ObjSearch Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Config Settings   Errors  

ObjSearch is used to search the QuickBooks database.


class inqb.ObjSearch


ObjSearch is used to search the QuickBooks database. When ObjSearch is called a QuickBooks search is initiated using the specified search filters.

Example (Querying for Invoices) ObjSearch1.QueryType = qtInvoiceSearch ObjSearch1.TransactionDateStart = "10/01/2002" ObjSearch1.EntityName = "Joe Reckless" ObjSearch1.PaidStatus = psUnpaid ObjSearch1.Search() Invoice1.QBResponseAggregate = ObjSearch1.ResultAggregate(0) Invoice2.QBResponseAggregate = ObjSearch1.ResultAggregate(1) ' etc. ObjSearch may only be used to search for one type of object at a time. The type of search should be specified in query_type before beginning the search. The maximum number of returned objects may also be specified in max_results.

The search may be executed by calling the search method. After search is called ResultCount will hold the number of results, result_id will hold the Ids returned and result_aggregate will hold information for the objects returned. To instantiate an object, set its QBResponseAggregate property to the appropriate result_aggregate.

One or more search filters may be specified. These filters limit the search to records meeting specified criteria. If no filters are specified, ObjSearch will return all objects in the database, up to the limit specified by max_results.

The following filter may be specified in all searches:

ModifiedDate FilterLimits the search to records last modified before/after specified dates. One or both of modified_date_start and modified_date_end may be specified.
The following filters may be specified when searching for entities (a Customer, Vendor, or Employee). The Name filter may also be specified for Item searches.
Name FilterLimits the search based on the name of the entity. One or both of name_range_start or name_range_end may be specified to limit the search to a range of names. Alternatively, one of name_starts_with, name_ends_with, or name_contains may be specified.
TotalBalance FilterLimits the search to entities with balances at least total_balance_minimum or at most total_balance_maximum (not defined for Employee).
The following filters may be specified when searching for transactions:
RefNumber FilterLimits the search based on the RefNumber (i.e., check number, invoice number, etc.) of the transaction. One or both of ref_number_range_start or ref_number_range_end may be specified to limit the search to a range of RefNumbers. Alternatively, one of ref_number_starts_with, ref_number_ends_with, or ref_number_contains may be specified.
TransactionDate FilterLimits the search to transactions with a date before or after specified dates. One or both of transaction_date_start and transaction_date_end may be specified.
Entity FilterLimits the search to transactions associated with the entity specified by entity_name.
Account FilterLimits the search to transactions associated with the account specified by account_name.
Note that for TimeTracking searches the Account and RefNumber filters are not used.

The following additional filter may be specified for Bill and Invoice objects.

PaidStatus FilterLimits the search either to paid or unpaid bills or invoices only, as specified in paid_status.
The additional filters may be specified for Item objects.
Name FilterLimits the search based on the name of the item (see above).
ItemType FilterLimits the search to the type of item specified by item_type.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

include_line_itemsIndicates whether to include line items in the response.
include_linked_txnsIndicates whether to include linked transactions in the response.
iterate_resultsIndicates whether to perform iterative searches when QBXMLVersion = 5.0 or greater.
max_resultsThe maximum number of results to be returned from a search.
qb_connection_stringAn aggregate consisting of various QuickBooks connection properties.
qb_request_aggregateThe request aggregate.
qb_request_modeDefines whether the request is made online or stored offline.
qb_response_aggregateThe last QBXML response aggregate received from QuickBooks.
qbxml_versionThe version of QBXML used in the outgoing message.
query_typeThe type of search to perform.
remaining_resultsIndicates the number of results left in an iterative search.
result_countThe number of records in the Result arrays.
result_aggregateXML response aggregate returned from QuickBooks.
result_idId of the result aggregate stored in Aggregate .
result_nameName of the result aggregate stored in Aggregate .
retrieve_names_onlyReturn only the names and Ids in the results.
account_idAn account name to search for in a transaction.
account_nameAn account name to search for in a transaction.
account_typeSearch by the type of QuickBooks account.
active_statusLimits the search to active or inactive records only.
entity_idLimits the search to transactions associated with the entity specified by EntityId .
entity_nameAn entity name to search for in a transaction.
item_typeThe type of item to search for.
modified_date_endLatest modified date to search for.
modified_date_startEarliest modified date to search for.
name_containsString which names are to contain.
name_ends_withString which names are to end with.
name_range_endEnding point of a name range.
name_range_startStarting point of a name range.
name_starts_withString which names are to start with.
paid_statusLimits the search to paid or unpaid transactions only.
ref_numberExact RefNumber to search for.
ref_number_containsString which RefNumbers are to contain.
ref_number_ends_withString which RefNumbers are to end with.
ref_number_range_endEnding point of a RefNumber range.
ref_number_range_startStarting point of a RefNumber range.
ref_number_starts_withString which RefNumbers are to start with.
total_balance_maximumA maximum balance which returned records should have.
total_balance_minimumA minimum balance which returned records should have.
transaction_date_endLatest transaction date to search for.
transaction_date_startEarliest transaction date to search for.
special_query_typeThe special query type; for example ItemService.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

close_qb_connectionCloses a persistent connection to QuickBooks.
configSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
get_next_resultsRetrieves the next set of results (only applicable for iterative searches).
import_qbxmlImports a QBXML response aggregate.
open_qb_connectionOpens a persistent connection to QuickBooks.
resetResets all properties to their defaults.
searchSubmits a query request to QuickBooks.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

on_errorInformation about errors during data delivery.
on_ssl_server_authenticationFired after the server presents its certificate to the client.
on_ssl_statusFired when secure connection progress messages are available.
on_statusShows the progress of the QuickBooks connection.
on_warningFired when a warning occurs.

Config Settings

The following is a list of config settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AuthFlagsConnection Flags (use for QuickBooks Simple Start).
CurrencyIdFilters results by indicated currency.
CurrencyNameFilters results by indicated currency.
DateSearches by exact date.
DeletionTypeThe type of list or transaction from which a member has been deleted.
EnforceMaxLengthIndicates whether to enforce max lengths for QB Fields.
FindWithChildrenInclude children in the results of an entity Name or Id search.
GetHighestVersionHighest QBXMLVersion supported by the installed instance of QuickBooks.
GetRequestProcessorDLLVersionReturns the version of the QB Request Processor that is installed on your system.
GetSupportedVersionsReturns a list of QBXMLVersions that are supported by QuickBooks.
IsReadOnlyThis causes the QuickBooks authorization dialog to display text informing the user that its access will be read-only.
MetaDataTypeControls whether a count of results is returned or not.
ModifiedDateRangeFilterNameThe ModifiedDateRangeFilter tag name to be used in the request.
PersonalDataPrefWhether the connecting application will require access to personal data such as SSN or credit card information.
QBConnectionModeThe mode of connection to QuickBooks.
QBFileStatusThe status of the company file as it pertains to accepting connections.
QBOpenCompanyFileThe file currently open in QuickBooks.
ResultCountA count of results returned via QuickBooks' metaData attribute.
SSLAcceptServerCertThe SSL certificate being used by the QuickBooks Gateway (aka Remote Connector).
SSLAcceptServerCertFileThe SSL certificate file being used by the QuickBooks Gateway (aka Remote Connector).
StopOnErrorSpecifies how QuickBooks is to proceed if an error occurs in processing of the current request.
TotalBalanceThe balance which returned records should have.
TxnDateRangeFilterNameThe TxnDateRangeFilter tag name to be used in the request.
UnattendedModePrefWhether connecting while QuickBooks is closed is required or optional for the user.
WarningCodesA comma-separated list of QuickBooks warning codes that should not result in an exception.
BuildInfoInformation about the product's build.
CodePageThe system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations.
LicenseInfoInformation about the current license.
MaskSensitiveDataWhether sensitive data is masked in log messages.
ProcessIdleEventsWhether the class uses its internal event loop to process events when the main thread is idle.
SelectWaitMillisThe length of time in milliseconds the class will wait when DoEvents is called if there are no events to process.
UseInternalSecurityAPIWhether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

include_line_items property

Indicates whether to include line items in the response.


def get_include_line_items() -> bool: ...
def set_include_line_items(value: bool) -> None: ...

include_line_items = property(get_include_line_items, set_include_line_items)

Default Value



This filter allows you to omit line items from a query response to get a smaller result. The default value is true, so line items are returned by default. Set include_line_items to false to exclude line items in the response if you don't need to read line item data.

include_linked_txns property

Indicates whether to include linked transactions in the response.


def get_include_linked_txns() -> bool: ...
def set_include_linked_txns(value: bool) -> None: ...

include_linked_txns = property(get_include_linked_txns, set_include_linked_txns)

Default Value



If you set include_linked_txns to true, then the returned object will include a list of all the transactions linked to the queried object (this list is similar to the History view of a transaction in the user interface, but not identical, as the SDK list contains only linked transactions, not items). Each linked transaction will be represented by a LinkedTxn aggregate, which will be part of the result_aggregate. Passing this aggregate to the corresponding class will parse the linked transactions into their respective properties.

iterate_results property

Indicates whether to perform iterative searches when QBXMLVersion = 5.0 or greater.


def get_iterate_results() -> bool: ...
def set_iterate_results(value: bool) -> None: ...

iterate_results = property(get_iterate_results, set_iterate_results)

Default Value



This property allows the user to enable or disable iterative searching (Query Iterators) when qbxml_version is 5.0 or greater. Please see get_next_results for more info.

max_results property

The maximum number of results to be returned from a search.


def get_max_results() -> int: ...
def set_max_results(value: int) -> None: ...

max_results = property(get_max_results, set_max_results)

Default Value



The maximum number of records to return from QuickBooks.

If MaxResults is set to 0, all records matching the search criteria will be returned.

qb_connection_string property

An aggregate consisting of various QuickBooks connection properties.


def get_qb_connection_string() -> str: ...
def set_qb_connection_string(value: str) -> None: ...

qb_connection_string = property(get_qb_connection_string, set_qb_connection_string)

Default Value



QBConnectionString allows the user to customize the application's interaction with QuickBooks.

The connection properties should be formatted in a sequence as follows:

propertyname = "propertyvalue" propertyname = "propertyvalue" ...

The order is irrelevant, and the whitespace around the equal sign is optional.

The following properties are currently supported:

ApplicationNameThe name of the developer's application. This name will appear when the application first connects to QuickBooks; QuickBooks will display this name and prompt the user to grant or refuse access.
CompanyFileThe name of the company file to open. If QuickBooks is not currently open with a company file, QuickBooks will be automatically opened in the background with the file specified. Do not set CompanyFile when QuickBooks is open; if QuickBooks is open through the application UI, only that company file may be used.

This setting is not applicable when communicating with QB Connector.

URLThe URL for the Remote Connector, e.g., 'http://localhost:2080'. If the URL is specified, the class will not communicate directly with QuickBooks, and will instead send a request to the specified web address. QuickBooks and the Remote Connector should be installed at the remote location, and if the connector is listening on the specified port, it will communicate the class's request to QuickBooks, and return the response.
UserA username for the Remote Connector connection (if required on the Connector side)
PasswordA password for the Remote Connector connection (if required on the Connector side)
TimeoutA timeout, in seconds, for the Remote Connector connection. If the Connector does not finish and respond within the chosen length of time, the class will generate an exception instead of hanging.
DelayAfterCloseA delay, in milliseconds, to be applied after each time a connection to QuickBooks is closed. If QuickBooks is generating internal errors (in particular with automatic login) setting this delay to a positive value may solve the problem.
FirewallHostContains the name or IP address of firewall. If a FirewallHost is given, the requested connections will be authenticated through the specified firewall when connecting.
FirewallPasswordContains a password if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall. If FirewallHost is specified, the FirewallUser and FirewallPassword configs are used to connect and authenticate to the given firewall. If the authentication fails, the class fails with an error.
FirewallPortContains the TCP port for the firewall FirewallHost. Note this is set automatically when FirewallType is set to a valid value.
FirewallTypeDetermines the type of firewall to connect through. Supported values are: 0 - no firewall (default), 1 - Tunneling proxy, 2 - SOCKS4 proxy, and 3 - SOCKS5 proxy. For the Tunneling proxy (1), the FirewallPort defaults to 80. For SOCKS4 (2) and SOCKS5 (3) the FirewallPort defaults to 1080.
FirewallUserContains a user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall. If the FirewallHost is specified, the FirewallUser and FirewallPassword configs are used to connect and authenticate to the given firewall. If the authentication fails, the class fails with an error.
ProxyAuthorizationSupported values are 0 - Basic authorization, 1 - Digest authentication, 3 - No authentication, and 4 - NTLM authentication.
ProxyPasswordContains a password if authentication is to be used for the proxy.
ProxyPortContains the TCP port for a ProxyServer; (default 80).
ProxySSLDetermines when to use SSL for the connection to the proxy. The applicable values are 0 - Automatic (SSL for https URLs, non-SSL for http URLs), 1 - The connection is always SSL-enabled, 2 - SSL is not enabled for any connection, and 3 - Connection is through a tunneling proxy.
ProxyServerIf a ProxyServer is specified, then the HTTP request is sent to the proxy instead of the server otherwise specified. If the ProxyServer is set to a Domain Name, a DNS request is initiated and upon successful termination of the request, the ProxyServer is set to the corresponding address. If the search is not successful, an error is returned.
ProxyUserContains a user name, if authentication is to be used for the proxy.
LocalHostThe name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted.
LocalPortThe TCP port in the local host where the class binds.
UseRDSWhether to connect using Remote Data Sharing (RDS). If set to True, the class will attempt to connect using the RDS client installed on the machine. The RDS client and server must be configured separately. The default value is False.

qb_request_aggregate property

The request aggregate.


def get_qb_request_aggregate() -> str: ...
def set_qb_request_aggregate(value: str) -> None: ...

qb_request_aggregate = property(get_qb_request_aggregate, set_qb_request_aggregate)

Default Value



This property will be populated when qb_request_mode is set to rmOffline and a method is called. This is used when working with the QBWCServer class to generate requests to be sent to QuickBooks Web Connector.

qb_request_mode property

Defines whether the request is made online or stored offline.


def get_qb_request_mode() -> int: ...
def set_qb_request_mode(value: int) -> None: ...

qb_request_mode = property(get_qb_request_mode, set_qb_request_mode)

Possible Values

0   # Online
1 # Offline

Default Value



This property defines the behavior of the class when calling a method. Possible values are:

0 (rmOnline - default) The request is made normally.
1 (rmOffline) The request is generated but not sent, and qb_request_aggregate is populated.
The use of offline mode is required when using the QBWCServer class. This allows requests to be generated and passed to QuickBooks Web Connector through the QBWCServer class.

For normal communication to QuickBooks either directly or through the QBConnector application use the default online mode.

qb_response_aggregate property

The last QBXML response aggregate received from QuickBooks.


def get_qb_response_aggregate() -> str: ...
def set_qb_response_aggregate(value: str) -> None: ...

qb_response_aggregate = property(get_qb_response_aggregate, set_qb_response_aggregate)

Default Value



The last QBXML response aggregate received from QuickBooks. This property is set whenever a response is received from QuickBooks.

This property may also be set to a response aggregate. When set to a QBXML aggregate, such as a response from ObjSearch or QBWCServer the class will parse the response as if it had been received directly from QuickBooks and the applicable properties will be updated.

qbxml_version property

The version of QBXML used in the outgoing message.


def get_qbxml_version() -> str: ...
def set_qbxml_version(value: str) -> None: ...

qbxml_version = property(get_qbxml_version, set_qbxml_version)

Default Value



The version of QBXML used in the outgoing message. Except as noted in the documentation, a value of "1.1" will suffice for all requests, and for all versions of QuickBooks which support integrated applications.

With each release of QuickBooks since 2002, a corresponding version of the QuickBooks SDK has also been released: 1.0 for QuickBooks 2002, 2.0 for QuickBooks 2003, 3.0 for QuickBooks 2004, etc., up to 8.0 for QuickBooks 2009. In addition, each release of QuickBooks continues to support all earlier versions of the SDK, meaning that requests using version 1.1 of the QuickBooks SDK are supported by all versions of QuickBooks. However, new requests and newer fields in existing requests are only supported in later versions of the QuickBooks SDK. As such, it is recommended that you set the QBXMLVersion property to correspond to the version of QuickBooks you are interacting with. These values are:

QuickBooks 20021.0, 1.1
QuickBooks 20032.0
QuickBooks 20043.0
QuickBooks 20054.0, 4.1
QuickBooks 20065.0
QuickBooks 20076.0
QuickBooks 20087.0
QuickBooks 20098.0
QuickBooks 20109.0
QuickBooks 201110.0
QuickBooks 201211.0
QuickBooks 201312.0
QuickBooks 201413.0
QuickBooks 201514.0
QuickBooks 201615.0
In addition, versions of QuickBooks outside of the U.S. released before Quickbooks 2008 adhere to a different version of the QuickBooks SDK. These versions were updated with less frequency than the U.S. SDK, and may omit features introduced in later releases:
QuickBooks Canadian 2003CA2.0
QuickBooks Canadian 2004 to 2007CA3.0
QuickBooks UK 2003UK2.0
QuickBooks UK 2004 to 2007UK3.0
QuickBooks Australian 2003OZ2.0
QuickBooks Australian 2004 to 2007AU3.0
With the exception of Province in Address (set State) or EligibleForT4A in Vendor (set EligibleFor1099), Canadian-only fields are read-only and may be accessed with config.

query_type property

The type of search to perform.


def get_query_type() -> int: ...
def set_query_type(value: int) -> None: ...

query_type = property(get_query_type, set_query_type)

Possible Values

0   # None
1 # VendorSearch
2 # EmployeeSearch
3 # BillSearch
4 # InvoiceSearch
5 # CreditMemoSearch
6 # VendorCreditSearch
7 # SalesReceiptSearch
8 # PurchaseOrderSearch
9 # CheckSearch
10 # CCCreditSearch
11 # CCChargeSearch
12 # CustomerSearch
13 # EstimateSearch
14 # SalesOrderSearch
15 # TimeTrackingSearch
16 # ReceivePaymentSearch
17 # JournalEntrySearch
18 # ItemSearch
19 # AccountSearch
20 # DepositSearch
21 # InventoryAdjustmentSearch
22 # PriceLevelSearch
23 # Class
24 # CustomerType
25 # JobType
26 # PaymentMethod
27 # PayrollItemWage
28 # SalesTaxCode
29 # ShipMethod
30 # SalesRep
31 # VendorType
32 # BillToPayQuery
33 # ItemAssembliesCanBuildQuery
34 # ListDeletedQuery
35 # PreferencesQuery
36 # ReceivePaymentToDepositQuery
37 # SalesTaxPaymentCheckQuery
38 # TxnDeletedQuery
39 # ItemReceiptQuery
40 # BillPaymentCheckQuery
41 # BillPaymentChargeQuery
42 # StatementChargeQuery
43 # MileageQuery
100 # OtherTransactionSearch
101 # OtherListSearch

Default Value



The type of search to perform.

The following values are permitted:

If QueryType is set to qtOtherTransactionSearch or OtherListSearch, special_query_type should be set as well.

This property is required.

remaining_results property

Indicates the number of results left in an iterative search.


def get_remaining_results() -> int: ...

remaining_results = property(get_remaining_results, None)

Default Value



A new feature in QuickBooks 2006 allows you to search iteratively. What this basically means is that you can search a customer or transaction list for all transactions, but receive them in chunks of 50 or 100 at a time, instead of one large response potentially containing thousands of entries. This greatly improves response time and also assures that your application does not appear to hang while QuickBooks is putting together the response.

To accomplish such a search, you must set qbxml_version to 5.0 or higher. max_results will indicates the size of the chunks returned (if set to 0 an iterative search will not be performed). remaining_results will indicate the number of results remaining. You must also must open and maintain a persistent connection, as searches cannot be continued across sessions. For example:

class.QueryType = qtCustomerSearch() class.MaxResults = 10 class.QBXMLVersion = "5.0" class.OpenQBConnection() class.Search() ' Process first set of results here While (class.RemainingResults > 0) class.GetNextResults() ' Process results here Wend class.CloseQBConnection()

Note that if you wish searches to operate the same way as they did with previous qbxml_versions, you may set the IterateResults configuration setting to "False". See config for more information.

This property is read-only.

result_count property

The number of records in the Result arrays.


def get_result_count() -> int: ...

result_count = property(get_result_count, None)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at result_count - 1.

This property is read-only.

result_aggregate property

XML response aggregate returned from QuickBooks.


def get_result_aggregate(result_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



XML response aggregate returned from QuickBooks.

This array property contains all of the XML response aggregates returned from QuickBooks after a successful call to Search.

This property may be used to set the Aggregate property of any other class. If this is done the class will be set to the record specified in ResultAggregate.

The Ids are also provided separately in the resultid property.

The result_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the result_count property.

This property is read-only.

result_id property

Id of the result aggregate stored in Aggregate .


def get_result_id(result_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Id of the result aggregate stored in aggregate.

The resultids will automatically be prefixed with a hash, and may be passed as is to the Get method of any class, or used as references.

The corresponding XML response aggregate is provided in the aggregate property

The result_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the result_count property.

This property is read-only.

result_name property

Name of the result aggregate stored in Aggregate .


def get_result_name(result_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Name of the result aggregate stored in aggregate.

The resultname will only be returned for Entity searches, and may be passed as is to the GetByName method of any class that supports such functionality. (Customer, Account, Item, Vendor, Employee, etc).

The corresponding XML response aggregate is provided in the aggregate property

The result_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the result_count property.

This property is read-only.

retrieve_names_only property

Return only the names and Ids in the results.


def get_retrieve_names_only() -> bool: ...
def set_retrieve_names_only(value: bool) -> None: ...

retrieve_names_only = property(get_retrieve_names_only, set_retrieve_names_only)

Default Value



If retrieve_names_only is True, entity searches (Customer, Employee, etc) will return only the FullName and ListID for each result. The class will silently ignore this property if it is not applicable to the search being performed. This property requires a qbxml_version of "4.0" or greater, and is set to False by default.

account_id property

An account name to search for in a transaction.


def get_account_id() -> str: ...
def set_account_id(value: str) -> None: ...

account_id = property(get_account_id, set_account_id)

Default Value



An account name to search for in a transaction. Limits the search to transactions associated with the account specified by AccountId.

Only applicable to searches for transaction objects and BillToPay queries.

account_name property

An account name to search for in a transaction.


def get_account_name() -> str: ...
def set_account_name(value: str) -> None: ...

account_name = property(get_account_name, set_account_name)

Default Value



An account name to search for in a transaction. Limits the search to transactions associated with the account specified by AccountName. For example, if searching for a CCCredit AccountName would be the full name of a credit card.

Only applicable to searches for transaction objects and BillToPay queries.

account_type property

Search by the type of QuickBooks account.


def get_account_type() -> int: ...
def set_account_type(value: int) -> None: ...

account_type = property(get_account_type, set_account_type)

Possible Values

0   # Unspecified
1 # AccountsPayable
2 # AccountsReceivable
3 # Bank
4 # CostOfGoodsSold
5 # CreditCard
6 # Equity
7 # Expense
8 # FixedAsset
9 # Income
10 # LongTermLiability
11 # OtherAsset
12 # OtherCurrentAsset
13 # OtherCurrentLiability
14 # OtherExpense
15 # OtherIncome
16 # NonPosting

Default Value



Search by the type of QuickBooks account.

Only applicable to account queries.

active_status property

Limits the search to active or inactive records only.


def get_active_status() -> int: ...
def set_active_status(value: int) -> None: ...

active_status = property(get_active_status, set_active_status)

Possible Values

0   # Unspecified
1 # ActiveOnly
2 # InactiveOnly
3 # All

Default Value



Limits the search to active or inactive records only. May be used to limit the search to active or inactive records only.

The following values are permitted:

Only applicable to searches for entity objects.

entity_id property

Limits the search to transactions associated with the entity specified by EntityId .


def get_entity_id() -> str: ...
def set_entity_id(value: str) -> None: ...

entity_id = property(get_entity_id, set_entity_id)

Default Value



Limits the search to transactions associated with the entity specified by entityid. Note that you may use entityname OR entityid to search, but you may not use both.

Only applicable to searches for transaction objects, with the following exceptions: BillToPay queries map this to the PayeeEntityId field, and ItemAssembliesCanBuild queries map this to the ItemInventoryAssemblyId field.

entity_name property

An entity name to search for in a transaction.


def get_entity_name() -> str: ...
def set_entity_name(value: str) -> None: ...

entity_name = property(get_entity_name, set_entity_name)

Default Value



An entity name to search for in a transaction. Limits the search to transactions associated with the entity specified by EntityName. For example, if searching for an Invoice EntityName would be the full name of a Customer.

Only applicable to searches for transaction objects, with the following exceptions: BillToPay queries map this to the PayeeEntityName field, and ItemAssembliesCanBuild queries map this to the ItemInventoryAssemblyName field.

item_type property

The type of item to search for.


def get_item_type() -> int: ...
def set_item_type(value: int) -> None: ...

item_type = property(get_item_type, set_item_type)

Possible Values

0   # All
1 # Service
2 # Inventory
3 # NonInventory
4 # Payment
5 # Discount
6 # SalesTax
7 # Subtotal
8 # OtherCharge
9 # InventoryAssembly
10 # Group
11 # SalesTaxGroup
12 # FixedAsset
13 # Sites

Default Value



The type of item to search for. Applies only to searches for items. If set to itAll (the default) the class will search for all types of items.

modified_date_end property

Latest modified date to search for.


def get_modified_date_end() -> str: ...
def set_modified_date_end(value: str) -> None: ...

modified_date_end = property(get_modified_date_end, set_modified_date_end)

Default Value



Latest modified date to search for. Limits the search to records modified on or before this date.

This is also used as the Deleted date range filter for qtListDeletedQuery and qtTxnDeletedQuery query types.

The standard formatting for dates is YYYY-MM-DD; i.e., September 2, 2002 is formatted as 2002-09-02. When getting the value of a date property, the date will always be in this format.

When setting the value of a date property, the formats MM-DD-YY, MM-DD-YYYY, MM/DD/YY, and MM/DD/YYYY are also acceptable. Dates in these formats will be automatically parsed and stored in YYYY-MM-DD format.

This property may also be set using the DateTime format. This format for specifying date and time is"CCCC-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm" or "CCCC-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh:mm" where CCCC is the four-digit year, MM is the month, DD is the day, the character T is a separator, hh is the hour, mm is the minute, ss is the second, and hh:mm is the difference between the local time of the client and UTC (Universal Coordinated Time). For example, "2011-01-19T15:43:21-05:00" is January first, 2011 3:43:21 PM, Eastern Standard Time. The timezone differential is optional, if omitted Quickbooks will use the System's time zone.

modified_date_start property

Earliest modified date to search for.


def get_modified_date_start() -> str: ...
def set_modified_date_start(value: str) -> None: ...

modified_date_start = property(get_modified_date_start, set_modified_date_start)

Default Value



Earliest modified date to search for. Limits the search to records modified on or after this date.

This is also used as the Deleted date range filter for qtListDeletedQuery and qtTxnDeletedQuery query types.

The standard formatting for dates is YYYY-MM-DD; i.e., September 2, 2002 is formatted as 2002-09-02. When getting the value of a date property, the date will always be in this format.

When setting the value of a date property, the formats MM-DD-YY, MM-DD-YYYY, MM/DD/YY, and MM/DD/YYYY are also acceptable. Dates in these formats will be automatically parsed and stored in YYYY-MM-DD format.

This property may also be set using the DateTime format. This format for specifying date and time is"CCCC-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm" or "CCCC-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh:mm" where CCCC is the four-digit year, MM is the month, DD is the day, the character T is a separator, hh is the hour, mm is the minute, ss is the second, and hh:mm is the difference between the local time of the client and UTC (Universal Coordinated Time). For example, "2011-01-19T15:43:21-05:00" is January first, 2011 3:43:21 PM, Eastern Standard Time. The timezone differential is optional, if omitted Quickbooks will use the System's time zone.

name_contains property

String which names are to contain.


def get_name_contains() -> str: ...
def set_name_contains(value: str) -> None: ...

name_contains = property(get_name_contains, set_name_contains)

Default Value



String which names are to contain. Limits the search to records with names which contain the string NameContains.

If NameContains is specified none of the other Name properties may be specified.

Only applicable to searches for entity objects.

name_ends_with property

String which names are to end with.


def get_name_ends_with() -> str: ...
def set_name_ends_with(value: str) -> None: ...

name_ends_with = property(get_name_ends_with, set_name_ends_with)

Default Value



String which names are to end with. Limits the search to records with names which end with the string specified by NameEndsWith.

If NameEndsWith is specified none of the other Name properties may be specified.

Only applicable to searches for entity objects.

name_range_end property

Ending point of a name range.


def get_name_range_end() -> str: ...
def set_name_range_end(value: str) -> None: ...

name_range_end = property(get_name_range_end, set_name_range_end)

Default Value



Ending point of a name range. Limits the search to records with names lexicographically lower than or equal to NameRangeEnd.

May be combined with namerangestart, but not with namecontains, namestartswith, or nameendswith.

Only applicable to searches for entity objects.

name_range_start property

Starting point of a name range.


def get_name_range_start() -> str: ...
def set_name_range_start(value: str) -> None: ...

name_range_start = property(get_name_range_start, set_name_range_start)

Default Value



Starting point of a name range. Limits the search to records with names lexicographically higher than or equal to NameRangeStart.

May be combined with namerangeend, but not with namecontains, namestartswith, or nameendswith.

Only applicable to searches for entity objects.

name_starts_with property

String which names are to start with.


def get_name_starts_with() -> str: ...
def set_name_starts_with(value: str) -> None: ...

name_starts_with = property(get_name_starts_with, set_name_starts_with)

Default Value



String which names are to start with. Limits the search to records with names which start with the string specified by NameStartsWith.

If NameStartsWith is specified none of the other Name properties may be specified.

Only applicable to searches for entity objects.

paid_status property

Limits the search to paid or unpaid transactions only.


def get_paid_status() -> int: ...
def set_paid_status(value: int) -> None: ...

paid_status = property(get_paid_status, set_paid_status)

Possible Values

0   # Unspecified
1 # All
2 # Paid
3 # Unpaid

Default Value



Limits the search to paid or unpaid transactions only. May be used to limit the search to paid or unpaid records only.

The following values are permitted:

Only applicable to searches for Bill or Invoice transaction objects.

ref_number property

Exact RefNumber to search for.


def get_ref_number() -> str: ...
def set_ref_number(value: str) -> None: ...

ref_number = property(get_ref_number, set_ref_number)

Default Value



Exact RefNumber to search for. Limits the search to records with RefNumbers identical to RefNumber.

If RefNumber is specified, no other search criteria will be sent in the query. If you wish to narrow your results based on the RefNumber and other criteria such as modifieddatestart or entityname, you will need to use the refnumbercontains, refnumberstartswith, refnumberendswith, refnumberrangestart, or refnumberrangeend properties.

Only applicable to searches for transaction objects.

ref_number_contains property

String which RefNumbers are to contain.


def get_ref_number_contains() -> str: ...
def set_ref_number_contains(value: str) -> None: ...

ref_number_contains = property(get_ref_number_contains, set_ref_number_contains)

Default Value



String which RefNumbers are to contain. Limits the search to records with RefNumbers which contain the string RefNumberContains.

If RefNumberContains is specified none of the other RefNumber properties may be specified.

Only applicable to searches for transaction objects.

ref_number_ends_with property

String which RefNumbers are to end with.


def get_ref_number_ends_with() -> str: ...
def set_ref_number_ends_with(value: str) -> None: ...

ref_number_ends_with = property(get_ref_number_ends_with, set_ref_number_ends_with)

Default Value



String which RefNumbers are to end with. Limits the search to records with RefNumbers which end with the string specified by RefNumberEndsWith.

If RefNumberEndsWith is specified none of the other RefNumber properties may be specified.

Only applicable to searches for transaction objects.

ref_number_range_end property

Ending point of a RefNumber range.


def get_ref_number_range_end() -> str: ...
def set_ref_number_range_end(value: str) -> None: ...

ref_number_range_end = property(get_ref_number_range_end, set_ref_number_range_end)

Default Value



Ending point of a RefNumber range. Limits the search to records with RefNumbers lexicographically lower than or equal to RefNumberRangeEnd.

May be combined with refnumberrangestart, but not with refnumbercontains, refnumberstartswith, or refnumberendswith.

Only applicable to searches for transaction objects.

ref_number_range_start property

Starting point of a RefNumber range.


def get_ref_number_range_start() -> str: ...
def set_ref_number_range_start(value: str) -> None: ...

ref_number_range_start = property(get_ref_number_range_start, set_ref_number_range_start)

Default Value



Starting point of a RefNumber range. Limits the search to records with RefNumbers lexicographically higher than or equal to RefNumberRangeStart.

May be combined with refnumberrangeend, but not with refnumbercontains, refnumberstartswith, or refnumberendswith.

Only applicable to searches for transaction objects.

ref_number_starts_with property

String which RefNumbers are to start with.


def get_ref_number_starts_with() -> str: ...
def set_ref_number_starts_with(value: str) -> None: ...

ref_number_starts_with = property(get_ref_number_starts_with, set_ref_number_starts_with)

Default Value



String which RefNumbers are to start with. Limits the search to records with RefNumbers which start with the string specified by RefNumberStartsWith.

If RefNumberStartsWith is specified none of the other RefNumber properties may be specified.

Only applicable to searches for transaction objects.

total_balance_maximum property

A maximum balance which returned records should have.


def get_total_balance_maximum() -> str: ...
def set_total_balance_maximum(value: str) -> None: ...

total_balance_maximum = property(get_total_balance_maximum, set_total_balance_maximum)

Default Value



A maximum balance which returned records should have. Limits the search to records with balances less than or equal to TotalBalanceMaximum.

If TotalBalanceMaximum is specified totalbalanceminimum may not be (this limitation is imposed by the QBXML interface).

The amount should be formatted as a string in dollars.

Only applicable to searches for entity objects.

total_balance_minimum property

A minimum balance which returned records should have.


def get_total_balance_minimum() -> str: ...
def set_total_balance_minimum(value: str) -> None: ...

total_balance_minimum = property(get_total_balance_minimum, set_total_balance_minimum)

Default Value



A minimum balance which returned records should have. Limits the search to records with balances greater than or equal to TotalBalanceMinimum.

If TotalBalanceMinimum is specified totalbalancemaximum may not be (this limitation is imposed by the QBXML interface).

The amount should be formatted as a string in dollars.

Only applicable to searches for entity objects.

transaction_date_end property

Latest transaction date to search for.


def get_transaction_date_end() -> str: ...
def set_transaction_date_end(value: str) -> None: ...

transaction_date_end = property(get_transaction_date_end, set_transaction_date_end)

Default Value



Latest transaction date to search for. Limits the search to transactions with a date on or before TransactionDateEnd.

The standard formatting for dates is YYYY-MM-DD; i.e., September 2, 2002 is formatted as 2002-09-02. When getting the value of a date property, the date will always be in this format.

When setting the value of a date property, the formats MM-DD-YY, MM-DD-YYYY, MM/DD/YY, and MM/DD/YYYY are also acceptable. Dates in these formats will be automatically parsed and stored in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Only applicable to searches for transaction objects.

transaction_date_start property

Earliest transaction date to search for.


def get_transaction_date_start() -> str: ...
def set_transaction_date_start(value: str) -> None: ...

transaction_date_start = property(get_transaction_date_start, set_transaction_date_start)

Default Value



Earliest transaction date to search for. Limits the search to transactions with a date on or after TransactionDateStart.

The standard formatting for dates is YYYY-MM-DD; i.e., September 2, 2002 is formatted as 2002-09-02. When getting the value of a date property, the date will always be in this format.

When setting the value of a date property, the formats MM-DD-YY, MM-DD-YYYY, MM/DD/YY, and MM/DD/YYYY are also acceptable. Dates in these formats will be automatically parsed and stored in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Only applicable to searches for transaction objects.

special_query_type property

The special query type; for example ItemService.


def get_special_query_type() -> str: ...
def set_special_query_type(value: str) -> None: ...

special_query_type = property(get_special_query_type, set_special_query_type)

Default Value



This property may be used to query QuickBooks for items supported by the QuickBooks SDK, but not by the component set.

The property should be set to the name of the object being queried for. A list of the objects supported for query operations by the SDK may be found in the SDK documentation.

When performing a special query the query_type property should be set to qtOtherTransactionSearch or qtOtherListSearch, as appropriate. After searching, the QBObject class may be used to view and/or edit the results.

It is recommended that users using this property first read the SDK documentation.

close_qb_connection method

Closes a persistent connection to QuickBooks.


def close_qb_connection() -> None: ...


Invoking close_qb_connection closes the QuickBooks connection specified in qb_connection_string. After the connection has been closed, the class will revert to its default behavior, and a new connection will be established for each request until qb_connection_string is invoked again.

In case the connection is already closed invoking close_qb_connection will have no effect. Moreover, if multiple connections are open close_qb_connection will only close the connection specified in qb_connection_string.

Be sure to always invoke this method after calling open_qb_connection.

config method

Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.


def config(configuration_string: str) -> str: ...


config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.

These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the config method.

To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).

To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.

get_next_results method

Retrieves the next set of results (only applicable for iterative searches).


def get_next_results() -> None: ...


A new feature in QuickBooks 2006 allows you to search iteratively. What this basically means is that you can search a customer or transaction list for all transactions, but receive them in chunks of 50 or 100 at a time, instead of one large response potentially containing thousands of entries. This greatly improves response time and also assures that your application does not appear to hang while QuickBooks is putting together the response.

To accomplish such a search, you must set qbxml_version to 5.0 or higher. max_results will indicates the size of the chunks returned (if set to 0 an iterative search will not be performed). remaining_results will indicate the number of results remaining. You must also must open and maintain a persistent connection, as searches cannot be continued across sessions. For example:

class.QueryType = qtCustomerSearch class.MaxResults = 10 class.QBXMLVersion = "5.0" class.OpenQBConnection() class.Search() ' Process first set of results here While (class.RemainingResults > 0) class.GetNextResults() ' Process additional results here Wend class.CloseQBConnection()

Note that if you wish searches to operate the same way as they did with previous qbxml_versions, you may set the IterateResults configuration setting to "False". See config for more information.

import_qbxml method

Imports a QBXML response aggregate.


def import_qbxml(xml_data: str) -> None: ...


This method imports a QBXML response aggregate. When called with a QBXML aggregate, such as a response from ObjSearch or QBWCServer the class will parse the response as if it had been received directly from QuickBooks and the applicable properties will be updated.

open_qb_connection method

Opens a persistent connection to QuickBooks.


def open_qb_connection() -> None: ...


Invoking open_qb_connection will open a persistent connection to QuickBooks. After invoking open_qb_connection, all requests such as get, add, etc. will use the established connection until close_qb_connection is invoked.

The effect of open_qb_connection is to increase performance. If open_qb_connection is not invoked, a connection to QuickBooks will automatically be created and destroyed each time the class communicates with QuickBooks. Using open_qb_connection will be faster, particularly in the case of automatic login.

After open_qb_connection is invoked, QuickBooks will issue a connection ticket, and it will be stored in qb_connection_string. When close_qb_connection is invoked the ticket will be invalidated, and any further attempts to use it will fail.

Be sure to invoke close_qb_connection when you have finished communicating with QuickBooks. Leaving an open QuickBooks connection may lock out other integrated applications, affect QuickBooks performance, or cause other problems.

reset method

Resets all properties to their defaults.


def reset() -> None: ...


This method resets the values of all properties (and all special fields) to their defaults.

After calling this method, the class may be reused as if it were newly created.

search method

Submits a query request to QuickBooks.


def search() -> None: ...


Submits a query request to QuickBooks, of the type specified in query_type.

The number of results may be limited by setting the value of max_results. The results will also be limited to objects meeting the search criteria specified. If no search filters are specified, all objects of the requested type will be returned.

After the search, ResultCount will contain the number of results, and result_aggregate will contain the returned XML aggregates. These may be assigned to the QBResponseAggregate property of the appropriate control to instantiate the objects.

on_error event

Information about errors during data delivery.


class ObjSearchErrorEventParams(object):
  def error_code() -> int: ...

  def description() -> str: ...

# In class ObjSearch:
def on_error() -> Callable[[ObjSearchErrorEventParams], None]: ...
def on_error(event_hook: Callable[[ObjSearchErrorEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The on_error event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during message processing.

ErrorCode contains an error code and Description contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the Error Codes section.

on_ssl_server_authentication event

Fired after the server presents its certificate to the client.


class ObjSearchSSLServerAuthenticationEventParams(object):
  def cert_encoded() -> bytes: ...

  def cert_subject() -> str: ...

  def cert_issuer() -> str: ...

  def status() -> str: ...

  def accept() -> bool: ...
  def accept(value) -> None: ...

# In class ObjSearch:
def on_ssl_server_authentication() -> Callable[[ObjSearchSSLServerAuthenticationEventParams], None]: ...
def on_ssl_server_authentication(event_hook: Callable[[ObjSearchSSLServerAuthenticationEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


During this event, the client can decide whether or not to continue with the connection process. The Accept parameter is a recommendation on whether to continue or close the connection. This is just a suggestion: application software must use its own logic to determine whether or not to continue.

When Accept is False, Status shows why the verification failed (otherwise, Status contains the string OK). If it is decided to continue, you can override and accept the certificate by setting the Accept parameter to True.

on_ssl_status event

Fired when secure connection progress messages are available.


class ObjSearchSSLStatusEventParams(object):
  def message() -> str: ...

# In class ObjSearch:
def on_ssl_status() -> Callable[[ObjSearchSSLStatusEventParams], None]: ...
def on_ssl_status(event_hook: Callable[[ObjSearchSSLStatusEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The event is fired for informational and logging purposes only. This event tracks the progress of the connection.

on_status event

Shows the progress of the QuickBooks connection.


class ObjSearchStatusEventParams(object):
  def message() -> str: ...

# In class ObjSearch:
def on_status() -> Callable[[ObjSearchStatusEventParams], None]: ...
def on_status(event_hook: Callable[[ObjSearchStatusEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The event is fired for informational and logging purposes only. Used to track the progress of the connection.

on_warning event

Fired when a warning occurs.


class ObjSearchWarningEventParams(object):
  def code() -> int: ...

  def description() -> str: ...

# In class ObjSearch:
def on_warning() -> Callable[[ObjSearchWarningEventParams], None]: ...
def on_warning(event_hook: Callable[[ObjSearchWarningEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The Warning event is fired when the class has produced, or will produce, possibly unexpected results.

Warnings may be generated by QuickBooks or the class. Starred warning codes correspond to warnings and warning codes generated by QuickBooks.

510*Object added successfully, but cannot now be read.
520*Insufficient permissions to get all data.
801 Unable to update field (name).
802Unable to parse name.
Unlisted QuickBooks warnings will cause the class to throw an exception instead.

Warning 801 will be thrown if the user attempts to Update properties that cannot be updated. For example, the following code will cause this warning to be fired: Customer1.GetByName("Joe Smith") Customer1.Email = "joe@abc.com" 'ok Customer1.CreditLimit = "200.00" 'Not used in Update operations! Customer1.Update() Only the email address will be updated, and the credit limit will be unchanged. Each property description for entity objects lists whether or not it is used in Update operations.

ObjSearch Config Settings

The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the config method.

ObjSearch Config Settings

AuthFlags:   Connection Flags (use for QuickBooks Simple Start).

Since 2006, QuickBooks has allowed AuthFlags to be set before connecting to QuickBooks. By default, the class can connect to Pro, Premier, and Enterprise editions of QuickBooks. However, because QuickBooks Simple Start contains only a subset of the functionality that other desktop versions provide, Intuit does not allow COM connection to Simple Start unless these AuthFlags explicitly indicate you wish to support it.

A list of allowable AuthFlags is provided below.

"" or 0Do not send any auth flags
0x01Support QB Simple Start
0x02Support QB Pro
0x04Support QB Premier
0x08Support QB Enterprise
0x80000000Force Auth Dialog

To specify support for multiple editions, OR together the values for each edition.

NOTE: If the version of QuickBooks being used does not support AuthFlags, the contents of this config will be ignored. However, if QuickBooks does support this feature, setting "AuthFlags=1" (Support for Simple Start only) on a machine running QuickBooks 2013 Pro will result in an error message indicating that the Request Processor cannot be found.

CurrencyId:   Filters results by indicated currency.

This is available for entity searches (Account, Customer, etc) when qbxml_version is "8.0" or greater.

CurrencyName:   Filters results by indicated currency.

This is available for entity searches (Account, Customer, etc) when qbxml_version is "8.0" or greater.

Date:   Searches by exact date.

This field is used as the DueDate for the qtBillToPayQuery Query Type and the TxnDate for the qtItemAssembliesCanBuildQuery Query Type. The standard formatting for dates is YYYY-MM-DD; i.e., September 2, 2002 is formatted as 2002-09-02. When getting the value of a date property, the date will always be in this format.

When setting the value of a date property, the formats MM-DD-YY, MM-DD-YYYY, MM/DD/YY, and MM/DD/YYYY are also acceptable. Dates in these formats will be automatically parsed and stored in YYYY-MM-DD format.

DeletionType:   The type of list or transaction from which a member has been deleted.

For the qtListDeletedQuery query_type the following values are supported: Account, BillingRate, Class, Currency, Customer, CustomerMsg, CustomerType, DateDrivenTerms, Employee, ItemDiscount, ItemFixedAsset, ItemGroup, ItemInventory, ItemInventoryAssembly, ItemNonInventory, ItemOtherCharge, ItemPayment, ItemSalesTax, ItemSalesTaxGroup, ItemService, ItemSubtotal, JobType, OtherName, PaymentMethod, PayrollItemNonWage, PayrollItemWage, PriceLevel, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipMethod, StandardTerms, ToDo, UnitOfMeasureSet, Vehicle, Vendor, and VendorType.

For the qtTxnDeletedQuery query_type the following values are supported: ARRefundCreditCard, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, BuildAssembly, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, ItemReceipt, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, TimeTracking, VehicleMileage, VendorCredit

EnforceMaxLength:   Indicates whether to enforce max lengths for QB Fields.

If you change this setting to False, the class will no longer check (or error) when the length of a property exceeds the maximum length specified in the QuickBooks SDK.

FindWithChildren:   Include children in the results of an entity Name or Id search.

If set to true, searching by entity_name or entity_id will include all of that item's children in the response.

This is only applicable to searches for transaction objects.

GetHighestVersion:   Highest QBXMLVersion supported by the installed instance of QuickBooks.

If QuickBooks is installed on the system, this setting will retrieve the highest qbxml_version that may be used for sending transactions to QuickBooks.

GetRequestProcessorDLLVersion:   Returns the version of the QB Request Processor that is installed on your system.

GetSupportedVersions:   Returns a list of QBXMLVersions that are supported by QuickBooks.

If QuickBooks is installed on the system, this setting will retrieve a list of all supported qbxml_versions that may be used for sending transactions to QuickBooks. While GetHighestVersion config returns only the highest qbxml_version supported, this config returns ALL supported qbxml_versions. The list is delimited with '\n' (linefeed) characters.

IsReadOnly:   This causes the QuickBooks authorization dialog to display text informing the user that its access will be read-only.

The default value is false.

MetaDataType:   Controls whether a count of results is returned or not.

This configuration setting can be used to instruct QuickBooks (via the metaData request attribute) to return a count of the results being returned. This can be configured so that the count is returned with the results or so that only a count and no data is returned.

A list of available values is provided below.

0No count will be returned. (default)
1Only the count will be returned.
2The count will be returned along with the results.

If this is set to return a count, this will be available via the ResultCount configuration setting.

ModifiedDateRangeFilterName:   The ModifiedDateRangeFilter tag name to be used in the request.

Specifying ModifiedDateStart or ModifiedDateEnd search_criteria fields will cause a 'ModifiedDateRangeFilter' tag to be added to the qbXML request. In some transaction queries, however, the QuickBooks SDK specifies a different name for this tag. This configuration setting allows you to specify an alternate tag name to be used.

The default value is ModifiedDateRangeFilter

PersonalDataPref:   Whether the connecting application will require access to personal data such as SSN or credit card information.

This setting allows you to let the user know immediately whether your application requires access to personal data or not.

A list of available values is provided below.

pdpOptionalCauses the QuickBooks authorization dialog to display a checkbox for user selection asking whether the user wants to allow the application to access personal data.
pdpRequiredCauses the QuickBooks authorization dialog to not display the personal information checkbox for user selection, and instead display a warning that the application needs to access personal data.
pdpNotNeededCauses the QuickBooks authorization dialog to not display the personal information checkbox for user selection, and instead display an informational message that the application will NOT access personal data.

The default value is pdpOptional.

QBConnectionMode:   The mode of connection to QuickBooks.

Specifies whether the integrated application logs in using single-user or multi-user mode.

The following values are permitted:

0Don't Care
1Single-User Mode
2Multi-User Mode

About Single-User and Multi-User Modes

If the connection to QuickBooks is made in single-user mode, QuickBooks will give exclusive access to the connecting application. It will lock out all other integrated applications; if QuickBooks and the company file are not already open in single-user mode by the QuickBooks user, the user will be locked out as well.

If the connection is made in multi-user mode, QuickBooks will allow all other integrated applications access. QuickBooks end users on other machines will also be allowed to access the file. However, if the application (rather than the end user) starts QuickBooks automatically, end users on the same machine will still be locked out.

If cmDontCare is specified, an appropriate connection mode will be chosen automatically. If a company file is open in either single-user or multi-user mode, the integrated application will accept that connection mode. If no company file is open, QuickBooks will login automatically in multi-user mode.

About Integrated and Automatic Login

Note that your application's login to QuickBooks might be either automatic or interactive. Interactive login is used when QuickBooks is already open. Access will be shared between the integrated application and the QuickBooks end user, and if multi-user mode is specified, other applications and users will have access as well. When a connection is made, QuickBooks will show a dialog window to the user, and ask the user if he/she wants to permit the connection.

Automatic login is used when QuickBooks is not already open. QuickBooks will be opened in the background, and will run until your application has finished its connection with QuickBooks. The QuickBooks user interface will not be displayed, and end-users on the same machine will be locked out. End-users on other machines, however, will be allowed access if multi-user mode is specified.

By default integrated applications do not have permission to login automatically. The first time an application interacts with QuickBooks, it must do so interactively, with QuickBooks and the company file open. The QuickBooks end user may then grant automatic login permission through Edit Preferences - Integrated Applications in the QuickBooks user interface. Click on the name of the application and then "Properties", and you may allow the application to login automatically.

For automatic login the CompanyFile must be specified. CompanyFile, ApplicationName, and other properties relating to the QuickBooks connection may be edited through qb_connection_string.

QBFileStatus:   The status of the company file as it pertains to accepting connections.

This setting may be queried before attempting to connect to QuickBooks to determine the current company file status. When queried the class will attempt to determine whether a subsequent connection using the provided qb_connection_string value would succeed. Possible return values are:

0 The company file will accept the connection. This indicates that no company file is open, or the desired company file is already open.
1 The company file will not accept the connection. This indicates a different company file is already open.
QBOpenCompanyFile:   The file currently open in QuickBooks.

The name of the file currently open in QuickBooks, specified completely with the path. This field is read-only.

A query is submitted to QuickBooks when the value of this property is read. The empty string will be returned if no file is open, if QuickBooks is open in an access mode incompatible with QBConnectionMode, or if an error occurs.

If the value of this property is nonempty, the class may interact exclusively with the open file.

ResultCount:   A count of results returned via QuickBooks' metaData attribute.

Contains the count returned from QuickBooks when MetaDataType is configured to return this information.

SSLAcceptServerCert:   The SSL certificate being used by the QuickBooks Gateway (aka Remote Connector).

The Base-64 encoded certificate being used by the Remote Connector (you may get this certificate from the Remote Connector by going to the Security tab, and clicking Export.)

This is only necessary if using a self-signed certificate, or any other certificate that has not been signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) trusted by the system.

SSLAcceptServerCertFile:   The SSL certificate file being used by the QuickBooks Gateway (aka Remote Connector).

If your public key certificate is stored in a file, you may set this configuration setting to the full path of the certificate, and it will be immediately read from disk and stored in SSLAcceptServerCert. Equivalent to setting SSLAcceptServerCert to file contents.

Reading the value of this setting will return an empty string.

StopOnError:   Specifies how QuickBooks is to proceed if an error occurs in processing of the current request.

If StopOnError is True (default), QuickBooks will stop processing when an error occurs. Requests that have already been processed will not be rolled back. An error is returned for the operation that caused the error condition. If StopOnError is False, QuickBooks will continue processing the remaining requests if an error occurs.

TotalBalance:   The balance which returned records should have.

Limits the search to records with balances equal to TotalBalance. If TotalBalance is specified, TotalBalanceMaximum and TotalBalanceMinumum may not be (this limitation is imposed by the QBXML interface).

The amount should be formatted as a string in dollars.

Only applicable to searches for entity objects.

TxnDateRangeFilterName:   The TxnDateRangeFilter tag name to be used in the request.

Specifying TransactionDateStart or TransactionDateEnd search_criteria fields will cause a 'TxnDateRangeFilter' tag to be added to the qbXML request. In some transaction queries, however, the QuickBooks SDK specifies a different name for this tag. This configuration setting allows you to specify an alternate tag name to be used.

The default value is TxnDateRangeFilter

UnattendedModePref:   Whether connecting while QuickBooks is closed is required or optional for the user.

This setting allows you to let the user know immediately whether your application requires the ability to access QuickBooks while QuickBooks is closed.

A list of available values is provided below.

umpOptionalCauses the QuickBooks authorization dialog to display its default selections and let the user pick. Use this setting if you do not need unattended mode.
umpRequiredCauses the QuickBooks authorization dialog to display only the selection choices of "No" (no authorization) or "Yes, allow access even if QuickBooks is not running" (authorize unattended mode).

The default value is umpOptional.

WarningCodes:   A comma-separated list of QuickBooks warning codes that should not result in an exception.

By default, the class will throw an exception when a status code with severity "Warn" is returned in a QuickBooks response. Set this field to a comma-separated list of status codes that should not throw an exception if returned. Note that the QuickBooks response code is not necessarily the same as the exception code from the resulting exception.

Base Config Settings

BuildInfo:   Information about the product's build.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the product's build.

CodePage:   The system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations.

The default code page is Unicode UTF-8 (65001).

The following is a list of valid code page identifiers:

037IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada
437OEM - United States
500IBM EBCDIC - International
708Arabic - ASMO 708
709Arabic - ASMO 449+, BCON V4
710Arabic - Transparent Arabic
720Arabic - Transparent ASMO
737OEM - Greek (formerly 437G)
775OEM - Baltic
850OEM - Multilingual Latin I
852OEM - Latin II
855OEM - Cyrillic (primarily Russian)
857OEM - Turkish
858OEM - Multilingual Latin I + Euro symbol
860OEM - Portuguese
861OEM - Icelandic
862OEM - Hebrew
863OEM - Canadian-French
864OEM - Arabic
865OEM - Nordic
866OEM - Russian
869OEM - Modern Greek
870IBM EBCDIC - Multilingual/ROECE (Latin-2)
874ANSI/OEM - Thai (same as 28605, ISO 8859-15)
875IBM EBCDIC - Modern Greek
932ANSI/OEM - Japanese, Shift-JIS
936ANSI/OEM - Simplified Chinese (PRC, Singapore)
949ANSI/OEM - Korean (Unified Hangul Code)
950ANSI/OEM - Traditional Chinese (Taiwan; Hong Kong SAR, PRC)
1026IBM EBCDIC - Turkish (Latin-5)
1047IBM EBCDIC - Latin 1/Open System
1140IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada (037 + Euro symbol)
1141IBM EBCDIC - Germany (20273 + Euro symbol)
1142IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway (20277 + Euro symbol)
1143IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden (20278 + Euro symbol)
1144IBM EBCDIC - Italy (20280 + Euro symbol)
1145IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain (20284 + Euro symbol)
1146IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom (20285 + Euro symbol)
1147IBM EBCDIC - France (20297 + Euro symbol)
1148IBM EBCDIC - International (500 + Euro symbol)
1149IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic (20871 + Euro symbol)
1200Unicode UCS-2 Little-Endian (BMP of ISO 10646)
1201Unicode UCS-2 Big-Endian
1250ANSI - Central European
1251ANSI - Cyrillic
1252ANSI - Latin I
1253ANSI - Greek
1254ANSI - Turkish
1255ANSI - Hebrew
1256ANSI - Arabic
1257ANSI - Baltic
1258ANSI/OEM - Vietnamese
1361Korean (Johab)
10000MAC - Roman
10001MAC - Japanese
10002MAC - Traditional Chinese (Big5)
10003MAC - Korean
10004MAC - Arabic
10005MAC - Hebrew
10006MAC - Greek I
10007MAC - Cyrillic
10008MAC - Simplified Chinese (GB 2312)
10010MAC - Romania
10017MAC - Ukraine
10021MAC - Thai
10029MAC - Latin II
10079MAC - Icelandic
10081MAC - Turkish
10082MAC - Croatia
12000Unicode UCS-4 Little-Endian
12001Unicode UCS-4 Big-Endian
20000CNS - Taiwan
20001TCA - Taiwan
20002Eten - Taiwan
20003IBM5550 - Taiwan
20004TeleText - Taiwan
20005Wang - Taiwan
20105IA5 IRV International Alphabet No. 5 (7-bit)
20106IA5 German (7-bit)
20107IA5 Swedish (7-bit)
20108IA5 Norwegian (7-bit)
20127US-ASCII (7-bit)
20269ISO 6937 Non-Spacing Accent
20273IBM EBCDIC - Germany
20277IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway
20278IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden
20280IBM EBCDIC - Italy
20284IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain
20285IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom
20290IBM EBCDIC - Japanese Katakana Extended
20297IBM EBCDIC - France
20420IBM EBCDIC - Arabic
20423IBM EBCDIC - Greek
20424IBM EBCDIC - Hebrew
20833IBM EBCDIC - Korean Extended
20838IBM EBCDIC - Thai
20866Russian - KOI8-R
20871IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic
20880IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Russian)
20905IBM EBCDIC - Turkish
20924IBM EBCDIC - Latin-1/Open System (1047 + Euro symbol)
20932JIS X 0208-1990 & 0121-1990
20936Simplified Chinese (GB2312)
21025IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Serbian, Bulgarian)
21027Extended Alpha Lowercase
21866Ukrainian (KOI8-U)
28591ISO 8859-1 Latin I
28592ISO 8859-2 Central Europe
28593ISO 8859-3 Latin 3
28594ISO 8859-4 Baltic
28595ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic
28596ISO 8859-6 Arabic
28597ISO 8859-7 Greek
28598ISO 8859-8 Hebrew
28599ISO 8859-9 Latin 5
28605ISO 8859-15 Latin 9
29001Europa 3
38598ISO 8859-8 Hebrew
50220ISO 2022 Japanese with no halfwidth Katakana
50221ISO 2022 Japanese with halfwidth Katakana
50222ISO 2022 Japanese JIS X 0201-1989
50225ISO 2022 Korean
50227ISO 2022 Simplified Chinese
50229ISO 2022 Traditional Chinese
50930Japanese (Katakana) Extended
50931US/Canada and Japanese
50933Korean Extended and Korean
50935Simplified Chinese Extended and Simplified Chinese
50936Simplified Chinese
50937US/Canada and Traditional Chinese
50939Japanese (Latin) Extended and Japanese
51932EUC - Japanese
51936EUC - Simplified Chinese
51949EUC - Korean
51950EUC - Traditional Chinese
52936HZ-GB2312 Simplified Chinese
54936Windows XP: GB18030 Simplified Chinese (4 Byte)
57002ISCII Devanagari
57003ISCII Bengali
57004ISCII Tamil
57005ISCII Telugu
57006ISCII Assamese
57007ISCII Oriya
57008ISCII Kannada
57009ISCII Malayalam
57010ISCII Gujarati
57011ISCII Punjabi
65000Unicode UTF-7
65001Unicode UTF-8
The following is a list of valid code page identifiers for Mac OS only:

LicenseInfo:   Information about the current license.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the license this instance of a class is using. It will return the following information:

  • Product: The product the license is for.
  • Product Key: The key the license was generated from.
  • License Source: Where the license was found (e.g., RuntimeLicense, License File).
  • License Type: The type of license installed (e.g., Royalty Free, Single Server).
  • Last Valid Build: The last valid build number for which the license will work.
MaskSensitiveData:   Whether sensitive data is masked in log messages.

In certain circumstances it may be beneficial to mask sensitive data, like passwords, in log messages. Set this to True to mask sensitive data. The default is True.

This setting only works on these classes: AS3Receiver, AS3Sender, Atom, Client(3DS), FTP, FTPServer, IMAP, OFTPClient, SSHClient, SCP, Server(3DS), Sexec, SFTP, SFTPServer, SSHServer, TCPClient, TCPServer.

ProcessIdleEvents:   Whether the class uses its internal event loop to process events when the main thread is idle.

If set to False, the class will not fire internal idle events. Set this to False to use the class in a background thread on Mac OS. By default, this setting is True.

SelectWaitMillis:   The length of time in milliseconds the class will wait when DoEvents is called if there are no events to process.

If there are no events to process when do_events is called, the class will wait for the amount of time specified here before returning. The default value is 20.

UseInternalSecurityAPI:   Whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

When set to False, the class will use the system security libraries by default to perform cryptographic functions where applicable.

Setting this configuration setting to True tells the class to use the internal implementation instead of using the system security libraries.

On Windows, this setting is set to False by default. On Linux/macOS, this setting is set to True by default.

To use the system security libraries for Linux, OpenSSL support must be enabled. For more information on how to enable OpenSSL, please refer to the OpenSSL Notes section.

ObjSearch Errors


The following errors may be generated by the class. Note that frequently the error message will contain more specific information than what is listed here.

ObjSearch Errors

101   String too long.
103   Invalid date format (YYYY-MM-DD is standard).
104   Invalid value for enumerated field.
105   Invalid integer.
106   Invalid dollar amount.
107   Invalid boolean value (must be 'true' or 'false').
108   Invalid number.
111   Invalid special characters in string.
112   Invalid special field syntax.
181   Could not load certificate file.
201   Required field unspecified.
211   Unsupported field specified.
301   Array line count must be nonnegative.
302   Array index out of bounds.
303   Invalid field index.
401   Field not accessible as a special field.
402   Write access attempted of readonly field.
403   Read access attempted of writeonly field.
421   The object cannot be modified.
511   The qb_request_id has been previously used. Please generate a new one.
601   Could not access QuickBooks.
602   Could not open specified file.
603   The version of QuickBooks currently being used is not supported.
604   QuickBooks has not been installed properly.
605   The specified file was of an incorrect version.
606   Could not start QuickBooks.
607   QuickBooks is open in a mode different than the one requested.
608   QuickBooks cannot currently be accessed.
609   An application name must be specified.
610   A file name must be specified if one is not currently open in QuickBooks.
611   Access denied.
612   QuickBooks is busy and cannot open your application in the mode requested.
699   The connection to QuickBooks has failed for an unknown reason.
702   The object requested does not exist in QuickBooks.
751   Unsupported QBXML version.
752   The qbxml_version chosen is insufficient to execute the request.
801   A QuickBooks internal error has occurred.
802   QuickBooks is not available due to a system-related problem.
803   The Id specified is invalid.
804   Invalid object name.
805   The name already exists in QuickBooks.
807   An object could not be found in QuickBooks.
808   A reference did not refer to an object that exists in QuickBooks.
809   The object is currently in use by the QuickBooks end user.
810   The object may not be added.
811   The object may not be updated because it is obsolete.
812   The address is invalid.
813   Permission to perform this operation is not granted.
814   The request has not been processed.
815   Time creation mismatch.
816   The feature is turned off or not enabled.
817   Permission level configured is insufficient for access.
818    The item specified was of an unknown type.
819   The object may not be changed.
820   An internal QuickBooks error has occurred.
821   An attempt was made to use a connection that was not properly initiated.
822   An attempt was made to use a connection that is invalid or was previously closed.
823   Not enough memory.
824   Unable to lock the necessary information to allow this application access to the company file. Try again later.
850   An older version of QuickBooks 2002 is being used. Please download the latest update from Intuit.
851   The QuickBooks request processor was not found. Check that QuickBooks Pro 2002 or higher is installed on your system.
861   Server error on WebExport (details follow).
862   The WebExport is impossible: an HTTP context was not found.
871   You may not set the value of QBConnectionTicket. This value is readonly.
880   Interrupted by the user.
881   An error has occurred connecting to a remote machine.
899   An unknown QuickBooks error has occurred. The message contains more details.
901   XML Parser Error. Should not occur under normal circumstances.
304   Unknown query field.
501   Only one of TotalBalanceMinimum and TotalBalanceMaximum may be specified.