ups(value: bool) -> None: ...

sed_filed_by_ups = property(get_sed_filed_by_ups, set_sed_filed_by_ups)

Default Value



Indicates whether or not UPS will file SED on shipper's behalf. This is required when SED is requested (i.e., when the Shipper's Export Declaration flag of the form_types is set).

If False (default value), it indicates that SED will be filed by the shipper, not UPS. If True, it indicates that UPS will file SED on shipper's behalf.

sed_in_bond_code Property

Indicates whether the shipment is being transported under bond.


def get_sed_in_bond_code() -> int: ...
def set_sed_in_bond_code(value: int) -> None: ...

sed_in_bond_code = property(get_sed_in_bond_code, set_sed_in_bond_code)

Default Value



Indicates whether the shipment is being transported under bond.

This is required when SED form is requested (i.e., when the Shipper's Export Declaration flag of the form_types is set).

Valid values are:

Value Meaning
ibcNotInBond (0) Not in bond
ibcWarehouseWithdrawalForIE (1) Warehouse Withdrawal for Immediate Exportation
ibcWarehouseWithdrawalForTandE (2) Warehouse withdrawal for Transportation and Exportation
ibcTransportationAndExportation (3) Transportation and Exportation
ibcImmediateExportation (4) Immediate Exportation
ibcImmediateExportationFromFTZ (5) Immediate Exportation from a Foreign Trade Zone
ibcTransportationAndExportationFromFTZ (6) Transportation and Exportation from a Foreign Trade Zone

When sed_in_bond_code is set to a value other than ibcNotInBond, the sed_entry_number is required to be provided in the request.

sed_license_date Property

License date.


def get_sed_license_date() -> str: ...
def set_sed_license_date(value: str) -> None: ...

sed_license_date = property(get_sed_license_date, set_sed_license_date)

Default Value



License date.

This is required for SED forms only if the sed_license_number is provided in the request.


sed_license_number Property

The license number that authorizes ship product.


def get_sed_license_number() -> str: ...
def set_sed_license_number(value: str) -> None: ...

sed_license_number = property(get_sed_license_number, set_sed_license_number)

Default Value



The license number that authorizes ship product.

This is required for SED forms only if the sed_exception_code is not provided in the request. sed_license_number and sed_exception_code are mutually exclusive. If the product is not licensable, a valid sed_exception_code needs to be entered. If shipping different products that are covered under different licenses or license exceptions, then separate SEDs must be created.

Maximum length: 35.

sed_point_of_origin Property

Indicates the state or zone number from where the exports are leaving.


def get_sed_point_of_origin() -> str: ...
def set_sed_point_of_origin(value: str) -> None: ...

sed_point_of_origin = property(get_sed_point_of_origin, set_sed_point_of_origin)

Default Value



Indicates the state or zone number from where the exports are leaving.

This is required when SED is requested (i.e., when the Shipper's Export Declaration flag of the form_types is set). This should contain one of the following:

  • The two-digit U.S. Postal Service abbreviation for the state from which the goods were shipped to the port of export.
  • The state that is the source for the good with the highest value. The state of consolidation.
  • The Foreign Trade Zone number of the zone from where the exports are leaving. If the goods were shipped from Puerto Rico, enter PR.

Maximum length: 5.

sed_shipper_tax_id Property

Shipper's Tax Identification Number.


def get_sed_shipper_tax_id() -> str: ...
def set_sed_shipper_tax_id(value: str) -> None: ...

sed_shipper_tax_id = property(get_sed_shipper_tax_id, set_sed_shipper_tax_id)

Default Value



Shipper's Tax Identification Number.

This is required for SED forms only.

Maximum length: 15 characters.

sed_transport_type Property

Indicates the type of transport by which the goods are exported.


def get_sed_transport_type() -> str: ...
def set_sed_transport_type(value: str) -> None: ...

sed_transport_type = property(get_sed_transport_type, set_sed_transport_type)

Default Value



Indicates the type of transport by which the goods are exported.

This is required when SED is requested (i.e., when the Shipper's Export Declaration flag of the form_types is set).

Possible values: Air, AirContainerized, Auto FixedTransportInstallations Mail, PassengerHandcarried Pedestrian, Rail, RailContainerized, RoadOther, SeaBarge, SeaContainerized SeaNoncontainerized, Truck, TruckContainerized.

sender_address1 Property

Street name.


def get_sender_address1() -> str: ...
def set_sender_address1(value: str) -> None: ...

sender_address1 = property(get_sender_address1, set_sender_address1)

Default Value



Street name. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient. In all other requests, it is required for a valid physical address. For UPS sender_address1 should not exceed 35 characters.

sender_address2 Property

A specific detail on the address (such as building, suite, apartment, floor number etc.


def get_sender_address2() -> str: ...
def set_sender_address2(value: str) -> None: ...

sender_address2 = property(get_sender_address2, set_sender_address2)

Default Value



A specific detail on the address (such as building, suite, apartment, floor number etc.). This is optional. For UPS sender_address2 should not exceed 35 characters.

sender_city Property

Name of city, town, etc.


def get_sender_city() -> str: ...
def set_sender_city(value: str) -> None: ...

sender_city = property(get_sender_city, set_sender_city)

Default Value



Name of city, town, etc. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient.

sender_country_code Property

Country code.


def get_sender_country_code() -> str: ...
def set_sender_country_code(value: str) -> None: ...

sender_country_code = property(get_sender_country_code, set_sender_country_code)

Default Value



Country code. This identifies a country. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient. Maximum length: 2.

Here is a list of country names and their codes. Code is the value that has to be provided in all requests sent where country code is to be entered. Note that with USPS you can also specify the full country name here.

Country NameCountry Code
Afghanistan AF
Albania AL
American Samoa AS
Andorra AD
Angola AO
Anguilla AI
Antigua AG*
Argentina AR
Armenia AM
Aruba AW
Australia AU
Austria AT
Azerbaijan AZ
Bahamas BS
Bahrain BH
Bangladesh BD
Barbados BB
Barbuda AG*
Belarus BY
Belgium BE
Belize BZ
Benin BJ
Bermuda BM
Bhutan BT
Bolivia BO
Bonaire AN**
Bosnia-Herzegovina BA
Botswana BW
Brazil BR
British Virgin IslandsVG*
Brunei BN
Bulgaria BG
Burkina Faso BF
Burundi BI
Cambodia KH
Cameroon CM
Canada CA
Canary Islands ES**
Cape Verde CV
Cayman Islands KY**
Chad TD
Channel Islands GB**
Chile CL
China CN
Colombia CO
Congo CG
Congo Dem. Rep. Of CD
Cook Islands CK
Costa Rica CR
Croatia HR
Curacao AN**
Cyprus CY
Czech Republic CZ
Denmark DK
Djibouti DJ
Dominica DM
Dominican Republic DO
East Timor TL
Ecuador EC
Egypt EG
El Salvador SV
England GB**
Equatorial Guinea GQ
Eritrea ER
Estonia EE
Ethiopia ET
Faeroe Islands FO*
Fiji FJ
Finland FI
France FR
French Guiana GF
French Polynesia PF**
Gabon GA
Gambia GM
Georgia GE
Germany DE
Ghana GH
Gibraltar GI
Grand Cayman KY**
Great Britain GB**
Great Thatch Island VG*
Great Tobago IslandsVG*
Greece GR
Greenland GL
Grenada GD
Guadeloupe GP**
Guam GU
Guatemala GT
Guinea GN
Guyana GY
Haiti HT
Holland NL**
Honduras HN
Hong Kong HK
Hungary HU
Iceland IS
India IN
Indonesia ID
Iraq IQ
Ireland IE
Israel IL
Italy IT**
Ivory Coast CI
Jamaica JM
Japan JP
Jordan JO
Jost Van Dyke IslandsVG*
Kazakhstan KZ
Kenya KE
Kuwait KW
Kyrgyzstan KG
Laos LA
Latvia LV
Lebanon LB
Lesotho LS
Liberia LR
Liechtenstein LI
Lithuania LT
Luxembourg LU
Macau MO
Macedonia MK
Madagascar MG
Malawi MW
Malaysia MY
Maldives MV
Mali ML
Malta MT
Marshall Islands MH
Martinique MQ
Mauritania MR
Mauritius MU
Mexico MX
Micronesia FM
Moldova MD
Monaco MC
Mongolia MN
Montserrat MS
Morocco MA
Mozambique MZ
Namibia NA
Nepal NP
Netherlands NL**
Netherlands AntillesAN**
New Caledonia NC
New Zealand NZ
Nicaragua NI
Niger NE
Nigeria NG
Norman Island VG*
Northern Ireland GB**
Northern Mariana IslandsMP**
Norway NO
Oman OM
Pakistan PK
Palau PW
Palestine PS*
Panama PA
Papua New Guinea PG
Paraguay PY
Peru PE
Philippines PH
Poland PL
Portugal PT
Puerto Rico PR
Qatar QA
Reunion RE
Romania RO
Rota MP**
Russia RU
Rwanda RW
Saba AN**
Saipan MP**
Samoa WS
San Marino IT**
Saudi Arabia SA
Scotland GB**
Senegal SN
Serbia & Montenegro CS
Seychelles SC
Singapore SG
Slovak Republic SK
Slovenia SI
South Africa ZA
South Korea KR
Spain ES**
Sri Lanka LK
St. Barthelemy GP**
St. Christopher KN**
St. Croix Island VI**
St. Eustatius AN**
St. John VI**
St. Kitts and Nevis KN**
St. Lucia LC
St. Maarten AN**
St. Thomas VI**
St. Vincent VC**
Suriname SR
Swaziland SZ
Sweden SE
Switzerland CH
Tahiti PF**
Taiwan TW
Tanzania TZ
Thailand TH
Tinian MP**
Togo TG
Tonga TO
Tortola Island VG*
Trinidad & Tobago TT
Tunisia TN
Turkey TR
Turkmenistan TM
Turks & Caicos IslandsTC
U.S. Virgin Islands VI**
Uganda UG
Ukraine UA
Union Island VC**
United Arab EmiratesAE
United Kingdom GB**
United States US
Uruguay UY
Uzbekistan UZ
Vanuatu VU
Vatican City IT**
Venezuela VE
Vietnam VN
Wales GB**
Wallis & Futuna IslandsWF
Yemen YE
Zambia ZM
Zimbabwe ZW

* Not supported by USPS

** Has multiple values, the values used for USPS are below

Country Name Country Code
Cayman Islands KY
French Polynesia PF
Guadeloupe GP
Italy IT
Netherlands NL
Netherlands Antilles AN
Northern Mariana Islands MP
Spain ES
St. Kitts and Nevis KN
St. Vincent VC
United Kingdom GB
U.S. Virgin Islands VI

sender_state Property

State or province code.


def get_sender_state() -> str: ...
def set_sender_state(value: str) -> None: ...

sender_state = property(get_sender_state, set_sender_state)

Default Value



State or province code. This is the identifying abbreviation for US state, Canada province, etc. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient (where applicable). Format and presence of this field will vary, depending on country.

sender_zip_code Property

Postal code.


def get_sender_zip_code() -> str: ...
def set_sender_zip_code(value: str) -> None: ...

sender_zip_code = property(get_sender_zip_code, set_sender_zip_code)

Default Value



Postal code. This is identification of a region (usually small) for mail/package delivery. Format and presence of this field will vary, depending on country.

In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient. In all other requests, this element is required if both sender_city and sender_state are not present.

Valid characters: A-Z; 0-9; a-z. Maximum length: 16.

sender_company Property

Identifies the contact person's company name.


def get_sender_company() -> str: ...
def set_sender_company(value: str) -> None: ...

sender_company = property(get_sender_company, set_sender_company)

Default Value



Identifies the contact person's company name. In a ship request, either sender_first_name and sender_last_name or sender_company are required to be provided.

sender_email Property

Identifies the contact person's email address.


def get_sender_email() -> str: ...
def set_sender_email(value: str) -> None: ...

sender_email = property(get_sender_email, set_sender_email)

Default Value



Identifies the contact person's email address. Maximum length: 120.

sender_fax Property

Recipient's fax number.


def get_sender_fax() -> str: ...
def set_sender_fax(value: str) -> None: ...

sender_fax = property(get_sender_fax, set_sender_fax)

Default Value



Recipient's fax number. The value of this property is optional. No format checking is done on international fax numbers.

sender_first_name Property

Sender's first name.


def get_sender_first_name() -> str: ...
def set_sender_first_name(value: str) -> None: ...

sender_first_name = property(get_sender_first_name, set_sender_first_name)

Default Value



Sender's first name. The value of this property is required. Values for either sender_first_name and sender_last_name or sender_company must be sent.

sender_last_name Property

Person's last name.


def get_sender_last_name() -> str: ...
def set_sender_last_name(value: str) -> None: ...

sender_last_name = property(get_sender_last_name, set_sender_last_name)

Default Value



Person's last name. The value of this property is required. Values for either sender_first_name and sender_last_name or sender_company must be sent. Maximum length: 45 characters for both names or company name.

sender_middle_initial Property

Middle initial.


def get_sender_middle_initial() -> str: ...
def set_sender_middle_initial(value: str) -> None: ...

sender_middle_initial = property(get_sender_middle_initial, set_sender_middle_initial)

Default Value



Middle initial. The value of this property is optional.

sender_phone Property

Identifies the contact person's phone number.


def get_sender_phone() -> str: ...
def set_sender_phone(value: str) -> None: ...

sender_phone = property(get_sender_phone, set_sender_phone)

Default Value



Identifies the contact person's phone number. In a ship request, this is required to be provided. Maximum length: 15.

service_type Property

Identifies the UPS service type (applicable to international shipments) to use in a ship request.


def get_service_type() -> int: ...
def set_service_type(value: int) -> None: ...

service_type = property(get_service_type, set_service_type)

Default Value



This property is required to be provided in a ship request when the get_shipment_labels method is called.

Note that the availability and the description of UPS services depend on the country of origin. Possible values of service_type and their corresponding availability to each group country origin are listed below:

Value Applicable for
stUPSPriorityMailInnovations (38) All origins, requires a contract with Mail Innovations, single package shipments only
stUPSEconomyMailInnovations (39) All Origins, requires a contract with Mail Innovations, single package shipments only
stUPSNextDayAir (40) Originating only in US/PR
stUPSExpress (41) Polish Domestic Shipments; All Origins
stUPS2ndDayAir (42) Originating only in US/PR
stUPSGround (43) Originating only in US/PR
stUPSWorldwideExpress (44) Originating only in US/PR
stUPSWorldwideExpedited (45) US/PR, Canada and Non-EU origins, EXCEPT Mexico
stUPSExpedited (46) Polish Domestic Shipments; Originating in EU or Mexico
stUPSStandard (47) Polish Domestic Shipments; All Origins
stUPS3DaySelect (48) Originating in CA or US
stUPSSaver (50) Polish Domestic Shipments; All Origins
stUPSNextDayAirEarlyAM (51) Originating in CA or US/PR
stUPSExpressEarlyAM (52) Originating only in CA
stUPSWorldwideExpressPlus (53) Polish Domestic Shipments; All Origins EXCEPT Canada and Mexico
stUPSExpressPlus (54) Originating only in Mexico
stUPS2ndDayAirAM (55) Originating only in US
stUPSTodayStandard (56) Polish Domestic Shipments (Stolica)
stUPSTodayCourrier (57) Polish Domestic Shipments (Stolica)
stUPSTodayInterCity (58) Polish Domestic Shipments (Stolica)
stUPSTodayExpress (59) Polish Domestic Shipments (Stolica)
stUPSTodayExpressSaver (60) Polish Domestic Shipments (Stolica)
stUPSWorldwideEconomyDDU (131) Originating in Canada or US, requires a contract with UPS
stUPSWorldwideEconomyDDP (132) Originating in Canada or US, requires a contract with UPS

ship_date Property

The date the user requests UPS to pickup the package from the origin.


def get_ship_date() -> str: ...
def set_ship_date(value: str) -> None: ...

ship_date = property(get_ship_date, set_ship_date)

Default Value



This is required to be provided in a ship request only if UPS On-Call Pickup service is requested (i.e., when the corresponding flag for On-Call Pickup (0x01000000) is present in shipment_special_services). This date should not be a past date or a date more than 10 days in the future. If not provided, then it defaults to the current date.

This should be entered in this format: YYYYMMDD.

Note: It is not valid if this pickup date is the same day for shipment(s) going from Germany to Germany using UPS Standard service. Error 129090 will be returned in this case.

shipment_description Property

A textual description of goods for the whole shipment.


def get_shipment_description() -> str: ...
def set_shipment_description(value: str) -> None: ...

shipment_description = property(get_shipment_description, set_shipment_description)

Default Value



This is applicable to international shipments only. Provide a detailed description of items being shipped for documents and non-documents, such as 'annual reports', '9 mm steel screws', etc..

This is required to be provided in a ship request if all of the listed conditions are true:

Maximum length: 35 characters.

shipment_reference Property

Customer-defined number (that may or may not be unique) used to identify the whole shipment.


def get_shipment_reference() -> str: ...
def set_shipment_reference(value: str) -> None: ...

shipment_reference = property(get_shipment_reference, set_shipment_reference)

Default Value



This is applicable to international shipments only. Valid if the origin/destination pair is not US/US or PR/PR.

This is optional to be provided in a ship request (when the get_shipment_labels method is called). You can enter up to two customer references on shipment level by providing: the type(s) and value(s) in the request.

Valid values for types are:

Code Reference Number Type
AJ Accounts Receivable Customer Account
AT Appropriation Number
BM Bill of Lading Number
9V Collect on Delivery (COD) Number
ON Dealer Order Number
DP Department Number
3Q Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Product Code
IK Invoice Number
MK Manifest Key Number
MJ Model Number
PM Part Number
PC Production Code
PO Purchase Order Number
RQ Purchase Request Number
RZ Return Authorization Number
SA Salesperson Number
SE Serial Number
ST Store Number
TN Transaction Reference Number

The type and value pair(s) should be entered as a string in this format: 'type1:value1; type2:value2'. For example, if the user wants to assign 2 references to this shipment, the shipment_reference should be set to: 'AJ:123456; TN:123'.

You can also chose to bar code the first reference number's value on the shipping label by setting the BarCodeReference to True.

Reference information may also be used to track shipment by reference.

shipment_special_services Property

Contains the collection of special services offered by UPS on shipment level.


def get_shipment_special_services() -> int: ...
def set_shipment_special_services(value: int) -> None: ...

shipment_special_services = property(get_shipment_special_services, set_shipment_special_services)

Default Value



To request any of the special services offered by UPS in a request, you must set the shipment_special_services to a set of flags as listed below (specified in hexadecimal notation). They can be or-ed together to include multiple conditions:

0x00008000L Hold for Pickup
0x00100000L Liftgate Dropoff
0x00200000L Liftgate Pickup
0x08000000L Return Shipment
0x10000000L Saturday Delivery
0x20000000L Saturday Pickup
0x20000000000L Return of Document
0x40000000000L Import Control
0x80000000000L Commercial Invoice Removal
0x0100000000000L Exchange Forward
0x0200000000000L Carbon Neutral
0x0400000000000L Dropoff at UPS Facility
0x0020000000000000LDeliver To Addressee Only
0x0040000000000000LDirect Delivery Only

The meaning and limitations for each special service option are listed below:

  • Hold for Pickup: This indicates that UPS should deliver your package to the UPS Customer Center you choose and then call the recipient when the package is ready.

    This is applicable only if service_type is set to stUPSWorldwideExpressFreight.

  • Liftgate Dropoff: This requests that UPs provide their liftgate services unload a shipment when unloading docks are not available.

    This is applicable only if service_type is set to stUPSWorldwideExpressFreight.

  • Liftgate Pickup: This requests that UPs provide their liftgate services load a shipment when loading docks are not available.

    This is applicable only if service_type is set to stUPSWorldwideExpressFreight.

  • Return Shipment: This is applicable to return shipments only. Indicates that the ship request is made for Print Return Label (PRL). With this option you can print a return label to include in an outbound shipment, or provide a label to your customer separately.

    If you want to arrange for UPS to mail a return label to your customer, you can use the ReturnPrintAndMail config setting.

    If you want to arrange for UPS to email a return label to your customer, you can use the ElectronicReturnLabel config setting.

    If you want to arrange for UPS to make one attempt to pick up the package to be returned, you can use the ReturnServiceFirstAttempt config setting.

    If you want to arrange for UPS to make three attempts to pick up the package to be returned, you can use the ReturnServiceThirdAttempt config setting.

    Using the last 4 options: in the server response, you will receive only a Tracking number for the shipment to be returned, but not a return label and/or return receipt.

    For return shipments, one of the following conditions must be met on account_country_code, sender_country_code and recipient_country_code: At least two of these country codes are the same; None of these country codes are the same and are a member of the EU; None of these country codes are the same and at least one of them is not a member of the EU, and the shipper must have third country contract service. Following is a list of restrictions that are applicable when using return label types. This cannot be combined with COD, Saturday Delivery, Saturday Pickup, and/or Delivery Confirmation service options. For international shipments with return service, the Invoice flag is the only valid value for form_types. The availability of return service depends on the origin and destination country code, and on the selected service_type. The package_description is required to be provided in the request for each package contained in the shipment. The package_type should be set to a value other than: 4 (ptUPS25kgBox), 5 (ptUPS10kgBox), and 6 (ptPallet). Return shipments cannot be voided at the package level. Return shipments can be voided within 24 hours only.

    Also please note that when you set this option that only the return label is being printed, you must submit a separate request to print the shipping label.

  • Saturday Delivery: Indicates that you request to have the shipment delivered on a Saturday. Saturday delivery service is available for an additional charge depending on the package service type and origin/destination pair. This service is not available for return shipments.
  • Saturday Pickup: The presence indicates Saturdary pickup is requested. Saturday pickup service is available for an additional charge depending on the package service type and origin/destination pair.
  • Return of Document: This may also be referred to as the Return of Invoice service and is unique to Poland. If set UPS will use their Return of Document service to return the signed invoice to the shipper.
  • Commercial Invoice Removal: When set this will indicate that the commercial invoice should be removed before delivery, thus not revealing the value of the contents to the recipient.
  • Carbon Neutral: This is required to make a shipment that is carbon neutral.
  • Exchange Forward: This is required in order to make exchange forward shipments.
  • Dropoff at UPS Facility: When set this indicates that the package will be dropped off at a UPS Facility.

    This is applicable only if service_type is set to stUPSWorldwideExpressFreight.

  • Deliver To Addressee Only: When set this requires that the addressee be the one who takes final delivery of the package being held at a UPS Access Point

    This accessorial is only valid when ShipmentIndicationType is set to 1.

  • Direct Delivery Only: When set this will ensure that the package is delivered to the ShipTo address on the shipping label.

    This accessorial is not valid when ShipmentIndicationType is set.

shipment_void_status Property

Status description of shipment void request.


def get_shipment_void_status() -> str: ...

shipment_void_status = property(get_shipment_void_status, None)

Default Value



Upon successful response, this is populated when the cancel_shipment or cancel_package method is called.

This property is read-only.

sold_to_address1 Property

Street name.


def get_sold_to_address1() -> str: ...
def set_sold_to_address1(value: str) -> None: ...

sold_to_address1 = property(get_sold_to_address1, set_sold_to_address1)

Default Value



Street name. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient. In all other requests, it is required for a valid physical address. For UPS sold_to_address1 should not exceed 35 characters.

sold_to_address2 Property

A specific detail on the address (such as building, suite, apartment, floor number etc.


def get_sold_to_address2() -> str: ...
def set_sold_to_address2(value: str) -> None: ...

sold_to_address2 = property(get_sold_to_address2, set_sold_to_address2)

Default Value



A specific detail on the address (such as building, suite, apartment, floor number etc.). This is optional. For UPS sold_to_address2 should not exceed 35 characters.

sold_to_city Property

Name of city, town, etc.


def get_sold_to_city() -> str: ...
def set_sold_to_city(value: str) -> None: ...

sold_to_city = property(get_sold_to_city, set_sold_to_city)

Default Value



Name of city, town, etc. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient.

sold_to_country_code Property

Country code.


def get_sold_to_country_code() -> str: ...
def set_sold_to_country_code(value: str) -> None: ...

sold_to_country_code = property(get_sold_to_country_code, set_sold_to_country_code)

Default Value



Country code. This identifies a country. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient. Maximum length: 2.

Here is a list of country names and their codes. Code is the value that has to be provided in all requests sent where country code is to be entered. Note that with USPS you can also specify the full country name here.

Country NameCountry Code
Afghanistan AF
Albania AL
American Samoa AS
Andorra AD
Angola AO
Anguilla AI
Antigua AG*
Argentina AR
Armenia AM
Aruba AW
Australia AU
Austria AT
Azerbaijan AZ
Bahamas BS
Bahrain BH
Bangladesh BD
Barbados BB
Barbuda AG*
Belarus BY
Belgium BE
Belize BZ
Benin BJ
Bermuda BM
Bhutan BT
Bolivia BO
Bonaire AN**
Bosnia-Herzegovina BA
Botswana BW
Brazil BR
British Virgin IslandsVG*
Brunei BN
Bulgaria BG
Burkina Faso BF
Burundi BI
Cambodia KH
Cameroon CM
Canada CA
Canary Islands ES**
Cape Verde CV
Cayman Islands KY**
Chad TD
Channel Islands GB**
Chile CL
China CN
Colombia CO
Congo CG
Congo Dem. Rep. Of CD
Cook Islands CK
Costa Rica CR
Croatia HR
Curacao AN**
Cyprus CY
Czech Republic CZ
Denmark DK
Djibouti DJ
Dominica DM
Dominican Republic DO
East Timor TL
Ecuador EC
Egypt EG
El Salvador SV
England GB**
Equatorial Guinea GQ
Eritrea ER
Estonia EE
Ethiopia ET
Faeroe Islands FO*
Fiji FJ
Finland FI
France FR
French Guiana GF
French Polynesia PF**
Gabon GA
Gambia GM
Georgia GE
Germany DE
Ghana GH
Gibraltar GI
Grand Cayman KY**
Great Britain GB**
Great Thatch Island VG*
Great Tobago IslandsVG*
Greece GR
Greenland GL
Grenada GD
Guadeloupe GP**
Guam GU
Guatemala GT
Guinea GN
Guyana GY
Haiti HT
Holland NL**
Honduras HN
Hong Kong HK
Hungary HU
Iceland IS
India IN
Indonesia ID
Iraq IQ
Ireland IE
Israel IL
Italy IT**
Ivory Coast CI
Jamaica JM
Japan JP
Jordan JO
Jost Van Dyke IslandsVG*
Kazakhstan KZ
Kenya KE
Kuwait KW
Kyrgyzstan KG
Laos LA
Latvia LV
Lebanon LB
Lesotho LS
Liberia LR
Liechtenstein LI
Lithuania LT
Luxembourg LU
Macau MO
Macedonia MK
Madagascar MG
Malawi MW
Malaysia MY
Maldives MV
Mali ML
Malta MT
Marshall Islands MH
Martinique MQ
Mauritania MR
Mauritius MU
Mexico MX
Micronesia FM
Moldova MD
Monaco MC
Mongolia MN
Montserrat MS
Morocco MA
Mozambique MZ
Namibia NA
Nepal NP
Netherlands NL**
Netherlands AntillesAN**
New Caledonia NC
New Zealand NZ
Nicaragua NI
Niger NE
Nigeria NG
Norman Island VG*
Northern Ireland GB**
Northern Mariana IslandsMP**
Norway NO
Oman OM
Pakistan PK
Palau PW
Palestine PS*
Panama PA
Papua New Guinea PG
Paraguay PY
Peru PE
Philippines PH
Poland PL
Portugal PT
Puerto Rico PR
Qatar QA
Reunion RE
Romania RO
Rota MP**
Russia RU
Rwanda RW
Saba AN**
Saipan MP**
Samoa WS
San Marino IT**
Saudi Arabia SA
Scotland GB**
Senegal SN
Serbia & Montenegro CS
Seychelles SC
Singapore SG
Slovak Republic SK
Slovenia SI
South Africa ZA
South Korea KR
Spain ES**
Sri Lanka LK
St. Barthelemy GP**
St. Christopher KN**
St. Croix Island VI**
St. Eustatius AN**
St. John VI**
St. Kitts and Nevis KN**
St. Lucia LC
St. Maarten AN**
St. Thomas VI**
St. Vincent VC**
Suriname SR
Swaziland SZ
Sweden SE
Switzerland CH
Tahiti PF**
Taiwan TW
Tanzania TZ
Thailand TH
Tinian MP**
Togo TG
Tonga TO
Tortola Island VG*
Trinidad & Tobago TT
Tunisia TN
Turkey TR
Turkmenistan TM
Turks & Caicos IslandsTC
U.S. Virgin Islands VI**
Uganda UG
Ukraine UA
Union Island VC**
United Arab EmiratesAE
United Kingdom GB**
United States US
Uruguay UY
Uzbekistan UZ
Vanuatu VU
Vatican City IT**
Venezuela VE
Vietnam VN
Wales GB**
Wallis & Futuna IslandsWF
Yemen YE
Zambia ZM
Zimbabwe ZW

* Not supported by USPS

** Has multiple values, the values used for USPS are below

Country Name Country Code
Cayman Islands KY
French Polynesia PF
Guadeloupe GP
Italy IT
Netherlands NL
Netherlands Antilles AN
Northern Mariana Islands MP
Spain ES
St. Kitts and Nevis KN
St. Vincent VC
United Kingdom GB
U.S. Virgin Islands VI

sold_to_state Property

State or province code.


def get_sold_to_state() -> str: ...
def set_sold_to_state(value: str) -> None: ...

sold_to_state = property(get_sold_to_state, set_sold_to_state)

Default Value



State or province code. This is the identifying abbreviation for US state, Canada province, etc. In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient (where applicable). Format and presence of this field will vary, depending on country.

sold_to_zip_code Property

Postal code.


def get_sold_to_zip_code() -> str: ...
def set_sold_to_zip_code(value: str) -> None: ...

sold_to_zip_code = property(get_sold_to_zip_code, set_sold_to_zip_code)

Default Value



Postal code. This is identification of a region (usually small) for mail/package delivery. Format and presence of this field will vary, depending on country.

In a ship request, this is required to be provided for both sender and recipient. In all other requests, this element is required if both sold_to_city and sold_to_state are not present.

Valid characters: A-Z; 0-9; a-z. Maximum length: 16.

sold_to_company Property

Identifies the contact person's company name.


def get_sold_to_company() -> str: ...
def set_sold_to_company(value: str) -> None: ...

sold_to_company = property(get_sold_to_company, set_sold_to_company)

Default Value



Identifies the contact person's company name. In a ship request, either sold_to_first_name and sold_to_last_name or sold_to_company are required to be provided.

sold_to_email Property

Identifies the contact person's email address.


def get_sold_to_email() -> str: ...
def set_sold_to_email(value: str) -> None: ...

sold_to_email = property(get_sold_to_email, set_sold_to_email)

Default Value



Identifies the contact person's email address. Maximum length: 120.

sold_to_fax Property

Recipient's fax number.


def get_sold_to_fax() -> str: ...
def set_sold_to_fax(value: str) -> None: ...

sold_to_fax = property(get_sold_to_fax, set_sold_to_fax)

Default Value



Recipient's fax number. The value of this property is optional. No format checking is done on international fax numbers.

sold_to_first_name Property

Sender's first name.


def get_sold_to_first_name() -> str: ...
def set_sold_to_first_name(value: str) -> None: ...

sold_to_first_name = property(get_sold_to_first_name, set_sold_to_first_name)

Default Value



Sender's first name. The value of this property is required. Values for either sold_to_first_name and sold_to_last_name or sold_to_company must be sent.

sold_to_last_name Property

Person's last name.


def get_sold_to_last_name() -> str: ...
def set_sold_to_last_name(value: str) -> None: ...

sold_to_last_name = property(get_sold_to_last_name, set_sold_to_last_name)

Default Value



Person's last name. The value of this property is required. Values for either sold_to_first_name and sold_to_last_name or sold_to_company must be sent. Maximum length: 45 characters for both names or company name.

sold_to_middle_initial Property

Middle initial.


def get_sold_to_middle_initial() -> str: ...
def set_sold_to_middle_initial(value: str) -> None: ...

sold_to_middle_initial = property(get_sold_to_middle_initial, set_sold_to_middle_initial)

Default Value



Middle initial. The value of this property is optional.

sold_to_phone Property

Identifies the contact person's phone number.


def get_sold_to_phone() -> str: ...
def set_sold_to_phone(value: str) -> None: ...

sold_to_phone = property(get_sold_to_phone, set_sold_to_phone)

Default Value



Identifies the contact person's phone number. In a ship request, this is required to be provided. Maximum length: 15.

ssl_accept_server_cert_encoded Property

This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded).


def get_ssl_accept_server_cert_encoded() -> bytes: ...
def set_ssl_accept_server_cert_encoded(value: bytes) -> None: ...

ssl_accept_server_cert_encoded = property(get_ssl_accept_server_cert_encoded, set_ssl_accept_server_cert_encoded)

Default Value



This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). This property is used to assign a specific certificate. The ssl_accept_server_cert_store and ssl_accept_server_cert_subject properties also may be used to specify a certificate.

When ssl_accept_server_cert_encoded is set, a search is initiated in the current ssl_accept_server_cert_store for the private key of the certificate. If the key is found, ssl_accept_server_cert_subject is updated to reflect the full subject of the selected certificate; otherwise, ssl_accept_server_cert_subject is set to an empty string.

ssl_cert_encoded Property

This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded).


def get_ssl_cert_encoded() -> bytes: ...
def set_ssl_cert_encoded(value: bytes) -> None: ...

ssl_cert_encoded = property(get_ssl_cert_encoded, set_ssl_cert_encoded)

Default Value



This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). This property is used to assign a specific certificate. The ssl_cert_store and ssl_cert_subject properties also may be used to specify a certificate.

When ssl_cert_encoded is set, a search is initiated in the current ssl_cert_store for the private key of the certificate. If the key is found, ssl_cert_subject is updated to reflect the full subject of the selected certificate; otherwise, ssl_cert_subject is set to an empty string.

ssl_cert_store Property

This is the name of the certificate store for the client certificate.


def get_ssl_cert_store() -> bytes: ...
def set_ssl_cert_store(value: bytes) -> None: ...

ssl_cert_store = property(get_ssl_cert_store, set_ssl_cert_store)

Default Value



This is the name of the certificate store for the client certificate.

The ssl_cert_store_type property denotes the type of the certificate store specified by ssl_cert_store. If the store is password protected, specify the password in ssl_cert_store_password.

ssl_cert_store is used in conjunction with the ssl_cert_subject property to specify client certificates. If ssl_cert_store has a value, and ssl_cert_subject or ssl_cert_encoded is set, a search for a certificate is initiated. Please see the ssl_cert_subject property for details.

Designations of certificate stores are platform dependent.

The following designations are the most common User and Machine certificate stores in Windows:

MYA certificate store holding personal certificates with their associated private keys.
CACertifying authority certificates.
ROOTRoot certificates.

When the certificate store type is PFXFile, this property must be set to the name of the file. When the type is PFXBlob, the property must be set to the binary contents of a PFX file (i.e., PKCS#12 certificate store).

ssl_cert_store_password Property

If the type of certificate store requires a password, this property is used to specify the password needed to open the certificate store.


def get_ssl_cert_store_password() -> str: ...
def set_ssl_cert_store_password(value: str) -> None: ...

ssl_cert_store_password = property(get_ssl_cert_store_password, set_ssl_cert_store_password)

Default Value



If the type of certificate store requires a password, this property is used to specify the password needed to open the certificate store.

ssl_cert_store_type Property

This is the type of certificate store for this certificate.


def get_ssl_cert_store_type() -> int: ...
def set_ssl_cert_store_type(value: int) -> None: ...

ssl_cert_store_type = property(get_ssl_cert_store_type, set_ssl_cert_store_type)

Default Value



This is the type of certificate store for this certificate.

The class supports both public and private keys in a variety of formats. When the cstAuto value is used, the class will automatically determine the type. This property can take one of the following values:

0 (cstUser - default)For Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a certificate store owned by the current user.

Note: This store type is not available in Java.

1 (cstMachine)For Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a machine store.

Note: This store type is not available in Java.

2 (cstPFXFile)The certificate store is the name of a PFX (PKCS#12) file containing certificates.
3 (cstPFXBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) representing a certificate store in PFX (PKCS#12) format.
4 (cstJKSFile)The certificate store is the name of a Java Key Store (JKS) file containing certificates.

Note: This store type is only available in Java.

5 (cstJKSBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) representing a certificate store in Java Key Store (JKS) format.

Note: this store type is only available in Java.

6 (cstPEMKeyFile)The certificate store is the name of a PEM-encoded file that contains a private key and an optional certificate.
7 (cstPEMKeyBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) that contains a private key and an optional certificate.
8 (cstPublicKeyFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate.
9 (cstPublicKeyBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate.
10 (cstSSHPublicKeyBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) that contains an SSH-style public key.
11 (cstP7BFile)The certificate store is the name of a PKCS#7 file containing certificates.
12 (cstP7BBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary) representing a certificate store in PKCS#7 format.
13 (cstSSHPublicKeyFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains an SSH-style public key.
14 (cstPPKFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PPK (PuTTY Private Key).
15 (cstPPKBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary) that contains a PPK (PuTTY Private Key).
16 (cstXMLFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a certificate in XML format.
17 (cstXMLBlob)The certificate store is a string that contains a certificate in XML format.
18 (cstJWKFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a JWK (JSON Web Key).
19 (cstJWKBlob)The certificate store is a string that contains a JWK (JSON Web Key).
21 (cstBCFKSFile)The certificate store is the name of a file that contains a BCFKS (Bouncy Castle FIPS Key Store).

Note: This store type is only available in Java and .NET.

22 (cstBCFKSBlob)The certificate store is a string (binary or Base64-encoded) representing a certificate store in BCFKS (Bouncy Castle FIPS Key Store) format.

Note: This store type is only available in Java and .NET.

23 (cstPKCS11)The certificate is present on a physical security key accessible via a PKCS#11 interface.

To use a security key, the necessary data must first be collected using the CertMgr class. The list_store_certificates method may be called after setting cert_store_type to cstPKCS11, cert_store_password to the PIN, and cert_store to the full path of the PKCS#11 DLL. The certificate information returned in the on_cert_list event's CertEncoded parameter may be saved for later use.

When using a certificate, pass the previously saved security key information as the ssl_cert_store and set ssl_cert_store_password to the PIN.

Code Example. SSH Authentication with Security Key: certmgr.CertStoreType = CertStoreTypes.cstPKCS11; certmgr.OnCertList += (s, e) => { secKeyBlob = e.CertEncoded; }; certmgr.CertStore = @"C:\Program Files\OpenSC Project\OpenSC\pkcs11\opensc-pkcs11.dll"; certmgr.CertStorePassword = "123456"; //PIN certmgr.ListStoreCertificates(); sftp.SSHCert = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPKCS11, secKeyBlob, "123456", "*"); sftp.SSHUser = "test"; sftp.SSHLogon("myhost", 22);

99 (cstAuto)The store type is automatically detected from the input data. This setting may be used with both public and private keys and can detect any of the supported formats automatically.

ssl_cert_subject Property

This is the subject of the certificate used for client authentication.


def get_ssl_cert_subject() -> str: ...
def set_ssl_cert_subject(value: str) -> None: ...

ssl_cert_subject = property(get_ssl_cert_subject, set_ssl_cert_subject)

Default Value



This is the subject of the certificate used for client authentication.

This property must be set after all other certificate properties are set. When this property is set, a search is performed in the current certificate store to locate a certificate with a matching subject.

If a matching certificate is found, the property is set to the full subject of the matching certificate.

If an exact match is not found, the store is searched for subjects containing the value of the property.

If a match is still not found, the property is set to an empty string, and no certificate is selected.

The special value "*" picks a random certificate in the certificate store.

The certificate subject is a comma-separated list of distinguished name fields and values. For instance, ", OU=test, C=US,". Common fields and their meanings are as follows:

CNCommon Name. This is commonly a hostname like
OUOrganizational Unit
EEmail Address

If a field value contains a comma, it must be quoted.

ssl_provider Property

This specifies the SSL/TLS implementation to use.


def get_ssl_provider() -> int: ...
def set_ssl_provider(value: int) -> None: ...

ssl_provider = property(get_ssl_provider, set_ssl_provider)

Default Value



This property specifies the SSL/TLS implementation to use. In most cases the default value of 0 (Automatic) is recommended and should not be changed. When set to 0 (Automatic) the class will select whether to use the platform implementation or the internal implementation depending on the operating system as well as the TLS version being used.

Possible values are:

0 (sslpAutomatic - default)Automatically selects the appropriate implementation.
1 (sslpPlatform) Uses the platform/system implementation.
2 (sslpInternal) Uses the internal implementation.
Additional Notes

In most cases using the default value (Automatic) is recommended. The class will select a provider depending on the current platform.

When Automatic is selected, on Windows the class will use the platform implementation. On Linux/macOS the class will use the internal implementation. When TLS 1.3 is enabled via SSLEnabledProtocols the internal implementation is used on all platforms.

ssl_server_cert_encoded Property

This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded).


def get_ssl_server_cert_encoded() -> bytes: ...

ssl_server_cert_encoded = property(get_ssl_server_cert_encoded, None)

Default Value



This is the certificate (PEM/Base64 encoded). This property is used to assign a specific certificate. The ssl_server_cert_store and ssl_server_cert_subject properties also may be used to specify a certificate.

When ssl_server_cert_encoded is set, a search is initiated in the current ssl_server_cert_store for the private key of the certificate. If the key is found, ssl_server_cert_subject is updated to reflect the full subject of the selected certificate; otherwise, ssl_server_cert_subject is set to an empty string.

This property is read-only.

timeout Property

A timeout for the class.


def get_timeout() -> int: ...
def set_timeout(value: int) -> None: ...

timeout = property(get_timeout, set_timeout)

Default Value



If the timeout property is set to 0, all operations will run uninterrupted until successful completion or an error condition is encountered.

If timeout is set to a positive value, the class will wait for the operation to complete before returning control.

The class will use do_events to enter an efficient wait loop during any potential waiting period, making sure that all system events are processed immediately as they arrive. This ensures that the host application does not "freeze" and remains responsive.

If timeout expires, and the operation is not yet complete, the class fails with an error.

Please note that by default, all timeouts are inactivity timeouts, i.e. the timeout period is extended by timeout seconds when any amount of data is successfully sent or received.

The default value for the timeout property is 60 seconds.

total_base_charge Property

The total base charge applied to the whole shipment (specific to the AccountNumber ).


def get_total_base_charge() -> str: ...

total_base_charge = property(get_total_base_charge, None)

Default Value



In a MPS ship request, this represents the total base charge applied to all packages contained in the shipment. When the shipment consists of a single package, this is the same as package_base_charge at index=0.

This property is read-only.

total_customs_value Property

Total customs value for the shipment.


def get_total_customs_value() -> str: ...
def set_total_customs_value(value: str) -> None: ...

total_customs_value = property(get_total_customs_value, set_total_customs_value)

Default Value



The total_customs_value is required to be provided in an international shipment request only if the following requirements are met:

If Commercial Invoice is requested (i.e., one of the form_types is set to Invoice), this value should match the invoice line total on the invoice form. If not it will be replaced by the actual calculated invoice line total. It represents the sum of the values of all commodities included in the shipment.

Format: Whole number, no decimal position (e.g. 100) with maximum length of 8 digits. Possible values: 1 to 99999999.

total_net_charge Property

The total net charge (transportation charge + options charges) applied to the whole shipment (specific to the AccountNumber ).


def get_total_net_charge() -> str: ...

total_net_charge = property(get_total_net_charge, None)

Default Value



In a MPS ship request, this represents the total net charge applied to all packages contained in the shipment. When the shipment consists of a single package, this is the same as package_net_charge at index=0.

This property is read-only.

total_surcharges Property

The total surcharges (on all options) applied to the whole shipment (specific to the AccountNumber ).


def get_total_surcharges() -> str: ...

total_surcharges = property(get_total_surcharges, None)

Default Value



In a MPS ship request, this represents the total surcharges applied to all packages contained in the shipment. When the shipment consists of a single package, this is the same as package_total_surcharges at index=0.

This property is read-only.

ups_account_number Property

The shipper's UPS account number.


def get_ups_account_number() -> str: ...
def set_ups_account_number(value: str) -> None: ...

ups_account_number = property(get_ups_account_number, set_ups_account_number)

Default Value



The shipper's UPS account number.

This property describes the shipper's 6- or 10- digit UPS account number.

ups_authorization_token Property

Authorization Token used to authenticate the request.


def get_ups_authorization_token() -> str: ...
def set_ups_authorization_token(value: str) -> None: ...

ups_authorization_token = property(get_ups_authorization_token, set_ups_authorization_token)

Default Value



Authorization Token used to authenticate the request.

This field should be set to the value of a bearer token obtained through OAuth 2.0. For more information on getting a bearer token, see the documentation for the OAuth component.

ups_server Property

URL for the UPS server where the requests are sent.


def get_ups_server() -> str: ...
def set_ups_server(value: str) -> None: ...

ups_server = property(get_ups_server, set_ups_server)

Default Value



URL for the UPS server where the requests are sent. This will overwrite the internal values that the component uses.

Normally, you do not need to set this property. By default, the component will send the request to the preset production end-point. In order to send request to the test environment, you must set the TESTMODE config to true like: component.Config("TESTMODE=true").

The following URLs may be used for testing:

class Test URL
UPSRates (ShippingTime)
UPSShip (Schedule Pickup)
All (Void)

cancel_package Method

Cancels a single package by deleting it from the shipping log.


def cancel_package(master_tracking_number: str, package_tracking_number: str) -> None: ...


To cancel shipment of a single package, a void shipment request should be sent to UPS ups_server by calling the cancel_package method.

For void shipment requests while your application is undergoing testing and integration, you will have to set the ups_server to:

Once your application is in production, the ups_server should be sent to the URL provided as part of the certification process.

The TrackingNumber parameter identifies the package to be deleted from the shipping log.

This method will return the void status of the specified package.

To check the status of your shipment void request, the shipment_void_status should be inspected.

cancel_pickup Method

Cancel a pickup.


def cancel_pickup(confirmation_number: str) -> None: ...


When called the pickup referenced by the ConfirmationNumber will be canceled.

To check the status of your cancel pickup request the CancelPickUpStatus config should be inspected.

cancel_shipment Method

Cancels an entire multi-package (MPS) shipment by deleting it from the shipping log.


def cancel_shipment(master_tracking_number: str) -> None: ...


To cancel an entire MPS shipment, a void shipment request should be sent to UPS server by calling the cancel_shipment method.

For void shipment requests while your application is undergoing testing and integration, you will have to set the server to:

Once your application is in production, the server should be sent to the URL provided as part of the certification process.

The MasterTrackingNumber parameter identifies the shipment that contains all packages to be deleted from shipping log.

To check the status of your shipment void request, the shipment_void_status should be inspected.

config Method

Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.


def config(configuration_string: str) -> str: ...


config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.

These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the config method.

To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).

To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.

get_shipment_labels Method

Generates a shipping label.


def get_shipment_labels() -> None: ...


When this method is called, the following properties must have been set:

The commodity information you provide in your transaction is forwarded to customs electronically at the time the shipping label is generated. Commodity information can be provided via the commodities (required, regardless of the Documents value).

Upon successful response, the following properties might be populated:

To print out the package_shipping_label, you can save it to the package_shipping_label_file file in label_image_type format.

reset Method

Resets the internal state of the class and all properties to their default values.


def reset() -> None: ...


The Reset method does not have any parameters and does not return any value.

schedule_pickup Method

Schedules a pickup.


def schedule_pickup() -> str: ...


When called, this will request an OnCall Pickup from UPS and return the Pickup Confirmation Number.

The valid properties when calling this method are as follows:

Please note that only sender_address1 is valid as the request only allows one address line.

on_error Event

Information about errors during data delivery.


class UPSShipIntlErrorEventParams(object):
  def error_code() -> int: ...

  def description() -> str: ...

# In class UPSShipIntl:
def on_error() -> Callable[[UPSShipIntlErrorEventParams], None]: ...
def on_error(event_hook: Callable[[UPSShipIntlErrorEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The on_error event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during message processing.

ErrorCode contains an error code and Description contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the Error Codes section.

on_notification Event

Notification returned by the server upon successful request (if applicable).


class UPSShipIntlNotificationEventParams(object):
  def message() -> str: ...

# In class UPSShipIntl:
def on_notification() -> Callable[[UPSShipIntlNotificationEventParams], None]: ...
def on_notification(event_hook: Callable[[UPSShipIntlNotificationEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


When sending a request, the server may return with a successful reply or an error. However, even when a transaction is successful, a warning or a note might still be returned by the server. In such cases, the on_notification event is fired.

Notifications returned through this event are non-fatal and shipments will still be processes, labels will still be printable, rates are still returned, etc. These notifications should be treated as informational only.

on_ssl_server_authentication Event

Fired after the server presents its certificate to the client.


class UPSShipIntlSSLServerAuthenticationEventParams(object):
  def cert_encoded() -> bytes: ...

  def cert_subject() -> str: ...

  def cert_issuer() -> str: ...

  def status() -> str: ...

  def accept() -> bool: ...
  def accept(value) -> None: ...

# In class UPSShipIntl:
def on_ssl_server_authentication() -> Callable[[UPSShipIntlSSLServerAuthenticationEventParams], None]: ...
def on_ssl_server_authentication(event_hook: Callable[[UPSShipIntlSSLServerAuthenticationEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


During this event, the client can decide whether or not to continue with the connection process. The Accept parameter is a recommendation on whether to continue or close the connection. This is just a suggestion: application software must use its own logic to determine whether or not to continue.

When Accept is False, Status shows why the verification failed (otherwise, Status contains the string OK). If it is decided to continue, you can override and accept the certificate by setting the Accept parameter to True.

on_ssl_status Event

Fired when secure connection progress messages are available.


class UPSShipIntlSSLStatusEventParams(object):
  def message() -> str: ...

# In class UPSShipIntl:
def on_ssl_status() -> Callable[[UPSShipIntlSSLStatusEventParams], None]: ...
def on_ssl_status(event_hook: Callable[[UPSShipIntlSSLStatusEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The event is fired for informational and logging purposes only. This event tracks the progress of the connection.

UPSShipIntl Config Settings

The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the config method.

UPSShipIntl Config Settings

AccountAddress3:   Contains line three details for the Account Address.

This property is used to set specific details which will appear in line three of the Account Address. This is usually department information.

AccountTaxId:   The Tax ID Number for the account holder.

This specifies the Tax ID Number (TIN) for the account holder.

AccountTotalNetCharge:   Net sum of negotiated rates applied to the whole shipment (if applicable).

This indicates the account-based rates. It is applicable and returned in the ship response only if shipper account/user id combinations qualifies for Negotiated rates.

AdditionalDocumentIndicator:   Indicates that additional documents will be supplied.

This indicator should be set when the shipper intends to utilize UPS paperless invoice functionality and the shipper has self-prepared other International Forms (SEC, CO, NAFTACO) to accompany the shipment.

Note that this is only applicable if your account is enabled to use the Paperless Invoice functionality.

AlternateDeliveryAddress:   Alternate Delivery Address is used for Hold for Pickup or Delivery at UPS Access Points.

This field, if used, should be specified as a JSON and will be contained within the "AlternateDeliveryAddress" element of the request.

Sample JSON: component.Config(@"AlternateDeliveryAddress= ""AlternateDeliveryAddress: { ""Name"": ""THE UPS STORE"", ""AttentionName"": ""THE UPS STORE"", ""UPSAccessPointID"": "", ""Address"": { ""AddressLine"": [ ""1289 FORDHAM BLVD"" ], ""City"": ""Chapel Hill"", ""StateProvinceCode"": ""NC"", ""PostalCode"": ""27514-6110"", ""CountryCode"": ""US"" } }");

BarCodeReference:   Determines whether the reference number's value will be bar coded on the shipping label.

If True, then the reference number's value (first value of the shipment_reference in the UPSShipIntl class, or first value of the package_reference in the UPSShip class) will be bar coded on the shipping label.

Only one shipment-level (applicable to international shipments) or package-level reference number (applicable to domestic shipments throughout US or PR) can be bar coded per shipment.

In order to barcode a reference number, its value must be no longer than 14 alphanumeric characters or 24 numeric characters and cannot contain spaces.

CertifyDirectory:   The name of the directory where the files needed for Label Certification are written.

To be used in Label Certification process only.

If this config is set to a valid value, all files needed for certification process (html, gif and json files) are written to disk in this specified location.

Note: When this is set, all shipping label filenames will be overwritten with the format required by UPS for the Certification process. For example, if the PackageShippingLabelFileHTML[i]; is set to 'MyShippingLabel.html' and the package_shipping_label_file is set to and the Tracking Number for that package is '1Z0715X10194877288', then the PackageShippingLabelFileHTML[i]; will automatically be changed to 'label1Z0715X10194877288.html', and the corresponding image file name to 'label1Z0715X10194877288.gif'.

If both ShippingLabelHTMLDirectory and CertifyDirectory have been set, then the CertifyDirectory will take precedence over the ShippingLabelHTMLDirectory.

CIPONumber:   Purchase Order Number for Commercial Invoice.

This configuration setting adds a Purchase Order Number on the generated Commercial Invoice.

CN22CountryOfOrigin:   Country of origin from where the CN22 contents originated.

This setting populates the CN22ContentCountryOfOrigin element of the CN22 Form.

CN22FoldHereText:   Will replace default 'Fold Here' text displayed on the label.

This setting populates the text for the 'Fold Here' line, if present on the label.

CN22OtherDescription:   Description of the type if CN22Type is 'OTHER'.

This setting is required if the CN22Type setting is set to 4 (OTHER).

Note: maximum length for this setting is 20 characters.

CN22Quantity:   Total number of items associated with this content.

This setting determines the total number of items associated with the content for the CN22 Form.

CN22TariffNumber:   The tariff number associated with the CN22 contents.

This setting determines the tariff number associated with the CN22 contents.

Note: maximum length for this setting is 20 characters.

CN22Type:   The type of CN22 form to be used.

The type of CN22 form to be used. Legal values are:

Value Meaning

* - Requires the use of the CN22OtherDescription setting.

CurrencyCode:   The currency code associated with the monetary values present in the request.

This is required to be provided if monetary values are specified in the request (such as COD amount, insured value, customs value, etc.). This must conform to ISO standards.

Maximum length: 3.

Here is a list of currency names and their codes used by UPS services.

Currency Name Currency Code

CustomerTransactionId:   Customer transaction id / customer context information.

This element allows you to assign a unique identifier to your transaction. This element is returned in the reply and helps you match requests to replies.

DeclarationStatement:   The declarations statement to be sent to the customs office.

This is the legal explanation, used by Customs, for the delivery of this shipment. It must be identical to the set of declarations actually used by Customs. Examples of declarations that might be entered in this field are: EEA statement: The exporter of the products covered by this document declares that except where otherwise clearly indicated these products are of EEA preferential origin. Invoice statement: I hereby certify that the information on this invoice is true and correct and the contents and value of this shipment is as stated above. NAFTA statement: I hereby certify that the goods covered by this shipment qualify as originating goods for purposes of preferential tariff treatment under the NAFTA.

Documents:   Whether an international shipment contains documents of no commercial value.

It is valid only for shipments with different origin and destination countries. The origin country is not US, and the destination country is not CA, PR or MX.

If False (default value), it implies that the shipment contains non documents or documents of commercial value. In this case, the data for commodity items (included in the shipment) have to be provided in the request. The Commercial Invoice is required to associate the shipment (see respective commodity elements defined by the commodities for more details).

If True, it indicates a shipment contains written, typed, or printed communication of no commercial value. An international shipment can either contain documents only, or no documents. Documents and other commodities cannot be mixed in a shipment.

EEIFilingOptionJSON:   The JSON for EEIFilingOption.

Use this configuration setting to display the PreDepartureITNNumber or the EEIShipmentReferenceNumber on an international label when filing through AESDirect. Below are two examples.

PreDepartureITNNumber: ship.Config(@"EEIFilingOptionJSON= ""EEIFilingOption"": { ""Code"": ""2"", ""ShipperFiled"": { ""Code"": ""A"", ""PreDepartureITNNumber"": ""X20120428123456"" } }"); EEIShipmentReferenceNumber: ship.Config(@"EEIFilingOptionJSON= ""EEIFilingOption"": { ""Code"": ""2"", ""ShipperFiled"": { ""Code"": ""C"", ""EEIShipmentReferenceNumber"": ""1234567890"" } }");
ElectronicReturnLabel:   Indicates that you are arranging for UPS to email a return label to your customer.

Indicates that the ship request is made for UPS Print and Mail (PNM). This is applicable to return shipments only. In the server response, you will receive only a Tracking number for the shipment to be returned, but not a return label and/or return receipt. The label will be emailed to your customer by UPS.

If this is set, either SenderContactEmail or AccountContactEmail, as well as RecipientContactEmail should be set.

For return shipments, one of the following conditions must be met on account_country_code, sender_country_code and recipient_country_code: At least two of these country codes are the same; None of these country codes are the same and are a member of the EU; None of these country codes are the same and at least one of them is not a member of the EU, and the shipper must have third country contract service. Following is a list of restrictions that are applicable when using return label types. This cannot be combined with COD, Saturday Delivery, Saturday Pickup, and/or Delivery Confirmation service options. For international shipments with return service, the Invoice flag is the only valid value for form_types. The availability of return service depends on the origin and destination country code, and on the selected service_type. The package_description is required to be provided in the request for each package contained in the shipment. The package_type should be set to a value other than: 4 (ptUPS25kgBox), 5 (ptUPS10kgBox), and 6 (ptPallet). Return shipments cannot be voided at the package level. Return shipments can be voided within 24 hours only. This is false by default.

EPRAReleaseCode:   Package Release code that allows the consignee or claimant to pick-up a package at a UPS Access Point.

The shipper must proivde the Package Release Code to the consignee so that they can provide the code to the UPS Access Point personnel as another item for authentication before the package is released to them. It must be between 4-6 characters.

This configuration setting is only valid when ShipmentIndicationType is set to 1.

ExportDate:   The date the goods will be exiting the country.

Applicable and required if SED and/or CO forms are requested (i.e., when the form_types flag is set to SED and/or CO). If not set, it will default to ship date. Format: YYYYMMDD.

ExportingCarrier:   The name of the carrier that is exporting the shipment.

If the carrier is a vessel, the vessel's flag number should also be entered. Applicable and required if SED and/or CO forms are requested (i.e., when the form_types flag is set to SED or CO).

Maximum length: 17.

FRSCommodityCount:   Number of commodities in the shipment.

This configuration property is used to specify the number of commodities for the freight rated shipment.

This configuration option is only valid when ReturnFreightPrices is true.

FRSCommodityFreightClass[i]:   The freight class of the commodity at the index.

This configuration property indicates the freight class of the commodity.

The following table lists freight classes available from UPS freight services.

Freight Class

Valid indices are from 0 to FRSCommodityCount - 1.

This configuration option is only valid when ReturnFreightPrices is true.

FRSCommodityFreightNMFC[i]:   The National Motor Freight Classification numbers for the commodity at the index.

This configuration property identifies the National Motor Freight Classification numbers.

Valid indices are from 0 to FRSCommodityCount - 1.

This configuration option is only valid when ReturnFreightPrices is true.

FRSCommodityFreightNMFCSub[i]:   The sub-code of National Motor Freight Classification numbers for the commodity at the index.

This configuration property identifies the sub code of National Motor Freight Classification numbers.

Valid indices are from 0 to FRSCommodityCount - 1.

This configuration option is only valid when ReturnFreightPrices is true.

FRSPaymentAccountNumber:   The UPS account number for the payor.

This configuration options should be set to the UPS Account Number of the payor for Ground Freight Pricing. This account number is validated to ensure that Ground Freight Pricing is enabled for the account.

This configuration option is only valid when ReturnFreightPrices is true.

FRSPaymentCountryCode:   The country code of the payor for the Ground Freight Pricing shipment.

If FRSPaymentType is set to "2" for "Prepaid (Third Party) then the country code for the third party payor must be specified.

This configuration option is only valid when ReturnFreightPrices is true.

FRSPaymentDescription:   Description for the Ground Freight Pricing payment type.

This configuration option is used to specify a description for the Ground Freight Pricing payment type, for example the paying party's name.

This configuration option is only valid when ReturnFreightPrices is true.

FRSPaymentPostalCode:   The postal code of the payor for the Ground Freight Pricing shipment.

If FRSPaymentType is set to "2" for "Prepaid (Third Party) then the postal code for the third party payor must be specified.

This configuration option is only valid when ReturnFreightPrices is true.

FRSPaymentType:   Method of payment for the shipment.

This configuration property is used to specify the method of payment for the freight rated shipment. Valid options are:

Option Payment Type
0 Prepaid
1 Freight Collect
2 Prepaid (Third Party)

This configuration option is only valid when ReturnFreightPrices is true.

HazMatAdditionalDescription[i]:   Additional remarks or special provision information.

Additional remarks or special provision information. Required if HazMatCommodityRegulatedLevelCode = LQ or FR and if the field applies to the material by regulation. Additional information that may be required by regulation about a hazardous material, such as, "Limited Quantity", DOT-SP numbers, EX numbers.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMataDRItemNumber[i]:   The type of regulated goods for an ADR package where ADR is for Europe to Europe ground movement.

The type of regulated goods for an ADR package where ADR is for Europe to Europe ground movement.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMataDRPackingGroupLetter[i]:   Required if the field applies to the material by regulation. Must be shown in Roman Numerals.

Required if the field applies to the material by regulation. Must be shown in Roman Numerals. Valid values: 1 - I, 2 = II, 3 = III, and blank.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatAllPackedInOneIndicator[i]:   Presence/Absence Indicator.

Presence/Absence Indicator. When set to true, indicates if multiple, different hazmat/chemicals are contained within one box in a package. When number of Hazmat containers in a package is more than one either HazMatAllPackedInOneIndicator or HazMatOverPackedIndicator is needed. The default value for this setting is false.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatChemicalRecordIdentifier[i]:   Identifies the Chemcial Record.

Required if SubVersion is greater than or equal to 1701.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatClassDivisionNumber[i]:   This is the hazard class associated to the specified commodity.

This is the hazard class associated to the specified commodity. Required if HazMatCommodityRegulatedLevelCode is 'EQ', 'LQ' or 'FR'

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatCommodityRegulatedLevelCode[i]:   Indicates the type of commodity.

Indicates the type of commodity. Required for subversion 1701 or greater.

FR Fully Regulated
LQ Limited Quantity
EQ Excepted Quantity
LR Lightly Regulated

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatEmergencyContact[i]:   The emergency information, contact name and/or contract number.

The emergency information, contact name and/or contract number, required to be communicated when a call is placed to the HazMatEmergencyPhone. The information is required if there is a value in the HazMatEmergencyPhone field above and the shipment is with a US50 or PR origin and/or destination and the HazMatRegulationSet is IATA.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatEmergencyPhone[i]:   24 Hour Emergency Phone Number of the shipper.

24 Hour Emergency Phone Number of the shipper. Valid values for this field are (0) through (9) with trailing blanks. For numbers within the U.S., the layout is '1', area code, 7-digit number. For all other countries the layout is country code, area code, number.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatHazardLabelRequired[i]:   Defines the type of label that is required on the package for the commodity.

Defines the type of label that is required on the package for the commodity. Not applicable if HazMatCommodityRegulatedLevelCode = LR or EQ.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatIDNumber[i]:   This is the ID number (UN/NA/ID) for the specified commodity.

This is the ID number (UN/NA/ID) for the specified commodity. Required if HazMatCommodityRegulatedLevelCode = LR, LQ or FR and if the field applies to the material by regulation. UN/NA/ID Identification Number assigned to the specified regulated good. (Include the UN/NA/ID as part of the entry).

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatOverPackedIndicator[i]:   Presence/Absence Indicator.

Presence/Absence Indicator. When set to true, indicates that one or more hazmat/chemicals are in separate boxes in a package. When number of Hazmat containers in a package is more than one either HazMatAllPackedInOneIndicator or HazMatOverPackedIndicator is needed. The default value for this setting is false.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatPackageIdentifier[i]:   Identifies the package containing Dangerous Goods.

Required for Hazmat shipment if SubVersion is greater than or equal to 1701.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatPackagingGroupType[i]:   This is the packing group category associated to the specified commodity.

This is the packing group category associated to the specified commodity. Required if HazMatCommodityRegulatedLevelCode = LQ or FR and if the field applies to the material by regulation. Must be shown in Roman Numerals. Valid values: I, II, III, blank.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatPackagingInstructionCode[i]:   The packing instructions related to the chemical record.

The packing instructions related to the chemical record. Required if HazMatCommodityRegulatedLevelCode = LQ or FR and if the field applies to the material by regulation.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatPackagingType[i]:   The type of package used to contain the regulated good.

The type of package used to contain the regulated good. (Ex: Fiberboard Box). Required if HazMatCommodityRegulatedLevelCode = LQ or FR.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatPackagingTypeQuantity[i]:   The number of pieces of the specific commodity.

The number of pieces of the specific commodity. Valid values are 1 to 999.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatProperShippingName[i]:   The Proper Shipping Name assigned by ADR, CFR or IATA.

The Proper Shipping Name assigned by ADR, CFR or IATA.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatQuantity[i]:   .

Required if HazMatCommodityRegulatedLevelCode = EQ, LQ or FR. The numerical value of the mass capacity of the regulated good.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatQValue[i]:   .

When a HazMat shipment specifies AllPackedInOneIndicator and the regulation set for that shipment is IATA, Ship API must require the shipment to specify a Q-Value with exactly one of the following values: 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4; 0.5; 0.6; 0.7; 0.8; 0.9; 1.0

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatReferenceNumber[i]:   Optional reference number. Will be displayed only on label.

Optional reference number. Will be displayed only on label.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatRegulationSet[i]:   The Regulatory set associated with every regulated shipment.

The Regulatory Set associated with every regulated shipment. It must be the same across the shipment. Valid values are: ADR = Europe to Europe Ground Movement, CFR = HazMat regulated by US Dept of Transportation within the U.S. or ground shipments to Canada, IATA= Worldwide Air movement, TDG= Canada to Canada ground movement or Canada to U.S. standard movement.

For multiple ChemicalRecords per package or multiple packages containing different RegulationSet, RegulationSet of first ChemicalRecord would be considered for validating and rating the entire shipment.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatReportableQuantity[i]:   .

Recommonded if HazMatCommodityRegulatedLevelCode = LQ or FR and if the field applies to the material by regulation. If reportable quantity is met, 'RQ' should be entered.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatSubRiskClass[i]:   Secondary hazardous characteristics of a package.

Secondary hazardous characteristics of a package. (There can be more than one - separate each with a comma). Recommended if HazMatCommodityRegulatedLevelCode = LQ or FR and if the field applies to the material by regulation.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatTechnicalName[i]:   The technical name (when required) for the specified commodity.

The technical name (when required) for the specified commodity. Required if HazMatCommodityRegulatedLevelCode = LQ or FR and if the field applies to the material by regulation.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatTransportationMode[i]:   Declares that a package was prepared according to ground, passenger aircraft, or cargo aircraft only.

Not applicable for ADR regulation set. Required for any other regulation set. Declares that a package was prepared according to ground, passenger aircraft, or cargo aircraft only.

Highway Highway Ground
PAX Passenger Aircraft
Passenger Aircraft Passenger Aircraft
CAO Cargo Aircraft Only
Cargo Aircraft Only Cargo Aircraft Only

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatTransportCategory[i]:   Transport Category.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatTunnelRestrictionCode[i]:   .

Defines what is restricted to pass through a tunnel.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HazMatUOM[i]:   .

Required if HazMatCommodityRegulatedLevelCode = LQ, EQ or FR. The unit of measure used for the mass capacity of the regulated good. For Example: ml, L, g, mg, kg, cylinder, pound, pint, quart, gallon, ounce etc.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS. Valid array indices are from 0 to Packages.Count - 1

SubVersion must be set to a value equal or greater than 1701 for shipping Dangerous Goods with UPS.

HighValueReport:   High Value Report (if applicable).

Image of the High Value Report (as decoded binary image file). When the total insured value in a forward shipment is between $999 and $50,000 USD, the High Value Report is returned in the response and stored in HighValueReport.

The shipper is required to print 2 copies of this report, give them to a UPS driver or UPS Customer Center representative to ensure he signs one copy of the receipt and returns it to the shipper. This is your proof that UPS has accepted the package(s), and will be required for submitting a claim.

When the HighValueReportFileName is set to a valid path and filename, the contents of the HighValueReport are written to this location in disk.

HighValueReportFileName:   Name of High Value Report (if applicable).

Filename and location to save the HighValueReport to. When the total insured value in a forward shipment is between $999 and $50,000 USD, the High Value Report is returned in the response and stored in HighValueReport.

The shipper is required to print 2 copies of this report, give them to a UPS driver or UPS Customer Center representative to ensure he signs one copy of the receipt and returns it to the shipper. This is your proof that UPS has accepted the package(s), and will be required for submitting a claim.

When the HighValueReportFileName is set to a valid path and filename, the contents of the HighValueReport are written to disk upon successful response.

This filename should have a html, EPL2, ZPL, STARPL or SPL extension (depending on the printer used).

If the filename exists, you can choose to overwrite it or not by setting the Overwrite config setting (which defaults to True).

ImportControlCode:   Code for type of ImportControl label.

This code indicates the type of ImportControl/LabelMethod label in a Shipping or Rating request. Possible values:

Code Service
1 ImportControl Print and Mail Return Label
2 ImportControl One-Attempt Return Label
3 ImportControl Three-Attempt Return Label*
4 ImportControl Electronic Return Label
5 ImportControl Print Return Label
*Not valid with UPSRates.
ImportControlDescription:   Description for ImportControl.

When set, the value will added to the ImportControl/LabelMethod description in a Shipping or Rating request.

IncludeNegotiatedRates:   Whether to include the NegotiatedRatesIndicator in the request.

This controls whether the NegotiatedRatesIndicator is sent in the request. When sent UPS will return the negotiated rates for the shipper account. When not sent UPS will return the standard, list rates. The default value is True.

InvoiceDiscount:   The discount to be subtracted from the total value on the invoice.

If set, this will provide the sum of all the discounts to be applied to the invoice.

Note that the maximum length, including the decimal is 15.

IrregularIndicator:   The mail classification defined by UPS.

When Machineable is set to false, this should be set to one of the following values:

0 Not Applicable
1 Balloon
2 Oversized

ItemizedChargesCode[i]:   The Accesorial/Surcharge code of the itemized charge.

The Accesorial/Surcharge code of the itemized charge.

These charges can come back at both the shipment and package level. By default they return the shipment level charges. To access the charges for each package, set package_service_index first.

These charges may only come back if SubVersion is 1607 or greater.

ItemizedChargesCount:   The count of itemized charges.

The count of itemized charges in the response.

These charges can come back at both the shipment and package level. By default they return the shipment level charges. To access the charges for each package, set package_service_index first. Below is an example: rates.GetRates(); for (int i = 0; i < rates.Services.Count; i++) { rates.PackageServiceIndex = i; int chargesCount = Int32.Parse(rates.Config("ItemizedChargesCount")); for (int x = 0; x < chargesCount; x++) { Console.WriteLine(i + "-" + x + " " + rates.Config("ItemizedChargesCode[" + x + "]")); Console.WriteLine(i + "-" + x + " " + rates.Config("ItemizedChargesCurrencyCode[" + x + "]")); Console.WriteLine(i + "-" + x + " " + rates.Config("ItemizedChargesMonetaryValue[" + x + "]")); } }

These charges may only come back if SubVersion is 1607 or greater.

ItemizedChargesCurrencyCode[i]:   The currency used for the charge.

The currency used for the charge.

These charges can come back at both the shipment and package level. By default they return the shipment level charges. To access the charges for each package, set package_service_index first.

These charges may only come back if SubVersion is 1607 or greater.

ItemizedChargesMonetaryValue[i]:   The amount being charged.

The amount of the Accesorial/Surcharge.

These charges can come back at both the shipment and package level. By default they return the shipment level charges. To access the charges for each package, set package_service_index first.

These charges may only come back if SubVersion is 1607 or greater.

ItemizedChargesSubType[i]:   The subtype of the itemized charge.

The subtype of the Accesorial/Surcharge.

These charges can come back at both the shipment and package level. By default they return the shipment level charges. To access the charges for each package, set package_service_index first.

These charges may only come back if SubVersion is 1607 or greater.

LabelSize:   The size of the label.

This contains the size of the label. The valid values are:

Value Meaning
0 4x6
1 4x8
Machineable:   Determines whether the package is machineable or not.

When set to true (default), this indicates whether or not the package is machineable, in other words, if it is a standard sized package.

This only applies when using a Mail Innovations or SurePost service_type

MasterCartonId:   Master Carton ID.

This setting allows you to retrieve or specify the Master Carton ID. Use this configuration setting to link UPS Worldwide Economy (WWE) shipments into a Master Carton. A MasterCartonId will be returned if MasterCartonIndicator is present in the request of the first child shipment and the service_type is set to either stUPSWorldwideEconomyDDP or stUPSWorldwideEconomyDDU.

MasterCartonIndicator:   Determines whether to include the MasterCartonIndicator in the request.

This controls whether the MasterCartonIndicator is sent in the request. Presence of the indicator implies that shipment is Master Carton type. The default value is False.

MICostCenter:   Customer assigned identifier for report and billing summarization displays to the right of the Cost Center title.

This is a customer defined identifier that can later be used to get the report and billing summarization displays to the right of the Cost Center title. This should be an alpha-numeric string that is between 1 and 30 characters.

This is required when using a Mail Innovations service_type (ie. stUPSFirstClass, stUPSPriorityMail, stUPSExpeditedMailInnovations, stUPSPriorityMailInnovations, or stUPSEconomyMailInnovations).

MILabelCN22:   Determines whether the MILabelCN22Indicator is included in the request.

When true, the MILableCN22Indicator tag is included in the ShipmentConfirmRequest. The setting is false by default.

MIPackageID:   Customer assigned unique piece identifier that returns visibility events.

This is a customer defined identifier to identify the individual package that can be used to later get the visibility events for the package. This should be an alpha-numeric string that is between 1 and 30 characters.

This is required when using a Mail Innovations service_type (ie. stUPSFirstClass, stUPSPriorityMail, stUPSExpeditedMailInnovations, stUPSPriorityMailInnovations, or stUPSEconomyMailInnovations).

NAFTAExcludeFromForm[i]:   Excludes the commodity from NAFTA form (corresponding to the commodity at index i).

If set to true, the commodity specified at index i will be excluded from the NAFTA form. If form_types is not set to NAFTA Certificate of Origin (0x00000008), this will be ignored.

NotificationDialect:   Used to specify the dialect for Alternate Delivery Location notifications and UAP Shipper notifications.

Used to specify the dialect for Alternate Delivery Location notifications and UAP Shipper notifications. The default value is US

Possible Language / Dialect combinations:

Language Dialect
CES 97
DAN 97
DEU 97
ELL 97
FIN 97
FRA 97
HEB 97
HUN 97
ITA 97
NLD 97
NOR 97
POL 97
POR 97
RUS 97
SLK 97
SPA 97
SWE 97
TUR 97
VIE 97

NotificationLanguage:   Used to specify the language for Alternate Delivery Location notifications and UAP Shipper notifications.

Used to specify the language for Alternate Delivery Location notifications and UAP Shipper notifications. The default value is ENG

Refer to NotificationDialect configuration setting for possible Language / Dialect combinations.

OtherCharges:   The amount of all additional charges.

The sum of all other charges not already listed on the invoice. If this is set, OtherChargesDescription must also be set.

Note that the maximum length, including the decimal is 15.

OtherChargesDescription:   The reason for the other charges.

This provides the reason for the charges specified in OtherCharges.

Note that the maximum length is 10.

OverridePaperlessIndicator:   Indicates that a copy of the invoice and NAFTA Certificate of Origin should be provided.

If set to true, UPS will return a copy of the invoice and NAFTA Certificate of Origin.

Note that this only applies when using the Paperless Invoice functionality.

Overwrite:   Determines whether label files will be overwritten.

If True (default value) the label files are overwritten. Otherwise, an error is returned if the file exist.

PackageDeclaredValueType[i]:   The type of declared value (corresponding to the package at index i).

This determines the type of declared value for a package.

Value Meaning
0 (default) Declared Value
1 Shipper Declared Value

Valid array indices are from 0 to PackageCount - 1.

PackageShippingLabelFileHTML[i]:   Name of the file where the HTML image of the shipping label (corresponding to the package at index i) is saved to disk.

Filename to save the PackageShippingLabelHTML to.

When the user is going through the Label Certification process with UPS, the CertifyDirectory should be set (this is the location where all required files by UPS for Label Certification will be written and then sent to UPS) and the PackageShippingLabelFileHTML will be automatically set to 'labelpackage_tracking_number.html'. This file is required to be sent to UPS for each of the five test shipments along with the: image file (gif) of that shipment's shipping label (package_shipping_label), ShipmentConfirmRequest, ShipmentConfirmResponse, ShipmentAcceptRequest, and ShipmentAcceptResponse of that shipment.

If you are no longer in certification process, the location where this file will be saved to disk can be specified by the ShippingLabelHTMLDirectory. If this config is not set, then the html file will be written to your default directory.

If the filename exists, you can choose to overwrite it or not by setting the Overwrite config setting (which defaults to True).

Valid array indices are from 0 to PackageCount - 1.

Note: When choosing to save to disk the html file for the shipping label, the image file should be written to disk as well (at the same directory as html file) and the corresponding package_shipping_label_file should be set to 'labelTrackingNumber.gif'. Otherwise, the html file will show just the UPS shipping instructions and the label itself will not appear on it.

PackageShippingLabelHTML[i]:   HTML version of the shipping label (corresponding to the package at index i).

HTML image of the package shipping label (as decoded binary image file). This is used during the Label Certification process with UPS.

When the PackageShippingLabelFileHTML is set to a valid path and filename, the contents of the PackageShippingLabelHTML are written to this location in disk.

Valid array indices are from 0 to PackageCount - 1.

PickupEarliestTime:   The earliest time a shipment is ready to be picked up.

This is required to be provided in a ship request only if UPS On-Call Pickup service is requested (i.e., when the corresponding flag for On-Call Pickup (0x01000000) is present in shipment_special_services).

This should be entered in this format: HHmm.

PickupFloorNumber:   The floor number of the pickup location.

This setting specifies the floor number of the pickup location. It is applicable when calling schedule_pickup

PickupLatestTime:   The latest time a shipment can be picked up.

PickupRoomNumber:   The room number of the pickup location.

This setting specifies the room number of the pickup location. It is applicable when calling schedule_pickup

RawRequest:   Contains the complete request sent to the Server.

This returns the complete request as sent to the server. Used for debugging purposes.

RawResponse:   Contains the complete response returned by the Server.

This returns the complete response as received from the server. Used for debugging purposes.

RecipientAddress3:   Contains line three details for the Recipient Address.

This property is used to set specific details which will appear in line three of the Recipient Address. This is usually department information.

RecipientTaxId:   The Tax ID Number for the recipient.

This specifies the Tax ID Number (TIN) for the recipient.

RequestDeliveryConfirmation:   Whether or not to request delivery confirmation for the package/shipment.

When set to false, no delivery confirmation will be requested. However, this will not stop the driver from getting delivery confirmation if they feel they must.

RequestOption:   Defines if the address should be validated or not.

Value Meaning
0 Validate
1 Nonvalidate
ReturnFreightPrices:   When true, UPS will use applicable freight pricing for shipments.

When this configuration setting is set to "true", UPS will use freight pricing for any generated labels. The user must have an existing agreement with UPS for freight pricing, such as "UPS Ground with Freight Pricing", in order to use this functionality. When set to "true", FRSCommodityCount, FRSCommodityFreightClass[i];, FRSCommodityFreightNMFC[i];, FRSPaymentType, FRSPaymentDescription, FRSPaymentAccountNumber, FRSPaymentPostalCode, and FRSPaymentCountryCode must be set.

ReturnPrintAndMail:   Indicates that you are arranging for UPS to print and mail a return label to your customer.

Indicates that the ship request is made for UPS Print and Mail (PNM). This is applicable to return shipments only. In the server response, you will receive only a Tracking number for the shipment to be returned, but not a return label and/or return receipt. The label will be printed and mailed to your customer by UPS.

For return shipments, one of the following conditions must be met on account_country_code, sender_country_code and recipient_country_code: At least two of these country codes are the same; None of these country codes are the same and are a member of the EU; None of these country codes are the same and at least one of them is not a member of the EU, and the shipper must have third country contract service. Following is a list of restrictions that are applicable when using return label types. This cannot be combined with COD, Saturday Delivery, Saturday Pickup, and/or Delivery Confirmation service options. For international shipments with return service, the Invoice flag is the only valid value for form_types. The availability of return service depends on the origin and destination country code, and on the selected service_type. The package_description is required to be provided in the request for each package contained in the shipment. The package_type should be set to a value other than: 4 (ptUPS25kgBox), 5 (ptUPS10kgBox), and 6 (ptPallet). Return shipments cannot be voided at the package level. Return shipments can be voided within 24 hours only. This is false by default.

ReturnServiceFirstAttempt:   Indicates that you are arranging for UPS to make one attempt to pick up the package to be returned.

Indicates that the ship request is made for UPS Return Service 1-Attempt (RS1). This is applicable to return shipments only. UPS will make only one attempt to pick up your package. If the package cannot be collected, UPS will leave the return label at the pickup location. Note that the service charge will still apply. In the server response, you will receive only a Tracking number for the shipment to be returned, but not a return label and/or return receipt.

For return shipments, one of the following conditions must be met on account_country_code, sender_country_code and recipient_country_code: At least two of these country codes are the same; None of these country codes are the same and are a member of the EU; None of these country codes are the same and at least one of them is not a member of the EU, and the shipper must have third country contract service. Following is a list of restrictions that are applicable when using return label types. This cannot be combined with COD, Saturday Delivery, Saturday Pickup, and/or Delivery Confirmation service options. For international shipments with return service, the Invoice flag is the only valid value for form_types. The availability of return service depends on the origin and destination country code, and on the selected service_type. The package_description is required to be provided in the request for each package contained in the shipment. The package_type should be set to a value other than: 4 (ptUPS25kgBox), 5 (ptUPS10kgBox), and 6 (ptPallet). Return shipments cannot be voided at the package level. Return shipments can be voided within 24 hours only. This is false by default.

ReturnServiceThirdAttempt:   Indicates that you are arranging for UPS to make three attempts to pick up the package to be returned.

Indicates that the ship request is made for UPS Return Service 3-Attempt (RS3). This is applicable to return shipments only. UPS will attempt to pick up your package for three consecutive business days. After the third attempt, the return label will be returned to UPS. Note that the service charge will still apply. In the server response, you will receive only a Tracking number for the shipment to be returned, but not a return label and/or return receipt.

For return shipments, one of the following conditions must be met on account_country_code, sender_country_code and recipient_country_code: At least two of these country codes are the same; None of these country codes are the same and are a member of the EU; None of these country codes are the same and at least one of them is not a member of the EU, and the shipper must have third country contract service. Following is a list of restrictions that are applicable when using return label types. This cannot be combined with COD, Saturday Delivery, Saturday Pickup, and/or Delivery Confirmation service options. For international shipments with return service, the Invoice flag is the only valid value for form_types. The availability of return service depends on the origin and destination country code, and on the selected service_type. The package_description is required to be provided in the request for each package contained in the shipment. The package_type should be set to a value other than: 4 (ptUPS25kgBox), 5 (ptUPS10kgBox), and 6 (ptPallet). Return shipments cannot be voided at the package level. Return shipments can be voided within 24 hours only. This is false by default.

SendDutiesPayor:   Indicates whether to send the duties payor information or not.

If true (default), the duties payor information will be sent to UPS, otherwise only the payor for the transportation charges will be sent.

SenderAddress3:   Contains line three details for the Sender Address.

This property is used to set specific details which will appear in line three of the Sender Address. This is usually department information.

SenderTaxId:   The Tax ID Number for the sender.

This specifies the Tax ID Number (TIN) for the sender. This is required when using SED forms.

Note that if sed_shipper_tax_id is set, it will override this config.

ShipmentAcceptRequest:   Contains the Shipment Accept Request sent to UPS.

Used in Label Certification process.

This is required to be sent to UPS for each of the five test shipments along with the: .gif image of that shipment's shipping label (package_shipping_label), the html document (PackageShippingLabelHTML[i];), ShipmentConfirmRequest, ShipmentConfirmResponse, and ShipmentAcceptResponse of that shipment.

If the CertifyDirectory has been set, then the ShipmentAcceptRequest will be automatically written to disk in json format under this file name: 'ShipmentAcceptRequest_LabelTrackingNumber.json'.

ShipmentAcceptResponse:   Contains the Shipment Accept Response returned by UPS.

Used in Label Certification process.

This is required to be sent to UPS for each of the five test shipments along with the: .gif image of that shipment's shipping label (package_shipping_label), the html document (PackageShippingLabelHTML[i];), ShipmentConfirmRequest, ShipmentConfirmResponse, and ShipmentAcceptRequest of that shipment.

If the CertifyDirectory has been set, then the ShipmentAcceptResponse will be automatically written to disk in json format under this file name: 'ShipmentAcceptResponse_LabelTrackingNumber.json'.

ShipmentConfirmRequest:   Contains the Shipment Confirm Request sent to UPS.

Used in Label Certification process.

This is required to be sent to UPS for each of the five test shipments along with the: .gif image of that shipment's shipping label (package_shipping_label), the html document (PackageShippingLabelHTML[i];), ShipmentConfirmResponse, ShipmentAcceptRequest, and ShipmentAcceptResponse of that shipment.

If the CertifyDirectory has been set, then the ShipmentConfirmRequest will be automatically written to disk in json format under this file name: 'ShipmentConfirmRequest_LabelTrackingNumber.json'.

ShipmentConfirmResponse:   Contains the Shipment Confirm Response returned by UPS.

Used in Label Certification process.

This is required to be sent to UPS for each of the five test shipments along with the: .gif image of that shipment's shipping label (package_shipping_label), the html document (PackageShippingLabelHTML[i];), ShipmentConfirmRequest, ShipmentAcceptRequest, and ShipmentAcceptResponse of that shipment.

If the CertifyDirectory has been set, then the ShipmentConfirmResponse will be automatically written to disk in json format under this file name: 'ShipmentConfirmResponse_LabelTrackingNumber.json'.

ShipmentDescription:   A textual description of goods for the whole shipment when shipping to Puerto Rico or Canada using Mail Innovations domestic shipments.

This is applicable and required when shipping to Puerto Rico or Canada using Mail Innovations domestic shipments. Provide a detailed description of items being shipped for documents and non-documents, such as 'annual reports', '9 mm steel screws', etc..

ShipmentIndicationType:   Whether shipment is Hold For Pickup or Delivery at UPS Access Points.

Required to indicate whether shipment is Hold For Pickup at UPS Access Point for use by approved shippers to identify a UPS Access Point location as an alternate delivery option during shipment preparation or UPS Access Point Delivery, to ship parcels directly to a UPS Access Point location for collection by the receiver.

This configuration setting is required when sending an alternate delivery address via the AlternateDeliveryAddress configuration setting.

Possible values:

Value Description
1 Hold for Pickup at UPS Access Point
2 UPS Access Point Delivery

ShipmentSignatureType:   Shipment signature type at the shipment level.

Specifies one of the Delivery Signature Options requested for this shipment. Possible values are:

0 None
1 Signature Required
2 Adult Signature Required

Note for package level signature types the package_signature_type field must be set. The default value for this configuration setting is 0.

ShippingLabelHTMLDirectory:   The name of the directory where the shipping label files are written.

This is used when the html files of shipping labels are needed.

If this config is set to a valid value, then all shipping labels files (html and gif) are automatically written to disk in this specified location.

Note: When this is set, then the image file (gif) will automatically be written to disk (even if the package_shipping_label_file has not been set) along with the html file of the corresponding shipping label (html file serves as a wrapper for the image file). In this case, the name for the image file will automatically be set to 'labelTrackingNumber.gif'. This will overwrite any values already being set to this config by the user.

If the corresponding PackageShippingLabelFileHTML[i]; is not set, then the class will name the html file(s) for you in this format: 'labelTrackingNumber.html'. Otherwise, the name chosen by the user will be used.

If the ShippingLabelHTMLDirectory is empty and the PackageShippingLabelFileHTML[i]; is set, then the html file will be written to your default directory. Please note that when using html file for the shipping label, the image file should be written to disk as well (at the same directory as html file) and it should be named in this format 'labelTrackingNumber.gif'. Otherwise, the html file will show just the UPS shipping instructions and the label itself will not appear on it.

If both ShippingLabelHTMLDirectory and CertifyDirectory have been set, then the CertifyDirectory will take precedence over the ShippingLabelHTMLDirectory. This is required to be provided in a ship request only if UPS On-Call Pickup service is requested (i.e., when the corresponding flag for On-Call Pickup (0x01000000) is present in shipment_special_services). It can be also referred as the Closing Time for a pickup time window.

This should be entered in this format: HHmm.

SoldToTaxId:   The Tax ID Number for the person or business the product was sold to.

This specifies the Tax ID Number (TIN) for the person or business the product was sold to.

SplitDutyVATIndicator:   Indicates that whether or not the duties and taxes are split.

If true, the payor paying the transportation charges will also pay the duties and the payor who is paying the duties and taxes only pays the taxes.

SubVersion:   UPS SubVersion.

UPS uses sub version strategy to give back new elements in the response when there is no functionality change in the request or to enhance the existing functionality. Valid values are v1601, v1607, v1701, v1707, v1801, v1807, v2108, v2205.

This setting is only applicable when using UPS.

TaxInformationIndicator:   Controls whether to send a TaxInformationIndicator.

This configuration setting controls whether to send a TaxInformationIndicator in the request or not. The default value is "false".

TESTMODE:   This configuration setting will allow you to run test transactions.

When setting this configuration setting to True the transactions will be directed to the default testing end-point. component.Config("TESTMODE=true");

Default value is False, transactions are directed to the default production end-point.

TotalCustomsValue:   Invoice Line Total Monetary Value when shipping to Puerto Rico or Canada using Mail Innovations domestic shipments.

Required for forward shipments whose origin is the US and destination is Puerto Rico or Canada when using Mail Innovation service. Not available for any other shipments.

USPSEndorsement:   The USPS endorsement type for Mail Innovations and SurePost shipments.

This contains the USPS endorsement type and is required when using a Mail Innovations or SurePost service_type. The Valid values are as follows:

0 No Service Selected
1 Return Service Selected
2 Forwarding Service Requested
3 Address Service Requested
4 Change Service Requested

USPSPICNumber[i]:   USPS Tracking Number (corresponding to the package at index i).

When creating a shipment using UPS Mail Innovations, a USPS tracking number will be returned in the USPSPICNumber field in the response. This number should be used when tracking packages.

Valid array indices are from 0 to PackageCount - 1.

Version:   UPS API Version.

UPS API Version. Default value is "v1".

Warning:   Warning message returned by the server.

This might be returned by the server even upon successful response. These warnings are usually informational.

WeightUnit:   Weight unit.

It declares the type of weight unit to be used in calculating the weight of the shipment and each package contained in it.

Valid weight types are: LBS and KGS. Defaults to LBS if a value is not passed in the transaction. Depending on the selected country, the following measurement systems are valid: KGS/CM or LBS/IN (on domestic shipments, only the later combination is applicable). So, if the WeightUnit is set to KGS, its unit of measurements is set automatically to CM. Otherwise, it is set to IN (LBS/IN).

HTTP Config Settings

AcceptEncoding:   Used to tell the server which types of content encodings the client supports.

When AllowHTTPCompression is True, the class adds an Accept-Encoding header to the request being sent to the server. By default, this header's value is "gzip, deflate". This configuration setting allows you to change the value of the Accept-Encoding header. Note: The class only supports gzip and deflate decompression algorithms.

AllowHTTPCompression:   This property enables HTTP compression for receiving data.

This configuration setting enables HTTP compression for receiving data. When set to True (default), the class will accept compressed data. It then will uncompress the data it has received. The class will handle data compressed by both gzip and deflate compression algorithms.

When True, the class adds an Accept-Encoding header to the outgoing request. The value for this header can be controlled by the AcceptEncoding configuration setting. The default value for this header is "gzip, deflate".

The default value is True.

AllowHTTPFallback:   Whether HTTP/2 connections are permitted to fallback to HTTP/1.1.

This configuration setting controls whether HTTP/2 connections are permitted to fall back to HTTP/1.1 when the server does not support HTTP/2. This setting is applicable only when http_version is set to "2.0".

If set to True (default), the class will automatically use HTTP/1.1 if the server does not support HTTP/2. If set to False, the class fails with an error if the server does not support HTTP/2.

The default value is True.

Append:   Whether to append data to LocalFile.

This configuration setting determines whether data will be appended when writing to local_file. When set to True, downloaded data will be appended to local_file. This may be used in conjunction with range to resume a failed download. This is applicable only when local_file is set. The default value is False.

Authorization:   The Authorization string to be sent to the server.

If the Authorization property contains a nonempty string, an Authorization HTTP request header is added to the request. This header conveys Authorization information to the server.

This property is provided so that the HTTP class can be extended with other security schemes in addition to the authorization schemes already implemented by the class.

The auth_scheme property defines the authentication scheme used. In the case of HTTP Basic Authentication (default), every time user and password are set, they are Base64 encoded, and the result is put in the authorization property in the form "Basic [encoded-user-password]".

BytesTransferred:   Contains the number of bytes transferred in the response data.

This configuration setting returns the raw number of bytes from the HTTP response data, before the component processes the data, whether it is chunked or compressed. This returns the same value as the on_transfer event, by BytesTransferred.

ChunkSize:   Specifies the chunk size in bytes when using chunked encoding.

This is applicable only when UseChunkedEncoding is True. This setting specifies the chunk size in bytes to be used when posting data. The default value is 16384.

CompressHTTPRequest:   Set to true to compress the body of a PUT or POST request.

If set to True, the body of a PUT or POST request will be compressed into gzip format before sending the request. The "Content-Encoding" header is also added to the outgoing request.

The default value is False.

EncodeURL:   If set to True the URL will be encoded by the class.

If set to True, the URL passed to the class will be URL encoded. The default value is False.

FollowRedirects:   Determines what happens when the server issues a redirect.

This option determines what happens when the server issues a redirect. Normally, the class returns an error if the server responds with an "Object Moved" message. If this property is set to 1 (always), the new url for the object is retrieved automatically every time.

If this property is set to 2 (Same Scheme), the new url is retrieved automatically only if the URL Scheme is the same; otherwise, the class fails with an error.

Note: Following the HTTP specification, unless this option is set to 1 (Always), automatic redirects will be performed only for GET or HEAD requests. Other methods potentially could change the conditions of the initial request and create security vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, if either the new URL server or port are different from the existing one, user and password are also reset to empty, unless this property is set to 1 (Always), in which case the same credentials are used to connect to the new server.

A on_redirect event is fired for every URL the product is redirected to. In the case of automatic redirections, the on_redirect event is a good place to set properties related to the new connection (e.g., new authentication parameters).

The default value is 0 (Never). In this case, redirects are never followed, and the class fails with an error instead.

Following are the valid options:

  • 0 - Never
  • 1 - Always
  • 2 - Same Scheme

GetOn302Redirect:   If set to True the class will perform a GET on the new location.

The default value is False. If set to True, the class will perform a GET on the new location. Otherwise, it will use the same HTTP method again.

HTTP2HeadersWithoutIndexing:   HTTP2 headers that should not update the dynamic header table with incremental indexing.

HTTP/2 servers maintain a dynamic table of headers and values seen over the course of a connection. Typically, these headers are inserted into the table through incremental indexing (also known as HPACK, defined in RFC 7541). To tell the component not to use incremental indexing for certain headers, and thus not update the dynamic table, set this configuration option to a comma-delimited list of the header names.

HTTPVersion:   The version of HTTP used by the class.

This property specifies the HTTP version used by the class. Possible values are as follows:

  • "1.0"
  • "1.1" (default)
  • "2.0"
  • "3.0"

When using HTTP/2 ("2.0"), additional restrictions apply. Please see the following notes for details.

HTTP/2 Notes

When using HTTP/2, a secure Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL) connection is required. Attempting to use a plaintext URL with HTTP/2 will result in an error.

If the server does not support HTTP/2, the class will automatically use HTTP/1.1 instead. This is done to provide compatibility without the need for any additional settings. To see which version was used, check NegotiatedHTTPVersion after calling a method. The AllowHTTPFallback setting controls whether this behavior is allowed (default) or disallowed.

HTTP/3 Notes

HTTP/3 is supported only in .NET and Java.

When using HTTP/3, a secure (TLS/SSL) connection is required. Attempting to use a plaintext URL with HTTP/3 will result in an error.

IfModifiedSince:   A date determining the maximum age of the desired document.

If this setting contains a nonempty string, an If-Modified-Since HTTP header is added to the request. The value of this header is used to make the HTTP request conditional: if the requested documented has not been modified since the time specified in the field, a copy of the document will not be returned from the server; instead, a 304 (not modified) response will be returned by the server and the component throws an exception

The format of the date value for IfModifiedSince is detailed in the HTTP specs. For example: Sat, 29 Oct 2017 19:43:31 GMT.

KeepAlive:   Determines whether the HTTP connection is closed after completion of the request.

If True, the component will not send the Connection: Close header. The absence of the Connection header indicates to the server that HTTP persistent connections should be used if supported. Note: Not all servers support persistent connections. If False, the connection will be closed immediately after the server response is received.

The default value for KeepAlive is False.

KerberosSPN:   The Service Principal Name for the Kerberos Domain Controller.

If the Service Principal Name on the Kerberos Domain Controller is not the same as the URL that you are authenticating to, the Service Principal Name should be set here.

LogLevel:   The level of detail that is logged.

This configuration setting controls the level of detail that is logged through the on_log event. Possible values are as follows:

0 (None) No events are logged.
1 (Info - default) Informational events are logged.
2 (Verbose) Detailed data are logged.
3 (Debug) Debug data are logged.

The value 1 (Info) logs basic information, including the URL, HTTP version, and status details.

The value 2 (Verbose) logs additional information about the request and response.

The value 3 (Debug) logs the headers and body for both the request and response, as well as additional debug information (if any).

MaxRedirectAttempts:   Limits the number of redirects that are followed in a request.

When follow_redirects is set to any value other than frNever, the class will follow redirects until this maximum number of redirect attempts are made. The default value is 20.

NegotiatedHTTPVersion:   The negotiated HTTP version.

This configuration setting may be queried after the request is complete to indicate the HTTP version used. When http_version is set to "2.0" (if the server does not support "2.0"), then the class will fall back to using "1.1" automatically. This setting will indicate which version was used.

OtherHeaders:   Other headers as determined by the user (optional).

This configuration setting can be set to a string of headers to be appended to the HTTP request headers.

The headers must follow the format "header: value" as described in the HTTP specifications. Header lines should be separated by CRLF ("\r\n") .

Use this configuration setting with caution. If this configuration setting contains invalid headers, HTTP requests may fail.

This configuration setting is useful for extending the functionality of the class beyond what is provided.

ProxyAuthorization:   The authorization string to be sent to the proxy server.

This is similar to the Authorization configuration setting, but is used for proxy authorization. If this configuration setting contains a nonempty string, a Proxy-Authorization HTTP request header is added to the request. This header conveys proxy Authorization information to the server. If proxy_user and proxy_password are specified, this value is calculated using the algorithm specified by proxy_auth_scheme.

ProxyAuthScheme:   The authorization scheme to be used for the proxy.

This configuration setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Proxy properties.

ProxyPassword:   A password if authentication is to be used for the proxy.

This configuration setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Proxy properties.

ProxyPort:   Port for the proxy server (default 80).

This configuration setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Proxy properties.

ProxyServer:   Name or IP address of a proxy server (optional).

This configuration setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Proxy properties.

ProxyUser:   A user name if authentication is to be used for the proxy.

This configuration setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Proxy properties.

SentHeaders:   The full set of headers as sent by the client.

This configuration setting returns the complete set of raw headers as sent by the client.

StatusCode:   The status code of the last response from the server.

This configuration setting contains the result code of the last response from the server.

StatusLine:   The first line of the last response from the server.

This setting contains the first line of the last response from the server. The format of the line will be [HTTP version] [Result Code] [Description].

TransferredData:   The contents of the last response from the server.

This configuration setting contains the contents of the last response from the server.

TransferredDataLimit:   The maximum number of incoming bytes to be stored by the class.

If TransferredDataLimit is set to 0 (default), no limits are imposed. Otherwise, this reflects the maximum number of incoming bytes that can be stored by the class.

TransferredHeaders:   The full set of headers as received from the server.

This configuration setting returns the complete set of raw headers as received from the server.

TransferredRequest:   The full request as sent by the client.

This configuration setting returns the full request as sent by the client. For performance reasons, the request is not normally saved. Set this configuration setting to ON before making a request to enable it. Following are examples of this request:

.NET Http http = new Http(); http.Config("TransferredRequest=on"); http.PostData = "body"; http.Post(""); Console.WriteLine(http.Config("TransferredRequest")); C++ HTTP http; http.Config("TransferredRequest=on"); http.SetPostData("body", 5); http.Post(""); printf("%s\r\n", http.Config("TransferredRequest"));

UseChunkedEncoding:   Enables or Disables HTTP chunked encoding for transfers.

If UseChunkedEncoding is set to True, the class will use HTTP-chunked encoding when posting, if possible. HTTP-chunked encoding allows large files to be sent in chunks instead of all at once. If set to False, the class will not use HTTP-chunked encoding. The default value is False.

Note: Some servers (such as the ASP.NET Development Server) may not support chunked encoding.

UseIDNs:   Whether to encode hostnames to internationalized domain names.

This configuration setting specifies whether hostnames containing non-ASCII characters are encoded to internationalized domain names. When set to True, if a hostname contains non-ASCII characters, it is encoded using Punycode to an IDN (internationalized domain name).

The default value is False and the hostname will always be used exactly as specified. Note: The CodePage setting must be set to a value capable of interpreting the specified host name. For instance, to specify UTF-8, set CodePage to 65001. In the C++ Edition for Windows, the *W version of the class must be used. For instance, DNSW or HTTPW.

UsePlatformHTTPClient:   Whether or not to use the platform HTTP client.

When using this configuration setting, if True, the component will use the default HTTP client for the platform (URLConnection in Java, WebRequest in .NET, or CFHTTPMessage in Mac/iOS) instead of the internal HTTP implementation. This is important for environments in which direct access to sockets is limited or not allowed (e.g., in the Google AppEngine).

Note: This setting is applicable only to Mac/iOS editions.

UseProxyAutoConfigURL:   Whether to use a Proxy auto-config file when attempting a connection.

This configuration specifies whether the class will attempt to use the Proxy auto-config URL when establishing a connection and proxy_auto_detect is set to True.

When True (default), the class will check for the existence of a Proxy auto-config URL, and if found, will determine the appropriate proxy to use.

UserAgent:   Information about the user agent (browser).

This is the value supplied in the HTTP User-Agent header. The default setting is "IPWorks HTTP Component -".

Override the default with the name and version of your software.

TCPClient Config Settings

ConnectionTimeout:   Sets a separate timeout value for establishing a connection.

When set, this configuration setting allows you to specify a different timeout value for establishing a connection. Otherwise, the class will use timeout for establishing a connection and transmitting/receiving data.

FirewallAutoDetect:   Tells the class whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available.

This configuration setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Firewall properties.

FirewallHost:   Name or IP address of firewall (optional).

If a FirewallHost is given, requested connections will be authenticated through the specified firewall when connecting.

If the FirewallHost setting is set to a Domain Name, a DNS request is initiated. Upon successful termination of the request, the FirewallHost setting is set to the corresponding address. If the search is not successful, an error is returned.

Note: This setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Firewall properties.

FirewallPassword:   Password to be used if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall.

If FirewallHost is specified, the FirewallUser and FirewallPassword settings are used to connect and authenticate to the given firewall. If the authentication fails, the class fails with an error.

Note: This setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Firewall properties.

FirewallPort:   The TCP port for the FirewallHost;.

The FirewallPort is set automatically when FirewallType is set to a valid value.

Note: This configuration setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Firewall properties.

FirewallType:   Determines the type of firewall to connect through.

The appropriate values are as follows:

0No firewall (default setting).
1Connect through a tunneling proxy. FirewallPort is set to 80.
2Connect through a SOCKS4 Proxy. FirewallPort is set to 1080.
3Connect through a SOCKS5 Proxy. FirewallPort is set to 1080.
10Connect through a SOCKS4A Proxy. FirewallPort is set to 1080.

Note: This setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Firewall properties.

FirewallUser:   A user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall.

If the FirewallHost is specified, the FirewallUser and FirewallPassword settings are used to connect and authenticate to the Firewall. If the authentication fails, the class fails with an error.

Note: This setting is provided for use by classs that do not directly expose Firewall properties.

KeepAliveInterval:   The retry interval, in milliseconds, to be used when a TCP keep-alive packet is sent and no response is received.

When set, TCPKeepAlive will automatically be set to True. A TCP keep-alive packet will be sent after a period of inactivity as defined by KeepAliveTime. If no acknowledgment is received from the remote host, the keep-alive packet will be sent again. This configuration setting specifies the interval at which the successive keep-alive packets are sent in milliseconds. This system default if this value is not specified here is 1 second.

Note: This value is not applicable in macOS.

KeepAliveTime:   The inactivity time in milliseconds before a TCP keep-alive packet is sent.

When set, TCPKeepAlive will automatically be set to True. By default, the operating system will determine the time a connection is idle before a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) keep-alive packet is sent. This system default if this value is not specified here is 2 hours. In many cases, a shorter interval is more useful. Set this value to the desired interval in milliseconds.

Linger:   When set to True, connections are terminated gracefully.

This property controls how a connection is closed. The default is True.

In the case that Linger is True (default), two scenarios determine how long the connection will linger. In the first, if LingerTime is 0 (default), the system will attempt to send pending data for a connection until the default IP timeout expires.

In the second scenario, if LingerTime is a positive value, the system will attempt to send pending data until the specified LingerTime is reached. If this attempt fails, then the system will reset the connection.

The default behavior (which is also the default mode for stream sockets) might result in a long delay in closing the connection. Although the class returns control immediately, the system could hold system resources until all pending data are sent (even after your application closes).

Setting this property to False forces an immediate disconnection. If you know that the other side has received all the data you sent (e.g., by a client acknowledgment), setting this property to False might be the appropriate course of action.

LingerTime:   Time in seconds to have the connection linger.

LingerTime is the time, in seconds, the socket connection will linger. This value is 0 by default, which means it will use the default IP timeout.

LocalHost:   The name of the local host through which connections are initiated or accepted.

The local_host setting contains the name of the local host as obtained by the gethostname() system call, or if the user has assigned an IP address, the value of that address.

In multi-homed hosts (machines with more than one IP interface) setting LocalHost to the value of an interface will make the class initiate connections (or accept in the case of server classs) only through that interface.

If the class is connected, the local_host setting shows the IP address of the interface through which the connection is made in internet dotted format (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd). In most cases, this is the address of the local host, except for multi-homed hosts (machines with more than one IP interface).

LocalPort:   The port in the local host where the class binds.

This must be set before a connection is attempted. It instructs the class to bind to a specific port (or communication endpoint) in the local machine.

Setting this to 0 (default) enables the system to choose a port at random. The chosen port will be shown by local_port after the connection is established.

local_port cannot be changed once a connection is made. Any attempt to set this when a connection is active will generate an error.

This; setting is useful when trying to connect to services that require a trusted port in the client side. An example is the remote shell (rsh) service in UNIX systems.

MaxLineLength:   The maximum amount of data to accumulate when no EOL is found.

MaxLineLength is the size of an internal buffer, which holds received data while waiting for an eol string.

If an eol string is found in the input stream before MaxLineLength bytes are received, the on_data_in event is fired with the EOL parameter set to True, and the buffer is reset.

If no eol is found, and MaxLineLength bytes are accumulated in the buffer, the on_data_in event is fired with the EOL parameter set to False, and the buffer is reset.

The minimum value for MaxLineLength is 256 bytes. The default value is 2048 bytes.

MaxTransferRate:   The transfer rate limit in bytes per second.

This configuration setting can be used to throttle outbound TCP traffic. Set this to the number of bytes to be sent per second. By default, this is not set and there is no limit.

ProxyExceptionsList:   A semicolon separated list of hosts and IPs to bypass when using a proxy.

This configuration setting optionally specifies a semicolon-separated list of hostnames or IP addresses to bypass when a proxy is in use. When requests are made to hosts specified in this property, the proxy will not be used. For instance:;

TCPKeepAlive:   Determines whether or not the keep alive socket option is enabled.

If set to True, the socket's keep-alive option is enabled and keep-alive packets will be sent periodically to maintain the connection. Set KeepAliveTime and KeepAliveInterval to configure the timing of the keep-alive packets.

Note: This value is not applicable in Java.

TcpNoDelay:   Whether or not to delay when sending packets.

When true, the socket will send all data that is ready to send at once. When false, the socket will send smaller buffered packets of data at small intervals. This is known as the Nagle algorithm.

By default, this config is set to false.

UseIPv6:   Whether to use IPv6.

When set to 0 (default), the class will use IPv4 exclusively. When set to 1, the class will use IPv6 exclusively. To instruct the class to prefer IPv6 addresses, but use IPv4 if IPv6 is not supported on the system, this setting should be set to 2. The default value is 0. Possible values are:

0 IPv4 Only
1 IPv6 Only
2 IPv6 with IPv4 fallback

SSL Config Settings

LogSSLPackets:   Controls whether SSL packets are logged when using the internal security API.

When ssl_provider is set to Internal, this setting controls whether SSL packets should be logged. By default, this setting is False, as it is only useful for debugging purposes.

When enabled, SSL packet logs are output using the on_ssl_status event, which will fire each time an SSL packet is sent or received.

Enabling this setting has no effect if ssl_provider is set to Platform.

OpenSSLCADir:   The path to a directory containing CA certificates.

This functionality is available only when the provider is OpenSSL.

The path set by this property should point to a directory containing CA certificates in PEM format. The files each contain one CA certificate. The files are looked up by the CA subject name hash value, which must hence be available. If more than one CA certificate with the same name hash value exist, the extension must be different (e.g. 9d66eef0.0, 9d66eef0.1 etc). OpenSSL recommends to use the c_rehash utility to create the necessary links. Please refer to the OpenSSL man page SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(3) for details.

OpenSSLCAFile:   Name of the file containing the list of CA's trusted by your application.

This functionality is available only when the provider is OpenSSL.

The file set by this property should contain a list of CA certificates in PEM format. The file can contain several CA certificates identified by


... (CA certificate in base64 encoding) ...


sequences. Before, between, and after the certificates text is allowed which can be used e.g. for descriptions of the certificates. Please refer to the OpenSSL man page SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(3) for details.

OpenSSLCipherList:   A string that controls the ciphers to be used by SSL.

This functionality is available only when the provider is OpenSSL.

The format of this string is described in the OpenSSL man page ciphers(1) section "CIPHER LIST FORMAT". Please refer to it for details. The default string "DEFAULT" is determined at compile time and is normally equivalent to "ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+SSLv2:@STRENGTH".

OpenSSLPrngSeedData:   The data to seed the pseudo random number generator (PRNG).

This functionality is available only when the provider is OpenSSL.

By default OpenSSL uses the device file "/dev/urandom" to seed the PRNG and setting OpenSSLPrngSeedData is not required. If set, the string specified is used to seed the PRNG.

ReuseSSLSession:   Determines if the SSL session is reused.

If set to true, the class will reuse the context if and only if the following criteria are met:

  • The target host name is the same.
  • The system cache entry has not expired (default timeout is 10 hours).
  • The application process that calls the function is the same.
  • The logon session is the same.
  • The instance of the class is the same.

SSLCACertFilePaths:   The paths to CA certificate files on Unix/Linux.

This setting specifies the paths on disk to CA certificate files on Unix/Linux.

The value is formatted as a list of paths separated by semicolons. The class will check for the existence of each file in the order specified. When a file is found the CA certificates within the file will be loaded and used to determine the validity of server or client certificates.

The default value is:


SSLCACerts:   A newline separated list of CA certificate to use during SSL client authentication.

This setting specifies one or more CA certificates to be included in the request when performing SSL client authentication. Some servers require the entire chain, including CA certificates, to be presented when performing SSL client authentication. The value of this setting is a newline (CrLf) separated list of certificates. For instance:

\r \n

SSLCheckCRL:   Whether to check the Certificate Revocation List for the server certificate.

This setting specifies whether the class will check the Certificate Revocation List specified by the server certificate. If set to 1 or 2, the class will first obtain the list of CRL URLs from the server certificate's CRL distribution points extension. The class will then make HTTP requests to each CRL endpoint to check the validity of the server's certificate. If the certificate has been revoked or any other issues are found during validation the class fails with an error.

When set to 0 (default) the CRL check will not be performed by the class. When set to 1, it will attempt to perform the CRL check, but will continue without an error if the server's certificate does not support CRL. When set to 2, it will perform the CRL check and will throw an error if CRL is not supported.

This configuration setting is only supported in the Java, C#, and C++ editions. In the C++ edition, it is only supported on Windows operating systems.

SSLCheckOCSP:   Whether to use OCSP to check the status of the server certificate.

This setting specifies whether the class will use OCSP to check the validity of the server certificate. If set to 1 or 2, the class will first obtain the OCSP URL from the server certificate's OCSP extension. The class will then locate the issuing certificate and make an HTTP request to the OCSP endpoint to check the validity of the server's certificate. If the certificate has been revoked or any other issues are found during validation the class fails with an error.

When set to 0 (default) the class will not perform an OCSP check. When set to 1, it will attempt to perform the OCSP check, but will continue without an error if the server's certificate does not support OCSP. When set to 2, it will perform the OCSP check and will throw an error if OCSP is not supported.

This configuration setting is only supported in the Java, C#, and C++ editions. In the C++ edition, it is only supported on Windows operating systems.

SSLCipherStrength:   The minimum cipher strength used for bulk encryption.

This minimum cipher strength largely dependent on the security modules installed on the system. If the cipher strength specified is not supported, an error will be returned when connections are initiated.

Please note that this setting contains the minimum cipher strength requested from the security library. The actual cipher strength used for the connection is shown by the on_ssl_status event.

Use this setting with caution. Requesting a lower cipher strength than necessary could potentially cause serious security vulnerabilities in your application.

When the provider is OpenSSL, SSLCipherStrength is currently not supported. This functionality is instead made available through the OpenSSLCipherList config setting.

SSLEnabledCipherSuites:   The cipher suite to be used in an SSL negotiation.

The enabled cipher suites to be used in SSL negotiation.

By default, the enabled cipher suites will include all available ciphers ("*").

The special value "*" means that the class will pick all of the supported cipher suites. If SSLEnabledCipherSuites is set to any other value, only the specified cipher suites will be considered.

Multiple cipher suites are separated by semicolons.

Example values when ssl_provider is set to Platform: obj.config("SSLEnabledCipherSuites=*"); obj.config("SSLEnabledCipherSuites=CALG_AES_256"); obj.config("SSLEnabledCipherSuites=CALG_AES_256;CALG_3DES"); Possible values when ssl_provider is set to Platform include:

  • CALG_3DES_112
  • CALG_AES_128
  • CALG_AES_192
  • CALG_AES_256
  • CALG_MD2
  • CALG_MD4
  • CALG_MD5
  • CALG_RC2
  • CALG_RC4
  • CALG_RC5
  • CALG_SHA_256
  • CALG_SHA_384
  • CALG_SHA_512
Example values when ssl_provider is set to Internal: obj.config("SSLEnabledCipherSuites=*"); obj.config("SSLEnabledCipherSuites=TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA"); obj.config("SSLEnabledCipherSuites=TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA;TLS_DH_ANON_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA"); Possible values when ssl_provider is set to Internal include:
  • TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (Not Recommended)
  • TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (Not Recommended)
  • TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (Not Recommended)
  • TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (Not Recommended)
  • TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5

When TLS 1.3 is negotiated (see SSLEnabledProtocols) only the following cipher suites are supported:

  • TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
  • TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
  • TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256

SSLEnabledCipherSuites is used together with SSLCipherStrength.

SSLEnabledProtocols:   Used to enable/disable the supported security protocols.

Used to enable/disable the supported security protocols.

Not all supported protocols are enabled by default (the value of this setting is 4032). If you want more granular control over the enabled protocols, you can set this property to the binary 'OR' of one or more of the following values:

TLS1.312288 (Hex 3000)
TLS1.23072 (Hex C00) (Default)
TLS1.1768 (Hex 300) (Default)
TLS1 192 (Hex C0) (Default)
SSL3 48 (Hex 30) [Platform Only]
SSL2 12 (Hex 0C) [Platform Only]

SSLEnabledProtocols - TLS 1.3 Notes

By default when TLS 1.3 is enabled the class will use the internal TLS implementation when the ssl_provider is set to Automatic for all editions.

In editions which are designed to run on Windows ssl_provider can be set to Platform to use the platform implementation instead of the internal implementation. When configured in this manner, please note that the platform provider is only supported on Windows 11 / Windows Server 2022 and up. The default internal provider is available on all platforms and is not restricted to any specific OS version.

If set to 1 (Platform provider) please be aware of the following notes:

  • The platform provider is only available on Windows 11 / Windows Server 2022 and up.
  • SSLEnabledCipherSuites and other similar SSL configuration settings are not supported.
  • If SSLEnabledProtocols includes both TLS 1.3 and TLS 1.2 the above restrictions are still applicable even if TLS 1.2 is negotiated. Enabling TLS 1.3 with the platform provider changes the implementation used for all TLS versions.

SSLEnabledProtocols: SSL2 and SSL3 Notes:

SSL 2.0 and 3.0 are not supported by the class when the ssl_provider is set to internal. To use SSL 2.0 or SSL 3.0, the platform security API must have the protocols enabled and ssl_provider needs to be set to platform.

SSLEnableRenegotiation:   Whether the renegotiation_info SSL extension is supported.

This setting specifies whether the renegotiation_info SSL extension will be used in the request when using the internal security API. This setting is True by default, but can be set to False to disable the extension.

This setting is only applicable when ssl_provider is set to Internal.

SSLIncludeCertChain:   Whether the entire certificate chain is included in the SSLServerAuthentication event.

This setting specifies whether the Encoded parameter of the on_ssl_server_authentication event contains the full certificate chain. By default this value is False and only the leaf certificate will be present in the Encoded parameter of the on_ssl_server_authentication event.

If set to True all certificates returned by the server will be present in the Encoded parameter of the on_ssl_server_authentication event. This includes the leaf certificate, any intermediate certificate, and the root certificate.

SSLKeyLogFile:   The location of a file where per-session secrets are written for debugging purposes.

This setting optionally specifies the full path to a file on disk where per-session secrets are stored for debugging purposes.

When set, the class will save the session secrets in the same format as the SSLKEYLOGFILE environment variable functionality used by most major browsers and tools such as Chrome, Firefox, and cURL. This file can then be used in tools such as Wireshark to decrypt TLS traffice for debugging purposes. When writing to this file the class will only append, it will not overwrite previous values.

Note: This setting is only applicable when ssl_provider is set to Internal.

SSLNegotiatedCipher:   Returns the negotiated cipher suite.

Returns the cipher suite negotiated during the SSL handshake.

Note: For server components (e.g. TCPServer) this is a per-connection setting accessed by passing the ConnectionId. For example: server.Config("SSLNegotiatedCipher[connId]");

SSLNegotiatedCipherStrength:   Returns the negotiated cipher suite strength.

Returns the strength of the cipher suite negotiated during the SSL handshake.

Note: For server components (e.g.TCPServer) this is a per-connection setting accessed by passing the ConnectionId. For example: server.Config("SSLNegotiatedCipherStrength[connId]");

SSLNegotiatedCipherSuite:   Returns the negotiated cipher suite.

Returns the cipher suite negotiated during the SSL handshake represented as a single string.

Note: For server components (e.g. TCPServer) this is a per-connection setting accessed by passing the ConnectionId. For example: server.Config("SSLNegotiatedCipherSuite[connId]");

SSLNegotiatedKeyExchange:   Returns the negotiated key exchange algorithm.

Returns the key exchange algorithm negotiated during the SSL handshake.

Note: For server components (e.g. TCPServer) this is a per-connection setting accessed by passing the ConnectionId. For example: server.Config("SSLNegotiatedKeyExchange[connId]");

SSLNegotiatedKeyExchangeStrength:   Returns the negotiated key exchange algorithm strength.

Returns the strenghth of the key exchange algorithm negotiated during the SSL handshake.

Note: For server components (e.g. TCPServer) this is a per-connection setting accessed by passing the ConnectionId. For example: server.Config("SSLNegotiatedKeyExchangeStrength[connId]");

SSLNegotiatedVersion:   Returns the negotiated protocol version.

Returns the protocol version negotiated during the SSL handshake.

Note: For server components (e.g. TCPServer) this is a per-connection setting accessed by passing the ConnectionId. For example: server.Config("SSLNegotiatedVersion[connId]");

SSLSecurityFlags:   Flags that control certificate verification.

The following flags are defined (specified in hexadecimal notation). They can be or-ed together to exclude multiple conditions:

0x00000001Ignore time validity status of certificate.
0x00000002Ignore time validity status of CTL.
0x00000004Ignore non-nested certificate times.
0x00000010Allow unknown Certificate Authority.
0x00000020Ignore wrong certificate usage.
0x00000100Ignore unknown certificate revocation status.
0x00000200Ignore unknown CTL signer revocation status.
0x00000400Ignore unknown Certificate Authority revocation status.
0x00000800Ignore unknown Root revocation status.
0x00008000Allow test Root certificate.
0x00004000Trust test Root certificate.
0x80000000Ignore non-matching CN (certificate CN not-matching server name).

This functionality is currently not available when the provider is OpenSSL.

SSLServerCACerts:   A newline separated list of CA certificate to use during SSL server certificate validation.

This setting optionally specifies one or more CA certificates to be used when verifying the server certificate. When verifying the server's certificate the certificates trusted by the system will be used as part of the verification process. If the server's CA certificates are not installed to the trusted system store, they may be specified here so they are included when performing the verification process. This setting should only be set if the server's CA certificates are not already trusted on the system and cannot be installed to the trusted system store.

The value of this setting is a newline (CrLf) separated list of certificates. For instance:

\r \n

TLS12SignatureAlgorithms:   Defines the allowed TLS 1.2 signature algorithms when SSLProvider is set to Internal.

This setting specifies the allowed server certificate signature algorithms when ssl_provider is set to Internal and SSLEnabledProtocols is set to allow TLS 1.2.

When specified the class will verify that the server certificate signature algorithm is among the values specified in this setting. If the server certificate signature algorithm is unsupported the class fails with an error.

The format of this value is a comma separated list of hash-signature combinations. For instance: component.SSLProvider = TCPClientSSLProviders.sslpInternal; component.Config("SSLEnabledProtocols=3072"); //TLS 1.2 component.Config("TLS12SignatureAlgorithms=sha256-rsa,sha256-dsa,sha1-rsa,sha1-dsa"); The default value for this setting is sha512-ecdsa,sha512-rsa,sha512-dsa,sha384-ecdsa,sha384-rsa,sha384-dsa,sha256-ecdsa,sha256-rsa,sha256-dsa,sha224-ecdsa,sha224-rsa,sha224-dsa,sha1-ecdsa,sha1-rsa,sha1-dsa.

In order to not restrict the server's certificate signature algorithm, specify an empty string as the value for this setting, which will cause the signature_algorithms TLS 1.2 extension to not be sent.

TLS12SupportedGroups:   The supported groups for ECC.

This setting specifies a comma separated list of named groups used in TLS 1.2 for ECC.

The default value is ecdhe_secp256r1,ecdhe_secp384r1,ecdhe_secp521r1.

When using TLS 1.2 and ssl_provider is set to Internal, the values refer to the supported groups for ECC. The following values are supported:

  • "ecdhe_secp256r1" (default)
  • "ecdhe_secp384r1" (default)
  • "ecdhe_secp521r1" (default)

TLS13KeyShareGroups:   The groups for which to pregenerate key shares.

This setting specifies a comma separated list of named groups used in TLS 1.3 for key exchange. The groups specified here will have key share data pregenerated locally before establishing a connection. This can prevent an additional round trip during the handshake if the group is supported by the server.

The default value is set to balance common supported groups and the computational resources required to generate key shares. As a result only some groups are included by default in this setting.

Note: All supported groups can always be used during the handshake even if not listed here, but if a group is used which is not present in this list it will incur an additional round trip and time to generate the key share for that group.

In most cases this setting does not need to be modified. This should only be modified if there is a specific reason to do so.

The default value is ecdhe_x25519,ecdhe_secp256r1,ecdhe_secp384r1,ffdhe_2048,ffdhe_3072

The values are ordered from most preferred to least preferred. The following values are supported:

  • "ecdhe_x25519" (default)
  • "ecdhe_x448"
  • "ecdhe_secp256r1" (default)
  • "ecdhe_secp384r1" (default)
  • "ecdhe_secp521r1"
  • "ffdhe_2048" (default)
  • "ffdhe_3072" (default)
  • "ffdhe_4096"
  • "ffdhe_6144"
  • "ffdhe_8192"

TLS13SignatureAlgorithms:   The allowed certificate signature algorithms.

This setting holds a comma separated list of allowed signature algorithms. Possible values are:

  • "ed25519" (default)
  • "ed448" (default)
  • "ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256" (default)
  • "ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384" (default)
  • "ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512" (default)
  • "rsa_pkcs1_sha256" (default)
  • "rsa_pkcs1_sha384" (default)
  • "rsa_pkcs1_sha512" (default)
  • "rsa_pss_sha256" (default)
  • "rsa_pss_sha384" (default)
  • "rsa_pss_sha512" (default)
The default value is rsa_pss_sha256,rsa_pss_sha384,rsa_pss_sha512,rsa_pkcs1_sha256,rsa_pkcs1_sha384,rsa_pkcs1_sha512,ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256,ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384,ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512,ed25519,ed448. This setting is only applicable when SSLEnabledProtocols includes TLS 1.3.
TLS13SupportedGroups:   The supported groups for (EC)DHE key exchange.

This setting specifies a comma separated list of named groups used in TLS 1.3 for key exchange. This setting should only be modified if there is a specific reason to do so.

The default value is ecdhe_x25519,ecdhe_x448,ecdhe_secp256r1,ecdhe_secp384r1,ecdhe_secp521r1,ffdhe_2048,ffdhe_3072,ffdhe_4096,ffdhe_6144,ffdhe_8192

The values are ordered from most preferred to least preferred. The following values are supported:

  • "ecdhe_x25519" (default)
  • "ecdhe_x448" (default)
  • "ecdhe_secp256r1" (default)
  • "ecdhe_secp384r1" (default)
  • "ecdhe_secp521r1" (default)
  • "ffdhe_2048" (default)
  • "ffdhe_3072" (default)
  • "ffdhe_4096" (default)
  • "ffdhe_6144" (default)
  • "ffdhe_8192" (default)

Socket Config Settings

AbsoluteTimeout:   Determines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts.

If AbsoluteTimeout is set to True, any method which does not complete within Timeout seconds will be aborted. By default, AbsoluteTimeout is False, and the timeout is an inactivity timeout.

Note: This option is not valid for UDP ports.

FirewallData:   Used to send extra data to the firewall.

When the firewall is a tunneling proxy, use this property to send custom (additional) headers to the firewall (e.g. headers for custom authentication schemes).

InBufferSize:   The size in bytes of the incoming queue of the socket.

This is the size of an internal queue in the TCP/IP stack. You can increase or decrease its size depending on the amount of data that you will be receiving. Increasing the value of the InBufferSize setting can provide significant improvements in performance in some cases.

Some TCP/IP implementations do not support variable buffer sizes. If that is the case, when the class is activated the InBufferSize reverts to its defined size. The same happens if you attempt to make it too large or too small.

OutBufferSize:   The size in bytes of the outgoing queue of the socket.

This is the size of an internal queue in the TCP/IP stack. You can increase or decrease its size depending on the amount of data that you will be sending. Increasing the value of the OutBufferSize setting can provide significant improvements in performance in some cases.

Some TCP/IP implementations do not support variable buffer sizes. If that is the case, when the class is activated the OutBufferSize reverts to its defined size. The same happens if you attempt to make it too large or too small.

Base Config Settings

BuildInfo:   Information about the product's build.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the product's build.

CodePage:   The system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations.

The default code page is Unicode UTF-8 (65001).

The following is a list of valid code page identifiers:

037IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada
437OEM - United States
500IBM EBCDIC - International
708Arabic - ASMO 708
709Arabic - ASMO 449+, BCON V4
710Arabic - Transparent Arabic
720Arabic - Transparent ASMO
737OEM - Greek (formerly 437G)
775OEM - Baltic
850OEM - Multilingual Latin I
852OEM - Latin II
855OEM - Cyrillic (primarily Russian)
857OEM - Turkish
858OEM - Multilingual Latin I + Euro symbol
860OEM - Portuguese
861OEM - Icelandic
862OEM - Hebrew
863OEM - Canadian-French
864OEM - Arabic
865OEM - Nordic
866OEM - Russian
869OEM - Modern Greek
870IBM EBCDIC - Multilingual/ROECE (Latin-2)
874ANSI/OEM - Thai (same as 28605, ISO 8859-15)
875IBM EBCDIC - Modern Greek
932ANSI/OEM - Japanese, Shift-JIS
936ANSI/OEM - Simplified Chinese (PRC, Singapore)
949ANSI/OEM - Korean (Unified Hangul Code)
950ANSI/OEM - Traditional Chinese (Taiwan; Hong Kong SAR, PRC)
1026IBM EBCDIC - Turkish (Latin-5)
1047IBM EBCDIC - Latin 1/Open System
1140IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada (037 + Euro symbol)
1141IBM EBCDIC - Germany (20273 + Euro symbol)
1142IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway (20277 + Euro symbol)
1143IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden (20278 + Euro symbol)
1144IBM EBCDIC - Italy (20280 + Euro symbol)
1145IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain (20284 + Euro symbol)
1146IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom (20285 + Euro symbol)
1147IBM EBCDIC - France (20297 + Euro symbol)
1148IBM EBCDIC - International (500 + Euro symbol)
1149IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic (20871 + Euro symbol)
1200Unicode UCS-2 Little-Endian (BMP of ISO 10646)
1201Unicode UCS-2 Big-Endian
1250ANSI - Central European
1251ANSI - Cyrillic
1252ANSI - Latin I
1253ANSI - Greek
1254ANSI - Turkish
1255ANSI - Hebrew
1256ANSI - Arabic
1257ANSI - Baltic
1258ANSI/OEM - Vietnamese
1361Korean (Johab)
10000MAC - Roman
10001MAC - Japanese
10002MAC - Traditional Chinese (Big5)
10003MAC - Korean
10004MAC - Arabic
10005MAC - Hebrew
10006MAC - Greek I
10007MAC - Cyrillic
10008MAC - Simplified Chinese (GB 2312)
10010MAC - Romania
10017MAC - Ukraine
10021MAC - Thai
10029MAC - Latin II
10079MAC - Icelandic
10081MAC - Turkish
10082MAC - Croatia
12000Unicode UCS-4 Little-Endian
12001Unicode UCS-4 Big-Endian
20000CNS - Taiwan
20001TCA - Taiwan
20002Eten - Taiwan
20003IBM5550 - Taiwan
20004TeleText - Taiwan
20005Wang - Taiwan
20105IA5 IRV International Alphabet No. 5 (7-bit)
20106IA5 German (7-bit)
20107IA5 Swedish (7-bit)
20108IA5 Norwegian (7-bit)
20127US-ASCII (7-bit)
20269ISO 6937 Non-Spacing Accent
20273IBM EBCDIC - Germany
20277IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway
20278IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden
20280IBM EBCDIC - Italy
20284IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain
20285IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom
20290IBM EBCDIC - Japanese Katakana Extended
20297IBM EBCDIC - France
20420IBM EBCDIC - Arabic
20423IBM EBCDIC - Greek
20424IBM EBCDIC - Hebrew
20833IBM EBCDIC - Korean Extended
20838IBM EBCDIC - Thai
20866Russian - KOI8-R
20871IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic
20880IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Russian)
20905IBM EBCDIC - Turkish
20924IBM EBCDIC - Latin-1/Open System (1047 + Euro symbol)
20932JIS X 0208-1990 & 0121-1990
20936Simplified Chinese (GB2312)
21025IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Serbian, Bulgarian)
21027Extended Alpha Lowercase
21866Ukrainian (KOI8-U)
28591ISO 8859-1 Latin I
28592ISO 8859-2 Central Europe
28593ISO 8859-3 Latin 3
28594ISO 8859-4 Baltic
28595ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic
28596ISO 8859-6 Arabic
28597ISO 8859-7 Greek
28598ISO 8859-8 Hebrew
28599ISO 8859-9 Latin 5
28605ISO 8859-15 Latin 9
29001Europa 3
38598ISO 8859-8 Hebrew
50220ISO 2022 Japanese with no halfwidth Katakana
50221ISO 2022 Japanese with halfwidth Katakana
50222ISO 2022 Japanese JIS X 0201-1989
50225ISO 2022 Korean
50227ISO 2022 Simplified Chinese
50229ISO 2022 Traditional Chinese
50930Japanese (Katakana) Extended
50931US/Canada and Japanese
50933Korean Extended and Korean
50935Simplified Chinese Extended and Simplified Chinese
50936Simplified Chinese
50937US/Canada and Traditional Chinese
50939Japanese (Latin) Extended and Japanese
51932EUC - Japanese
51936EUC - Simplified Chinese
51949EUC - Korean
51950EUC - Traditional Chinese
52936HZ-GB2312 Simplified Chinese
54936Windows XP: GB18030 Simplified Chinese (4 Byte)
57002ISCII Devanagari
57003ISCII Bengali
57004ISCII Tamil
57005ISCII Telugu
57006ISCII Assamese
57007ISCII Oriya
57008ISCII Kannada
57009ISCII Malayalam
57010ISCII Gujarati
57011ISCII Punjabi
65000Unicode UTF-7
65001Unicode UTF-8
The following is a list of valid code page identifiers for Mac OS only:

LicenseInfo:   Information about the current license.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the license this instance of a class is using. It will return the following information:

  • Product: The product the license is for.
  • Product Key: The key the license was generated from.
  • License Source: Where the license was found (e.g., RuntimeLicense, License File).
  • License Type: The type of license installed (e.g., Royalty Free, Single Server).
  • Last Valid Build: The last valid build number for which the license will work.
MaskSensitive:   Whether sensitive data is masked in log messages.

In certain circumstances it may be beneficial to mask sensitive data, like passwords, in log messages. Set this to True to mask sensitive data. The default is True.

This setting only works on these classes: AS3Receiver, AS3Sender, Atom, Client(3DS), FTP, FTPServer, IMAP, OFTPClient, SSHClient, SCP, Server(3DS), Sexec, SFTP, SFTPServer, SSHServer, TCPClient, TCPServer.

ProcessIdleEvents:   Whether the class uses its internal event loop to process events when the main thread is idle.

If set to False, the class will not fire internal idle events. Set this to False to use the class in a background thread on Mac OS. By default, this setting is True.

SelectWaitMillis:   The length of time in milliseconds the class will wait when DoEvents is called if there are no events to process.

If there are no events to process when do_events is called, the class will wait for the amount of time specified here before returning. The default value is 20.

UseInternalSecurityAPI:   Whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

When set to False, the class will use the system security libraries by default to perform cryptographic functions where applicable.

Setting this configuration setting to True tells the class to use the internal implementation instead of using the system security libraries.

On Windows, this setting is set to False by default. On Linux/macOS, this setting is set to True by default.

To use the system security libraries for Linux, OpenSSL support must be enabled. For more information on how to enable OpenSSL, please refer to the OpenSSL Notes section.

UPSShipIntl Errors

UPSShipIntl Errors

301   Operation interrupted (or timeout).
432   Invalid index.
527   Server Error Response.
528   Property set with invalid data.
560   Missing data.

The class may also return one of the following error codes, which are inherited from other classes.