SalesReceipt Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Config Settings   Errors  

A SalesReceipt is used to record point-of-sale payments.




The SalesReceipt class represents a point-of-sale payment by a Customer. A SalesReceipt should be used in place of an Invoice when full payment is received at the time of sale.

Required Fields (Add): Customer*, Items

Supported Methods: Add, Get (Id), Cancel, Delete

Example SalesReceipt1.CustomerName = "John Q. Customer" '* SalesReceipt1.TransactionDate = "1/17/03" SalesReceipt1.LineItems.Add(New SalesReceiptItem()) SalesReceipt1.LineItems(0).ItemName = "Our Company's Product" '* SalesReceipt1.LineItems(0).Amount = "140.00" SalesReceipt1.Add() '*: Item must already exist in QuickBooks. TotalAmount is the total of the item lines. It is computed automatically, and should never be set.

The class supports a variety of other operations as well. The class's Get, Cancel, and Delete methods may be used to retrieve, cancel, and delete SalesReceipts, respectively. The ObjSearch Class may be used to search for SalesReceipts in the QuickBooks database.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

BillingAddressAddress to bill to.
CheckNumberCheck number (if payment was made by check).
CustomerIdA reference to the customer or customer job.
CustomerMessageIdReference to message to appear to customer.
CustomerMessageNameReference to message to appear to customer.
CustomerNameA reference to the customer or customer job.
DepositToAccountIdReference to account where money will be deposited.
DepositToAccountNameReference to account where money will be deposited.
DueDateDate when payment is due.
IsPendingIf true, this transaction has not been completed.
IsToBePrintedWhether this transaction is to be printed.
LineItemsCollection of line items.
MemoMemo to appear on internal reports only.
PaymentMethodIdReference to method of payment.
PaymentMethodNameReference to method of payment.
QBConnectionStringAn aggregate consisting of various QuickBooks connection properties.
QBRequestAggregateThe request aggregate.
QBRequestIdThe Id of the next message to be sent to QuickBooks.
QBRequestModeDefines whether the request is made online or stored offline.
QBResponseAggregateThe last QBXML response aggregate received from QuickBooks.
QBXMLVersionThe version of QBXML used in the outgoing message.
RefIdAn alphanumerical identifier generated by the server.
RefNumberReference number for the transaction.
SalesRepIdReference to (initials of) sales rep.
SalesRepNameReference to (initials of) sales rep.
SalesTaxTotalTotal amount of sales tax.
ShipDateDate of shipping.
ShipMethodIdReference to preferred method of shipping.
ShipMethodNameReference to preferred method of shipping.
ShippingAddressAddress to ship to.
SubtotalGross subtotal; doesn't count taxes/amount already paid.
TaxItemIdReference to detailed taxation information.
TaxItemNameReference to detailed taxation information.
TotalAmountSubtotal + SalesTaxTotal.
TransactionDateDate of transaction.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AddAdds the record into QuickBooks.
CancelCancels (voids) the transaction.
CheckRequestStatusChecks whether or not the specified request was processed by QuickBooks.
CloseQBConnectionCloses a persistent connection to QuickBooks.
ConfigSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
DeleteDeletes the record from QuickBooks.
GetGets a single record from QuickBooks.
GetCustomFieldGets a custom field value from QuickBooks.
ImportQBXMLImports a QBXML response aggregate.
OpenQBConnectionOpens a persistent connection to QuickBooks.
ResetResets all properties to their defaults.
SetCustomFieldSets a custom field value within QuickBooks.
UpdateUpdates the sales order in QuickBooks.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ErrorInformation about errors during data delivery.
SSLServerAuthenticationFired after the server presents its certificate to the client.
SSLStatusFired when secure connection progress messages are available.
StatusShows the progress of the QuickBooks connection.
WarningFired when a warning occurs.

Config Settings

The following is a list of config settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AppendAfterAppends an XML tag after the specified QBXML element.
AuthFlagsConnection Flags (use for QuickBooks Simple Start).
ClassIdA reference to the class of transaction.
ClassNameA reference to the class of transaction.
CreditCardTxnInfoXML aggregate containing the result of an actual credit card transaction to be reconciled with QuickBooks.
CustomerSalesTaxIdReference to sales tax information for the CUSTOMER.
CustomerSalesTaxNameReference to sales tax information for the CUSTOMER.
EditSequenceAn identifier for this copy of the object.
EnforceMaxLengthIndicates whether to enforce max lengths for QB Fields.
ExchangeRateIndicates the exchange rate for the transaction.
FOBFreight On Board: the place from where shipped.
GetHighestVersionHighest QBXMLVersion supported by the installed instance of QuickBooks.
GetRequestProcessorDLLVersionReturns the version of the QB Request Processor that is installed on your system.
GetSupportedVersionsReturns a list of QBXMLVersions that are supported by QuickBooks.
IsReadOnlyThis causes the QuickBooks authorization dialog to display text informing the user that its access will be read-only.
IsTaxIncludedIndicates whether the dollar amounts in the line items include tax or not.
Items[index].OverrideItemAccountIdAn account which will override the default account for the line item.
Items[index].OverrideItemAccountNameAn account which will override the default account for the line item.
PersonalDataPrefWhether the connecting application will require access to personal data such as SSN or credit card information.
QBConnectionModeThe mode of connection to QuickBooks.
QBFileStatusThe status of the company file as it pertains to accepting connections.
QBOpenCompanyFileThe file currently open in QuickBooks.
SalesTaxPercentagePercent paid as sales tax.
SendRawXMLSends specified XML to quickbooks without modification.
SSLAcceptServerCertThe SSL certificate being used by the QuickBooks Gateway (aka Remote Connector).
SSLAcceptServerCertFileThe SSL certificate file being used by the QuickBooks Gateway (aka Remote Connector).
StopOnErrorSpecifies how QuickBooks is to proceed if an error occurs in processing of the current request.
Tax1TotalCanadian field used for Goods and Services Tax, or GST.
Tax2TotalCanadian field used for Provincial Sales Taxes, or PST.
TemplateIdThe ID of an existing template to apply to the transaction.
TemplateNameThe name of an existing template to apply to the transaction.
TimeCreatedThe time the object was created.
TimeModifiedThe time the object was created.
UnattendedModePrefWhether connecting while QuickBooks is closed is required or optional for the user.
WarningCodesA comma-separated list of QuickBooks warning codes that should not result in an exception.
BuildInfoInformation about the product's build.
GUIAvailableWhether or not a message loop is available for processing events.
LicenseInfoInformation about the current license.
MaskSensitiveDataWhether sensitive data is masked in log messages.
UseDaemonThreadsWhether threads created by the class are daemon threads.
UseInternalSecurityAPIWhether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

BillingAddress Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Address to bill to.


public String getBillingAddress();
public void setBillingAddress(String billingAddress);

Default Value



The address to bill to.

The address is stored as a string, formatted as XML. It may be read and written directly, or with the Address component.

To read an address, set the Aggregate property of an Address class to this value, and read the values of the desired fields. To write an address, write the values of the desired Address fields and set this property to the Address's Aggregate.

To read and/or write directly, use the QBXML formatting: <Addr1>Line1</Addr1><Addr2>Line2</Addr2><Addr3>Line3</Addr3> <City>City</City><State>State</State><PostalCode>PostalCode</PostalCode> <Country>Country</Country>

CheckNumber Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Check number (if payment was made by check).


public String getCheckNumber();
public void setCheckNumber(String checkNumber);

Default Value



The check number. This property should only be specified if payment is made by check.

CustomerId Property (SalesReceipt Class)

A reference to the customer or customer job.


public String getCustomerId();
public void setCustomerId(String customerId);

Default Value



The Customer property indicates the Customer who has purchased goods or services from the company.

Id/Name Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its Id (this property) or its full Name, for which a corresponding property is defined.

Using the Id is recommended when feasible, as the Id is guaranteed to never change once defined.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Name property to an empty string.

Either CustomerId or CustomerName is required.

CustomerMessageId Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Reference to message to appear to customer.


public String getCustomerMessageId();
public void setCustomerMessageId(String customerMessageId);

Default Value



A reference to a predefined message that will appear to the customer.

Id/Name Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its Id (this property) or its full Name, for which a corresponding property is defined.

Using the Id is recommended when feasible, as the Id is guaranteed to never change once defined.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Name property to an empty string.

CustomerMessageName Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Reference to message to appear to customer.


public String getCustomerMessageName();
public void setCustomerMessageName(String customerMessageName);

Default Value



A reference to a predefined message that will appear to the customer.

Name/Id Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its full Name (this property) or its Id, for which a corresponding property is defined. If Name is used, it must contain the full name of the object referred to, as generated by QuickBooks. For hierarchically defined objects, such as Customers, this includes the names of parent objects, and the full name can be determined by reading the FullName special field.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Id property to an empty string.

CustomerName Property (SalesReceipt Class)

A reference to the customer or customer job.


public String getCustomerName();
public void setCustomerName(String customerName);

Default Value



The Customer property indicates the Customer who has purchased goods or services from the company.

Name/Id Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its full Name (this property) or its Id, for which a corresponding property is defined. If Name is used, it must contain the full name of the object referred to, as generated by QuickBooks. For hierarchically defined objects, such as Customers, this includes the names of parent objects, and the full name can be determined by reading the FullName special field.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Id property to an empty string.

Either CustomerId or CustomerName is required.

DepositToAccountId Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Reference to account where money will be deposited.


public String getDepositToAccountId();
public void setDepositToAccountId(String depositToAccountId);

Default Value



A reference to the account where the money will be deposited. For example, "Checking".

Id/Name Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its Id (this property) or its full Name, for which a corresponding property is defined.

Using the Id is recommended when feasible, as the Id is guaranteed to never change once defined.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Name property to an empty string.

DepositToAccountName Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Reference to account where money will be deposited.


public String getDepositToAccountName();
public void setDepositToAccountName(String depositToAccountName);

Default Value



A reference to the account where the money will be deposited. For example, "Checking".

Name/Id Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its full Name (this property) or its Id, for which a corresponding property is defined. If Name is used, it must contain the full name of the object referred to, as generated by QuickBooks. For hierarchically defined objects, such as Customers, this includes the names of parent objects, and the full name can be determined by reading the FullName special field.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Id property to an empty string.

DueDate Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Date when payment is due.


public String getDueDate();
public void setDueDate(String dueDate);

Default Value



Appears in a variety of transactions. The date when payment is due.

The standard formatting for dates is YYYY-MM-DD; i.e., September 2, 2002 is formatted as 2002-09-02. When getting the value of a date property, the date will always be in this format.

When setting the value of a date property, the formats MM-DD-YY, MM-DD-YYYY, MM/DD/YY, and MM/DD/YYYY are also acceptable. Dates in these formats will be automatically parsed and stored in YYYY-MM-DD format.

NOTE: A sales receipt does not ordinarily include a due date, because sales receipts are generally used for point-of-sale payments, where full payment is received at the time of purchase.

IsPending Property (SalesReceipt Class)

If true, this transaction has not been completed.


public boolean isIsPending();
public void setIsPending(boolean isPending);

Default Value



If set to true, this transaction (an Invoice, SalesReceipt, or CreditMemo) has not been completed. Pending sales might include unpaid orders, sales of back-ordered items, etc.

IsToBePrinted Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Whether this transaction is to be printed.


public boolean isIsToBePrinted();
public void setIsToBePrinted(boolean isToBePrinted);

Default Value



Indicates whether or not the transaction is to be printed. If set to true, the "To Be Printed" box in the QuickBooks user interface will be checked.

LineItems Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Collection of line items.


public SalesReceiptItemList getLineItems();


A Line Item is used to track any portion of a transaction that represents the purchase of an "item".

This property is not available at design time.

Please refer to the SalesReceiptItem type for a complete list of fields.

Memo Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Memo to appear on internal reports only.


public String getMemo();
public void setMemo(String memo);

Default Value



A memo to appear on internal reports. Will not appear to customers, vendors, etc.

PaymentMethodId Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Reference to method of payment.


public String getPaymentMethodId();
public void setPaymentMethodId(String paymentMethodId);

Default Value



A reference to the method of payment used. For example, "Cash".

Id/Name Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its Id (this property) or its full Name, for which a corresponding property is defined.

Using the Id is recommended when feasible, as the Id is guaranteed to never change once defined.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Name property to an empty string.

PaymentMethodName Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Reference to method of payment.


public String getPaymentMethodName();
public void setPaymentMethodName(String paymentMethodName);

Default Value



A reference to the method of payment used. For example, "Cash".

Name/Id Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its full Name (this property) or its Id, for which a corresponding property is defined. If Name is used, it must contain the full name of the object referred to, as generated by QuickBooks. For hierarchically defined objects, such as Customers, this includes the names of parent objects, and the full name can be determined by reading the FullName special field.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Id property to an empty string.

QBConnectionString Property (SalesReceipt Class)

An aggregate consisting of various QuickBooks connection properties.


public String getQBConnectionString();
public void setQBConnectionString(String QBConnectionString);

Default Value



QBConnectionString allows the user to customize the application's interaction with QuickBooks.

The connection properties should be formatted in a sequence as follows:

propertyname = "propertyvalue" propertyname = "propertyvalue" ...

The order is irrelevant, and the whitespace around the equal sign is optional.

The following properties are currently supported:

ApplicationNameThe name of the developer's application. This name will appear when the application first connects to QuickBooks; QuickBooks will display this name and prompt the user to grant or refuse access.
CompanyFileThe name of the company file to open. If QuickBooks is not currently open with a company file, QuickBooks will be automatically opened in the background with the file specified. Do not set CompanyFile when QuickBooks is open; if QuickBooks is open through the application UI, only that company file may be used.

This setting is not applicable when communicating with QB Connector.

URLThe URL for the Remote Connector, e.g., 'http://localhost:2080'. If the URL is specified, the class will not communicate directly with QuickBooks, and will instead send a request to the specified web address. QuickBooks and the Remote Connector should be installed at the remote location, and if the connector is listening on the specified port, it will communicate the class's request to QuickBooks, and return the response.
UserA username for the Remote Connector connection (if required on the Connector side)
PasswordA password for the Remote Connector connection (if required on the Connector side)
TimeoutA timeout, in seconds, for the Remote Connector connection. If the Connector does not finish and respond within the chosen length of time, the class will generate an exception instead of hanging.
DelayAfterCloseA delay, in milliseconds, to be applied after each time a connection to QuickBooks is closed. If QuickBooks is generating internal errors (in particular with automatic login) setting this delay to a positive value may solve the problem.
FirewallHostContains the name or IP address of firewall. If a FirewallHost is given, the requested connections will be authenticated through the specified firewall when connecting.
FirewallPasswordContains a password if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall. If FirewallHost is specified, the FirewallUser and FirewallPassword configs are used to connect and authenticate to the given firewall. If the authentication fails, the class throws an exception.
FirewallPortContains the TCP port for the firewall FirewallHost. Note this is set automatically when FirewallType is set to a valid value.
FirewallTypeDetermines the type of firewall to connect through. Supported values are: 0 - no firewall (default), 1 - Tunneling proxy, 2 - SOCKS4 proxy, and 3 - SOCKS5 proxy. For the Tunneling proxy (1), the FirewallPort defaults to 80. For SOCKS4 (2) and SOCKS5 (3) the FirewallPort defaults to 1080.
FirewallUserContains a user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall. If the FirewallHost is specified, the FirewallUser and FirewallPassword configs are used to connect and authenticate to the given firewall. If the authentication fails, the class throws an exception.
ProxyAuthorizationSupported values are 0 - Basic authorization, 1 - Digest authentication, 3 - No authentication, and 4 - NTLM authentication.
ProxyPasswordContains a password if authentication is to be used for the proxy.
ProxyPortContains the TCP port for a ProxyServer; (default 80).
ProxySSLDetermines when to use SSL for the connection to the proxy. The applicable values are 0 - Automatic (SSL for https URLs, non-SSL for http URLs), 1 - The connection is always SSL-enabled, 2 - SSL is not enabled for any connection, and 3 - Connection is through a tunneling proxy.
ProxyServerIf a ProxyServer is specified, then the HTTP request is sent to the proxy instead of the server otherwise specified. If the ProxyServer is set to a Domain Name, a DNS request is initiated and upon successful termination of the request, the ProxyServer is set to the corresponding address. If the search is not successful, an error is returned.
ProxyUserContains a user name, if authentication is to be used for the proxy.
LocalHostThe name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted.
LocalPortThe TCP port in the local host where the class binds.
UseRDSWhether to connect using Remote Data Sharing (RDS). If set to True, the class will attempt to connect using the RDS client installed on the machine. The RDS client and server must be configured separately. The default value is False.

QBRequestAggregate Property (SalesReceipt Class)

The request aggregate.


public String getQBRequestAggregate();
public void setQBRequestAggregate(String QBRequestAggregate);

Default Value



This property will be populated when QBRequestMode is set to rmOffline and a method is called. This is used when working with the QBWCServer class to generate requests to be sent to QuickBooks Web Connector.

This property is not available at design time.

QBRequestId Property (SalesReceipt Class)

The Id of the next message to be sent to QuickBooks.


public String getQBRequestId();
public void setQBRequestId(String QBRequestId);

Default Value



The next message Id to be sent to QuickBooks. Message Id's are used by CheckRequestStatus to check on the status of previously made requests.

This property allows the user to determine whether a previous request was successfully processed by QuickBooks. Ordinarily QuickBooks either processes requests successfully or returns an error, but in the event of a power outage or other system failure, QuickBooks might or might not have time to process a request before issuing a response.

QuickBooks stores internally a list of QBRequestIds for which it has processed a request, and updated its internal state accordingly. Use of this property in conjunction with CheckRequestStatus allows the user to query this internal list.

To enable error recovery, the user application should store the value of QBRequestId before submitting a request to QuickBooks. If a system failure occurs, CheckRequestStatus should be called with this value of QBRequestId to find whether the request was processed before the system failed.

Unique values for QBRequestId will be generated on startup and after each request to QuickBooks. The automatically generated value may be overwritten by the user. Error checking may be turned off by setting QBRequestId equal to the empty string. See CheckRequestStatus for more information on error recovery.

This property is not available at design time.

QBRequestMode Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Defines whether the request is made online or stored offline.


public int getQBRequestMode();
public void setQBRequestMode(int QBRequestMode);

Enumerated values:
  public final static int rmOnline = 0;
  public final static int rmOffline = 1;

Default Value



This property defines the behavior of the class when calling a method. Possible values are:

0 (rmOnline - default) The request is made normally.
1 (rmOffline) The request is generated but not sent, and QBRequestAggregate is populated.
The use of offline mode is required when using the QBWCServer class. This allows requests to be generated and passed to QuickBooks Web Connector through the QBWCServer class.

For normal communication to QuickBooks either directly or through the QBConnector application use the default online mode.

QBResponseAggregate Property (SalesReceipt Class)

The last QBXML response aggregate received from QuickBooks.


public String getQBResponseAggregate();
public void setQBResponseAggregate(String QBResponseAggregate);

Default Value



The last QBXML response aggregate received from QuickBooks. This property is set whenever a response is received from QuickBooks.

This property may also be set to a response aggregate. When set to a QBXML aggregate, such as a response from ObjSearch or QBWCServer the class will parse the response as if it had been received directly from QuickBooks and the applicable properties will be updated.

This property is not available at design time.

QBXMLVersion Property (SalesReceipt Class)

The version of QBXML used in the outgoing message.


public String getQBXMLVersion();
public void setQBXMLVersion(String QBXMLVersion);

Default Value



The version of QBXML used in the outgoing message. Except as noted in the documentation, a value of "1.1" will suffice for all requests, and for all versions of QuickBooks which support integrated applications.

With each release of QuickBooks since 2002, a corresponding version of the QuickBooks SDK has also been released: 1.0 for QuickBooks 2002, 2.0 for QuickBooks 2003, 3.0 for QuickBooks 2004, etc., up to 8.0 for QuickBooks 2009. In addition, each release of QuickBooks continues to support all earlier versions of the SDK, meaning that requests using version 1.1 of the QuickBooks SDK are supported by all versions of QuickBooks. However, new requests and newer fields in existing requests are only supported in later versions of the QuickBooks SDK. As such, it is recommended that you set the QBXMLVersion property to correspond to the version of QuickBooks you are interacting with. These values are:

QuickBooks 20021.0, 1.1
QuickBooks 20032.0
QuickBooks 20043.0
QuickBooks 20054.0, 4.1
QuickBooks 20065.0
QuickBooks 20076.0
QuickBooks 20087.0
QuickBooks 20098.0
QuickBooks 20109.0
QuickBooks 201110.0
QuickBooks 201211.0
QuickBooks 201312.0
QuickBooks 201413.0
QuickBooks 201514.0
QuickBooks 201615.0
In addition, versions of QuickBooks outside of the U.S. released before Quickbooks 2008 adhere to a different version of the QuickBooks SDK. These versions were updated with less frequency than the U.S. SDK, and may omit features introduced in later releases:
QuickBooks Canadian 2003CA2.0
QuickBooks Canadian 2004 to 2007CA3.0
QuickBooks UK 2003UK2.0
QuickBooks UK 2004 to 2007UK3.0
QuickBooks Australian 2003OZ2.0
QuickBooks Australian 2004 to 2007AU3.0
With the exception of Province in Address (set State) or EligibleForT4A in Vendor (set EligibleFor1099), Canadian-only fields are read-only and may be accessed with Config.

This property is not available at design time.

RefId Property (SalesReceipt Class)

An alphanumerical identifier generated by the server.


public String getRefId();

Default Value



An Id is an alphanumerical identifier assigned by the server whenever an object is added to QuickBooks. It is guaranteed to be unique across all objects of the same type.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

RefNumber Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Reference number for the transaction.


public String getRefNumber();
public void setRefNumber(String refNumber);

Default Value



This is the reference number assigned to a transaction. Depending on the type of transaction, it appears in the QuickBooks user interface as Bill Number, Invoice Number, etc.

Reference numbers are alphanumeric strings and are not limited to actually being numbers.

For some types of transactions, if RefNumber is not assigned, QuickBooks will automatically assign a unique one. Reference numbers should generally be unique, but are not guaranteed to be so. It is recommended that applications generating their own reference numbers take steps to ensure their uniqueness.

SalesRepId Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Reference to (initials of) sales rep.


public String getSalesRepId();
public void setSalesRepId(String salesRepId);

Default Value



A reference to a sales rep for the Customer. Sales reps should be referred to by their initials rather than their name.

Id/Name Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its Id (this property) or its full Name, for which a corresponding property is defined.

Using the Id is recommended when feasible, as the Id is guaranteed to never change once defined.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Name property to an empty string.

This property appears in the Customer class as well as some transaction classs. When found in a Customer class this property is unsupported for Update operations.

SalesRepName Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Reference to (initials of) sales rep.


public String getSalesRepName();
public void setSalesRepName(String salesRepName);

Default Value



A reference to a sales rep for the Customer. Sales reps should be referred to by their initials rather than their name.

Name/Id Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its full Name (this property) or its Id, for which a corresponding property is defined. If Name is used, it must contain the full name of the object referred to, as generated by QuickBooks. For hierarchically defined objects, such as Customers, this includes the names of parent objects, and the full name can be determined by reading the FullName special field.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Id property to an empty string.

This property appears in the Customer class as well as some transaction classs. When found in a Customer class this property is unsupported for Update operations.

SalesTaxTotal Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Total amount of sales tax.


public String getSalesTaxTotal();

Default Value



The total amount of sales tax charged in this transaction.

Not used with Canadian editions of QuickBooks.

The amount should be formatted as a string in dollars.

This property is read-only.

ShipDate Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Date of shipping.


public String getShipDate();
public void setShipDate(String shipDate);

Default Value



The date when goods were, or will be, shipped to the Customer.

The standard formatting for dates is YYYY-MM-DD; i.e., September 2, 2002 is formatted as 2002-09-02. When getting the value of a date property, the date will always be in this format.

When setting the value of a date property, the formats MM-DD-YY, MM-DD-YYYY, MM/DD/YY, and MM/DD/YYYY are also acceptable. Dates in these formats will be automatically parsed and stored in YYYY-MM-DD format.

ShipMethodId Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Reference to preferred method of shipping.


public String getShipMethodId();
public void setShipMethodId(String shipMethodId);

Default Value



Reference to the preferred method of shipping, e.g., UPS.

Id/Name Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its Id (this property) or its full Name, for which a corresponding property is defined.

Using the Id is recommended when feasible, as the Id is guaranteed to never change once defined.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Name property to an empty string.

ShipMethodName Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Reference to preferred method of shipping.


public String getShipMethodName();
public void setShipMethodName(String shipMethodName);

Default Value



Reference to the preferred method of shipping, e.g., UPS.

Name/Id Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its full Name (this property) or its Id, for which a corresponding property is defined. If Name is used, it must contain the full name of the object referred to, as generated by QuickBooks. For hierarchically defined objects, such as Customers, this includes the names of parent objects, and the full name can be determined by reading the FullName special field.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Id property to an empty string.

ShippingAddress Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Address to ship to.


public String getShippingAddress();
public void setShippingAddress(String shippingAddress);

Default Value



The address to whom goods were shipped, or are to be shipped.

The address is stored as a string, formatted as XML. It may be read and written directly, or with the Address component.

To read an address, set the Aggregate property of an Address class to this value, and read the values of the desired fields. To write an address, write the values of the desired Address fields and set this property to the Address's Aggregate.

To read and/or write directly, use the QBXML formatting: <Addr1>Line1</Addr1><Addr2>Line2</Addr2><Addr3>Line3</Addr3> <City>City</City><State>State</State><PostalCode>PostalCode</PostalCode> <Country>Country</Country>

Subtotal Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Gross subtotal; doesn't count taxes/amount already paid.


public String getSubtotal();

Default Value



The total of the amounts in all the lines of an invoice, credit memo, or sales receipt, before taxes or payments are applied.

The amount should be formatted as a string in dollars.

This property is read-only.

TaxItemId Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Reference to detailed taxation information.


public String getTaxItemId();
public void setTaxItemId(String taxItemId);

Default Value



A sales tax item refers to a single sales tax that is collected at a specified rate and paid to a single agency. For example, a TaxItem might represent sales tax for a particular city.

Id/Name Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its Id (this property) or its full Name, for which a corresponding property is defined.

Using the Id is recommended when feasible, as the Id is guaranteed to never change once defined.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Name property to an empty string.

This property appears in the Customer class as well as some transaction classs. When found in a Customer class this property is unsupported for Update operations.

Not used with Canadian editions of QuickBooks.

TaxItemName Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Reference to detailed taxation information.


public String getTaxItemName();
public void setTaxItemName(String taxItemName);

Default Value



A sales tax item refers to a single sales tax that is collected at a specified rate and paid to a single agency. For example, a TaxItem might represent sales tax for a particular city.

Name/Id Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its full Name (this property) or its Id, for which a corresponding property is defined. If Name is used, it must contain the full name of the object referred to, as generated by QuickBooks. For hierarchically defined objects, such as Customers, this includes the names of parent objects, and the full name can be determined by reading the FullName special field.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Id property to an empty string.

This property appears in the Customer class as well as some transaction classs. When found in a Customer class this property is unsupported for Update operations.

TotalAmount Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Subtotal + SalesTaxTotal.


public String getTotalAmount();

Default Value



The total amount of the CreditMemo or SalesReceipt. Will be equal to Subtotal + SalesTaxTotal.

The amount should be formatted as a string in dollars.

This property is read-only.

TransactionDate Property (SalesReceipt Class)

Date of transaction.


public String getTransactionDate();
public void setTransactionDate(String transactionDate);

Default Value



The date of the transaction.

The standard formatting for dates is YYYY-MM-DD; i.e., September 2, 2002 is formatted as 2002-09-02. When getting the value of a date property, the date will always be in this format.

When setting the value of a date property, the formats MM-DD-YY, MM-DD-YYYY, MM/DD/YY, and MM/DD/YYYY are also acceptable. Dates in these formats will be automatically parsed and stored in YYYY-MM-DD format.

This property is required in Accounts Payable (Bill and VendorCredit) transactions. In other kinds of transactions this property is optional.

Add Method (SalesReceipt Class)

Adds the record into QuickBooks.


public void add();


Add is used to add the object to QuickBooks.

If QuickBooks is able to add the object, it will return a copy of the object, and the values of all properties will be reset from the QuickBooks response. The QBResponseAggregate property will also be set to the entire QBXML aggregate received from QuickBooks.

For example, read-only properties such as RefIds will be assigned. In transaction objects, line item information will be filled out, and ItemGroups will be broken up into their respective Items. Also, a total will be calculated.

If QuickBooks is not able to add the object, a trappable error will occur.

Cancel Method (SalesReceipt Class)

Cancels (voids) the transaction.


public void cancel();


Cancel causes the transaction to be voided in QuickBooks. The amount of the transaction and all line item quantities are changed to zero, and the memo is changed to "VOID:". The transaction will not, however, be deleted.

The transaction canceled in QuickBooks is the one specified by RefId. If the value of RefId is known then Get should first be called to retrieve the transaction. Otherwise the ObjSearch class should be used to search for the desired transaction in the QuickBooks database.

As the QuickBooks response to Cancel does not include the updated transaction, the values of all properties are instead set to their defaults. To get a copy of the updated transaction, the value of RefId should first be stored, and then Get should be called.

CheckRequestStatus Method (SalesReceipt Class)

Checks whether or not the specified request was processed by QuickBooks.


public String checkRequestStatus(String requestId);


This method allows the user to determine whether a previous request was successfully processed by QuickBooks. Ordinarily QuickBooks either processes requests successfully or returns an error, but in the event of a power outage or other system failure, QuickBooks might or might not have time to process a request before issuing a response.

QuickBooks stores internally a list of QBRequestIds for which it has processed a request, and updated its internal state accordingly. Use of this method allows the user to query the list for any RequestId whose value is known.

The method returns a string corresponding to the result of the query. If the request was processed successfully, an empty string ("") will be returned. If the request was not processed, the string "Request not processed." will be returned. If the request was processed but an error occurred, a string containing the error code and a description will be returned; for example, "801: A QuickBooks internal error has occurred."

See QBRequestId for more information on error recovery.

CloseQBConnection Method (SalesReceipt Class)

Closes a persistent connection to QuickBooks.


public void closeQBConnection();


Invoking CloseQBConnection closes the QuickBooks connection specified in QBConnectionString. After the connection has been closed, the class will revert to its default behavior, and a new connection will be established for each request until QBConnectionString is invoked again.

In case the connection is already closed invoking CloseQBConnection will have no effect. Moreover, if multiple connections are open CloseQBConnection will only close the connection specified in QBConnectionString.

Be sure to always invoke this method after calling OpenQBConnection.

Config Method (SalesReceipt Class)

Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.


public String config(String configurationString);


Config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.

These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).

To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.

Delete Method (SalesReceipt Class)

Deletes the record from QuickBooks.


public void delete();


Delete causes the object to be deleted in QuickBooks. After this method is called, the values of all fields will be reset to their defaults.

The object deleted in QuickBooks is the one specified by RefId. This read-only property may be assigned either by calling Get or by assigning the value of QBResponseAggregate.

A typical example: Customer.GetByName("John Smith") 'this will assign the RefId Customer.Delete() Deleting entity objects (Customer, Employee, and Vendor) requires that QuickBooks be open in single-user mode. Transaction objects, however, may be deleted while QuickBooks is in any mode.

Use this method with caution, as there is no way to recover deleted objects.

Get Method (SalesReceipt Class)

Gets a single record from QuickBooks.


public void get(String id);


Get may be used to retrieve a single object from QuickBooks, based on its RefId. When the method is called, a search will be initiated for the requested object. If it is found, all properties of the class will be set to the information retrieved from QuickBooks. The QBResponseAggregate property will also be set to the entire QBXML aggregate received from QuickBooks.

The RefId of any class, or the Id of any reference property, may be used for the parameter. So for example, the following pseudocode would get customer information for a Customer listed on an Invoice:

Customer.Get( Invoice.CustomerId )

The GetByName method, present only in entity objects (Customer, Vendor, and Employee) and QBObject, may be used to get an object based on its Name. To retrieve multiple objects, to retrieve transaction objects whose RefId is not known, or to perform more advanced searches the ObjSearch class may be used.

GetCustomField Method (SalesReceipt Class)

Gets a custom field value from QuickBooks.


public String getCustomField(String fieldName);


This method will get the value of a custom field, which has been defined by the user from within the QuickBooks UI.

To read the values of custom fields, be sure to set QBXMLVersion to at least "2.0" when retrieving data from QuickBooks. Then, QuickBooks will return custom field information, and it will be accessible through this method.

You may also invoke Config to read the value of custom fields. However, to set the value of custom fields you must set QBXMLVersion to at least "3.0" and invoke SetCustomField.

ImportQBXML Method (SalesReceipt Class)

Imports a QBXML response aggregate.


public void importQBXML(String XMLData);


This method imports a QBXML response aggregate. When called with a QBXML aggregate, such as a response from ObjSearch or QBWCServer the class will parse the response as if it had been received directly from QuickBooks and the applicable properties will be updated.

OpenQBConnection Method (SalesReceipt Class)

Opens a persistent connection to QuickBooks.


public void openQBConnection();


Invoking OpenQBConnection will open a persistent connection to QuickBooks. After invoking OpenQBConnection, all requests such as Get, Add, etc. will use the established connection until CloseQBConnection is invoked.

The effect of OpenQBConnection is to increase performance. If OpenQBConnection is not invoked, a connection to QuickBooks will automatically be created and destroyed each time the class communicates with QuickBooks. Using OpenQBConnection will be faster, particularly in the case of automatic login.

After OpenQBConnection is invoked, QuickBooks will issue a connection ticket, and it will be stored in QBConnectionString. When CloseQBConnection is invoked the ticket will be invalidated, and any further attempts to use it will fail.

Be sure to invoke CloseQBConnection when you have finished communicating with QuickBooks. Leaving an open QuickBooks connection may lock out other integrated applications, affect QuickBooks performance, or cause other problems.

Reset Method (SalesReceipt Class)

Resets all properties to their defaults.


public void reset();


This method resets the values of all properties (and all special fields) to their defaults.

After calling this method, the class may be reused as if it were newly created.

SetCustomField Method (SalesReceipt Class)

Sets a custom field value within QuickBooks.


public void setCustomField(String fieldName, String fieldValue);


This method requires QuickBooks 2004 or above, with QBXMLVersion set to at least "3.0".

This method will immediately set the value of a QuickBooks custom field, which has been defined by the user from within the QuickBooks UI. Before calling this method, the preceding operation must retrieve the object from QuickBooks, using Get, ObjSearch, etc. Then, you may use SetCustomField to set custom field values (the fields will be modified or added, as appropriate).

Note that invoking this method will create a connection to QuickBooks if one is not already in place.

Update Method (SalesReceipt Class)

Updates the sales order in QuickBooks.


public void update();


This method will update the sales order in QuickBooks.

When the method is called, an Update request will be submitted to QuickBooks. The sales order will have its information updated based on the various property values.

If QuickBooks is able to update the object, it will return a copy of the object, and the values of all properties will be reset from the QuickBooks response. The QBResponseAggregate property will also be set to the entire QBXML aggregate received from QuickBooks.

QBXMLVersion must be set to "3.0" or greater to update a sales order. Moreover, QBXMLVersion should be set to the same value when retrieving the sales order from QuickBooks (either through ObjSearch or through the Get method).

Error Event (SalesReceipt Class)

Information about errors during data delivery.


public class DefaultSalesReceiptEventListener implements SalesReceiptEventListener {
  public void error(SalesReceiptErrorEvent e) {}

public class SalesReceiptErrorEvent {
  public int errorCode;
  public String description;


The Error event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during message processing.

ErrorCode contains an error code and Description contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the Error Codes section.

SSLServerAuthentication Event (SalesReceipt Class)

Fired after the server presents its certificate to the client.


public class DefaultSalesReceiptEventListener implements SalesReceiptEventListener {
  public void SSLServerAuthentication(SalesReceiptSSLServerAuthenticationEvent e) {}

public class SalesReceiptSSLServerAuthenticationEvent {
  public byte[] certEncoded;
  public String certSubject;
  public String certIssuer;
  public String status;
  public boolean accept; //read-write


During this event, the client can decide whether or not to continue with the connection process. The Accept parameter is a recommendation on whether to continue or close the connection. This is just a suggestion: application software must use its own logic to determine whether or not to continue.

When Accept is False, Status shows why the verification failed (otherwise, Status contains the string OK). If it is decided to continue, you can override and accept the certificate by setting the Accept parameter to True.

SSLStatus Event (SalesReceipt Class)

Fired when secure connection progress messages are available.


public class DefaultSalesReceiptEventListener implements SalesReceiptEventListener {
  public void SSLStatus(SalesReceiptSSLStatusEvent e) {}

public class SalesReceiptSSLStatusEvent {
  public String message;


The event is fired for informational and logging purposes only. This event tracks the progress of the connection.

Status Event (SalesReceipt Class)

Shows the progress of the QuickBooks connection.


public class DefaultSalesReceiptEventListener implements SalesReceiptEventListener {
  public void status(SalesReceiptStatusEvent e) {}

public class SalesReceiptStatusEvent {
  public String message;


The event is fired for informational and logging purposes only. Used to track the progress of the connection.

Warning Event (SalesReceipt Class)

Fired when a warning occurs.


public class DefaultSalesReceiptEventListener implements SalesReceiptEventListener {
  public void warning(SalesReceiptWarningEvent e) {}

public class SalesReceiptWarningEvent {
  public int code;
  public String description;


The Warning event is fired when the class has produced, or will produce, possibly unexpected results.

Warnings may be generated by QuickBooks or the class. Starred warning codes correspond to warnings and warning codes generated by QuickBooks.

510*Object added successfully, but cannot now be read.
520*Insufficient permissions to get all data.
801 Unable to update field (name).
802Unable to parse name.
Unlisted QuickBooks warnings will cause the class to throw an exception instead.

Warning 801 will be thrown if the user attempts to Update properties that cannot be updated. For example, the following code will cause this warning to be fired: Customer1.GetByName("Joe Smith") Customer1.Email = "" 'ok Customer1.CreditLimit = "200.00" 'Not used in Update operations! Customer1.Update() Only the email address will be updated, and the credit limit will be unchanged. Each property description for entity objects lists whether or not it is used in Update operations.

SalesReceiptItem Type

A single sales receipt line item.


This type of line item is used by the SalesReceipt class.

The following fields are available:



Default Value: ""

Contains an XML aggregate of the line item. If the line item has not been modified since receiving a response from QuickBooks, the exact LineRet aggregate that QuickBooks returned will be contained in this XML aggregate. However, if you have made changes to the this line item's fields the Aggregate field will re-generate the line item XML with the new data.

If you set the other line item fields and then query the Aggregate, a LineRet aggregate will be generated from the currently set fields.

You may set this field with raw xml. So long as you do not modify any other fields (forcing the line item to regenerate based on new changes), the xml will be sent as-is to the QuickBooks request processor. It is essential that you properly format the XML that you place in this field. When setting this field manually, the class will send exactly what you have set. You must ensure your xml is appropriate for the action you are attempting. For instance, if you are Adding an Invoice, you must ensure the outer tags are "InvoiceLineAdd". If Modifying an Invoice, the outer tags must be "InvoiceLineMod".

If you do not expressly set the Aggregate field with your own custom XML, all of this will be taken care of you automatically by the class.


Default Value: ""

Line item field: the total amount of this item.

This field represents the total amount of a transaction line. If Rate, Cost and/or Quantity are specified the Amount will be automatically computed by QuickBooks.

Whether Rate or Cost is used will depend on the transaction type. Rate is available for CreditMemo, Estimate, Invoice, PurchaseOrder, SalesOrder, and SalesReceipt transactions while Cost is available for Bill, CCCharge, CCCredit, Check, ItemReceipt, and VendorCredit transactions.

The amount should be formatted as a string in dollars.


Default Value: ""

Line item field: Reference to the class of the item.

A reference to the class of this item.

Id/Name Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its Id (this property) or its full Name, for which a corresponding property is defined.

Using the Id is recommended when feasible, as the Id is guaranteed to never change once defined.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Name property to an empty string.


Default Value: ""

Line item field: Reference to the class of the item.

Name/Id Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its full Name (this property) or its Id, for which a corresponding property is defined. If Name is used, it must contain the full name of the object referred to, as generated by QuickBooks. For hierarchically defined objects, such as Customers, this includes the names of parent objects, and the full name can be determined by reading the FullName special field.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Id property to an empty string.


Default Value: ""

Line item field: Description of item.

A string description of the Item specified by ItemName or ItemId.


Default Value: ""

Reference to a group of line items.

Line item groups represent sets of items that are grouped together. A line item group is a predefined shortcut within QuickBooks. For example, a "Cheeseburger Meal" might consist of a cheeseburger, an order of french fries, and a soft drink. To include an item group in a transaction one should simply set the value of ItemGroup, and optionally, of ItemQuantity. QuickBooks will automatically expand the group into its constituent items. This will send an ItemGroup instead of a regular Item on for this index.

When an ItemGroup is returned from QuickBooks it contains xml aggregates of all of the items in the group you specified. You may access the group's regular fields (total Amount, Quantity, and Description), but the line items returned are not accessible with this object. However, you may parse the returned line items by passing the contents of the Aggregate field to the LineItemGroups class. You may use the LineItemGroups class to view or change the contents of the line items, and then pass the xml aggregate generated by the class back to the Aggregate field to use in an Update transaction.


Default Value: ""

Reference to a group of line items.

Line item groups represent sets of items that are grouped together. A line item group is a predefined shortcut within QuickBooks. For example, a "Cheeseburger Meal" might consist of a cheeseburger, an order of french fries, and a soft drink. To include an item group in a transaction one should simply set the value of ItemGroup, and optionally, of ItemQuantity. QuickBooks will automatically expand the group into its constituent items. This will send an ItemGroup instead of a regular Item on for this index.

When an ItemGroup is returned from QuickBooks it contains xml aggregates of all of the items in the group you specified. You may access the group's regular fields (total Amount, Quantity, and Description), but the line items returned are not accessible with this object. However, you may parse the returned line items by passing the contents of the Aggregate field to the LineItemGroups class. You may use the LineItemGroups class to view or change the contents of the line items, and then pass the xml aggregate generated by the class back to the Aggregate field to use in an Update transaction.


Default Value: ""

Line item field: Reference to the kind of item.

Line items represent goods or services bought in a QuickBooks transaction.

Each line item is represented by a number of properties, each prefixed by Item (see the list of properties for individual classs for details). Properties such as Quantity and Description are always present; some properties are found in only certain types of transactions.

Item is a reference to a kind of item, predefined within QuickBooks. Generally items defined within QuickBooks have default values for Description, etc., and if only Item is set when adding a record to QuickBooks, the other properties will be set automatically.

This class is used to create a single item. However, any InQB class may be set with an unlimited number of these items. For example:

Invoice.ItemCount = 3 LineItems.ItemName = "Wingnut" LineItems.Quantity = 8 Invoice.ItemAggregate[0] = LineItems.GetAggregate() LineItems.ItemName = "Shovel" LineItems.Quantity = 1 Invoice.ItemAggregate[1] = LineItems.GetAggregate() LineItems.ItemName = "Mower blade" LineItems.Quantity = 1 Invoice.ItemAggregate[2] = LineItems.GetAggregate()

Items may also be grouped into ItemGroups, using the LineItemGroups class.


Default Value: ""

Line item field: Reference to the kind of item.

Line items represent goods or services bought in a QuickBooks transaction.

Each line item is represented by a number of properties, each prefixed by Item (see the list of properties for individual classs for details). Properties such as Quantity and Description are always present; some properties are found in only certain types of transactions.

Item is a reference to a kind of item, predefined within QuickBooks. Generally items defined within QuickBooks have default values for Description, etc., and if only Item is set when adding a record to QuickBooks, the other properties will be set automatically.

This class is used to create a single item. However, any InQB class may be set with an unlimited number of these items. For example:

Invoice.ItemCount = 3 LineItems.ItemName = "Wingnut" LineItems.Quantity = 8 Invoice.ItemAggregate[0] = LineItems.GetAggregate() LineItems.ItemName = "Shovel" LineItems.Quantity = 1 Invoice.ItemAggregate[1] = LineItems.GetAggregate() LineItems.ItemName = "Mower blade" LineItems.Quantity = 1 Invoice.ItemAggregate[2] = LineItems.GetAggregate()

Items may also be grouped into ItemGroups, using the LineItemGroups class.


Default Value: ""

Identification number of the transaction line, used for Updates.

If you need to add a new transaction line in a transaction Update request, you can do so by setting the LineId to -1.


Default Value: ""

Standard QuickBooks Custom Field available for transaction line items.

The Other1 and Other2 custom fields are available for immediate use: you don't need to enable these in the transaction template to be able to access them via SDK. (However, those Other1 and Other2 fields and their values are viewable and printable in QuickBooks only if the transaction template has these enabled!). QBXMLVersion 6.0 or higher is required to use this field.


Default Value: ""

Standard QuickBooks Custom Field available for transaction line items.

The Other1 and Other2 custom fields are available for immediate use: you don't need to enable these in the transaction template to be able to access them via SDK. (However, those Other1 and Other2 fields and their values are viewable and printable in QuickBooks only if the transaction template has these enabled!). QBXMLVersion 6.0 or higher is required to use this field.


Default Value: ""

An account which will override the default account for the line item. QBXMLVersion must be 2.0 or higher to use this configuration setting.


Default Value: ""

An account which will override the default account for the line item. QBXMLVersion must be 2.0 or higher to use this configuration setting.


Default Value: ""

Line Item field: Used to specify custom pricing for specific customers.

Id for the PriceLevel selected for this transaction.

If PriceLevelId and/or PriceLevelName are specified, then Amount will be calculated automatically and should not be specified.

Note that PriceLevelId and PriceLevelName, OR Rate OR RatePercent may be specified. PriceLevelId and PriceLevelName are ONLY available for QBXMLVersions 4.0 and above.

You can use price levels to specify custom pricing for specific customers. Once you create a price level for a customer, QuickBooks will automatically use the custom price in new invoices, sales receipts, sales orders or credit memos for that customer. You can override this automatic feature, however, when you create the invoices, sales receipts, etc.)

The user can now specify a price level on line items in the following supported sales transactions: invoices, sales receipts, credit memos, and sales orders.

Notice that the response data for the affected sales transaction does not list the price level that was used. The response simply lists the Rate, which was set using the price level.


Default Value: ""

Line Item field: Specify custom pricing for specific customers.

Id for the PriceLevel selected for this transaction.

If PriceLevelId and/or PriceLevelName are specified, then Amount will be calculated automatically and should not be specified.

Note that PriceLevelId and PriceLevelName, OR Rate OR RatePercent may be specified. PriceLevelId and PriceLevelName are ONLY available for QBXMLVersions 4.0 and above.

You can use price levels to specify custom pricing for specific customers. Once you create a price level for a customer, QuickBooks will automatically use the custom price in new invoices, sales receipts, sales orders or credit memos for that customer. You can override this automatic feature, however, when you create the invoices, sales receipts, etc.)

The user can now specify a price level on line items in the following supported sales transactions: invoices, sales receipts, credit memos, and sales orders.

Notice that the response data for the affected sales transaction does not list the price level that was used. The response simply lists the Rate, which was set using the price level.


Default Value: ""

Line item field: Quantity of item or item group.

The quantity of the Item specified in this line.

If Quantity and only one of Cost, Rate, or Amount are specified, QuickBooks will automatically calculate the other.

This field is a String type in order to allow setting fractional quantities. Setting this field with non-numeric data will cause an error. Correct usage of this field is shown below:

class.Quantity = "3.5"

Leave this field blank and no quantity will be sent to QuickBooks.


Default Value: ""

Unit rate of item.

The unit rate charged for this item.

If Amount is specified, then Rate will be calculated automatically and should not be specified.

The amount should be formatted as a string in dollars.


Default Value: ""

Line item field: A markup or discount percentage.

If RatePercent is specified instead of Rate, then this line item represents a percentage markup or discount, to be applied to the previous Item or Item group.

RatePercent should be formatted as a positive or negative integer; a positive value indicates a markup.

Only one of RatePercent and Rate may be specified. If RatePercent is set, then Rate will be set to its default.


Default Value: ""

Line item field: Date of service.

For Items that represent a service, ServiceDate refers to the date of service. ServiceDate is only applicable for the CreditMemo, Invoice, PurchaseOrder, and SalesReceipt classs.

The standard formatting for dates is YYYY-MM-DD; i.e., September 2, 2002 is formatted as 2002-09-02. When getting the value of a date property, the date will always be in this format.

When setting the value of a date property, the formats MM-DD-YY, MM-DD-YYYY, MM/DD/YY, and MM/DD/YYYY are also acceptable. Dates in these formats will be automatically parsed and stored in YYYY-MM-DD format.


Default Value: ""

Line item field: Sales tax information for this item.

This is a reference to a sales tax code predefined within QuickBooks.

By default, two standard TaxCodes exist: "TAX", or Taxable Sales, and "NON", or Non-Taxable Sales. The QuickBooks user may also define custom tax codes.

Id/Name Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its Id (this property) or its full Name, for which a corresponding property is defined.

Using the Id is recommended when feasible, as the Id is guaranteed to never change once defined.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Name property to an empty string.


Default Value: ""

Line item field: Sales tax information for this item.

This is a reference to a sales tax code predefined within QuickBooks.

By default, two standard TaxCodes exist: "TAX", or Taxable Sales, and "NON", or Non-Taxable Sales. The QuickBooks user may also define custom tax codes.

Name/Id Reference Properties

This property is used to reference an object that is already done within QuickBooks. This may be done with its full Name (this property) or its Id, for which a corresponding property is defined. If Name is used, it must contain the full name of the object referred to, as generated by QuickBooks. For hierarchically defined objects, such as Customers, this includes the names of parent objects, and the full name can be determined by reading the FullName special field.

Setting the value of this property will set the corresponding Id property to an empty string.


Default Value: ""

Unit of measure describing the Quantity.

In a transaction line item, the name of the unit of measure selected from within the item's available units. If the company file is enabled only for single unit of measure per item, this must be the base unit!

This field is only available for QBXMLVersion 7.0 and higher.


public SalesReceiptItem();

Config Settings (SalesReceipt Class)

The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

SalesReceipt Config Settings

AppendAfter:   Appends an XML tag after the specified QBXML element.

Write-only; Appends the specified text after the specified QBXML element (whether the QBXML element is present). This may be useful to extend the functionality of the component beyond what is provided. Example: Control1.Config("AppendAfter:ListID=<WeirdNewField>abc</WeirdNewField>")

AuthFlags:   Connection Flags (use for QuickBooks Simple Start).

Since 2006, QuickBooks has allowed AuthFlags to be set before connecting to QuickBooks. By default, the class can connect to Pro, Premier, and Enterprise editions of QuickBooks. However, because QuickBooks Simple Start contains only a subset of the functionality that other desktop versions provide, Intuit does not allow COM connection to Simple Start unless these AuthFlags explicitly indicate you wish to support it.

A list of allowable AuthFlags is provided below.

"" or 0Do not send any auth flags
0x01Support QB Simple Start
0x02Support QB Pro
0x04Support QB Premier
0x08Support QB Enterprise
0x80000000Force Auth Dialog

To specify support for multiple editions, OR together the values for each edition.

NOTE: If the version of QuickBooks being used does not support AuthFlags, the contents of this config will be ignored. However, if QuickBooks does support this feature, setting "AuthFlags=1" (Support for Simple Start only) on a machine running QuickBooks 2013 Pro will result in an error message indicating that the Request Processor cannot be found.

ClassId:   A reference to the class of transaction.

ClassName:   A reference to the class of transaction.

CreditCardTxnInfo:   XML aggregate containing the result of an actual credit card transaction to be reconciled with QuickBooks.

This aggregate can be used to add credit card transactions authorized by a third party into QuickBooks.

CustomerSalesTaxId:   Reference to sales tax information for the CUSTOMER.

CustomerSalesTaxName:   Reference to sales tax information for the CUSTOMER.

EditSequence:   An identifier for this copy of the object.

Indicates the state of an object when doing an Update.

EnforceMaxLength:   Indicates whether to enforce max lengths for QB Fields.

If you change this setting to False, the class will no longer check (or error) when the length of a property exceeds the maximum length specified in the QuickBooks SDK.

ExchangeRate:   Indicates the exchange rate for the transaction.

Exchange Rate is a floating-point number stored with five digits after the decimal place. The exchange rate is multiplied by the foreign currency amount to get the home currency amount; that is,

ExchangeRate x (foreign currency amount) = (home currency amount).

(The foreign currency and home currency are set in the QuickBooks application)

FOB:   Freight On Board: the place from where shipped.

GetHighestVersion:   Highest QBXMLVersion supported by the installed instance of QuickBooks.

If QuickBooks is installed on the system, this setting will retrieve the highest QBXMLVersion that may be used for sending transactions to QuickBooks.

GetRequestProcessorDLLVersion:   Returns the version of the QB Request Processor that is installed on your system.

GetSupportedVersions:   Returns a list of QBXMLVersions that are supported by QuickBooks.

If QuickBooks is installed on the system, this setting will retrieve a list of all supported QBXMLVersions that may be used for sending transactions to QuickBooks. While GetHighestVersion config returns only the highest QBXMLVersion supported, this config returns ALL supported QBXMLVersions. The list is delimited with '\n' (linefeed) characters.

IsReadOnly:   This causes the QuickBooks authorization dialog to display text informing the user that its access will be read-only.

The default value is false.

IsTaxIncluded:   Indicates whether the dollar amounts in the line items include tax or not.

This setting is for use with the International version of QuickBooks, with QBXMLVersion "6.0" or greater.

IsToBeEmailed:   .

If this is set to true, at runtime the customer referenced in this transaction will be checked for a valid email address. If there is no valid email address, the request will fail. If there is a valid email address currently in QuickBooks for the customer, and the request succeeds, the transaction will be added to QuickBook's list of forms to be emailed, possibly in a batch.

Notice that setting this field to true does not actually perform the emailing. Only the QuickBooks user can do that from within QuickBooks. This cannot be done from the SDK. Setting this field to False does not prevent the QuickBooks user from emailing the transaction later. It simply results in the transaction NOT being placed in the list of transactions to be emailed.

This setting requires QBXMLVersion "6.0" or greater.

Items[index].OverrideItemAccountId:   An account which will override the default account for the line item.

QBXMLVersion must be 2.0 or higher to use this configuration setting.

Items[index].OverrideItemAccountName:   An account which will override the default account for the line item.

QBXMLVersion must be 2.0 or higher to use this configuration setting.

PersonalDataPref:   Whether the connecting application will require access to personal data such as SSN or credit card information.

This setting allows you to let the user know immediately whether your application requires access to personal data or not.

A list of available values is provided below.

pdpOptionalCauses the QuickBooks authorization dialog to display a checkbox for user selection asking whether the user wants to allow the application to access personal data.
pdpRequiredCauses the QuickBooks authorization dialog to not display the personal information checkbox for user selection, and instead display a warning that the application needs to access personal data.
pdpNotNeededCauses the QuickBooks authorization dialog to not display the personal information checkbox for user selection, and instead display an informational message that the application will NOT access personal data.

The default value is pdpOptional.

QBConnectionMode:   The mode of connection to QuickBooks.

Specifies whether the integrated application logs in using single-user or multi-user mode.

The following values are permitted:

0Don't Care
1Single-User Mode
2Multi-User Mode

About Single-User and Multi-User Modes

If the connection to QuickBooks is made in single-user mode, QuickBooks will give exclusive access to the connecting application. It will lock out all other integrated applications; if QuickBooks and the company file are not already open in single-user mode by the QuickBooks user, the user will be locked out as well.

If the connection is made in multi-user mode, QuickBooks will allow all other integrated applications access. QuickBooks end users on other machines will also be allowed to access the file. However, if the application (rather than the end user) starts QuickBooks automatically, end users on the same machine will still be locked out.

If cmDontCare is specified, an appropriate connection mode will be chosen automatically. If a company file is open in either single-user or multi-user mode, the integrated application will accept that connection mode. If no company file is open, QuickBooks will login automatically in multi-user mode.

About Integrated and Automatic Login

Note that your application's login to QuickBooks might be either automatic or interactive. Interactive login is used when QuickBooks is already open. Access will be shared between the integrated application and the QuickBooks end user, and if multi-user mode is specified, other applications and users will have access as well. When a connection is made, QuickBooks will show a dialog window to the user, and ask the user if he/she wants to permit the connection.

Automatic login is used when QuickBooks is not already open. QuickBooks will be opened in the background, and will run until your application has finished its connection with QuickBooks. The QuickBooks user interface will not be displayed, and end-users on the same machine will be locked out. End-users on other machines, however, will be allowed access if multi-user mode is specified.

By default integrated applications do not have permission to login automatically. The first time an application interacts with QuickBooks, it must do so interactively, with QuickBooks and the company file open. The QuickBooks end user may then grant automatic login permission through Edit Preferences - Integrated Applications in the QuickBooks user interface. Click on the name of the application and then "Properties", and you may allow the application to login automatically.

For automatic login the CompanyFile must be specified. CompanyFile, ApplicationName, and other properties relating to the QuickBooks connection may be edited through QBConnectionString.

QBFileStatus:   The status of the company file as it pertains to accepting connections.

This setting may be queried before attempting to connect to QuickBooks to determine the current company file status. When queried the class will attempt to determine whether a subsequent connection using the provided QBConnectionString value would succeed. Possible return values are:

0 The company file will accept the connection. This indicates that no company file is open, or the desired company file is already open.
1 The company file will not accept the connection. This indicates a different company file is already open.
QBOpenCompanyFile:   The file currently open in QuickBooks.

The name of the file currently open in QuickBooks, specified completely with the path. This field is read-only.

A query is submitted to QuickBooks when the value of this property is read. The empty string will be returned if no file is open, if QuickBooks is open in an access mode incompatible with QBConnectionMode, or if an error occurs.

If the value of this property is nonempty, the class may interact exclusively with the open file.

SalesTaxPercentage:   Percent paid as sales tax.

This setting is read-only.

SendRawXML:   Sends specified XML to quickbooks without modification.

Available for write only. Immediately sends the specified XML over the current or default QuickBooks connection (as specified elsewhere), and returns the QBXML response. Syntax: Control1.Config("SendRawXML=<?xml version="1.0" ?>...")

SSLAcceptServerCert:   The SSL certificate being used by the QuickBooks Gateway (aka Remote Connector).

The Base-64 encoded certificate being used by the Remote Connector (you may get this certificate from the Remote Connector by going to the Security tab, and clicking Export.)

This is only necessary if using a self-signed certificate, or any other certificate that has not been signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) trusted by the system.

SSLAcceptServerCertFile:   The SSL certificate file being used by the QuickBooks Gateway (aka Remote Connector).

If your public key certificate is stored in a file, you may set this configuration setting to the full path of the certificate, and it will be immediately read from disk and stored in SSLAcceptServerCert. Equivalent to setting SSLAcceptServerCert to file contents.

Reading the value of this setting will return an empty string.

StopOnError:   Specifies how QuickBooks is to proceed if an error occurs in processing of the current request.

If StopOnError is True (default), QuickBooks will stop processing when an error occurs. Requests that have already been processed will not be rolled back. An error is returned for the operation that caused the error condition. If StopOnError is False, QuickBooks will continue processing the remaining requests if an error occurs.

Tax1Total:   Canadian field used for Goods and Services Tax, or GST.

QBXMLVersion must be set to "CA2.0", "OZ2.0", "UK2.0", or "AU2.0" to use this property.

Note: U.K. editions of QuickBooks use Tax1 for Value Added Tax (VAT) and do not use Tax2Total at all.

Tax2Total:   Canadian field used for Provincial Sales Taxes, or PST.

QBXMLVersion must be set to "CA2.0", "OZ2.0", "UK2.0", or "AU2.0" to use this property.

Note: U.K. editions of QuickBooks use Tax1 for Value Added Tax (VAT) and do not use Tax2Total at all.

TemplateId:   The ID of an existing template to apply to the transaction.

TemplateName:   The name of an existing template to apply to the transaction.

TimeCreated:   The time the object was created.

This config setting is read-only.

TimeModified:   The time the object was created.

This config setting is read-only.

UnattendedModePref:   Whether connecting while QuickBooks is closed is required or optional for the user.

This setting allows you to let the user know immediately whether your application requires the ability to access QuickBooks while QuickBooks is closed.

A list of available values is provided below.

umpOptionalCauses the QuickBooks authorization dialog to display its default selections and let the user pick. Use this setting if you do not need unattended mode.
umpRequiredCauses the QuickBooks authorization dialog to display only the selection choices of "No" (no authorization) or "Yes, allow access even if QuickBooks is not running" (authorize unattended mode).

The default value is umpOptional.

WarningCodes:   A comma-separated list of QuickBooks warning codes that should not result in an exception.

By default, the class will throw an exception when a status code with severity "Warn" is returned in a QuickBooks response. Set this field to a comma-separated list of status codes that should not throw an exception if returned. Note that the QuickBooks response code is not necessarily the same as the exception code from the resulting exception.

Base Config Settings

BuildInfo:   Information about the product's build.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the product's build.

GUIAvailable:   Whether or not a message loop is available for processing events.

In a GUI-based application, long-running blocking operations may cause the application to stop responding to input until the operation returns. The class will attempt to discover whether or not the application has a message loop and, if one is discovered, it will process events in that message loop during any such blocking operation.

In some non-GUI applications, an invalid message loop may be discovered that will result in errant behavior. In these cases, setting GUIAvailable to false will ensure that the class does not attempt to process external events.

LicenseInfo:   Information about the current license.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the license this instance of a class is using. It will return the following information:

  • Product: The product the license is for.
  • Product Key: The key the license was generated from.
  • License Source: Where the license was found (e.g., RuntimeLicense, License File).
  • License Type: The type of license installed (e.g., Royalty Free, Single Server).
  • Last Valid Build: The last valid build number for which the license will work.
MaskSensitiveData:   Whether sensitive data is masked in log messages.

In certain circumstances it may be beneficial to mask sensitive data, like passwords, in log messages. Set this to true to mask sensitive data. The default is true.

This setting only works on these classes: AS3Receiver, AS3Sender, Atom, Client(3DS), FTP, FTPServer, IMAP, OFTPClient, SSHClient, SCP, Server(3DS), Sexec, SFTP, SFTPServer, SSHServer, TCPClient, TCPServer.

UseDaemonThreads:   Whether threads created by the class are daemon threads.

If set to True (default), when the class creates a thread, the thread's Daemon property will be explicitly set to True. When set to False, the class will not set the Daemon property on the created thread. The default value is True.

UseInternalSecurityAPI:   Whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

When set to false, the class will use the system security libraries by default to perform cryptographic functions where applicable.

Setting this configuration setting to true tells the class to use the internal implementation instead of using the system security libraries.

This setting is set to false by default on all platforms.

Trappable Errors (SalesReceipt Class)


The following errors may be generated by the class. Note that frequently the error message will contain more specific information than what is listed here.

SalesReceipt Errors

101   String too long.
103   Invalid date format (YYYY-MM-DD is standard).
104   Invalid value for enumerated field.
105   Invalid integer.
106   Invalid dollar amount.
107   Invalid boolean value (must be 'true' or 'false').
108   Invalid number.
111   Invalid special characters in string.
112   Invalid special field syntax.
181   Could not load certificate file.
201   Required field unspecified.
211   Unsupported field specified.
301   Array line count must be nonnegative.
302   Array index out of bounds.
303   Invalid field index.
401   Field not accessible as a special field.
402   Write access attempted of readonly field.
403   Read access attempted of writeonly field.
421   The object cannot be modified.
511   The QBRequestId has been previously used. Please generate a new one.
601   Could not access QuickBooks.
602   Could not open specified file.
603   The version of QuickBooks currently being used is not supported.
604   QuickBooks has not been installed properly.
605   The specified file was of an incorrect version.
606   Could not start QuickBooks.
607   QuickBooks is open in a mode different than the one requested.
608   QuickBooks cannot currently be accessed.
609   An application name must be specified.
610   A file name must be specified if one is not currently open in QuickBooks.
611   Access denied.
612   QuickBooks is busy and cannot open your application in the mode requested.
699   The connection to QuickBooks has failed for an unknown reason.
702   The object requested does not exist in QuickBooks.
751   Unsupported QBXML version.
752   The QBXMLVersion chosen is insufficient to execute the request.
801   A QuickBooks internal error has occurred.
802   QuickBooks is not available due to a system-related problem.
803   The Id specified is invalid.
804   Invalid object name.
805   The name already exists in QuickBooks.
807   An object could not be found in QuickBooks.
808   A reference did not refer to an object that exists in QuickBooks.
809   The object is currently in use by the QuickBooks end user.
810   The object may not be added.
811   The object may not be updated because it is obsolete.
812   The address is invalid.
813   Permission to perform this operation is not granted.
814   The request has not been processed.
815   Time creation mismatch.
816   The feature is turned off or not enabled.
817   Permission level configured is insufficient for access.
818    The item specified was of an unknown type.
819   The object may not be changed.
820   An internal QuickBooks error has occurred.
821   An attempt was made to use a connection that was not properly initiated.
822   An attempt was made to use a connection that is invalid or was previously closed.
823   Not enough memory.
824   Unable to lock the necessary information to allow this application access to the company file. Try again later.
850   An older version of QuickBooks 2002 is being used. Please download the latest update from Intuit.
851   The QuickBooks request processor was not found. Check that QuickBooks Pro 2002 or higher is installed on your system.
861   Server error on WebExport (details follow).
862   The WebExport is impossible: an HTTP context was not found.
871   You may not set the value of QBConnectionTicket. This value is readonly.
880   Interrupted by the user.
881   An error has occurred connecting to a remote machine.
899   An unknown QuickBooks error has occurred. The message contains more details.
901   XML Parser Error. Should not occur under normal circumstances.