QBWCServer Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Config Settings   Errors  

The QBWCServer class is used to communicate with QuickBooks Web Connector from your application.

Class Name


Procedural Interface

 inqb_qbwcserver_register_callback($res, $id, $function);
 inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, $id, $index, $value);
 inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, $id, $index);
 inqb_qbwcserver_do_config($res, $configurationstring);
 inqb_qbwcserver_do_createqwcfile($res, $filepath);


The QBWCServer class is designed to process requests from QuickBooks Web Connector and fire events that allow you to provide information to, and get information from QuickBooks Web Connector.

This allows you to create an application that can communicate with a remote copy of QuickBooks without worrying about directly accessing the machine where QuickBooks is running. For more information on the design of this approach refer to the Intuit website for QuickBooks Web Connector.

QWC Files

The first step in establishing a relationship between your application and a remote instance of QuickBooks is to create a QWC file. This file specifies information about your application its requirements, as well as the access you need. The CreateQWCFile method creates the QWC file which must be generated for each user of your application. The minimum required properties are:

Once the file is generated the end user will obtain the file from your website, and you will assign a password for that user at that time. The password is not part of the QWC file but the user will provide this directly in QuickBooks Web Connector and it will be sent to your web application during the connection for verification purposes.

Request Processing

The class is designed with a server environment in mind. That is, it's typical that the class will be used in a web page, but is not required. However the HTTP request is received, it can be passed to the RequestData property. After passing the request data to the class call ProcessRequest method processes the request from QuickBooks Web Connector. Processing the requests will fire one of the events.

The class provides various events to interact with QuickBooks Web Connector. QuickBooks Web Connector will make a sequence of calls for any given session, and the events correspond to these calls. Within the events you control the response which dictates what QuickBooks Web Connector will do next.

A session ticket is provided so you can keep track of a particular session over the course of multiple calls. An example of a typical session:

  1. ServerVersion fires. This allows you to provide an the version of your application. This is purely informational and does not need to be implemented.
  2. ClientVersion fires. This provides version information about the QuickBooks Web Connector. It may be used to reject a connection based on minimum required versions, but in most cases no action would be taken in your code and the session proceeds.
  3. Authenticate fires. This event allows verification of the user that is connecting. Here you will either accept or reject the connection.
  4. SendRequest fires. Within this event you will supply a QBXML request that will be passed to QuickBooks.
  5. ReceiveResponse fires. QuickBooks Web Connector returns the QBXML response from the request you gave it in the previous step, or error information about why the request failed.
  6. CloseConnection fires. This is the last event in the session. You may provide a message that will be displayed in QuickBooks Web Connector, but in most cases you would not take any action in this event.

Preparing Requests and Parsing Responses

The SendRequest event requires that you provide a QBXML request. This can be generated using the other components in this toolkit. To do so, simply set the QBRequestMode property to rmOffline before making a method call. For instance: Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.QBRequestMode = CustomerQBRequestModes.rmOffline; customer.GetByName("John Doe"); e.Request = customer.QBRequestAggregate; In the above code the class is used in the same way you would use the class if you were communicating directly with QuickBooks with the exception that QBRequestMode is set to rmOffline. When the GetByName method is called instead of attempting to communicate with QuickBooks only the QBRequestAggregate property is populated. This QBXML aggregate should be passed to the e.Request parameter inside the SendRequest event.

Processing responses is similar. You will receive the QBXML response from the e.Response parameter inside the ReceiveResponse event. You may then pass the response to the QBResponseAggregate property, or InputQBXML method of other components in the toolkit. For instance: Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.QBResponseAggregate = e.Response; string myAccountNumber = customer.AccountNumber; Setting QBResponseAggregate and calling InputQBXML do the exact same thing. The class parses the response and populates the properties of the class.

Error Handling

There are two basic types of errors when dealing with QuickBooks Web Connector. The first are errors that originate from your application and are reported to QuickBooks Web Connector. These are driven by the actions you take inside events. For instance in the SendRequest event you may set e.Request to empty string to signify an error. QuickBooks Web Connector will see this and make another call and GetLastError will fire. GetLastError is fired when QuickBooks Web Connector is asking from error information from your application. Here you may provide details about the error.

The second type of error is a communication error between QuickBooks Web Connector and QuickBooks itself. When this happens QuickBooks Web Connector will make a call and ConnectionError will fire with information about the error received from QuickBooks.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

OverwriteWhether to overwrite QWC files.
QWCFileInfoAppDescriptionA brief description of the application.
QWCFileInfoAppDisplayNameThe display name of the application.
QWCFileInfoAppIdThe application Id.
QWCFileInfoAppNameThe name of the application.
QWCFileInfoAppSupportURLA URL where users can find support for your product.
QWCFileInfoAppUniqueNameIf this property is set the QuickBooks Web Connector will not use its clone/replace model for the AppName and will instead use the replace routine.
QWCFileInfoAppURLThe URL of your web application.
QWCFileInfoAuthFlagsThis property specifies which versions of QuickBooks your application supports.
QWCFileInfoCertURLThis property specifies a URL which is used by the QuickBooks Web Connector to obtain and validate the SSL certificate.
QWCFileInfoFileIdThis property specifies a unique Id.
QWCFileInfoIsReadOnlySpecifies whether read or read/write access is needed.
QWCFileInfoNotifyDetermines if notification are allowed.
QWCFileInfoOwnerIdThis property specifies an Id which identifies your application.
QWCFileInfoPersonalDataPrefThis property defines the type of access to personal/sensitive data required by your application.
QWCFileInfoUnattendedModePrefThis property specifies whether you need to access QuickBooks in unattended mode (when QuickBooks is closed).
QWCFileInfoUpdateIntervalThis property specifies the desired update interval in seconds.
QWCFileInfoUserThis property species the user.
RequestDataThe request data to process.
ResponseDataThe response data.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ConfigSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
CreateQWCFileCreates a QWC file.
ProcessRequestProcesses the request.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AuthenticateFired when the QuickBooks Web Connector authenticates.
ClientVersionProvides the QuickBooks Web Connector version information.
CloseConnectionFires when the update session completes.
ConnectionErrorFires when QuickBooks Web Connector is unable to connect to QuickBooks.
ErrorInformation about errors during data delivery.
GetInteractiveURLFires when the URL for an interactive session is needed.
GetLastErrorFires when QuickBooks Web Connector checks for error information.
InteractiveDoneThis event fires when QuickBooks Web Connector checks to see if the interactive session is finished.
InteractiveRejectedThis event fires after a user rejects an interactive session.
ReceiveResponseFires when a response is received.
SendRequestFires when QuickBooks Web Connector asks for a request.
ServerVersionFires when QuickBooks Web Connector requests the version of your application.

Config Settings

The following is a list of config settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

QBTypeThe type of QuickBooks software the connection will be made to.
StyleSpecifies the SOAP encoding style used in requests made by QuickBooks Web Connector.
BuildInfoInformation about the product's build.
CodePageThe system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations.
LicenseInfoInformation about the current license.
MaskSensitiveDataWhether sensitive data is masked in log messages.
ProcessIdleEventsWhether the class uses its internal event loop to process events when the main thread is idle.
SelectWaitMillisThe length of time in milliseconds the class will wait when DoEvents is called if there are no events to process.
UseInternalSecurityAPIWhether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

Overwrite Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Whether to overwrite QWC files.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getOverwrite();
public function setOverwrite($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 1 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 1, $value );

Default Value



This determines whether existing files are overwritten when calling CreateQWCFile. The default value is False.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoAppDescription Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

A brief description of the application.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoAppDescription();
public function setQWCFileInfoAppDescription($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 2 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 2, $value );

Default Value



A brief description of the application. This will be displayed in the QB Web Connector UI. For the best results use a value less than 80 characters in length.

This property is required.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoAppDisplayName Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

The display name of the application.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoAppDisplayName();
public function setQWCFileInfoAppDisplayName($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 3 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 3, $value );

Default Value



The display name of the application. This is use for display purposes in the QB Web Connector UI only.

This property is optional.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoAppId Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

The application Id.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoAppId();
public function setQWCFileInfoAppId($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 4 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 4, $value );

Default Value



The application Id. This value is passed to QuickBooks or QuickBooks POS when a connection is opened, however it is not used at the time of this writing.

This property is optional.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoAppName Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

The name of the application.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoAppName();
public function setQWCFileInfoAppName($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 5 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 5, $value );

Default Value



The name of the application. This name is displayed in the QB Web Connector UI. It is also the name supplied to QuickBooks when a connection is created.

This property is required.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoAppSupportURL Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

A URL where users can find support for your product.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoAppSupportURL();
public function setQWCFileInfoAppSupportURL($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 6 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 6, $value );

Default Value



A URL where users can find support for your product.

The domain name specified in this URL must match the domain name specified in QWCFileInfoAppURL.

During development you may specify "localhost" or a machine name in place of the domain name. If a machine name is specified, it must match the machine name specified in QWCFileInfoAppURL.

The URL provided in QWCFileInfoAppURL must be a https:// URL. The only exception to this is when using "localhost" for development, in that case a http:// URL may be used.

This property is required.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoAppUniqueName Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

If this property is set the QuickBooks Web Connector will not use its clone/replace model for the AppName and will instead use the replace routine.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoAppUniqueName();
public function setQWCFileInfoAppUniqueName($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 7 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 7, $value );

Default Value



If this property is set the QuickBooks Web Connector will not use its clone/replace model for the QWCFileInfoAppName and will instead use the replace routine.

This property is optional.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoAppURL Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

The URL of your web application.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoAppURL();
public function setQWCFileInfoAppURL($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 8 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 8, $value );

Default Value



The URL of your web application.

The domain name specified in this URL must match the domain name specified in QWCFileInfoAppURL.

During development you may specify "localhost" or a machine name in place of the domain name. If a machine name is specified, it must match the machine name specified in QWCFileInfoAppURL.

The URL provided in QWCFileInfoAppURL must be a https:// URL. The only exception to this is when using "localhost" for development, in that case a http:// URL may be used.

This property is required.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoAuthFlags Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

This property specifies which versions of QuickBooks your application supports.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoAuthFlags();
public function setQWCFileInfoAuthFlags($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 9 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 9, $value );

Default Value



This property specifies which versions of QuickBooks your application supports. By default all editions are supported, including Simple Start.

This property is optional. If this is not set the QuickBooks Web Connector will support all versions. In most cases it is recommended to leave this value as empty string unless you need to restrict which versions of QuickBooks your application supports.

Possible values are:

0x0 All
0x1 QuickBooks Simple Start
0x2 QuickBooks Professional
0x4 QuickBooks Premier
0x8 QuickBooks Enterprise

If you need to support multiple editions you may AND the desired values together.

This property is optional.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoCertURL Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

This property specifies a URL which is used by the QuickBooks Web Connector to obtain and validate the SSL certificate.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoCertURL();
public function setQWCFileInfoCertURL($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 10 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 10, $value );

Default Value



This property specifies a URL which is used by the QuickBooks Web Connector to obtain and validate the SSL certificate. This is typically only used when the *rpCertURL; is not the web server where your application is running.

This property is optional.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoFileId Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

This property specifies a unique Id.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoFileId();
public function setQWCFileInfoFileId($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 11 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 11, $value );

Default Value



This property specifies a unique Id. The first time the QuickBooks Web Connector connects to the company this Id is stored as an extension to the company record along with QWCFileInfoOwnerId.

The storage of this data allows you to perform a Company query (using the Company class) to determine if you've worked with this company file previously. When the Company query is performed specify your QWCFileInfoOwnerId and validate the FileId in the response.

This format of this value must adhere to the GUIDTYPE defined in the QuickBooks SDK. The format is {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where X is a hexadecimal digit. For example: {6B063959-81B0-4622-85D6-F548C8CCB517}

This property is required.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoIsReadOnly Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Specifies whether read or read/write access is needed.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoIsReadOnly();
public function setQWCFileInfoIsReadOnly($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 12 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 12, $value );

Default Value



Specifies whether read or read/write access is needed.

This property specifies whether your application will need read or read/write access to the company file. The default value is False, meaning both read and write access is required.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoNotify Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Determines if notification are allowed.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoNotify();
public function setQWCFileInfoNotify($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 13 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 13, $value );

Default Value



Determines if notification are allowed.

This property determines if system tray notification pop-ups are allowed at the application level. The default value is False.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoOwnerId Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

This property specifies an Id which identifies your application.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoOwnerId();
public function setQWCFileInfoOwnerId($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 14 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 14, $value );

Default Value



This property specifies an Id which identifies your application.

This format of this value must adhere to the GUIDTYPE defined in the QuickBooks SDK. The format is {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where X is a hexadecimal digit. For example: {6B063959-81B0-4622-85D6-F548C8CCB517}

This property is required.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoPersonalDataPref Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

This property defines the type of access to personal/sensitive data required by your application.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoPersonalDataPref();
public function setQWCFileInfoPersonalDataPref($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 15 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 15, $value );

Possible Values


Default Value



This property defines the type of access to personal/sensitive data required by your application. Possible values are:

0 (pdpNotNeeded - default) Access to personal data is not needed.
1 (pdpOptional) Access to personal data is optional.
2 (pdpRequired) Access to personal data is required.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoUnattendedModePref Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

This property specifies whether you need to access QuickBooks in unattended mode (when QuickBooks is closed).

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoUnattendedModePref();
public function setQWCFileInfoUnattendedModePref($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 16 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 16, $value );

Possible Values


Default Value



This property specifies whether you need to access QuickBooks in unattended mode (when QuickBooks is closed). Possible values are:

0 (umpOptional - default) Access to QuickBooks when it is closed is not required. The user may still grant access.
1 (umpRequired) Access to QuickBooks when it is closed is required.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoUpdateInterval Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

This property specifies the desired update interval in seconds.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoUpdateInterval();
public function setQWCFileInfoUpdateInterval($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 17 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 17, $value );

Default Value



This property specifies the desired update interval in seconds. If set to a positive value the QuickBooks Web Connector will automatically enable the "Auto-Run" option when adding the application, and the "Every_Min" value will be set to the nearest minute value. The default value is 0, which means this option will not be included in the created file.

This property is optional.

Data Type


QWCFileInfoUser Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

This property species the user.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getQWCFileInfoUser();
public function setQWCFileInfoUser($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 18 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 18, $value );

Default Value



This property species the user. When QuickBooks Web Connector connects to your application and ProcessRequest is called the Authenticate event will fire and the user and password will be available to you for verification.

This property is required.

Data Type


RequestData Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

The request data to process.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getRequestData();
public function setRequestData($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 19 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 19, $value );

Default Value



This property specifies the data to be processed.

Call ProcessRequest to process the data.

This property is not available at design time.

Data Type


ResponseData Property (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

The response data.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getResponseData();
public function setResponseData($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_get($res, 20 );
inqb_qbwcserver_set($res, 20, $value );

Default Value



After calling ProcessRequest this property will be populated with the response to be sent back to QuickBooks Web Connector.

This property is not available at design time.

Data Type


Config Method (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.

Object Oriented Interface

public function doConfig($configurationstring);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_do_config($res, $configurationstring);


Config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.

These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).

To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.

CreateQWCFile Method (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Creates a QWC file.

Object Oriented Interface

public function doCreateQWCFile($filepath);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_do_createqwcfile($res, $filepath);


This method creates a QWC file on disk at the specified FilePath.

The QWCFileInfo* properties define the specific requirements of the file.

The following properties are required:

The Overwrite property determines the behavior if the file already exists.

ProcessRequest Method (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Processes the request.

Object Oriented Interface

public function doProcessRequest();

Procedural Interface



This method processes the request. A request is made by QuickBooks Web Connector to your web based application. The request must be read from the HTTP context by your application and passed to the RequestData property.

After providing the request, call this method to process the request. The event which corresponds to the call made by QuickBooks Web Connector will fire and allow you to get or set information. Possible events that may fire when this method is called are:

Only one of these events will fire, this is because QuickBooks Web Connector only makes one call at a time. The events provide a SessionTicket so that you can identify which events belong to which session.

After this method returns, the ResponseData property will be populated. You must then send the response in your code.

When sending the response you MUST set the Content-Type header to "text/xml".

Authenticate Event (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Fired when the QuickBooks Web Connector authenticates.

Object Oriented Interface

public function fireAuthenticate($param);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_register_callback($res, 1, array($this, 'fireAuthenticate'));

Parameter List



This event fires when the QuickBooks Web Connector attempts authentication.

You may use this event to accept the connection, reject the connection, postpone the update, or skip the update. The parameters are as follows:

User is the username that is presented by QuickBooks Web Connector.

Password is the password that is presented for the user.

Accept determines whether the connection request is accepted. The values of User and Password should be verified within this event to determine if the user credentials are valid. The default value is True.

Busy may be set to True to inform QuickBooks Web Connector that the application is busy and to try again later. The default is False. When set to True it is not necessary to set Accept to False.

NoWork may be set to True to inform QuickBoooks Web Connector that there is no work to process and to stop the update. When set to True it is not necessary to set Accept to False.

SessionTicket is a string value which identifies the session and will be available within other events. The class populates this with a GUID but you may choose to set your own value.

CompanyFile should be set to the full path to the company file on the system running QuickBooks which you want to work with. Leave this set to empty string to indicate that the currently opened company file should be used.

UpdateDelay allows you to postpone the update for the specified number of seconds. When set to True it is not necessary to set Accept to False.

UpdateInterval may be set to specify the interval in seconds at which the QuickBooks Web Connector will begin an update. If the user has enabled the "Auto-Run" option on QuickBooks Web Connector this will update the "Every_Min" field. Note that the user may choose to change the value. If the user has not enabled "Auto-Run" this is not applicable, but will not cause an error.

ClientVersion Event (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Provides the QuickBooks Web Connector version information.

Object Oriented Interface

public function fireClientVersion($param);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_register_callback($res, 2, array($this, 'fireClientVersion'));

Parameter List



This event fires with the version information for QuickBooks Web Connector.

In most cases you do not need to do anything within this event. If no action is taken the session will proceed normally. You may optionally set parameters in this event to return an error, warning, or version requirement. The parameters are as follow:

ClientVersion holds the version of QuickBooks Web Connector that is connecting to your application. For instance "".

RequiredVersion specifies the required version of QuickBooks Web Connector. You may set this to a value like "2.0". This is the minimum supported version of QuickBooks Web Connector which you will allow.

ErrorMessage may be set to return an error to QuickBooks Web Connector.

WarningMessage may be set to return a warning to QuickBooks Web Connector. The user will be prompted to continue or cancel the update.

CloseConnection Event (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Fires when the update session completes.

Object Oriented Interface

public function fireCloseConnection($param);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_register_callback($res, 3, array($this, 'fireCloseConnection'));

Parameter List



This event fires when QuickBooks Web Connector notifies your application that the update is complete. This is the last event to fire in a session. Parameters are as follows:

SessionTicket identifies the session.

ResponseMessage may be set to a message that will be displayed in the "Last result" field in QuickBooks Web Connector.

ConnectionError Event (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Fires when QuickBooks Web Connector is unable to connect to QuickBooks.

Object Oriented Interface

public function fireConnectionError($param);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_register_callback($res, 4, array($this, 'fireConnectionError'));

Parameter List



This event fires when QuickBooks Web Connector is unable to connect to QuickBooks. The event parameters provide the error details, and also allow you to specify an alternate company file to retry the connection with. If an alternate company file is not specified the session is ended. The parameters are as follows:

ErrorCode is the error code (HResult) returned by QuickBooks. This value is read-only.

ErrorMessage is the error message returned by QuickBooks. This value is read-only.

CompanyFile may be set to the full path of an alternate company file. If specified, the QuickBooks Web Connector will retry the connection to QuickBooks using this company file. Leave this parameter empty to end the session.

Error Event (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Information about errors during data delivery.

Object Oriented Interface

public function fireError($param);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_register_callback($res, 5, array($this, 'fireError'));

Parameter List



The Error event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during message processing.

ErrorCode contains an error code and Description contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the Error Codes section.

GetInteractiveURL Event (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Fires when the URL for an interactive session is needed.

Object Oriented Interface

public function fireGetInteractiveURL($param);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_register_callback($res, 6, array($this, 'fireGetInteractiveURL'));

Parameter List



This event fires when QuickBooks Web Connector requests the URL for an interactive session.

If you set the InteractiveMode parameter in the GetLastError event this event will then fire so that you may provide the URL for the interactive session. The available parameters are:

SessionTicket identifies the session.

URL specifies the URL for the interactive session on your site. This must be a secure (https://) URL.

GetLastError Event (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Fires when QuickBooks Web Connector checks for error information.

Object Oriented Interface

public function fireGetLastError($param);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_register_callback($res, 7, array($this, 'fireGetLastError'));

Parameter List



This event allows you to report an error to QuickBooks Web Connector. It will be fired whenever QuickBooks Web Connector detects an error condition and asks your application for details. The parameters are as follows:

SessionTicket identifies the session.

Pause may be set to True to introduce a brief delay, after which QuickBooks Web Connector will retry the previous operation. For instance, the following sequence of events may occur:

  • QuickBooks Web Connector makes a call and SendRequest fires.
  • You set the Request parameter inside SendRequest to empty string.
  • QuickBooks Web Connector determines the empty request as an error and makes a call which fires the GetLastError event.
  • You set the Pause parameter inside this event to True.
  • QuickBooks Web Connector reads the response and waits 5 seconds.
  • QuickBooks Web Connector retries the previous operation and makes a call which fires SendRequest again.

InteractiveMode may be set to request interactive mode. When set to True the QuickBooks Web Connector will prompt the user to accept an interactive session. If the user agrees, QuickBooks Web Connector will make a call and the GetInteractiveURL event will fire. If the user declines, QuickBooks Web Connector will report this and the InteractiveRejected event will fire.

ErrorMessage may be set to any string which will be reported to the QuickBooks Web Connector.

InteractiveDone Event (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

This event fires when QuickBooks Web Connector checks to see if the interactive session is finished.

Object Oriented Interface

public function fireInteractiveDone($param);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_register_callback($res, 8, array($this, 'fireInteractiveDone'));

Parameter List



While the interactive session is open QuickBooks Web Connector will periodically poll your application to see if the session is finished. The response you provide determines if the session has ended or is still open.

SessionTicket identifies the session.

Response specifies whether the session has ended or not. Set this to empty string to "Done" to indicate the session has finished. Set this to any other value such as "Continue" to indicate the session is still ongoing.

InteractiveRejected Event (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

This event fires after a user rejects an interactive session.

Object Oriented Interface

public function fireInteractiveRejected($param);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_register_callback($res, 9, array($this, 'fireInteractiveRejected'));

Parameter List



This event fires after a user rejects an interactive session. After requesting an interactive session within GetLastError the user may reject the request. If the request is rejected this event will fire with the reason and allow you to send a message back which will be displayed in QuickBooks Web Connector. The parameters are as follows:

SessionTicket identifies the session.

ReasonMessage is the reason for the rejection as reported by QuickBooks Web Connector. This will be text like "User rejected interactive mode".

ResponseMessage may be set to a string that will be displayed as the "Last Result" in QuickBooks Web Connector.

ReceiveResponse Event (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Fires when a response is received.

Object Oriented Interface

public function fireReceiveResponse($param);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_register_callback($res, 10, array($this, 'fireReceiveResponse'));

Parameter List



This event fires after SendRequest to provide the response of the request. The parameters are as follows:

SessionTicket identifies the session.

Response holds the qbXML response. This may be passed to the QBResponseAggregate property or InputQBXML method of other classs in this toolkit to parse the response. In the case of an error this parameter will be empty. This value is read-only.

ErrorCode holds the error code (HResult) returned by QuickBooks. This value is read-only.

ErrorMessage holds the error message returned by QuickBooks. This value is read-only.

Success indicates whether the request was processed successfully by QuickBooks. If this value is False check HResult and Message for details. This value is read-only.

PercentDone indicates the current progress to QuickBooks Web Connector. A value of 100 means there are no more requests to be processed for this session.

A positive value less than 100 indicates there is still more work to do in this session and QuickBooks Web Connector will make another call and SendRequest will fire again. There is no limit to the number of requests in a session, so you may continue to set this value to a positive number less than 100 to continue the session.

A negative value indicates and error and will cause GetLastError to fire.

The default value is 100, which indicates there is no more work to do for this session.

SendRequest Event (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Fires when QuickBooks Web Connector asks for a request.

Object Oriented Interface

public function fireSendRequest($param);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_register_callback($res, 11, array($this, 'fireSendRequest'));

Parameter List



This event fires when QuickBooks Web Connector is ready to accept a request. The purpose of the event is to provide a request to QuickBooks Web Connector. The parameters are as follows:

SessionTicket identifies the session. This value is read-only.

CompanyResponse holds a QBXML response to a Company Query. This is automatically provided by QuickBooks Web Connector the first time this event fires for a session and may be passed to the QBResponseAggregate property of the Company class. This value is read-only.

HostResponse holds a QBXML response to a Host Query. This is automatically provided by QuickBooks Web Connector the first time this event fires for a session and may be passed to the QBResponseAggregate property of the Company class. This value is read-only.

PrefsResponse holds a QBXML response to a Preferences Query. This is automatically provided by QuickBooks Web Connector the first time this event fires for a session and may be passed to the QBResponseAggregate property of the Company class. This value is read-only.

CompanyFile specifies the path to the company file that will be used in the data exchange. This value is read-only.

QBXMLCountry is the country version of QuickBooks. For instance "US", "CA", or "UK". This value is read-only.

QBXMLMajorVersion is the major version of the qbXML request processor (QBSDK version). For instance if the qbXML specification version is "6.0" this value will be "6". This value is read-only.

QBXMLMinorVersion is the minor version of the qbXML request processor (QBSDK version). For instance if the qbXML specification version is "6.0" this value will be "0". This value is read-only.

Request specifies the qbXML request that will be sent to QuickBooks Web Connector. This may be obtained from other classs in the toolkit by setting the QBRequestMode property to Offline. See the help for QBRequestMode for mode details.

Note: If the Request parameter is left empty QuickBooks Web Connector will then make a call and GetLastError will fire. This approach may be used if you wish to return an error, request interactive mode, or introduce a brief pause.

ServerVersion Event (InQB_QBWCServer Class)

Fires when QuickBooks Web Connector requests the version of your application.

Object Oriented Interface

public function fireServerVersion($param);

Procedural Interface

inqb_qbwcserver_register_callback($res, 12, array($this, 'fireServerVersion'));

Parameter List



This event fires when QuickBooks Web Connector requests the version of your application.

Version may be set to any string value. The value you specify will be displayed to the user when they click the more information link in QuickBooks Web Connector.

Config Settings (QBWCServer Class)

The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

QBWCServer Config Settings

QBType:   The type of QuickBooks software the connection will be made to.

This setting is applicable when calling CreateQWCFile. It specifies whether the application will connect to QuickBooks, or QuickBooks POS (Point of Sale). Possible values are:

0 (default) QuickBooks
1 QuickBooks POS

You should only set this when generating a QWC file designed for an application that will connect to QuickBooks POS.

Style:   Specifies the SOAP encoding style used in requests made by QuickBooks Web Connector.

This setting is applicable when calling CreateQWCFile. It specifies the SOAP encoding style used in the requests made by QuickBooks Web Connector. When using the QBWCServer class to process requests this should not be set. Possible values are:

Document (default) Standard .NET web service format.
DocWrapped Axis web services built using WSDL2Java.
RPC Axis web services built using Java2WSDL or JWS.
This setting should only be set if there is a specific need to define a value other than the default.

Base Config Settings

BuildInfo:   Information about the product's build.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the product's build.

CodePage:   The system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations.

The default code page is Unicode UTF-8 (65001).

The following is a list of valid code page identifiers:

037IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada
437OEM - United States
500IBM EBCDIC - International
708Arabic - ASMO 708
709Arabic - ASMO 449+, BCON V4
710Arabic - Transparent Arabic
720Arabic - Transparent ASMO
737OEM - Greek (formerly 437G)
775OEM - Baltic
850OEM - Multilingual Latin I
852OEM - Latin II
855OEM - Cyrillic (primarily Russian)
857OEM - Turkish
858OEM - Multilingual Latin I + Euro symbol
860OEM - Portuguese
861OEM - Icelandic
862OEM - Hebrew
863OEM - Canadian-French
864OEM - Arabic
865OEM - Nordic
866OEM - Russian
869OEM - Modern Greek
870IBM EBCDIC - Multilingual/ROECE (Latin-2)
874ANSI/OEM - Thai (same as 28605, ISO 8859-15)
875IBM EBCDIC - Modern Greek
932ANSI/OEM - Japanese, Shift-JIS
936ANSI/OEM - Simplified Chinese (PRC, Singapore)
949ANSI/OEM - Korean (Unified Hangul Code)
950ANSI/OEM - Traditional Chinese (Taiwan; Hong Kong SAR, PRC)
1026IBM EBCDIC - Turkish (Latin-5)
1047IBM EBCDIC - Latin 1/Open System
1140IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada (037 + Euro symbol)
1141IBM EBCDIC - Germany (20273 + Euro symbol)
1142IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway (20277 + Euro symbol)
1143IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden (20278 + Euro symbol)
1144IBM EBCDIC - Italy (20280 + Euro symbol)
1145IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain (20284 + Euro symbol)
1146IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom (20285 + Euro symbol)
1147IBM EBCDIC - France (20297 + Euro symbol)
1148IBM EBCDIC - International (500 + Euro symbol)
1149IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic (20871 + Euro symbol)
1200Unicode UCS-2 Little-Endian (BMP of ISO 10646)
1201Unicode UCS-2 Big-Endian
1250ANSI - Central European
1251ANSI - Cyrillic
1252ANSI - Latin I
1253ANSI - Greek
1254ANSI - Turkish
1255ANSI - Hebrew
1256ANSI - Arabic
1257ANSI - Baltic
1258ANSI/OEM - Vietnamese
1361Korean (Johab)
10000MAC - Roman
10001MAC - Japanese
10002MAC - Traditional Chinese (Big5)
10003MAC - Korean
10004MAC - Arabic
10005MAC - Hebrew
10006MAC - Greek I
10007MAC - Cyrillic
10008MAC - Simplified Chinese (GB 2312)
10010MAC - Romania
10017MAC - Ukraine
10021MAC - Thai
10029MAC - Latin II
10079MAC - Icelandic
10081MAC - Turkish
10082MAC - Croatia
12000Unicode UCS-4 Little-Endian
12001Unicode UCS-4 Big-Endian
20000CNS - Taiwan
20001TCA - Taiwan
20002Eten - Taiwan
20003IBM5550 - Taiwan
20004TeleText - Taiwan
20005Wang - Taiwan
20105IA5 IRV International Alphabet No. 5 (7-bit)
20106IA5 German (7-bit)
20107IA5 Swedish (7-bit)
20108IA5 Norwegian (7-bit)
20127US-ASCII (7-bit)
20269ISO 6937 Non-Spacing Accent
20273IBM EBCDIC - Germany
20277IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway
20278IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden
20280IBM EBCDIC - Italy
20284IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain
20285IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom
20290IBM EBCDIC - Japanese Katakana Extended
20297IBM EBCDIC - France
20420IBM EBCDIC - Arabic
20423IBM EBCDIC - Greek
20424IBM EBCDIC - Hebrew
20833IBM EBCDIC - Korean Extended
20838IBM EBCDIC - Thai
20866Russian - KOI8-R
20871IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic
20880IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Russian)
20905IBM EBCDIC - Turkish
20924IBM EBCDIC - Latin-1/Open System (1047 + Euro symbol)
20932JIS X 0208-1990 & 0121-1990
20936Simplified Chinese (GB2312)
21025IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Serbian, Bulgarian)
21027Extended Alpha Lowercase
21866Ukrainian (KOI8-U)
28591ISO 8859-1 Latin I
28592ISO 8859-2 Central Europe
28593ISO 8859-3 Latin 3
28594ISO 8859-4 Baltic
28595ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic
28596ISO 8859-6 Arabic
28597ISO 8859-7 Greek
28598ISO 8859-8 Hebrew
28599ISO 8859-9 Latin 5
28605ISO 8859-15 Latin 9
29001Europa 3
38598ISO 8859-8 Hebrew
50220ISO 2022 Japanese with no halfwidth Katakana
50221ISO 2022 Japanese with halfwidth Katakana
50222ISO 2022 Japanese JIS X 0201-1989
50225ISO 2022 Korean
50227ISO 2022 Simplified Chinese
50229ISO 2022 Traditional Chinese
50930Japanese (Katakana) Extended
50931US/Canada and Japanese
50933Korean Extended and Korean
50935Simplified Chinese Extended and Simplified Chinese
50936Simplified Chinese
50937US/Canada and Traditional Chinese
50939Japanese (Latin) Extended and Japanese
51932EUC - Japanese
51936EUC - Simplified Chinese
51949EUC - Korean
51950EUC - Traditional Chinese
52936HZ-GB2312 Simplified Chinese
54936Windows XP: GB18030 Simplified Chinese (4 Byte)
57002ISCII Devanagari
57003ISCII Bengali
57004ISCII Tamil
57005ISCII Telugu
57006ISCII Assamese
57007ISCII Oriya
57008ISCII Kannada
57009ISCII Malayalam
57010ISCII Gujarati
57011ISCII Punjabi
65000Unicode UTF-7
65001Unicode UTF-8
The following is a list of valid code page identifiers for Mac OS only:

LicenseInfo:   Information about the current license.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the license this instance of a class is using. It will return the following information:

  • Product: The product the license is for.
  • Product Key: The key the license was generated from.
  • License Source: Where the license was found (e.g., RuntimeLicense, License File).
  • License Type: The type of license installed (e.g., Royalty Free, Single Server).
  • Last Valid Build: The last valid build number for which the license will work.
MaskSensitiveData:   Whether sensitive data is masked in log messages.

In certain circumstances it may be beneficial to mask sensitive data, like passwords, in log messages. Set this to true to mask sensitive data. The default is true.

This setting only works on these classes: AS3Receiver, AS3Sender, Atom, Client(3DS), FTP, FTPServer, IMAP, OFTPClient, SSHClient, SCP, Server(3DS), Sexec, SFTP, SFTPServer, SSHServer, TCPClient, TCPServer.

ProcessIdleEvents:   Whether the class uses its internal event loop to process events when the main thread is idle.

If set to False, the class will not fire internal idle events. Set this to False to use the class in a background thread on Mac OS. By default, this setting is True.

SelectWaitMillis:   The length of time in milliseconds the class will wait when DoEvents is called if there are no events to process.

If there are no events to process when DoEvents is called, the class will wait for the amount of time specified here before returning. The default value is 20.

UseInternalSecurityAPI:   Whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

When set to false, the class will use the system security libraries by default to perform cryptographic functions where applicable.

Setting this configuration setting to true tells the class to use the internal implementation instead of using the system security libraries.

On Windows, this setting is set to false by default. On Linux/macOS, this setting is set to true by default.

To use the system security libraries for Linux, OpenSSL support must be enabled. For more information on how to enable OpenSSL, please refer to the OpenSSL Notes section.

Trappable Errors (QBWCServer Class)


The following errors may be generated by the class. Note that frequently the error message will contain more specific information than what is listed here.

QBWCServer Errors

101   String too long.
103   Invalid date format (YYYY-MM-DD is standard).
104   Invalid value for enumerated field.
105   Invalid integer.
106   Invalid dollar amount.
107   Invalid boolean value (must be 'true' or 'false').
108   Invalid number.
111   Invalid special characters in string.
112   Invalid special field syntax.
181   Could not load certificate file.
201   Required field unspecified.
211   Unsupported field specified.
301   Array line count must be nonnegative.
302   Array index out of bounds.
303   Invalid field index.
401   Field not accessible as a special field.
402   Write access attempted of readonly field.
403   Read access attempted of writeonly field.
421   The object cannot be modified.
511   The QBRequestId has been previously used. Please generate a new one.
601   Could not access QuickBooks.
602   Could not open specified file.
603   The version of QuickBooks currently being used is not supported.
604   QuickBooks has not been installed properly.
605   The specified file was of an incorrect version.
606   Could not start QuickBooks.
607   QuickBooks is open in a mode different than the one requested.
608   QuickBooks cannot currently be accessed.
609   An application name must be specified.
610   A file name must be specified if one is not currently open in QuickBooks.
611   Access denied.
612   QuickBooks is busy and cannot open your application in the mode requested.
699   The connection to QuickBooks has failed for an unknown reason.
702   The object requested does not exist in QuickBooks.
751   Unsupported QBXML version.
752   The QBXMLVersion chosen is insufficient to execute the request.
801   A QuickBooks internal error has occurred.
802   QuickBooks is not available due to a system-related problem.
803   The Id specified is invalid.
804   Invalid object name.
805   The name already exists in QuickBooks.
807   An object could not be found in QuickBooks.
808   A reference did not refer to an object that exists in QuickBooks.
809   The object is currently in use by the QuickBooks end user.
810   The object may not be added.
811   The object may not be updated because it is obsolete.
812   The address is invalid.
813   Permission to perform this operation is not granted.
814   The request has not been processed.
815   Time creation mismatch.
816   The feature is turned off or not enabled.
817   Permission level configured is insufficient for access.
818    The item specified was of an unknown type.
819   The object may not be changed.
820   An internal QuickBooks error has occurred.
821   An attempt was made to use a connection that was not properly initiated.
822   An attempt was made to use a connection that is invalid or was previously closed.
823   Not enough memory.
824   Unable to lock the necessary information to allow this application access to the company file. Try again later.
850   An older version of QuickBooks 2002 is being used. Please download the latest update from Intuit.
851   The QuickBooks request processor was not found. Check that QuickBooks Pro 2002 or higher is installed on your system.
861   Server error on WebExport (details follow).
862   The WebExport is impossible: an HTTP context was not found.
871   You may not set the value of QBConnectionTicket. This value is readonly.
880   Interrupted by the user.
881   An error has occurred connecting to a remote machine.
899   An unknown QuickBooks error has occurred. The message contains more details.
901   XML Parser Error. Should not occur under normal circumstances.
899   An XML or other QuickBooks error has occurred.