FDMSLevel2 Module
Properties Methods Events Config Settings Errors
The FDMSLevel2 module is a tool used to create Level2 Corporate Purchasing Card addendum aggregates, which can then be passed to the FDMSSETTLE module and settled.
The properties required to build a Level 2 addendum depends upon the value of the CardType property. The following tables indicate which properties are valid for what card type:
American Express
- DestinationZip (required)
- PurchaseIdentifier (required)
- TaxAmount (required)
- PurchaseIdentifier (required)
- CommercialCardType (optional)
- InvoiceNumber (optional)
- DestinationCountry (optional)
- DestinationZip (optional)
- DiscountAmount (optional)
- DutyAmount (optional)
- FreightAmount (optional)
- FreightTaxAmount (optional)
- FreightTaxRate (optional)
- MerchantReference (optional)
- OrderDate (optional)
- ShippedFromZip (optional)
- TaxAmount (optional)
- MerchantTaxId (required)
- MerchantType (required)
- PurchaseIdentifier (required)
- TaxAmount (required)
- CommercialCardType (optional)
- DestinationCountry (optional)
- DestinationState (optional)
- DestinationZip (optional)
- DutyAmount (optional)
- FreightAmount (optional)
- MerchantReference (optional)
- ShippedFromZip (optional)
The following example illustrates how to add Level 2 data to a transaction to be settled:
FDMSLevel2.CardType = fctVisa
FDMSLevel2.CommercialCardType = FDMSECommerce.ResponseCommercialCard
FDMSLevel2.OrderDate = "060828" 'September 28th, 2006
FDMSLevel2.FreightTaxAmount = "0"
FDMSLevel2.FreightAmount = "600"
FDMSLevel2.PurchaseIdentifier = "123456PURCHID"
FDMSLevel2.InvoiceNumber = "CUSTCODE"
FDMSLevel2.ShippedToZip = "90210"
FDMSLevel2.ShippedFromZip = "90210"
FDMSLevel2.TaxAmount = "120"
FDMSSettle.DetailRecordCount = 1
FDMSSettle.DetailRecordAggregate(0) = FDMSECommerce.GetDetailAggregate()
FDMSSettle.DetailRecordAddendum(0) = FDMSLevel2.GetAddendum()
Note that while Level 2 addendum data is only applicable to corporate purchasing cards, you may send Level 2 data for all Visa, Master Card, and American Express cards if you wish.
Property List
The following is the full list of the properties of the module with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
CardType | The card type for which a Level 2 or Level 3 addendum will be created. |
CommercialCardType | Indicates the type of commercial card being settled. |
DestinationCountry | Country the goods are to be shipped to. |
DestinationState | State or province to which the goods are to be shipped. |
DestinationZip | The zip code to which the commodity was shipped. |
DiscountAmount | Amount of any discount subtracted from the line item totals. |
DutyAmount | Duty fees (if any) for imported goods. |
FreightAmount | Shipping charges associated with this transaction. |
FreightTaxAmount | Portion of the FreightAmount that is tax. |
FreightTaxRate | Rate used to calculate the FreightTaxAmount . |
InvoiceNumber | Customer Reference Identifier. |
MerchantReference | Merchant Reference Number. |
MerchantTaxId | Merchant's government tax Id number. |
MerchantType | MasterCard merchant classification code. |
OrderDate | Date of the order in YYMMDD format. |
PurchaseIdentifier | Used to identify the purchase. |
ShippedFromZip | Zip code the goods are being shipped from. |
TaxAmount | Sales tax charged in addition to the original TransactionAmount . |
Method List
The following is the full list of the methods of the module with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Config | Sets or retrieves a configuration setting. |
GetAddendum | Returns a Level 2 Purchasing card addendum based on the specified CardType . |
Reset | Clears all properties to their default values. |
Event List
The following is the full list of the events fired by the module with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Error | Fired when information is available about errors during data delivery. |
Config Settings
The following is a list of config settings for the module with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
BuildInfo | Information about the product's build. |
CodePage | The system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations. |
LicenseInfo | Information about the current license. |
MaskSensitiveData | Whether sensitive data is masked in log messages. |
UseInternalSecurityAPI | Whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation. |
CardType Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
The card type for which a Level 2 or Level 3 addendum will be created.
public var cardType: FDMSLevel2CardTypes { get {...} set {...} }
public enum FDMSLevel2CardTypes: Int32 { case fctUnknown = 0 case fctVisa = 1 case fctMasterCard = 2 case fctAmericanExpress = 3 }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=cardType,setter=setCardType:) int cardType; - (int)cardType; - (void)setCardType :(int)newCardType;
Default Value
The value of this property MUST correspond to the card number that is to be settled in the detail record (to which this addendum is associated). Valid values for this property include:
fctVisa (1) | Creates a Group 22 addendum for Visa or MasterCards. |
fctMasterCard (2) | Creates a Group 22 addendum for Visa or MasterCards. |
fctAmericanExpress (3) | Creates a Group 21 addendum for American Express cards (NOTE: American Express is not available for Level 3). |
CommercialCardType Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Indicates the type of commercial card being settled.
public var commercialCardType: FDMSLevel2CommercialCardTypes { get {...} set {...} }
public enum FDMSLevel2CommercialCardTypes: Int32 { case fccNotCommercial = 0 case fccPurchaseCard = 1 case fccCorporateCard = 2 case fccBusinessCard = 3 case fccUnknown = 4 }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=commercialCardType,setter=setCommercialCardType:) int commercialCardType; - (int)commercialCardType; - (void)setCommercialCardType :(int)newCommercialCardType;
Default Value
Business, corporate, and purchasing cards are subsets of commercial cards. Therefore, the user should send Level 2 (and possibly Level 3) data in the settlement when this property indicates a commercial card was used. The following table indicates the type of commercial card:
fccNotCommercial (0) | Card presented for authorization is not a commercial card |
fccPurchaseCard (1) | Card presented for authorization is a Purchasing Card. |
fccCorporateCard (2) | Card presented for authorization is a Corporate Card. |
fccBusinessCard (3) | Card presented for authorization is a Business Card. |
fccUnknown (4) | Unable to obtain information from processor. |
Note: Commercial card transactions settled with Level 2 or Level 3 data must include tax amounts to receive the best interchange rate.
This property is used for both Visa and MasterCard Corporate Purchasing Cards.
DestinationCountry Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Country the goods are to be shipped to.
public var destinationCountry: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=destinationCountry,setter=setDestinationCountry:) NSString* destinationCountry; - (NSString*)destinationCountry; - (void)setDestinationCountry :(NSString*)newDestinationCountry;
Default Value
For Visa and MasterCard transactions, this property contains the three-digit numeric code of the country where the goods are being shipped. These codes are specified by ISO-3166. For the United States, use "840".
The maximum length of this property is 3 characters.
This property is used for both Visa and MasterCard Corporate Purchasing Cards.
DestinationState Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
State or province to which the goods are to be shipped.
public var destinationState: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=destinationState,setter=setDestinationState:) NSString* destinationState; - (NSString*)destinationState; - (void)setDestinationState :(NSString*)newDestinationState;
Default Value
This property contains the State or Province where purchased goods will be delivered. The maximum length of this property is 3 characters. This property is only used for MasterCard Corporate Purchasing Cards.
DestinationZip Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
The zip code to which the commodity was shipped.
public var destinationZip: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=destinationZip,setter=setDestinationZip:) NSString* destinationZip; - (NSString*)destinationZip; - (void)setDestinationZip :(NSString*)newDestinationZip;
Default Value
If the ship-to zip code is not available, or the customer purchased the item in person (Card-present transaction), this property should be defaulted to the zip code of the merchant where the purchase took place. In this case, both DestinationZip and ShippedFromZip should be identical.
The maximum length for this property is 10 characters.
This property is used for Visa, MasterCard, and American Express Corporate Purchasing Cards.
DiscountAmount Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Amount of any discount subtracted from the line item totals.
public var discountAmount: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=discountAmount,setter=setDiscountAmount:) NSString* discountAmount; - (NSString*)discountAmount; - (void)setDiscountAmount :(NSString*)newDiscountAmount;
Default Value
This property contains the amount of any discount applied to the transaction by the merchant. This field should be empty if no line item discount applies, or if Level 3 data is attached to the transaction, and contains discount amounts for individual items on an item-by-item basis.
This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The allowable number of significant digits as well as the positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the designated CurrencyCode configuration setting. In the United States (default), the number of allowable significant digits is seven. Thus the maximum TransactionAmount is "9999999", yielding a US dollar amount of $99,999.99. This field may not contain a negative number.
This property is only used for Visa Corporate Purchasing Cards.
DutyAmount Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Duty fees (if any) for imported goods.
public var dutyAmount: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=dutyAmount,setter=setDutyAmount:) NSString* dutyAmount; - (NSString*)dutyAmount; - (void)setDutyAmount :(NSString*)newDutyAmount;
Default Value
This property contains the fee amount associated with the import of the purchased goods.
This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The allowable number of significant digits as well as the positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the designated CurrencyCode configuration setting. In the United States (default), the number of allowable significant digits is seven. Thus the maximum TransactionAmount is "9999999", yielding a US dollar amount of $99,999.99. This field may not contain a negative number.
This property is used for both Visa and MasterCard Corporate Purchasing Cards.
FreightAmount Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Shipping charges associated with this transaction.
public var freightAmount: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=freightAmount,setter=setFreightAmount:) NSString* freightAmount; - (NSString*)freightAmount; - (void)setFreightAmount :(NSString*)newFreightAmount;
Default Value
This property contains the freight or shipping portion of the total transaction amount.
This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The allowable number of significant digits as well as the positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the designated CurrencyCode configuration setting. In the United States (default), the number of allowable significant digits is seven. Thus the maximum TransactionAmount is "9999999", yielding a US dollar amount of $99,999.99. This field may not contain a negative number.
This property is used for both Visa and MasterCard Corporate Purchasing Cards.
FreightTaxAmount Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Portion of the FreightAmount that is tax.
public var freightTaxAmount: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=freightTaxAmount,setter=setFreightTaxAmount:) NSString* freightTaxAmount; - (NSString*)freightTaxAmount; - (void)setFreightTaxAmount :(NSString*)newFreightTaxAmount;
Default Value
This property contains the amount of any Value Added Taxes (VAT) which can be associated with the freight or shipping charges of the overall purchase.
This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The allowable number of significant digits as well as the positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the designated CurrencyCode configuration setting. In the United States (default), the number of allowable significant digits is seven. Thus the maximum TransactionAmount is "9999999", yielding a US dollar amount of $99,999.99. This field may not contain a negative number.
This property is only used for Visa Corporate Purchasing Cards.
FreightTaxRate Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Rate used to calculate the FreightTaxAmount .
public var freightTaxRate: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=freightTaxRate,setter=setFreightTaxRate:) NSString* freightTaxRate; - (NSString*)freightTaxRate; - (void)setFreightTaxRate :(NSString*)newFreightTaxRate;
Default Value
This property contains the tax rate used to calculate the FreightTaxAmount. This field has a two-digit implied decimal position, and the maximum length is 4 digits.
This property is only used for Visa Corporate Purchasing Cards.
InvoiceNumber Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Customer Reference Identifier.
public var invoiceNumber: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=invoiceNumber,setter=setInvoiceNumber:) NSString* invoiceNumber; - (NSString*)invoiceNumber; - (void)setInvoiceNumber :(NSString*)newInvoiceNumber;
Default Value
This property contains the Customer Reference Indicator, used by the customer to identify the purchase (e.g., the invoice number). The maximum length of this property is 17 characters.
This property is only used for Visa Corporate Purchasing Cards.
MerchantReference Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Merchant Reference Number.
public var merchantReference: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=merchantReference,setter=setMerchantReference:) NSString* merchantReference; - (NSString*)merchantReference; - (void)setMerchantReference :(NSString*)newMerchantReference;
Default Value
For Master Card, this property contains the code that facilitates merchant/corporation communication and record keeping. For Visa, this property contains the invoice number associated with the VAT invoice (not applicable in the US).
The maximum length of this property is 15 characters for Visa and 17 characters for MasterCard.
This property is used for both Visa and MasterCard Corporate Purchasing Cards.
MerchantTaxId Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Merchant's government tax Id number.
public var merchantTaxId: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=merchantTaxId,setter=setMerchantTaxId:) NSString* merchantTaxId; - (NSString*)merchantTaxId; - (void)setMerchantTaxId :(NSString*)newMerchantTaxId;
Default Value
This property contains the government-assigned tax identification number of the merchant from whom the goods or services were purchased.
The maximum length of this property is 15 characters. This property is only used for MasterCard Corporate Purchasing Cards.
MerchantType Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
MasterCard merchant classification code.
public var merchantType: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=merchantType,setter=setMerchantType:) NSString* merchantType; - (NSString*)merchantType; - (void)setMerchantType :(NSString*)newMerchantType;
Default Value
Merchant Type is a four-position field defined by MasterCard that describes various merchant classifications. Each position in the field has a separate, special meaning for categorizing the merchant. If the data for a particular position is not available, that position must contain a blank. If it is available, it must contain one of the following business codes:
Position 1 - Business Classification
0 | Unknown |
1 | Corporation |
2 | Other Business Structure (e.g., Partnership, Sole Proprietorship, Joint Venture, etc.) |
Position 2 - Type of Business Owner Classification
0 | Unknown |
1 | No Applicable Classification (not female or handicapped) |
2 | Female Business Owner |
3 | Physically Handicapped Female Business Owner |
4 | Physically Handicapped Business Owner |
Position 3 - Minority, Small Business, Disadvantaged Certification
0 | Unknown |
1 | Certification Not Applicable |
2 | SBA Certification as Small Business |
3 | SBA Certification as Small Disadvantaged Business |
4 | Other Government or Agency Recognized Certification (e.g., Minority Supplier Development Council) |
5 | Self-certified Small Business |
6 | Definition 2 and Definition 4 |
7 | Definition 3 and Definition 4 |
8 | Definition 4 and Definition 5 |
Position 4 - Racial or Ethnic Type (Unconditional Majority Owner)
0 | Unknown |
1 | African American |
2 | Asian Pacific American |
3 | Subcontinent Asian American |
4 | Hispanic American |
5 | Native American Indian |
6 | Native Hawaiian |
7 | Native Alaskan |
8 | Caucasian |
9 | Other |
The maximum length of this property is 4 characters. This property is only used for MasterCard Corporate Purchasing Cards.
OrderDate Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Date of the order in YYMMDD format.
public var orderDate: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=orderDate,setter=setOrderDate:) NSString* orderDate; - (NSString*)orderDate; - (void)setOrderDate :(NSString*)newOrderDate;
Default Value
This property contains the purchase order date, and must be supplied in the YYMMDD format.
The maximum length of this field is 6 digits.
This property is only used for Visa Corporate Purchasing Cards.
PurchaseIdentifier Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Used to identify the purchase.
public var purchaseIdentifier: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=purchaseIdentifier,setter=setPurchaseIdentifier:) NSString* purchaseIdentifier; - (NSString*)purchaseIdentifier; - (void)setPurchaseIdentifier :(NSString*)newPurchaseIdentifier;
Default Value
This field is required for Visa, MasterCard and Amex Level2 transactions.For Visa this field should contain a merchant assigned value to identify the purchase such as the SKU number. For MasterCard this field should contain the code that was supplied to the merchant by the cardholder. For Amex this field should contain the customer reference number. The maximum length of this property is 25 characters.
ShippedFromZip Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Zip code the goods are being shipped from.
public var shippedFromZip: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=shippedFromZip,setter=setShippedFromZip:) NSString* shippedFromZip; - (NSString*)shippedFromZip; - (void)setShippedFromZip :(NSString*)newShippedFromZip;
Default Value
This property contains the Postal/Zip code of the address from where the purchased goods are being shipped.
The maximum length of this property is 10 characters.
This property is used for both Visa and MasterCard Corporate Purchasing Cards.
TaxAmount Property (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Sales tax charged in addition to the original TransactionAmount .
public var taxAmount: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=taxAmount,setter=setTaxAmount:) NSString* taxAmount; - (NSString*)taxAmount; - (void)setTaxAmount :(NSString*)newTaxAmount;
Default Value
This property contains the amount of state or provincial (or VAT) tax included in the transaction amount. Any non-zero sales tax must have a minimum value of 0.1% and a maximum value of 22% of the sale amount.
This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The allowable number of significant digits as well as the positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the designated CurrencyCode configuration setting. In the United States (default), the number of allowable significant digits is seven. Thus the maximum TransactionAmount is "9999999", yielding a US dollar amount of $99,999.99. This field may not contain a negative number.
This property is used for Visa, MasterCard, and American Express Corporate Purchasing Cards.
Config Method (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.
- (NSString*)config:(NSString*)configurationString;
Config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.
These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.
To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).
To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.
GetAddendum Method (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Returns a Level 2 Purchasing card addendum based on the specified CardType .
public func getAddendum() throws -> String
- (NSString*)getAddendum;
The properties required to build a Level 2 addendum depends upon the value of the CardType property. The following tables indicate which properties are valid for what card type:
American Express
- DestinationZip (required)
- PurchaseIdentifier (required)
- TaxAmount (required)
- PurchaseIdentifier (required)
- CommercialCardType (optional)
- InvoiceNumber (optional)
- DestinationCountry (optional)
- DestinationZip (optional)
- DiscountAmount (optional)
- DutyAmount (optional)
- FreightAmount (optional)
- FreightTaxAmount (optional)
- FreightTaxRate (optional)
- MerchantReference (optional)
- OrderDate (optional)
- ShippedFromZip (optional)
- TaxAmount (optional)
- MerchantTaxId (required)
- MerchantType (required)
- PurchaseIdentifier (required)
- TaxAmount (required)
- CommercialCardType (optional)
- DestinationCountry (optional)
- DestinationState (optional)
- DestinationZip (optional)
- DutyAmount (optional)
- FreightAmount (optional)
- MerchantReference (optional)
- ShippedFromZip (optional)
The following example illustrates how to add Level 2 data to a transaction to be settled:
FDMSLevel2.CardType = fctVisa
FDMSLevel2.CommercialCardType = FDMSECommerce.ResponseCommercialCard
FDMSLevel2.OrderDate = "060828" 'September 28th, 2006
FDMSLevel2.FreightTaxAmount = "0"
FDMSLevel2.FreightAmount = "600"
FDMSLevel2.PurchaseIdentifier = "123456PURCHID"
FDMSLevel2.InvoiceNumber = "CUSTCODE"
FDMSLevel2.ShippedToZip = "90210"
FDMSLevel2.ShippedFromZip = "90210"
FDMSLevel2.TaxAmount = "120"
FDMSSettle.DetailRecordCount = 1
FDMSSettle.DetailRecordAggregate(0) = FDMSECommerce.GetDetailAggregate()
FDMSSettle.DetailRecordAddendum(0) = FDMSLevel2.GetAddendum()
Reset Method (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Clears all properties to their default values.
public func reset() throws -> Void
- (void)reset;
This method clears all properties to their default values.
Error Event (FDMSLevel2 Module)
Fired when information is available about errors during data delivery.
- (void)onError:(int)errorCode :(NSString*)description;
The Error event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during message processing. Normally the class .
The ErrorCode parameter contains an error code, and the Description parameter contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the Error Codes section.
Config Settings (FDMSLevel2 Module)
The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.Base Config Settings
The following is a list of valid code page identifiers:
Identifier | Name |
037 | IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada |
437 | OEM - United States |
500 | IBM EBCDIC - International |
708 | Arabic - ASMO 708 |
709 | Arabic - ASMO 449+, BCON V4 |
710 | Arabic - Transparent Arabic |
720 | Arabic - Transparent ASMO |
737 | OEM - Greek (formerly 437G) |
775 | OEM - Baltic |
850 | OEM - Multilingual Latin I |
852 | OEM - Latin II |
855 | OEM - Cyrillic (primarily Russian) |
857 | OEM - Turkish |
858 | OEM - Multilingual Latin I + Euro symbol |
860 | OEM - Portuguese |
861 | OEM - Icelandic |
862 | OEM - Hebrew |
863 | OEM - Canadian-French |
864 | OEM - Arabic |
865 | OEM - Nordic |
866 | OEM - Russian |
869 | OEM - Modern Greek |
870 | IBM EBCDIC - Multilingual/ROECE (Latin-2) |
874 | ANSI/OEM - Thai (same as 28605, ISO 8859-15) |
875 | IBM EBCDIC - Modern Greek |
932 | ANSI/OEM - Japanese, Shift-JIS |
936 | ANSI/OEM - Simplified Chinese (PRC, Singapore) |
949 | ANSI/OEM - Korean (Unified Hangul Code) |
950 | ANSI/OEM - Traditional Chinese (Taiwan; Hong Kong SAR, PRC) |
1026 | IBM EBCDIC - Turkish (Latin-5) |
1047 | IBM EBCDIC - Latin 1/Open System |
1140 | IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada (037 + Euro symbol) |
1141 | IBM EBCDIC - Germany (20273 + Euro symbol) |
1142 | IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway (20277 + Euro symbol) |
1143 | IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden (20278 + Euro symbol) |
1144 | IBM EBCDIC - Italy (20280 + Euro symbol) |
1145 | IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain (20284 + Euro symbol) |
1146 | IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom (20285 + Euro symbol) |
1147 | IBM EBCDIC - France (20297 + Euro symbol) |
1148 | IBM EBCDIC - International (500 + Euro symbol) |
1149 | IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic (20871 + Euro symbol) |
1200 | Unicode UCS-2 Little-Endian (BMP of ISO 10646) |
1201 | Unicode UCS-2 Big-Endian |
1250 | ANSI - Central European |
1251 | ANSI - Cyrillic |
1252 | ANSI - Latin I |
1253 | ANSI - Greek |
1254 | ANSI - Turkish |
1255 | ANSI - Hebrew |
1256 | ANSI - Arabic |
1257 | ANSI - Baltic |
1258 | ANSI/OEM - Vietnamese |
1361 | Korean (Johab) |
10000 | MAC - Roman |
10001 | MAC - Japanese |
10002 | MAC - Traditional Chinese (Big5) |
10003 | MAC - Korean |
10004 | MAC - Arabic |
10005 | MAC - Hebrew |
10006 | MAC - Greek I |
10007 | MAC - Cyrillic |
10008 | MAC - Simplified Chinese (GB 2312) |
10010 | MAC - Romania |
10017 | MAC - Ukraine |
10021 | MAC - Thai |
10029 | MAC - Latin II |
10079 | MAC - Icelandic |
10081 | MAC - Turkish |
10082 | MAC - Croatia |
12000 | Unicode UCS-4 Little-Endian |
12001 | Unicode UCS-4 Big-Endian |
20000 | CNS - Taiwan |
20001 | TCA - Taiwan |
20002 | Eten - Taiwan |
20003 | IBM5550 - Taiwan |
20004 | TeleText - Taiwan |
20005 | Wang - Taiwan |
20105 | IA5 IRV International Alphabet No. 5 (7-bit) |
20106 | IA5 German (7-bit) |
20107 | IA5 Swedish (7-bit) |
20108 | IA5 Norwegian (7-bit) |
20127 | US-ASCII (7-bit) |
20261 | T.61 |
20269 | ISO 6937 Non-Spacing Accent |
20273 | IBM EBCDIC - Germany |
20277 | IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway |
20278 | IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden |
20280 | IBM EBCDIC - Italy |
20284 | IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain |
20285 | IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom |
20290 | IBM EBCDIC - Japanese Katakana Extended |
20297 | IBM EBCDIC - France |
20420 | IBM EBCDIC - Arabic |
20423 | IBM EBCDIC - Greek |
20424 | IBM EBCDIC - Hebrew |
20833 | IBM EBCDIC - Korean Extended |
20838 | IBM EBCDIC - Thai |
20866 | Russian - KOI8-R |
20871 | IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic |
20880 | IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Russian) |
20905 | IBM EBCDIC - Turkish |
20924 | IBM EBCDIC - Latin-1/Open System (1047 + Euro symbol) |
20932 | JIS X 0208-1990 & 0121-1990 |
20936 | Simplified Chinese (GB2312) |
21025 | IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Serbian, Bulgarian) |
21027 | Extended Alpha Lowercase |
21866 | Ukrainian (KOI8-U) |
28591 | ISO 8859-1 Latin I |
28592 | ISO 8859-2 Central Europe |
28593 | ISO 8859-3 Latin 3 |
28594 | ISO 8859-4 Baltic |
28595 | ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic |
28596 | ISO 8859-6 Arabic |
28597 | ISO 8859-7 Greek |
28598 | ISO 8859-8 Hebrew |
28599 | ISO 8859-9 Latin 5 |
28605 | ISO 8859-15 Latin 9 |
29001 | Europa 3 |
38598 | ISO 8859-8 Hebrew |
50220 | ISO 2022 Japanese with no halfwidth Katakana |
50221 | ISO 2022 Japanese with halfwidth Katakana |
50222 | ISO 2022 Japanese JIS X 0201-1989 |
50225 | ISO 2022 Korean |
50227 | ISO 2022 Simplified Chinese |
50229 | ISO 2022 Traditional Chinese |
50930 | Japanese (Katakana) Extended |
50931 | US/Canada and Japanese |
50933 | Korean Extended and Korean |
50935 | Simplified Chinese Extended and Simplified Chinese |
50936 | Simplified Chinese |
50937 | US/Canada and Traditional Chinese |
50939 | Japanese (Latin) Extended and Japanese |
51932 | EUC - Japanese |
51936 | EUC - Simplified Chinese |
51949 | EUC - Korean |
51950 | EUC - Traditional Chinese |
52936 | HZ-GB2312 Simplified Chinese |
54936 | Windows XP: GB18030 Simplified Chinese (4 Byte) |
57002 | ISCII Devanagari |
57003 | ISCII Bengali |
57004 | ISCII Tamil |
57005 | ISCII Telugu |
57006 | ISCII Assamese |
57007 | ISCII Oriya |
57008 | ISCII Kannada |
57009 | ISCII Malayalam |
57010 | ISCII Gujarati |
57011 | ISCII Punjabi |
65000 | Unicode UTF-7 |
65001 | Unicode UTF-8 |
Identifier | Name |
1 | ASCII |
3 | JapaneseEUC |
4 | UTF8 |
5 | ISOLatin1 |
6 | Symbol |
7 | NonLossyASCII |
8 | ShiftJIS |
9 | ISOLatin2 |
10 | Unicode |
11 | WindowsCP1251 |
12 | WindowsCP1252 |
13 | WindowsCP1253 |
14 | WindowsCP1254 |
15 | WindowsCP1250 |
21 | ISO2022JP |
30 | MacOSRoman |
10 | UTF16String |
0x90000100 | UTF16BigEndian |
0x94000100 | UTF16LittleEndian |
0x8c000100 | UTF32String |
0x98000100 | UTF32BigEndian |
0x9c000100 | UTF32LittleEndian |
65536 | Proprietary |
- Product: The product the license is for.
- Product Key: The key the license was generated from.
- License Source: Where the license was found (e.g., RuntimeLicense, License File).
- License Type: The type of license installed (e.g., Royalty Free, Single Server).
- Last Valid Build: The last valid build number for which the license will work.
This setting only works on these classes: AS3Receiver, AS3Sender, Atom, Client(3DS), FTP, FTPServer, IMAP, OFTPClient, SSHClient, SCP, Server(3DS), Sexec, SFTP, SFTPServer, SSHServer, TCPClient, TCPServer.
Setting this configuration setting to tells the class to use the internal implementation instead of using the system security libraries.
This setting is set to by default on all platforms.
Trappable Errors (FDMSLevel2 Module)
FDMSLevel2 Errors
501 | Data field invalid length. |
502 | Data field invalid format. |
503 | Data field out of range. |
605 | Invalid CardType. |